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Posts posted by j_war06

  1. Ok Jodie, now you have crossed the line. I despise litterbugs!!!!!! What does "dissentary" mean. Go get some sleep and take care of your baby.

    dissentary (sp?) meaning unsafe due to germs and bacteria. Im sorry that you despise someone you don't even know, and that you would dismiss someone from your life because of one little thing you dont like about them, its pretty sad. Its not my fault if there isnt a garbage can around, its wherever Im at's fault. I dont throw stuff out of my window or anything, you can get a fine for that. Its early, why should I go to bed? Its like 10:20 almost...and I do take very good care of my baby, trust me.

  2. OK, I'll be blunt, if someone is promiscuous, in my opinion, that is indecent....and in my opinion your friend is indecent.... should she change her behavior, then I won't find her indecent any longer, but as long as she keeps it, she is indecent in my eyes .period.. she may not be a bad person overall, but indecent indeed...sorry, I really am not try to offend her.... it's just my opinion.... :cry

    LOL you cause no offense to her or myself in saying that. I consider it indecent as well...but my point is what degree of indecency makes a person completely indecent...if you just met her on the street and hung out with her a few times you would never know that she was promiscuous, and therefore would not find her indecent. Does one aspect of your life make you indecent, one flaw can make a person indecent? So therefore, in theory ofcourse, we are all indecent.

    Look at one of the tribes in Africa (pardon my lack of research, its something I saw on National Geographic about a week or so ago). They believe that it is decent and VERY moral to kill a newborn child if they have an impairment, are a twin, or are just ugly in their eyes. They believe that these are bad omens. In the USA it is considered indecent by the popular majority, HOWEVER there it is routine, moral, and decent. So theoretically again we can have no exact definition for what is decent. All definitions of such are strictly opinion based.

    My personal example is: Im pro-life completely, my ex-roomate had an abortion about the time I moved in with her. I find it indecent to have an abortion (please do not argue about abortion here, there is a thread for that on this board, this is merely an example). However, I supported her through her decision, and in my eyes I saw her action as indecent, but overall she was a decent part of society and is still a great friend to me. Had I judged her indecent on that one aspect of her life, I would have missed out on a great friendship. Instead I let the decent aspects about her outweigh the indecent (decent defined to me as one's own opinion based upon their own morals and values) aspects of her life. I believe that a few indecent actions (by my own definition) are acceptable as long as they exhibit more decent actions than indecent.

    hmmm....I guess my theory class really did something for me, its odd to think things through so deeply

  3. You really are too young to discuss anything rationally. Take note of #2.quote]

    Sorry I had to quote again, but for some reason I can not go back and edit my posts. Im also sorry that I didnt realize that their was an age limit to discussing anything rationally. I mean my professor from Havard and Cambridge saw me as a very rational being, he admired my enthusiasm and aggression to stand up for my point. He said it will be great for the legal field one day. He considered me an argumentative genius...and he wasnt the only one. All my professors considered me highly intelligent and rational (well like I said except for the one time I got too heated in a class and was asked to leave the class because of my comment, but I meant what I said, I just should have said it a little nicer.) Ive received many accolades from my superiors for my ability to problem-solve and look at every angle from a rational, and realistic manner. My realist views have won me several debates, as well as my ability to catch every little mistake my opponent(s) made in what they were saying. Im very keen and bright, don't dismiss me for an idiot because of my age because I was generally honored above much older and experienced students, and more respected for my opinion. Don't tell someone that they are too young to discuss anything rationally, I am yet to be utterly rude and malicious toward any of you, a quality that I do have thanks to my genes. You can call me indecent if you want, you can even call me racist, but those are all a matter of opinion...no one I know would ever consider me a racist or indecent...lol Im actually probably one of the most decent people you would ever meet...I have never been considered indecent by anyone in my real life, so I dont take what you guys saw to heart about me because you dont know me, you've never met me personally, and most likely never will.

