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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by hrhlaurie

  1. My weight loss is so strange. Lose a pound and sit at that weight for a few days, lose another pound and stay at that weight for a couple of days, and so on. I thought this was the speedy weight loss time but I may have to change the turtle on my weight loss ticker to a snail or inchworm! I'm 3 weeks out now and ready to step up the exercise so that should help.
  2. Every day I think about my surgery and alternate between relief that it is almost here and doubt that I'm doing the right thing. I tell myself that cutting away most of a perfectly normal organ is no big deal and the surgery is pretty routine by now. Then I wonder what my new normal will feel like once I get through my recovery period. I think that is the part that causes the most anxiety for me; who will I be once the majority of the weight loss is past and the novelty has worn off? Will I have some kind of normal life or will I never feel like myself again? Does anyone else feel like this? Then I kick myself because I've been working towards this surgery since last Nov so I'm going to make it work and try not to worry about possible future anxiety. I dont know if anyone else did this, but during my 6 months of supervised weight loss, I didn't take it seriously at first, and considered it just part of the hoops I had to jump through for insurance. I gained a few pounds here and there and got a serious warning after the surgery class at the hospital where they told us that weight gain at this time could be grounds for a denial. I began my diet and managed to drop 10 pounds by my final doctor appt but I was worried before that weigh-in. Now I'm 3 days in to my pre-surgery diet and I got a bit of a late start due to work travel. I missed the first 3 days of my diet but have been determined to make it up since the goal is to have a less fatty liver so no cheating during these 7 days. I thought this would be harder but I'm doing pretty well I think. I can't take some of my Vitamins but I'm not as hungry as I thought I'd be. I think I've sort of psyched myself into this liquids and one small meal zone so that food isn't really an issue for now. Feels like that could change any time but I'll take my victories where I find them. Went to dinner with my family last night, an italian place, but I was up to the challenge. I would rather get creative with menu choices than tell my husband no dinners out. We all needed this time to hang out together. I ordered a half-size spinach salad with grilled chicken and skipped the bread and I felt great and salad was good. After surgery I'm taking two weeks off from eating out at restaurants but pre-surgery I have more menu options. I think this is the point where some might be tempted to cancel surgery because weight loss is going well. Did anyone cancel their surgery less than a week out? This must be diet amnesia because I'm sure we've all been on diets where we lost and gained it back. I know that I couldn't sustain this forever on my own and would invent a reason not to continue with a diet (vacation, stress at work, travel, family issues, etc) I think the success of this surgery is that we don't have to worry about weak willpower and failure. I'm lucky that I don't really have a sweet tooth but I'll probably have a pizza or burrito attack at some point. Right now, I'm living on every type of low or no sugar drinks and Atkins shakes. I like the Atkins shakes but I need to remember to order the powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury Protein for after surgery... What sustains me are the success stories here where so many have lost weight and feel great. All of the medical statistics in the world can't compete with these real-life stories and I thank you all for sharing. I'm trying to keep up with this tradition and promise full disclosure along the way. My pre-op appt. is this Wed and surgery Thurs. Strangly, after reading other stories, I'm most worried about the gas pains! I wonder how soon after surgery I can drive and will feel like going out. I haven't seen many details so would love to hear what I might expect. I'm hoping for another significant weight loss this Wed and will share my experience. To those just starting out, hang on, it's a bit of an emotional roller coaster!
  3. Hi, great overall. No matter how much I prepared, I discover new things every day... I've made a few mistakes where I've eaten too much or too fast and this is usually because I let too much time go by between meals. If I have a little Protein snack around 4 then I'm not starving at 6 or 7 when I eat dinner. I'm having a Protein shake for Breakfast and I mix them with an atkins shake and a scoop of unjury protein powder to double up on the protein, , almond milk, ice and a sugar free flavored torani syrup for a flavor twist. Im sticking with protein for my meals. My post- surgery diet called for about 7 days on liquids, add in mushy foods week 2 and at my 2 week check, doc said eat what im comfortable eating, 2 - 4 Tbsp per meal. I'm still working with Nut on nutrition and have been getting in all of my Water and Vitamins but was low on protein so now thats what I eat. I love Whole Foods fajita chicken, I eat pork, lunch meat and the onlyveggies are cooked with the meat. To get diet variety, I use all kinds of low carb and sugar sauces and spices and I add a bit of low cal dairy, like shaved parmesan cheese, to my meat. I mix up meatdipping sauces using greek yogurt and I dont feel deprived. The family had pizza last night and high fat foods don't appeal to me now. I do get chocolate every day since my Calcium citrate chews are chocolate flavored! Im losing slowly, 3 weeks since surgery and down17 pounds since surgery. Im going to identify some quick and easy exercises anddo a sitcom exercise schedule. What can I do while watching a 30 minute show in addition to my daily walk or bike ride. Ineed to burn more calories. So, far feeling great and im out of plus sizes! Im a total carnivore now, though andi never used to eatmuch meat. I was a carbavore, instead!
  4. I'm at 233 today and I'm feeling good about progress but I have a little concern about how slowly the weight is coming off. this was supposed to be the time where weight comes off quickly, but I'm not zipping along. My surgery was 3 weeks ago yesterday and I'm down 17 pounds since surgery date. I told myself that I would stay health focused and not weight focused but.... On the positive side, it probably isn't too early for us to all start sharing some NSVs. I'm now officially out of size 20 so I can shop in the XL range of clothes. I even bought a size 14 bathing suit and I may be straining the lycra panels slightly but I swam in it yesterday and felt great. I have confidence that I'll be in 'onederland' by my vacation in late August.
  5. hrhlaurie

