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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by hrhlaurie

  1. hrhlaurie

    May 28-31st Sleeve Week!

    Only down 2 pounds but I'm sure it will pick up. I'm not hungry so I'll be happy with all of my little victories. I do need to take something for a bm and get in more steps. How far are you all walking less than a week after surgery?
  2. That's great, have a wonderful summer!
  3. Forgot to ask, does anyone know how soon I should be able to have fruit smoothies?
  4. Today I made liquid Protein a priority and managed to use my Blender Bottle to blend one Atkins mocha latte drink mix, some milk and a scoop of chocolate Protein powder. It took me awhile to get through it but it counts as liquid too so I just plowed on. Drinking flavored Water is easier than drinking my protein. Got in my b12 and fiber/calcium gummies. I'll take my multi-vitamin with dinner Protein shake. Finally broke down and weighed myself this morning and I'm down 2 pounds from surgery weight and it isnt much but that's ok. Im still working on a liquid and walking routine and I know those 2 pounds wont be coming back. I'll weigh again this thursday on my 1 week surgery anniversary date. I feel like I'm settling into a new normal and then I'll have to learn how to eat again. I'm pretty happy on just liquids though especially since it's warm and im trying to get in some sun too while I'm off work. I found a water flavored drink mix, Crystal Light Pure, sweetened with Truvia. I like kiwi strawberry but bought lemonade too. I'm not a big fan of splenda or some of the other artificial sweeteners. My stomach does random gurgles but I've learned to listen to it and wait until it subsides before sending down more liquid. The muscles across my abdomen still hurt and my 5 incision sites are starting to itch so that's a good sign. Glad my doc took the time to suction the gas out after surgery. He really helped minimize my discomfort. Now, what sizes to buy swimsuits in? Next two sizes smaller should get me through the next couple of months, don't you think? What a great problem to have!
  5. hrhlaurie

    Any Colorado sleevers?

    Hi, I'm in Colorado Springs and was just sleeved on 5-29. Surgery by Dr Fedoryk at Penrose St Francis. Wonderful bariatric program with excellent coordinator, teacher, staff, medical staff and doctors. I appreciated their expertise and was glad I could have this major surgery done at a center of excellence. I will probably try out the support groups at the hospital because I really like Fran but I love this site and get a lot on info and support here! Still would love to meet up with some of you here in CO some time.
  6. hrhlaurie

    Surgery set for may 29th

    I'm 29th also so how are all of the May 29ers doing 3 days out?
  7. hrhlaurie

    Sleeve today may 29

    Sleeved on the 29th and walking a lot and getting most of my water in but lagging on protein. I'm taking vitamins including b12 but will feel better when I'm taking in more protein. No gas pain but tire easily. Expect that sorts itself out as calories increase and stomach heals.
  8. I found a lot of nice plus sized clothes at dress barn. They have larger clothes on one side of the store and normal clothes on the other. My goal is to go back and shop on the other side and say so long to the plus sized clothes.
  9. hrhlaurie

    4th of July Challenge

    I'd like to join if not too late. I missed this post when I was in the hospital. Starting weight is 250, that is what I weighed on the 30th. Goal by the 4th is 225.
  10. hrhlaurie

    2 days post op

    Good for you, I'm 3 days post op and shaking off the anesthesia was tough. Isn't it great not to feel like you are hungryall of the time and a few bites are satisfying? Pretty soon we'll be posting our before and after pics too!
  11. I cant finish a whole shake yet and will start trying harder tomorrow. sleeping ok and not hungry or excessively tired. Getting up and down from chairs and beds is painful but im sure it will get better. I still have the hebiclens they had me scrub with before surgery so I'm still scrubbing my stomach and incision area with it to help make sure I don't get an infection. I love not being hungry. Im trying to focus on walking and liquids and Vitamins but I need to build up my Protein. I'm glad the atkins shakes still taste good to me since I stocked up before surgery. I'll weigh this Thursday and compare to pre-surgery weight and see how I do. Glad I don't have to go back to work for a bit since I need more sleep than usual. I feel good and am so glad I didn't talk myself out of surgery due to nerves. I sure didn't want heart disease or diabetes and I was getting close to both of them I'm sure. Now I'm making plans to toss the xxl clothes out and in the store today I let myself really look at the normal sized clothes and can't wait until I'm shopping in the dept with the cute clothes and so many choices. Yeah, I'll give up some food for that pleasure!
  12. hrhlaurie

    problem with drinking water?