  4. LOL! well I can see that you still have some energy left even after a rough day.... I thought so....good!

    If you used the "n" word as a "term of endearment" as you said..ie: with your close friends who knew you were joking and didn't get offended and was completely acceptable to them, then I guess it could be acceptable, TO THEM in that specific case, if you ever use is in a derrogatory way , in that case , no, I don't think you are decent, and I wouldn't have to know any further about you to know that.... I however don't think you used it to offend anybody, really.... but ultimately is not a respectful word to use specially coming from a white fellow to a black fellow and specially under certain circumstances... and I think that decent people (as much as you may not like that word...) will not support others that use it and will not vote for those who use it...

    Some definitions of decency:

    The quality of being polite and respectable

    The quality of conforming to standards of propriety and morality

    The quality or state of being decent, suitable, or becoming, in words or behavior; propriety of form in social intercourse, in actions, or in discourse; proper formality; becoming ceremony; seemliness; hence, freedom from obscenity or indecorum; modesty.

    You may disagree with all the above definitions of the word decency, but they are what they are....and by no means I'm trying to tell you to abide by them either....that is totally up to you...biggrin1.gif

    I was not asking for the literal meaning of decency. I was thinking of it as a standard. As in, what one believes is decent another does not.

    i.e. my best friend has a tendency to be a little promiscuous, which she believes is decent...I do not believe that it is decent...therefore does that make her overall person indecent?

    Does one indecency of a person make them indecent? Or is it a mass of opinions on what one believes is moral that another may not?

  5. JW, A population consists of an entire set of objects, observations, or scores that have something in common. In this case, 60% of this small population refers to the participants of this thread who find your use of the "N" word as insidious noise pollution. Some chose to be part of the solution while you selfishly chose to add to problems. Your views on vulgarity, pollution and littering show how little you care about the sky your children won’t recognize as blue, or of the lakes and streams they won’t be able to swim or fish in. Refraining from offending other people and Mother Nature could only benefit your future. Hopefully, with time your ability to think rationally will broaden along with your now-limited vocabulary. Take deep breathes while the air is breathable because you’ll be holding your breathe for life if you think you’re headed for greatness with that fetid attitude. Believing society will vote any politician into office (let alone nominate one!) who freely throws around the "N" word, tosses garbage in the streets and doesn’t give a damn about Planet Earth isn’t even close to realistic. Wake up, little girl. We’ll leave the light on for you.

    I never said that the pollution issue wasnt important, because it is. What I was pointing out is that it isnt a popular choice my in my area. There are not any recycling centers here, most people burn their garbage in their backyards, and what cant be burnt goes into another pile and is taken to the dump. I do not have a limited vocubulary, TECHNICALLY because I choose to use words and exercise my freedom to do so, I have an expanded vocabulary. I do not just toss the words around all day and night, I probably havent used the n word in weeks. I use it as a term of endearment, and you are crazy if you think I would throw it around in a politcal campaign because I already said that it isnt a word that should be used in a formal setting. BTW, you assume that I want to be a politician, which I may have led you to believe after one of my previous posting, but you can introduce legislature and such without being elected :) I doubt that I will ever see the day that every body of Water is gone, I think that would take more than my lifetime or my children's lifetime will allow.

    Besides, littering on certain highways gives inmates something to do rather than sit around and think about how to committ their next crime without getting caught. I actually choose NOT to litter most of the time, but if the proper disposal units are not available then it is that business's fault and should have to clean up. Im not going to haul around garbage until I find a trash can, thats dissentary and gross.

  6. Ahh Jodie.... even though other things are important and could be even more important, DECENT people will ALWAYS care if a law maker or leaders use the "n" word.... and I'm sure you are going to need the decent voters you know.... I want to stay positive and believe that we have more decent people voting in American than not.....:)

    So therefore Im not decent because I use the "n" word...hmmm....thats something to think about... so therefore that makes me indecent...so does that mean that Im going to Hell or something, because I stood up for what I believe and what I know? Because I use the word just like most people in my generation, as a term of endearment? Hmmm....something to think about, what is decency? Can it be defined? If so than how? Is decency nothing more than a mere opinion of someone else? If so then how can anyone know exactly how decent they are? Hmmm....

  7. Ex-Pres Clinton (I'm sure you've studied about him, right?) claimed not to have inhaled when asked about smoking pot. I know I inhaled, so if it was a crack at you it was a lighthearted one.

    I just didn't understand how someone can just be blah and be okay with it. I'm sorry you've had a hard day. God knows some are harder than others. But, you jumped into the rant saying some really awful things.

