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Everything posted by lhargis

  1. Yesterday was truly rough but today will be better...it has to be.

  2. I was cleared a few days ago to start eating lean meat and cheese but it hurt too much. It felt like it was stuck in my throat. So I am back to pureed/liquids for a few days. I think I pushed myself to far last week (pushed the envelope foodwise) and my stomach is rebelling. So I am going to try it out going back to liquids/purees for a week and try merging into meats/cheese again next week. Yesterday was bad. I barely got 700 calories and only 16 grams of protein. I could only drink so I had some gatorade and soup because the thought of a protein shakes was not appealing. I had no appetite and I didn't want to force it. Today will be better.
  3. Has anyone felt like they were in agony if they skipped a snack or had a really light snack between meals? I had a small snack between lunch and dinner but by time dinner was done I was in so much pain that it hurts to eat. Second time this week but it isn't something medically wrong, it just feels like I am super starving.
  4. Have you been using the treadmill? I'm 2 weeks out, and wondering when I can start. We have snow also, I don't have anywhere to walk. I can't really drive at this point in th snow. If it clears up I may try SAMs club for a walk on Wednesday, but we are supposed to get more snow! I haven't bought my treadmill yet. I am going to get one by the end of the month. I am waiting for our tax refund to buy it.
  5. I have been cleared for lean meats and cheese but not veggies, fruits, or carbs. They still want me to focus on getting my 60g of protein a day. But one more step to being "normal" again.

  6. As of my one month post-surgical check up, I am officially 360 lbs and I have been cleared to eat lean, moist meats and cheese. I also start my twice daily chewable vitamins. Woot. Next check up is in a month when I can be cleared for veggies, fruit, and carbs plus B12 shots and calcium/Vit D. Now to get my treadmill so I can get some real exercise. I have been dancing around the house with my iPod because the snow won't go away.
  7. Not sure if i will enjoy the hot flashes I get after eating during the summer time. I get so warm I have to open a window in the dead of winter. Good for cooling the hot flash, bad for my family.