    4th of July Challenge

    My current weight is 233
  6. Have been same weight 3 days so figure I have to keep tricking my body. Other than vitamins, eating almost nothing except protein and a bit of low-cal dairy. Clearly, my body believes this is Armageddon and is rallying to save me. Yesterday I took a long bike ride and today I swam for the first time since surgery. Eventually, it will be reflected in my weight but I can tell I've lost inches. I told my husband it would be ironic is I did lose a bunch of weight and then, some day, need that fat in some post-disaster situation...
  7. Whether I should eat them or not, I'm curious about when you can have a few bites of some food you may want to try again, or are there things permanently off the list due to small tummy size? pizza bagel Mexican food: nachos, tacos, etc. pretzel salad corn on the cob avocado nuts lasagna Again, not the pre-surgery portion sizes, and maybe just a couple of bites, but I wonder when the stomach can handle some of these. Thanks!
  8. I am so into creative eating right now and having fun! My current chicken fad is the chicken fajita mix from whole foods. It's great and fries up quickly with just a bit of olive oil. I mixed up a couple of greek yogurt sauces, one is flavored with lime juice and fresh cut cilantro. The other is half yogurt and half spicy mango sauce that was low in carbs and sugars. Tonight I had my chicken with a bit of blue cheese sprinkles and a side of the cilantro lime yogurt mixture. It was so good, I had to put it away quickly before I was tempted to overeat! I bought a chicken breast that I will pound and cut up into small strips to grill on skewers or bake or fry with seasoning. Protein first is looking pretty good as long as my chicken has a small side of something interesting and delish!
  9. Wow, that's great! So inspiring!
  10. I was told I can eat avocado, with Protein. I have to say that I agree with removing some items from standard diet; white bread and tortillas, Pasta, white rice, potatoes, chips and crackers. If I have a bite of one of these some day, that's different from planning a meal around one. My downfall wasn't any particular food, I ate everything too fast and way too much of it. I want to stick to the goal of lots of fluids and protein first and plan my meals around some kind of meat or fish. I love the cauliflower rice alternative recipe provided on the "eggface" blog site and other recipes there that make it clear we can choose to live healthy and not feel deprived.
  11. hrhlaurie

    What's your Most Fave/Least Fave...