    You certainly have the right to think and do, or not think or not do, what you want. But, as one professional working woman to young girl who is striving to be one: please learn to take advice, and try hard to care more about other people. Making legislation is a high goal. If that truly is your dream, then please try harder to take other people's feelings and insights into consideration. If you do indeed make it that far, then you won't be there promoting your own agenda - you'll be there for people like us, the ones you've been slamming here.

    I havent slammed anyone, Im the one who has been slammed just because I take an opposite stance to your own. I know about Clinton, I remember watching him get elected the second time. Im not a Clinton fan at all, however I get your joke...but it had already been incenuated my someone else on this board that I was a drug addict, so I was just clearing it. LOL! And I have inhaled a couple of times (and Im being serious) in my life time, but not many at all, I dont like it, it smells like horrible B.O. and Sweaty Socks not to mention that if I want to be out of myself Ill just have a few drinks :) I do consider other people's feelings to an extent, and I come to conclusions in my head for the better of people (in POLS class etc...) based upon research and logical thinking. But this has nothing to do with the betterment of society, this is about my personal opinion on the "n" word. I personally believe in gay marriage (although I think my best friend would have been divorced like 3 times this past year lol!), but I dont believe that America is ready for that yet, therefore I voted against it. One day I hope to see it happen. Because of my POLS training I vote and speak on behalf of people, not myself. Some of the things I end up taking a stand for I may or may not believe in because it goes against my own personal morals or beliefs, however its "for the people, by the people." Therefore sometimes I go against what I may believe in order to do whats best for everyone else...however, here I was asked to give my personal opinion, and that I did. Im sorry that you all don't like it. I did not ask you to, I merely wanted you to understand that everything is not black or white (no pun intended), that there are grey areas. When Im serving a client things are different, I have to go along with them if I want their business. However this is about me, and my own beliefs, therefore that is what I rendered to you. "take me for what I am, who I was meant to be, and if you give a damn, take me baby, or leave me..."

  8. Ya know, I actually have to agree with you on this! Never ever ever in my life did I think there would be a point in time when I didn't want to be in a relationship...I always thought I needed a man to love me to be happy. (Yes, I know, I'm young and naive :)) But for the first time, even though I have a couple guys that I am semi-interested in, I'm so happy being single that I don't think I'm going to even date them! I'm gonna cancel my eharmony account, and just be single and happy and be selfish and focus on me for awhile...I can worry about settling down later.

    Ive never been big on dating...I dated one guy for 3 years through H.S. My high school sweet heart, and I loved him more than Ive ever loved someone besides family. I broke my own heart with him, but it was for the better, we are GREAT friends now and hang out as often as possible. Im glad we are friends, we truly love one another, just in a different way now. Otherwise we couldnt be the friends that we are. My last relationship however, UGH! There was no hope for it, but I really wasnt ready for a relationship yet. I think that I forced myself to enter into a serious relationship before I wanted one. I liked dating around. Going out on dates with different guys, it was fun, I liked to company and the flattery, but thats about it. I wasnt looking for anything serious. I am just not a typical girl lol! Im more guy than girl on the inside. I like to play the game (although I don't like to hurt people, and usually avoid it), I like my freedom to do whatever whenever, I like to go out with my friends whenever I want, and I LOVE to flirt. I dont want to close myself off right now to all the options out there. Im 20, Ive got time to waste on myself. I mean, for some reason my last boyfriend/ex-fiance thought that it was inappropriate that I went to bars and clubs without him...lol!

  9. **And in 10 years, none of this will be on the internet for them to dig up, so if you plan on trying to stop me, go ahead and start copying and pasting these discussions, although they wont stand up because internet blogging and discussion board postings are usually disregarded. I doubt that the majority of voters will care if I used the "n" word or not, considering that other issues are generally more important**

  10. This is insane. Do you really believe the crap you spout or are you just instigating something useless for the sake of arguing?


