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Sleeve Plication Patients
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Posts posted by BrantS1976

  1. Well, we are all here to support each other. I just had surgery in October and have lost 74 pounds. I was also afraid I would fail as I have lost 100 pounds twice in my life. The truth is that weight loss surgery is the tool you were missing in all your other attempts at losing weight. It is so much easier to be disciplined when you don't feel hungry all the time, can't eat as much and see quick results. All of those factors will help you succeed and keep you on track. Also, there is a shift in thinking that comes with this surgery. This is a "permanent" decision, not just "hey I think I'll diet for a month and see what happens." Take a deep breath, step back from the ledge and count the days until you take the first step to a healthier and happier you. In the meantime feel free to drop me a line if feeling overwhelmed. We are all here to support each other. You can feel safe sharing your thoughts and fears about WLS here. Everyone is in the same boat and at different stages of the voyage.

  2. I've told pretty much everyone and the response has been universally supportive. For those worried about haters, they're really not out there and if you do find one, odds are you would do well to cross them off your list. Both my immediate boss and our Managing Director know about it and have been super supportive. I find their support helps keep me motivated, the other thing I believe is that the more people you tell, the more accountable you are because if you start slipping up, everyone will know as it is not a secret. Bottom line is that I am proud I finally did something for my health and to be here for my family. I see no need to hide that.

  3. I actually got the sleep studies done before I decided on surgery because I was never sleeping well. I only slept for 3-4 hours the night of my first study, so they had me come back to test with the CPAP (when my husband was able to get the one night split study). I didn't sleep well either time. The only reason I slept more and somewhat better the second time is because I took three Elavil. It's so uncomfortable! I have apnea, but apparently it's very mild and the sleep doc thinks weight loss should completely resolve it. However, I just CANNOT adjust to the CPAP. I've tried and it's the most miserable sleeping time that I have. I always wake up and yank it off and gulp in air. I feel so claustrophobic with it on. My pressure was 14, so I was told I couldn't use the nasal pillows and breathing out feels so difficult. I ended up going back to the sleep doctor and he set me up to auto titrate for five nights. Problem is, I'm having trouble wearing the thing for those five nights. I wore it for 4.5 hours the other night and was miserable. I know I need to complete the other four nights to see if the pressure changes, but it's so hard because I feel awful the next day - much worse than when I don't use it. At this point, I dread going to sleep when I plan on using it. Biggest issue for me is that the surgeon I decided on REQUIRES a letter of compliance. At this point, I can't be compliant because I can't wear it. I don't know what to do. I can't not get surgery because of that stupid thing when surgery would likely cure the issue, but I just don't know if I can wear it! Anybody else having this issue? Guess another question... anyone know of doctors near Alabama that DON'T require compliance?

    That is exactly how I feel. Exactly. I try every night to wear it and can't. As for a letter of compliance, they haven't asked for one yet and if they do they aren't getting it. I sleep worse with it. Mines also on 14. I can't do it. It smothers me and I gasp and gulp air in when I finally rip it off.

    I was never asked for a compliance letter, although i fully comply as I don't sleep well without it. For those that do need compliance letters, I believe it is a matter of them reading the data off your memory card. Theoretically if you found a friend who had the same machine and slipped them your card for awhile you could get the necessary data for compliance. Just a thought...

  4. The clinical trial just involves a bit more frequent follow up (once a month first year) and I fill out a few questionnaires each time I go in about attitude towards food and how my weight affects my life and they use those to track some of the changes. so only differences are only a little more paperwork and some additional aftercare, which I actually thought was a plus.

    Hi I am considering Mexico for Plication. Kinda on the fence too. But can NOT afford USA. Would love to find a trial here in Northern California to do. with your experience with A clinical trial, I would like to know. what that entails. I want the Plication because it is non-invasive and I need to lose my weight for health reasons, I am type 2 diabetic with mild hypertension and cholesterol. So any and all info you would be willing to give, Please do and thank you. Lisa

  5. I would consult with your doctor and/or nutritionist to confirm you are getting enough calories, etc. considering the amount of exercise. While we always have to be wary of temptation, our bodies also have ways of telling us when we are missing something. I kept craving salty stuff (more that usual) and my most recent blood work showed my sodium levels were low. So, the doctor changed my blood pressure medicine (cut the ACE inhibitor in half and got rid of the diuretic) and now my levels are looking better. As an added benefit I'm not looking for a salt lick like a deer that's about to get taken out by a hunter LOL.

