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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by lhargis

  1. That is exciting!!! It is amazing to see the numbers go down so quickly! Congrats on your first 10 lbs.
  2. My family makes some amazing food for dinners and I would give my right arm, leg, and possibly a kidney just for one serving. I can eat pudding, jello, and even cream soup but I can't take it anymore. I had to eat that stuff for two weeks prior to surgery. But I have been taking it one meal at a time. Luckily, my Protein shake is now much easoer to handle since I switched to Body Fortress whey protein. One 8oz glass of fat free milk and one scoop of the powder is 33 grams of protein. I am just grateful that I am only 4 days away from eating eggs and cottage cheese and 2 weeks away from being able to eat lean meat again. Counting down the days has become a game in my household.
  3. Good luck to the January Post-Ops who are having their life change soon!!! The pain is worth it. We are here to cheer you on and answer any questions you may have if we are able. Today I am 8 days post op, I haven't needed pain relievers since Wednesday (but I have a somewhat high tolerance to pain), and I am down 10 lbs already.
  4. Sherri428, I am the opposite way. The sugar free Jello, pudding, yogurt are too sickly sweet for me now. I try eating it and it makes me nauseous. I also had to change Protein shakes from sugar free carnation essentials to a different brand of Protein shake because I couldn't stomach it. At one point I was getting less than 20g of protein because all I was drinking broth and Water. I am not on a clear liquid but a full liquid diet. I am looking forward to being advanced to being able to eat eggs and cottage cheese.
  5. Suebee9156, Technically medically speaking all of those are considered liquid and do count towards your liquid goal. As does your Protein shakes as well as any Water you intake.
  6. I was finally able to sleep on my tummy last night with the use of the abdominal binder/bandage thing they gave me in the hospital. Have you guys set goals for the year as far as what you'd like to see? My sister is 5 years post op and she did the things you aren't suppose to do after her surgery (ie getting pregnant within a few months of surgery and eating outside the common sense list). She has decided that she doesn't want to be ashamed of herself as I lose the weight. So we made a friendly wager. The first person to reach their weight loss goal owes the other one a new outfit. I am looking to lose a conservative 100lbs by December 31st. I could lose more since I love my "me (gym/walking) time". But where do you see yourself in 6 months or a year?
  7. lhargis

    G a s

    I had the RYN surgery last Thursday. I had nausea at first which was attributed to the hydromorphone they gave me in the pain pump. Now that the nausea and dry wretching is done, I have noticed a lot of gas, painful gas. Some say it is because of the CO2 they pumped me up with, but almost 5 days later, every sip I take I have a huge gas bubble that gets lodged and I have to painfully burp it out. I am even taking chewable gas pills to help with it. It doesn't smell yet (my husband and kids would let me know) but the pain I am experiencing the most of is from the gas moving around. Any suggestions on how to best rid myself of it besides walking.
  8. I am 4 days post op today. I am mostly having trouble with the gas. But I am only taking liquid extra strength tylenol because I do have 3 year old twins to help keep contained. My husband has been so supportive. He even stayed by my side overnight the first day while my mother watched my girls. I haven't stepped on a scale yet. I figure I might weigh more right now because of post-surgical internal swelling and gas/bloating. Once I left was put on a stage 2 diet but I am slowly steping into it with protein shakes, broth, and greek yogurt to reach the minimum 60 grams of protein daily. I do have some soreness around my ribcage and diaphragm. Luckily, my husband is taking care of the household along with my eldest daughter help until after my first post-surgical appointment on the 22nd. I am hoping ot be able to sleep in bed soon. I am a tummy sleeper so this is reeking havoc on my nocternal sleep patterns. Has anyone else had have issues staying awake throughout the day while only taking tylenol for pain? I feel like I am having nacroleptic episodes. One minute I am awake and alert and the next I am passed out for 20-30 minutes.

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