    I believe what I say, but its hard to get my point across through several postings, it would be easier to write a paper or something with organized thoughts, headers, etc...unfortunately I doubt any of you are interested in reading a very lengthy paper on my opinion. Im not in the mood to argue today really, Ive had a rough day, and its not going to get better for 10 days, maybe. So I leave you with this, in the famous words of my phenomenal gay John "You don't know my life." lol. And I promise you that one I will be sitting in government and will become part of the legislation process. I dont know what you are incenuating with saything that I didnt inhale, but whatever it is is out of place in this discussion and is an attack into my personal life which I did not bring upon in this current debate and is irrelevant to anything that I have said.

  11. How sad JW you continue a behavior just because you feel it's a hopeless task to improve it. I try to accomplish the impossible each day. I force difficult meditation to become a more helpful person to this planet by letting go of negative energy without spreading any ugliness whether it be a word or not letting an angry driver into my lane just because I don't have to. Tossing a gum wrapper out the window is okay because there is no hope for our pollution problem, and we may as well stop recycling because there is no hope for the planet, too, I suppose. You ignore a poll right in front of your nose that indicates almost 60 percent (59 2B exact) of this small population really hates that word and what it stands for whether with the 'er' or 'ah' at the end. Still it's important to make your stand and continue. I hope one day you will realize that part of growing up is letting go of some of the rebellion and giving back positive energy instead of adding to the hatred. The entire block has called the cops who have been there 13 times in 12 months with only 2 warnings and no citations to date. Why are you so resistant to being nicer? It's not that hard. You want people to trust you? Maybe they will once you let go of such negative anger and realize that you alone can change the world. But first you need to change your attitude or the power is useless.

    This is an accurate poll that says that 60% of people on Lapbandtalk says that it is innappropriate, not that 60% of the population hates it. I AM NICE, what dont you people understand? Im not going to be mean to some random person, but that doesnt meant that I respect them. Im going to hold the door for someone coming in behind me, Im going to talk to random people in the grocery store or convenience store, Im going to be polite and courteous, I just do not respect them because I do not know them nor who they are and they havent earned respect with me. I can even like someone and not respect them (i.e. my best friend that is a girl, probably the only friend that is a girl that likes guys lol). I treat her VERY well, but I dont respect her opinion and I can not tolerate the way she conducts herself in public especially. I think you guys just think this world really has the capability to be perfect in your eyes, but what you do not realize is that good can not exist without evil and vice versa. One must set a standard for the other because they are in a continous circle. LOL! Just because you dont agree with what I do, does not mean that Im just some dumb young person rebelling against society...HAHA! Why would I rebel against what I've worked so hard to fit into??? To tell you the truth Ive never recycled, I dont know how, I dont care to know, I think we have bigger problems than gum wrappers and cig butts in the world that need to be dealt with just as equally. It is a problem nonetheless, and if recycling was taught around here I probably would do it, but its not popular here and who wants to haul garbage an hour away just to "save the planet." I ALONE can not save the world. It is COMPLETELY impossible for me to go around the world in my lifetime and save every starving child, fix pollution, solve the world's peace problems, and everything else that goes on and on and on...thats a ridiculous and incredible statement to make. Go guys live in your dream world and act like nothing bad ever happens, you will live your life in complete ignorance (despite what you say about me, you guys are the true ignorant ones). You are unwilling to accept that things are going to happen, you cant control them, so just let them happen (within reasonable boundaries ofcourse). You can sit here and attack me all day, its not going to make a difference. Hope you love it 10 years when Im sitting on FoxNews debating with the best about whatever issue is popular at that time. And you better remember my name when I suggest legislation in the future, because I will be one of the ones that control your rights. Better love me when Im famous. After all, "well behaved women rarely make history."

    If the entire block has called the cops, and they refuse to do something about, then you need to go to a higher power and get an attorney and sue them for damages.

  12. I had PCOS previous to getting pregnant...I was told that I was completely infertile and that I would not be able to get pregnant for a year or two after starting treatments...lol long story short about 5 months later SURPRISE Im pregnant lol! IDK what was going on, but EVERY single cyst had disappeared. Now Im battling with my cervix and kidneys :) We are all just hoping that its not cancer (VERY small chance, but a chance nonetheless) I will know more on Dec 3

  13. The FBI investigated and ruled out federal hate crime charges. Jasper County Sheriff Billy Rowles concluded, "it was just about drugs and money." Frontpagemag.com and Larry Elder, however, argued that the Tillery case paralleled the James Byrd, Jr. murder four years earlier. They said that Tillery's case did not receive the same national attention because Tillery was white and his assailants were African-American, while on the other hand, Byrd was an African American murdered by white men.