  6. I actually didn't have a food funeral. It took me over a year from the time I started looking into WLS until I finally decided to go ahead with it, and I think by then I was just ready to get on with it. Shockingly I don't miss most of the really bad stuff I used to eat (cheesesteaks, pizza, etc.) and it has been easier than I anticipated so far. Not passing judgement on anyone who wants to have their "last supper." I totally get the idea and originally thought I would do something similar, but it honestly just slipped my mind.

  7. So to give some background, at my heaviest in 2007 I was at 423 pounds. When I started by WLS journey I was at 383. I had my three month post op appointment on Tuesday and weighed in at 312 pounds. My surgeon said I did great considering I survived the holidays and lost 16 pounds. Now I have a milestone in my sights, leaving the 300s and breaking into the 200s. I think the last time I was under 300 pounds was probably in my mid-20's when I spent a small fortune on a personal trainer and went from 330 to 245. I appreciate any words of wisdom, advice or encouragement in taking down this first big milestone.

  8. I had mine a little over two years ago. I wish I would not have had the gastric plication. I had no side effects. My recovery was fine. I really needed to go to a place where I could attend support group with the plication. I lost 30 lbs and have gain all but 14 pounds back. This is entirely my fault. I even had the plication check and I had not stretched it out. I have learned to eat around it. Mainly by small frequent meals. My portions are not that big. I was even getting up and eating at night!

    I am now trying to eat 3 small meals with a focus of increase fruit and vegetables. I crave sweets constantly. I am on day two of no eating at night and staying with eating meals fruits vegetables and no sweets!

    Good luck!

    Eating in that manner would be a way of eating around any of the restrictive surgeries (lap band, sleeve or plication). One of the malabsorptive procedures like gastric bypass of the duodenal switch may have shown better results. In the end WLS is a tool to help us lose weight and we still have to do the hard work of diet, exercise, and following the rules the surgeons gave us. Glad to hear you are trying again with smaller meals three times a day. Best of luck to you!

  9. Amost forgot to update! Day 8: I am completely adjusted to my diet, no cravings just smooth sailing. I plan my meal/protein times by the hour to prevent binge eating though I find myself not even thinking about it lately. Motivated motivated motivated! Ready to do this Come on Jan 30th!

    Awesome news. Keep up the good work and I will be thinking positive thoughts for you on the 30th.

  10. Darren #1 was more sarcastic and played well with the mortal/witch conflict between the two of them. The second lent himself well to the role of a father as the children were more a part of the series at that point. I think it was one of the rare shows where recasting a main character mid show didn't kill the series.

  11. Awesome. So who is your favorite Darren, Dick York or Dick Sargent? Great show. I think I saw almost every episode in reruns when I was a kid and my grandmother used to watch me.

  12. Beware of rice,

    Take my advice,

    Dear sisters and brothers,

    It doesn't play well with others.

    What am I gonna do without sushi!!

    Find a good sushi place that makes good rolls with a thin layer of rice. Leave the end pieces for friends you go eat sushi with as those have a lot more rice on the ends. At least that is what I have done when I give in to my sushi craving. As a side benefit with a much smaller stomach, the check is a lot smaller when the wife and I go have sushi.

  13. I had my plication with my band in May. Surgeon didn't say anything about clinical trial. Nearly all of his bands are with plication.

    Not sure how that works, but guessing since the band is an approved medical device, that it probably part of it. I also wanted to clarify, I just had an appointment the other day and what I signed up for, they are referring to as "an investigational study." It's overseen by an independent review board. I think this is how they are currently handling plication (without the band) as weight loss surgery in the US at this point.

  14. I'm just completing my 5th day of pre op all liquid diet. I have 16 more to go! Wow! It's been ok, but the first few days were over a long weekend and I just laid around and slept a lot! Today was back to work and it went ok. Everyone is supportive. Here's the catch... Dr. Required me to use Opti fast, I'm finding that I need to be near the bathroom after drinking it.! Not always, but often enough to strategically plan when I'm going to drink it! Surgery Feb 6.

    I'm just completing my 5th day of pre op all liquid diet. I have 16 more to go! Wow! It's been ok, but the first few days were over a long weekend and I just laid around and slept a lot! Today was back to work and it went ok. Everyone is supportive. Here's the catch... Dr. Required me to use Opti fast, I'm finding that I need to be near the bathroom after drinking it.! Not always, but often enough to strategically plan when I'm going to drink it! Surgery Feb 6.

    Is Optifast sweetened with Splenda (aka sucralose)? I know that is a side effect for many people with that particular sweetener. They alter the sugar molecule so your body doesn't recognize it, but it can cause some digestive issues. You're past the first few days, which was the hardest part for me. Just keep your eyes on the prize and the big day will be here before you know it. :)

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