    I can't do any iced drink or popsicles or even jello. The cold immediately makes my new frankenbelly gurgle alarmingly in reaction. Room temperature is best right now.
  13. hrhlaurie

    May 28-31st Sleeve Week!

    Sleeved on the 29th and on the 30th I was miserable with stitches pain, nausea, general discomfort and feeling that anything I swallowed would come back up. I seriously questioned my sanity and why I had volunteered for this condition. On Sat I felt a little better and when they sent me home I took my percocet and tried to get all of my Water in. My Protein drink is lagging and im only getting 2 ounces in at a time so I'll try to do more tomorrow. I slept better last night than I thought I would. I was mostly on my side but tipped forward with a spare pillow supporting my stomach area. I was so glad to be back in my own bed and sleeping all night without bp checks. This morning I got up and showered and we went to church and I never imagined I'd be feeling well enough to be out so soon. Ive been taking walks around the block but today I added walking at church, rest and Protein Drink at lunch, then went shopping in a couple of stores. I got tired and getting in and out of the car is slow going but I got in several steps so that's good. I think I'm the only one who didn't do a leak test, or at least none when I was awake. Im getting Vitamins in but find the gummies easier than the harder chewable. I don't like anything too sweet right now. Personal victory moment: yesterday my husband grilled and made dinner for oldest daughter and her kids. He grilled pork chops, cut up a watermelon, and put together some side dishes. It all smelled and looked really good but I had no hunger pains and no desire to eat any of it. I love having no hunger pains, ever! No food appeals to me right now and my life is liquids! Found a new, wonderful water; watermelon flavored Hint water. Just a bit of watermelon flavor but not overwhelming and not sweet so tastes better to me. Im planning to ride this liquid stage longer than they recommended since it isn't as hard as I thought it would be so I'm not going to rush foods. I haven't weighed yet and will probably check weight once a week so I don't make myself crazy with little daily ups and downs. So glad you all are on here too so we can compare notes and encourage each other. The day after surgery I was clinging to my docs reassurance that it would get better.
  14. hrhlaurie

    May 28-31st Sleeve Week!

    I take tiny little bites of gummy vitamins and I chew them to mush. I found popsicles were not a good thing today. From the first bite my stomach started to gurgle in protest so we will not be trying any more frozen treats for awhile!
  15. hrhlaurie

    May 28-31st Sleeve Week!

    Im so glad that the two things I most dreaded about this surgery; gas pains and hunger, did not occur. My doc suctioned the air back out so no shoulder pain. Ive had a gurgly stomach when I drink myvprotein shake but if I let it rest before next sip, I do ok. Yesterday I drank too fast and made myself and I knew better but I'll blame it on the drugs! My husband just grilled pork chops and cut up watermelon and I knew it smelled good but it didn't make me hungry and I was fine sitting with the family and sipping my chocolate shake. No hunger pains or thought of trying any of the meal. Thank you, my little frankenbelly, for keeping me on track. Still trying to work with the stitches and muscle pain when sitting or laying down but if I take my pain pills I hope that pain can be managed.
  16. hrhlaurie

    May 28-31st Sleeve Week!

    Forgot to say, glad I brought chapstick and my phone charger to the hospital but wish I had had a back scratcher for all my little itches. I took all pain medicine they offered and all anti nausea meds also. I came home with the patch behind my ear. I hate the nausea more than the pain and trying to keep my ounces of water and shakes straight.
  17. hrhlaurie

    May 28-31st Sleeve Week!