  8. I am 3 weeks post op from lap RNY and an umbilical hernia repair. I found that when taking walks I need my abdominal binder that the hospital sent home with me. It helps support my new upper GI system while I get some exercise. If I don't use it, I am hobbling back to my van hunched over and holding my stomach in agony.
  9. I am glad that you are out of the hospital and doing well. I think we all struggle at some point to get the water and protein into our tiny tummies. And kudos on the 23 lbs!!!
  10. As of this afternoon, I am 3 lbs away from being 20 lbs lighter than my surgery day, 3 weeks ago. I did a happy day that put all happy dances to shame...lol.
  11. How in the world do you get 90 grams of protein?? I'm having trouble with 50. It is hard some days but my protein drink gives me anywhere from 29-33 grams of protein depending on the amount of fat free milk I use. The cottage cheese gives me 13 grams for every 1/2 cup. I add my unflavored protein to my other fluids so it gives me an additional 24 grams of protein on top of what is in my cup. Today I finished with 98 grams of protein from 5 small meals most of which was my protein enhanced milk.
  12. Where do you get jalapeño jack turkey burgers, they sound yummy. It is made by Jennie-O...I find it at Walmart. It is delicious. 250 calories and like 27 grams of protein for one 1/3lbs patty. It needs no seasoning or condiments. It is a standalone meal.
  13. I get between 800 and 900 calories a day. Mostly because I drink 2 protein drinks (8-12 ounces of fat free milk with a scoop of protein powder which is 190-240 calories each) a day plus cottage cheese (110 calories for 1/2 cup) plus the cream soup or jello in between meals. I try to have 6 small meals but end up with 5 usually. My doctors frown when I don't get at least 90 grams of protein (they bumped me up from 60 grams last week).
  14. I avoid applesauce because the amount of natural sugar in it for the small amount. But I can have cottage cheese and eggs on top of the liquids. On Monday, I will be moved to lean meats (crossing fingers). I am going to celebrate with a turkey burger patty for dinner. I have missed my jalapeno jack turkey burgers (I never eat it with a bun or bread). In April I get veggies and carb rich foods like bread and rice.
  15. I tried out the Campbells soup on the go...they have chicken tortilla soup (not chunky or rich whatsoever) as well as creamy potato and bacon. Savory and smooth. I am hungry after drinking my protein drink (t takes like 30 minutes to an hour) and start feeling lightheaded and a headache comes on. I am almost 3 weeks out (tomorrow) and I am looking forward to eating meat again. I think that once my brain gets "real" food again just on a smaller scale, it will feel better. I will rejoice when I can enjoy a really good salad with some protein on it.
  16. It has been cold here as well. We have speed bumps made of ice from the sun thawing and the winds refreezing it. Of course, I live on top of a hill as well so that makes walking even worse. I will be getting a treadmill in a few weeks so in the mean time I just do whatever exercise when I can such as dancing while doing dishes or doing a few laps around my local walmart when I am there getting some shopping done. This weekend is suppose to be in the upper 30s so I might go for a quick walk around the block once some of the ice melts.
  17. LL, I feel the same way. You would think that not having the capapbility to eat more than a few ounces at a sitting would make you drop the pounds like hot rocks. But I have learned that even with our stomachs much smaller we will still have plateaus and stalls. I still have to fight water weight on top of dealing with the plateau. But then I realize that this is not going ot happen overnight. It will take time. Scales are a product of sadomasocists. I am leaving the weigh ins to the medical professionals who have the fine tuned, well maintained scales for the next few months. Maybe you should do the same. We will get through this and we will rejoice when we have to buy new clothes for the Spring/Summer seasons because our old clothes are just TOO BIG!!! <hugs>
  18. I am doing well. I am trying to avoid the scale but I gave in and felt disappointed. But of course, the monthly visitor is wreaking havoc. So I am going to keep being a good girl, chew my food to applesauce consistency, take time between bites, and keep attempting to get in 64 ounces of water. I found an unflavored protein powder at GNC. I was lucky. I walked in when they were having a 75% off sale on it so instead of spending $40 on one, I spent $21 on two. I am just hoping that on Monday I get bumped up to eating meat again.
  19. I hope after this your recovery is uneventful. I am glad that they didn't find any leaks.
  20. I had my gallbladder out almost 3 years ago. So they didn't have to worry about that one. But since it was a separate operation, I have the laproscopic incisions from that one as well for a grand total of 10 trocar scars once all is healed. I already have an elaborate tattoo planned to cover my abdominal surgery scars for future bikini seasons (6-8 years from now).
  21. I have 6 incision sites...5 from the RNY and 1 from the umbilical hernia they had to repair. I didn't know I had a hernia and that they repaired it until my post-op appointment yesterday. Total surprise.
  22. Just got back from my post op appointments. I was surprised to say the least. I apparently had an undiagnosed umbilical hernia that they spotted while I was under and they fixed it. So I have one extra scar than I thought. But the good news is I have been advanced to Stage 2B which is eggs, cottage cheese, and ricotta cheese. I am down a total of 13 lbs which they say is great but not truly expected.
  23. That is awesome for being 6 days post-op. My surgeon has me on zantac for 90 days to reduce acid in order to promote healing in both of my stomachs. My nutrition team will allow me vitamins around the same time I start back on lean meat (around the beginning of February). Tomorrow, hopefully, I get to start with eggs and cottage cheese. They have this whole staged introduction back into normal eating. Two pages of items that I can eat at each stage. I am still a little tender so toning is going to wait until I can lift more than 10 lbs. Until then, walking and more walking. Now only if PMS bloating would just leave me be, I would be happier with the way my clothes fit...lol.
  24. I live in Northeast Pennsylvania.
  25. I decided to sign up for my first 5K race today. The race isn't until June 1st but by then I should be well on my way to running at least part of that. So far I walk 10k when the weather is nice which is something I thought I would never do before I started last April.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
