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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by hrhlaurie

  1. When I decided to pursue the gastric sleeve surgery, I was under a huge misconception about the effects of the surgery. It seemed so simple; reduce the size of my stomach by 75% so I would eat less, feel full after eating a small amount of food, and then lose weight. The end. I hated the idea of what I thought of were 6 wasted months of doctor visits but now, after 5 months of visits, the surgery info class and meeting with the dietician, I'm seeing this surgery in a whole new way. Here's what I think I now know, but please tell me if I'm wrong since I'm trying to manage my own expectations - I don't really care for meat, after several months of an Atkins diet a few years ago, and I've now learned about the importance of Protein. Prior to planning surgery, I didn't consider my body's nutritional needs and now I'm hyper-aware of what nutrients I've deprived my body of. I thought a cheese quesadilla was a meal... I thought caffeine was a food group and I drink coffee and tea from morning to night. I couldn't believe they were serious about giving it up and it has taken several months for me to come to grips with weaning myself off of caffeine. I know understand about the dehydration and tannins but once I'm down 100 pounds, I'm going to treat myself with some limited iced tea once in a while. Just a little bit. I imagined myself eating the same foods as I do now, but just less and now I see that what I eat is so important or I won't lose weight. Wow, not just less, but healthier and lower in fat, sugar and carbs. Still, not completely cutting off some foods, like with Atkins, just eating sensibly and balancing the yummy with the necessary. How much Water do I need to drink?! I'm starting to add water in and alternating it every other glass with iced tea right now. Prior to considering surgery I may have been skirting dehydration and Vitamin deficiencies. Scary to think about the road I was on. I started trying out Protein shakes since I knew I'd be drinking a lot of them so I wanted to find some favorites early on. What an eye-opening visit with the dietician when I shared that my favorite is Naked chocolate banana with 30 grams of protein. She was pretty nice when she pointed out huge amount of carbs and sugars in one drink and explained that was why it wasn't on her list of recommended post-surgery drinks. I was sad. I thought smoothies would be a great way to get nutrients but since I mix mine with pom juice and wasn't including kale, I was just basically giving myself a big, delicious sugar rush and not that many nutrients. Back to the drawing board there too. I had a few days when I really felt like everything I did and thought was wrong and managing my diet would be a full time job. I was worried that I would fail immediately and it surprised me because I thought exercising regularly would be my biggest challenge. I've decided to plan my meals and Snacks weekly, focus on what I need to do each day instead of looking ahead and being overwhelmed, and coming back here for support. My ultimate goal is shopping in the normal section of a store for something other than XL. Could I even hit Medium? How cool would that be and worth all of the protein powders, gallons of water and cups of broth to get there!
  2. hrhlaurie

    Reading List

    Im reading this book now and there so many things that I can identify with. How she feels about herself, how she feels about surgery, the doctor visits, approval process and I'm just up to her telling her friends. I would recommend it.
  3. hrhlaurie


    I am officially approved! I'll be able to schedule surgery on 4-30 after pre-op appt.
  4. I just called and am approved! Preop appt on 4-30 and will schedule surgery that day for May, I hope, or June at the latest. I'll try to remember this huge sense of relief when I've had surgery and in pain! Whew!
  5. Thanks, if I can get surgery scheduled soon, im sure I'll be fine, I just need to plan for the flight. Plenty of water, protein mix and I'll pack my own snacks. Once there, I can grill fish and eat same as here since we'll be in a condo where I can stock my own food.
  6. Im waiting for ins approval and hoping for early June surgery and then going on vacation 8 -10 weeks later. Im hoping it will be relaxing mixed with quality exercise snorkeling and walking. For those who have gotten through the first few months, any tips on vacation planning and survival?
  7. My paperwork has been in for a week and when I called, they reminded me that they can take up to 15 business days. I can't schedule surgery without approval and every day drags by... Does longer time increase the odds of a denial? I did everything they asked so thought it would be a quick slam dunk. Sigh
  8. I'm not sure my friends agree with my decision but none of them know anything about this surgery and I've done loads of research, frequent this site, and understand the benefits for my life. Even if they talk about me, I don't care, since they could already be talking about my weight, my ass the size of Dallas or crazy hair. People talk, it's just the way things are, and they don't have to agree with me. I'll just work hard at this "easy way out" and let the results speak for me!
  9. hrhlaurie

    Firm skin

    I love ItWorks wraps and can verify they work. I also buy the ItWorks greens, which are full of potassium and magnesium and great for digestion. I have the best and kindest distributor who always has time to answer my questions and I just place my order online and it comes to my door. I just ordered their hair, skin and nail vitamins. Great company and you can't go wrong with the wraps! Here's the website I use to order if you want to check it out: kristins.myitworks.com
  10. hrhlaurie

    Things I want for my life

    Shop for regular clothes in normal sizes, not "womans", easily tie my shoes, easily cross my legs, take yoga again without feeling like an awkward hippo, get off bp meds, look good, feel good, not feel like my weight is all someone sees when they look at me, learn to run.
  11. hrhlaurie

    Protein Drinks

    I was told that I'll only have protein shakes during my liquid phase and once I move on to pureed and mushy food, I will add protein powder but my liquid between meals will be water or flavored water. It sounds like some people keep drinking shakes indefinitely, is that right?
  12. Is a creamy butternut squash soup usually allowed?
  13. hrhlaurie