    The FBI and The Sheriff said no hate crime. Two right wing journalist said it was...HMMM

    1. The FBI arent from here and do not know what the hell goes on here that you couldnt even imagine.

    2. Rowles is drunk 98% of the time that he says or does anything

  14. NAH! You're not racist..:)

    If that makes me racist, then I guess I am...Do I need to state that on my driver's license or something? "hi, Im from Jasper and Im a racist because I dont believe that black people are the only ones that experience racism and I believe that small town politics contributed to the unjust trial of Ken Tillery"? Naw too long, better get it tattooed on my back so I can add to it later

  15. Ken Tillery of Jasper, Texas, was murdered on January 19, 2002. On that night, of his murder, Tillery was outside of a suspected crackhouse, when he was approached by Darrell Gilbert, Blake Little, and Anthony Holmes, and offered a ride in their truck. Tillery accepted, but an argument later developed over the gas money he agreed to pay. Tillery expected to pay only $5, but the men demanded $50. When the truck passed Tillery's home and arrived at a gas station, he jumped out and tried to flee, but was caught and beaten by the three men. Tillery's attackers ran him over, and as a result, his body was dragged under the truck for 20 to 30 feet before it separated from the vehicle.

    The FBI investigated and ruled out federal hate crime charges. Jasper County Sheriff Billy Rowles concluded, "it was just about drugs and money." Frontpagemag.com and Larry Elder, however, argued that the Tillery case paralleled the James Byrd, Jr. murder four years earlier. They said that Tillery's case did not receive the same national attention because Tillery was white and his assailants were African-American, while on the other hand, Byrd was an African American murdered by white men.

    Holmes pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and received a 15-year term. Little was convicted of murder and sentenced to 70 years incarceration. Both are still serving their sentences. Gilbert was sentenced to a 20 years in prison; however, on February 14, 2005, Gilbert was murdered in the Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice Stiles Unit by fellow inmate Reagan Caldwell.

    Once again, my point is proven...

  16. I just read up on Ken Tillery. He was murdered over gas money for $50, not because they singled him out for his race. The FBI investigated and determined that it was not a hate crime.

    Oh they can get to the bottom of a white man getting killed, but God forbid that they say that a black man was killed over drugs. Like I said the Media has a whole Hell of a lot of power. Go get one of those nifty usernames and passwords for one of the legal research webpages (you have to obtain them through a university or lawyer or some other legal entity entitling you to look at case files) and compare the two cases. You will find a lot of similarities. The investigation team here is horrible anyways, and very biased. They cant put 3 black men behind bars so soon after the tragic death of James Byrd Jr, bad politics. Small town politics run this whole damn place.

    Why did they choose the form of murder that they did? Because they wanted to prove a point and get back at the white community and prove that they could easily get away with murder.

  17. No, I was referring to the James Byrd Jr. Hate Crime. I should have specified that...


    On June 7, 1998, Byrd, 49, accepted a ride from 3 drunk men named Shawn Allen Berry, Lawrence Russel Brewer, and John William King. He had already known one of them. Instead of taking him home, however, the three men beat Byrd behind a convenience store, tied him to their pickup truck with a chain tied around his waist, and dragged him about three miles. It is not known whether he was alive during the dragging. Although Lawrence Russell Brewer claimed that Byrd's throat had been slashed before he was dragged, forensic evidence suggests that Byrd had been attempting to keep his head up, and an autopsy suggested that Byrd was alive for much of the dragging and died only after his right arm and head were severed when his body hit a culvert. His body had caught a sewage drain on the side of the road and severely torn his head off of the rest of his body.

    King, Berry, and Brewer dumped their victim's mutilated remains in the town's segregated black cemetery, and then went to a barbecue. A wrench with Lawrence Brewers name was found within the area along with a lighter that had the KKK symbol on it.