    Most fav: Not really hungry or craving any food Least fav: my skin is starting to loosen and has weird jiggles- must exercise and tone up!
  12. It took me three days, and 5 meals, to get through one grilled chicken and veggie kabob and that included sharing with the dog! I think I'm a little tired of chicken now...
  13. 1% milk, chocolate unjury powder, 1 Tbsp sugar free Torani chocolate macadamia nut syrup and a little ice. Yum. Yesterday was strawberry powder with real strawberries and tomorrow I might use some sf hazelnut syrup. I'm a protein smoothie mixologist!
  14. I like the idea of using the sugar free torani syrups as a mixer. Some vodka, syrup and skim milk and you have a super-charged protein drink!
  15. hrhlaurie

    Snack ideas

    I love the eggface blog site and they're are so many recipes there, you can't run out of things to eat. I tried one of the snacks today and made parmesan crisps stained with a little Rosemarie. They are good and have protein and that's what in eating now. I also like a snack or meal of a piece of lunch meat wrapped around a small bit of cheese or avacado.
  16. I'm still living on the chicken we grilled yesterday, had warmed, grilled chicken with some roasted peppers and onions for lunch and dinner today. I'm trying to keep my Protein up and each meal was about 7 grams of protein. Thanks to World According to Eggface site, I made my own parmesan crisps in the oven, flavored with a little dried rosemary and I had a couple as Snacks around 4. We eat late and it is usually 6 hours between lunch and dinner and I'm supposed to have a snack or meal every 4 hours and these crisps make a nice change from applesauce or yogurt.
  17. hrhlaurie

    It Works!

    I'm just over two weeks post op and we went to dinner Fri night and my husband had no problems ordering a rib eye since in such a cheap date now and just had 3 of the grilled shrimp he ordered on the side. Since I get full so easy, and an really not that hungry, he can eat what he wants and I don't mind being the cheap one! It's great not to want to eat loads of food.
  18. hrhlaurie

    Bad day yesterday!

    The best part about a new day is moving forward and making better choices. I'm sure we've all been there...
  19. Hi, here are my stats: HW: 270 SW: 250 CW: 234 16 pounds lost since 5-29
  20. hrhlaurie

    THIS is how the first 4 weeks go...

    I'm at 2.5 weeks out and really hovering between feeling great and a sudden loss of energy that knocks me back. I don't have pain and never used a heating pad or slept in the recliner but did have an extra pillow to hug to me for the first week while I slept. My doc and nut had me off liquids after a week and on to mush but I keep having to dial myself back when I feel really good and do too much, eat too much, etc. Working from home has been the biggest benefit in helping me recover and work. I have a lengthy commute and can't afford to suddenly be drained of energy when driving. Good summary on the first month though. Early days are iffy and then OK and I look forward to hitting the one month mark!
  21. My doc and nut have me on mushy/chew it really thoroughly foods. I'm fine on calories but need to increase my Protein. I had some grilled shrimp for dinner Friday night, Saturday I ate some fajita chicken pieces I got at Whole Foods and it was soooo good. I also picked up an ono fish kabob to grill today and it was good but more on that in a minute... This morning we went with kids to Breakfast and I ordered a piece of ham with a piece of swiss cheese melted on top. I cut up a few pieces for myself and gave the rest to my husband and the kids. I probably ate one bite too many because it's hard to measure food in restaurants. To fix this, I bought some little plastic bowls and am going to mark 2, 3 and 4 Tbsp and carry it with me to measure my dine-out portions. I was uncomfortably full so had a Protein shake for lunch. Tonight, when my dinner was ready, I was hungry and could not resist the fish that I love. I ate too much and will spare you the details but I had a hard time breathing for a minute, was sick and miserable for a short period of time. I can't believe I ate too much at home but I was literally pulling hot, tasty grilled fish off of the skewer and eating like it was a month ago. Sigh.
  22. My Nut told me I could eat eggs and I'm only 2 weeks out. I don't like them but i could eat them now if I wanted.
  23. hrhlaurie

    First NSV!

    Good for you, gotta love inches lost as much as pounds!
  24. Thanks, I'm going out to pick up a few things tomorrow so I'll look for some. My Nut recommended a probiotic also, which I can take more safely than mirilax. Whole Foods, here I come!
  25. hrhlaurie


    My doc said I was allergic to the adhesive used to hold down the strips and the itching is feeling marginally better after driving me crazy for the last week!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