    3 month pics

    Wow, good job!
  14. A few months ago I told some close friends. My family knew I was considering it from the beginning. I don't make it a big deal, I just tell them it's a medical procedure to help me help myself avoid health problems and so I can get in better shape. No big, nothing to see here, move along... some casual acquaintances know I will need to have a surgical procedure soon and my recovery time means I will miss some work. I keep it light and matter of fact and so I haven't gotten any major reactions. I do get some positive feedback when they know someone who had same surgery and they can tell me it really works. Are there some who may comment behind my back that it isn't necessary, or I should try... (fill in the blank) or that I'm taking the "easy" way? Maybe, but I don't really care. They are probably the same ones who will talk about me no matter what I do. I'm focused on me and my life and my family is encouraging and I'm counting down to surgery and the day I can start getting rid of some of these clothes when they get too big!
  15. Congratulations! That was fast! I spoke to my surgery coordinator today and she's sure I'll be approved but I'll wait to Celebrate when UHC says OK! She did go ahead and schedule my pre-surgical screening for April 30, and she usually doesn't do this until they have the approval. Still crossing fingers... You and I have same starting weight and goal weight so we'll have to stay in touch and cheer each other on!
  16. Thanks for sharing. I'll have surgery May or June and have tried to imagine what to expect.
  17. My paperwork also went in and I understand UHC has up to 15 business days to review and either approve or deny. I did everything they asked so hope its a fast approval for both of us!
  18. I can't wait for my appt later this month. Im being submitted go insurance tomorrow and won't have surgery until end of May probably.
  19. hrhlaurie

    Eating at Disney

    I'm an annual passholder and you can bring in food and water. You can also order ala carte from restaurant menus, like just one taco or a side of veggies. Check out the Disney dining web site before you go to review the restaurant menus. Good luck and have fun! You'll get in lots of great walking exercise. I usually log 6 - 7 miles each day.
  20. hrhlaurie

    tall female sleevers...

    Hi, I'm 5'8" - 5'9", depending on who is measuring me. My goal is a slim size 8, no matter what the scale says. Since I haven't had surgery yet, maybe some of you can tell me if setting a size goal, rather than weight goal, is realistic. I am solid and will weigh more than I look, so rather than not hit a goal, like 140, for example, I'd like to enjoy a size and not worry about the number of pounds. Thanks!
  21. hrhlaurie


    I have UHC and my paperwork will be submitted this week. They told me that they can take up to 15 business days to return an answer. Then I have to wait for surgery date. My surgeon also does general surgery so it may be late May but Im hoping for earlier. I hope I get approved...
  22. hrhlaurie

    What changes are you making Pre-Op?

    I decided to start early giving up caffeine because I was a morning to night coffee and tea drinker. I gradually gave it up but just got back from a business trip and I really missed the iced tea habit during the trip. I now drink lots of Water and keep my camelbak with me constantly. I'm trying out Protein drinks and like Atkins so far. During my first NUT visit, I told her I loved the Naked brand Protein Drinks, then she kindly educated me on carb and sugar content that I couldn't have so I started over and will find a few healthier drinks I like. I have started adding one packet of "greens" brand drink additive to one bottle of water each day because it provides a good dose of magnesium and potassium which I need for the nutrition and to help maintain healthy digestion. I bought a beach bike (in Colorado Springs) for exercise and love it. I'm trying to eat slower but I'm a grab and go person so I have to make a serious effort to focus on my food, slow down and chew. I'm going to miss nachos so after 40 pounds I will let myself have one light chip with Beans and melted cheese. It will be great to look good again, and I can't wait to get started! My last dr appt is tomorrow and then my paperwork can be submitted to UHC and I start waiting for approval!
  23. It's taken me months to learn about this surgery so when I tell soneone about it and they express some doubt, I know it's because they don't know much about it so it's my chance to educate them. I've learned so much about my body's nutritional needs and how to make this surgery work for me, I just share that. I dont take any of it personally because we each have our own journey. Im doing something positive for my life and it isn't illegal, so I share and let them think what they want. How I live my life after surgery will prove the doubters wrong.
  24. Thanks so much for the info and encouragement. While I don't eat red meat or eggs, I don't mind pork or some chicken. Up until now I don't eat much meat at all but now I'm adding some chicken meat to salads and having Albertsons order in fresh pacific fish that I like. I enjoy seafood so I'm sure that will be my go to Protein food, along with Peanut Butter and Protein drinks. I will give up the caffeine before starting pre-surgery diet, since it isn't as important as my health. I'll miss it though. I need to find the topic on this board that addresses what to order when we eat out since I travel a lot...
  25. hrhlaurie

    What do I say?

    I decided to tell my family and close friends and my boss, who is also a friend, at work because this is a major lifestyle change and I want their support. I understand that some may not be encouraging but if they have concerns it's because they don't understand so it's my job to educate them about the surgery and health benefits. Tell your MIL and let her know you are doing something to help you be healthier and live longer and be a happier and healthier wife and mom. She may wish she could have worked with you on dates so you could enjoy the family time also.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