    The next morning, Byrd's limbs were scattered across a very little used road. The police circled 75 areas found with Byrd's limbs. State law enforcement officials and Jasper’s District Attorney Guy James Gray, along with Assistant Pat Hardy, determined that since King and Brewer were well-known white supremacists, the murder was a hate crime, and decided to bring in the FBI less than 24 hours after the discovery of Byrd’s brutalized remains. One of Byrd's murderers, John King, had a tattoo depicting a black man hanging from a tree, and other tattoos such as Nazi symbols, the words "Aryan Pride," and the patch for the Confederate Knights of America, a gang of white supremacist inmates. In a jail house letter to Brewer which was intercepted by jail officials, King expressed pride in the crime and said he realized he might have to die for committing it. "Regardless of the outcome of this, we have made history. Death before dishonor. Sieg Heil!", King wrote.

    Brewer and King were sentenced to death. Berry received life in prison.

    Numerous aspects of the Byrd murder echo lynching traditions, including mutilation or decapitation, and revelry, such as a barbecue or a picnic, during or after.

    The 77th Texas Legislature passed the James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Act on May 11, 2001.

    A hate crime, also known as a bias crime, is a criminal offense committed against a person, property, or society that is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin.


    Well, Im glad you finally figured out that racist motives have to be involved in a HATE CRIME...like I said previously. One of the men (King I believe) had been raped several times by a black man while in prison previously (which was his reason for being the racist that he was). I never said that King and Brewer were NOT racists, because they were...however they did not randomly select a black man to drag, EVERYONE in Jasper knows that it was a drug deal gone bad, and we can not convince the world of the because of the IDIOTS that made that stupid documentary, the movie, and the media coverage. Cant believe everything the media tells you. They have to twist it to make it good most of the time. The media did a horrible job covering the Byrd case and made all of us look like dumb rednecks.

  18. When you first began talking about the murder of James Byrd, you mentioned that 3 black men had also dragged a white man. Since that is such a similar crime, can you provide more details?

    When and in what context did you read the Byrd case files? You were around 11 when he was murdered, and around 13 at the conclusion of the trials.

    I'd love to hear whatever you come up with, along with however you managed to get into A&M in between the drugs, the gangs, the homelessness, the bipolar meds, etc. A&M is a notoriously hard school to get into, despite all the "Aggie" jokes.

    Don't spin too hard, you'll get dizzy.

    Ummm...A&M-CC is a VERY easy school to get into. You should have seen some of the idiots that I went to school with. Dont insult my intelligence just because I know about what going on beneath the surface of a city. I got into every school I applied to, including UT-Austin and A&M-College Station. I chose CC because of the beach and small size. All you have to do is score like a 900 on the SAT or like a 23 on the ACT and or in regardless of anything else (besides actually graduation from high school). I was top quartile in my class in HS (would have been higher had I gone to class more). I read the case when I worked for the district clerk's office as a sophomore in high school. I NEVER said that I was on drugs, I NEVER said that I was in a gang (besides I worked at the club with gang this past summer when management changed at the bar, therefore I was not enrolled at A&M at the time). I became homeless AFTER my lease expired at A&M, meaning in July. And just because someone is bipolar doesnt make them an idiot. Some people with special mental conditions are notoriously intelligent. I wasnt diagnosed bi-polarish until sometime around May?? So the entire time I was at A&M the most I ever did was become an alcoholic.

    As far as 3 black men dragging a white man, go ahead and google Ken Tillery...http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/Read.aspx?GUID={7B0E6C30-94D4-478E-90BF-751B9CFB1F9A}

    <Just a month ago, in the town of Jasper, three men in a car offered Tillery a ride, which he accepted only to be kidnapped and driven, against his will, to a remote location. When the terrified Tillery jumped out of the vehicle and tried to flee, the kidnappers caught up with him, beat him, and finally ran over him dragging him to his death beneath their car’s undercarriage.

    Ken Tillery’s name is unfamiliar to most Americans. Though he died very near to where James Byrd had died before him, few people outside of Jasper ever heard about his gruesome slaying. No civil rights activists attended his funeral. There were no pained oped pieces lamenting his death. No prominent political figures issued public statements about the national significance of his killing. Mr. Tillery, you see, was white, and his three killers Darrell Gilbert, Blake Little, and Anthony Holmes were black. Thus his death had no political currency for those whose reputations depend upon their ability to portray themselves as crusaders for justice, ever guarding against white racism. Even though blackonwhite killings far outnumber the whiteonblack variety in this country, unfortunate people like Ken Tillery die in complete anonymity as opposed to unfortunate people like James Byrd, whose deaths are spotlighted in the national media. Should a murder victim’s skin color determine the significance of his or her death? It’s a serious question, well worth pondering.>

    See the link above for more information concerning James Byrd, I just excerpted the part about Tillery.