    I'm doing well also, surgery was 29th but day of surgery and yesterday was rough. Not a lot of gas pain except my stomach rumbling and churning. I'm on liquids for a week and then I can try some pureed food. I'm walking better but I had no energy the first few days and slept constantly. Today is first time I could watch some tv. It really hurts to get in and out of bed and chairs but I expected that with stitches. Yesterday, when I felt so awful, I questioned just why I did this to myself. But it gets better and today I am so glad I am on this journey to weight loss. Going home in a few and may hang out in the recliner for a few days. Glad everyone is doing well.
  18. I spent 2 days in the hospital and I'm going home in a couple of hours. Yesterday was hard, trying to get liquids in and figuring out just how many sips I could have before I made myself sick. I learned quickly to take small sips a few minutes apart because once you give yourself pain and nausea, you really don't want to do that again. I had a moment yesterday when I felt so sick, was really tired and sore with tubes and cords running all over me and felt dumb for causing this whole situation. Sometime early this morning I kind of turned a corner. I sip Water every couple of mins and room temperature feels better to me than cold. When stomach starts to gurgle don't swallow another thing until it stops our you will either throw up or have a very close call and feel sick to your stomach for awhile. Not fun! For the next week I'll be taking in water and have a one ounce liquid meal every three hours and will take my Vitamins. Fox told me that I'll still be really tired and after I walk I'll need to sleep. What was nice is that he suctioned the gas back out so not much pain there, just muscle and stitches pain when I get in and out of bed and chairs. I have a bit of a headache now so will see what I'll allowed to take. More tales of my new stitched up belly tomorrow.
  19. Surgery today and I slept on and off all day afterwards. I had some incision and gas pain but expected it. I used my pain pump sometimes and even managed to stand up and walk to the toilet but then the gas shifted and I felt nauseous and pain and had to sit. I managed to wall around the room a bit more amd the gas pain isn't too bad. My doc suctions it back out after surgery to try and minimize impact but I still burp frequently. Now I'm sipping chicken broth from a small, plastic shot glass and will rest again before it's time to drink. The ice chips and warmed blankets are life- savers. Laurie
  20. hrhlaurie

    May 28-31st Sleeve Week!

    Had my surgery today and mostly slept all day, literally just closing my eyes and dropping off in the middle of a conversation. I've had ice chips and sips of tea and Water. I have the button for pain but haven't had to use it too much, just when I turn over in the bed or when I sit up. My doc came by and said surgery went great. He tries to suck gas back out when he's done so that was nice. First time up to pee and was shaky, burped and had to sit down while gas passed. Now I'm drinking chicken broth from what I always thought were Jello shot plastic cups. Working on 1 little cup and we'll see how that goes. Hope you all are doing well! Laurie in CO
  21. hrhlaurie

    May 28-31st Sleeve Week!

    I check in tomorrow at 7am also for 9am surgery, but am MST. Saw my doc today and he said he sucks most gas back out and so we'll see how I am tomorrow. Good luck to our group on the 29th. Now I need to go read the thread, "what to pack for the hospital"
  22. I bought more approved drinks and lots of different protein powders. Met with doc today and we are good to go- checkin at 7 for 9 am surgery MST. Cant believe this day is here!
  23. Thanks for sharing, you are so right, I also can lose but always gain it back! Not this time! Hey, guess what? This time when we lose weight, we can GET RID OF OUR FAT CLOTHES cause we won't be gaining it back! Woo-hoo!
  24. hrhlaurie

    6 months out need info!

    I love the hair, skin and nails vitamins by ItWorks. Lots of biotin and vitamins and all natural. Had to stop them for surgery but will start them again as soon as I can. Someone just told me today that my hair and skin looks great and she didnt know I had been taking the vitamins. I also shampoo with nioxin.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