  19. I just watched a Sandra Bullock movie and have to wonder if anyone else really cares about world peace. Does anyone care about world peace here? Is saying the word nigger when it offends and hurts 60% of the population worth so much ugly? Just because the Constitution calls it a "right" doesn't mean it's right. My neighbors have the right to keep me up all night with Mariachi backyard parties at 2am on Tuesday work nights because as long as the cops don't hear it, they have the right to continue. In Raul's words, "This is America and we do what we want" Doesn't make it right. What's so wrong good manners anymore?

    I personally dont try to accomplish the impossible (i.e. world peace). Is there any evidence that 60% of the population is offended by that word? Your neighbors can not keep you up all night like that, call the cops, keep calling them until they get caught. Its noise pollution and public disturbance. TRUST me, I have two police reports on me for it (I wasnt doing it, my roomie was and the downstairs neighbors thought it was me, they didnt know she was home.)

  20. Again you are wrong, and any paralegal student would know this...it makes it A HATE CRIME!!!

    Now, let me tell you one final thing. When you have lived life, then get back to me. I have seen and talked to actual rape victims, and I know that everyone takes this serious crime against them differently...enough to know the trauma, and drama they go through; whether they report it or not!!! I have always taken the side of the victim, and always will. I have seen a lot of cases where the girls make up stories just to get attention. I also know enough to know when I am being shoveled bs by alleged sexual crime victims... And on that note I am done responding to you, before I come off much more insensitive and rude than I already did. You have a very blessed life, because no matter if it's all lies, or whether there is a thimble of truth in it--it's not up to me to say.

    The term racial crime and hate crime coincide with one another. I know that I was raped. I know the crimes that have been committed against me. I dont need your approval of my decision, or anyone's in that matter. I have no reason to lie on this thread, or any thread on here. I dont need your attention. If I wanted real attention I would have reported the rape, however I value my life enough not to report it. I would never make up a story like rape to get attention. I still have nightmares about that night, and I have to live with them. You dont. So believe me when I say that you have no idea what I personally have gone through and what I continue to go through. I hope that you dont disregard people that you see and speak to in real life in this manner. I frankly think you are just prejudice against my opinion. I dont care, I like being controversial. Its what makes me good at what I do. Its what made me an excellent student in my classes, and its also what got me dismissed from a political science class it A&M (I deserved it, I must admit, if I were the professor, I would have kicked me out too.) However, the professor applauded the fact that I took a stance and said what I had to say, and agreed with me. Just not with the way I said it. Just remember my name when Im famous :)

  21. Jodie Warner06

    You should be excited. I know more than I care to know about PCOS and it is hard for a lot of women with PCOS to get pregnant. But from what my doctor has said that fertility rates among women with weight loss surgery increases alot even for us women with PCOS.

    Most women with PCOS do not ovulate, or have irregular cycles which can cause infertility. And you are proof positive that the surgery helps increase fertility. That is wonderful news to my ears. Thank you and all you wondeful mommies for sharing your stories. You give me so much hope for a baby.

    You are correct. I know that weight has a serious impact on fertility especially with PCOS. Now Im not sure if my surgery helped at all because I didnt find out that I had PCOS until nearly 2 years after I had my surgery, so I cant be proof of it. However I was never really heavy to begin with (compared to some of the other bandsters). So they are not sure if weight loss really played a role in my fertility because i had not gained or lost any between the diagnosis and the time I found out I was pregnant.

  22. BTW, a drug deal gone wrong is not a justifiable reason to take someone's life. I dont believe that there is any reason to take the life of someone else (you know that from the pro-life stance I took in another thread). But what I am trying to say is the issue wasnt racial.

    Just because one race committs a crime against another doesn't make it racial, but instead a crime nonetheless.

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