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Posts posted by j_war06

  1. Thats what I like to see...a 20 year old pregnant self proclaimed "faghag" bar fly...LMMFAO...oh yeah, who is bi-polarish...WTF???????

    I remember your posts earlier this year. When you posted about dating all these different guys. You were just as freakin crazy then.

    Im not crazy. I was a barfly because I like bars. Its just that simple. I like to hang out in bars and play pool and throw darts, and talk to some of the most interesting people ever. I love being a fag hag btw. I like to date around, I dont like being stuck with one man right now, and now I know why, because men that I meet are jerks! I dated several men, that doesnt mean that I screwed them or did anything else with them besides go to dinner and have a good time and great conversation. I like to keep my options open.

  2. Not to mention that everything I've been able to find says that bipolar disorder should not be treated long-term with antidepressants (i.e., Prozac). And if they are used, they're supposed to be combined with mood stabilizers, not used by themselves.

    Im on Prozac right now because Im pregnant...I WAS on Seroquel, and asked to be switched to something else. I was switched to Abilify paired with Trazadone for sleep. When I found out I was pregnant I had to stop that medication and start Prozac for the duration of my pregnancy

  3. I'm 31 years old, I have no damn enemies!! See I live in the real world(all my life) , BTW! when I dream I dream in color when I fantasize(she is usually around) Sorry that a 20 year old pregnant "HAG" who is "QUEEN" of the Gay Balls..needs to get her entertainment by lying to others?!?!?!? For this to be a game, you sure told a lot...I suspect majority of it is lies to feed your need for attention!!

    Trust me honey, if I needed any more attention than what I already get I would get it in real life and not the internet. You ASSUME that I am lying, but you do not know....you know what they say about assuming....Regardless of if Im lying or not, it is not the issue here, I simply stated my opinion. On which you attacked my person, not just my opinion. Isnt that a little hypocritical on your behalf?

    Why did you put up a poll and ask a question to which you didnt want to know the whole answer?

  4. "I'm not racist, my best friend is black!" I'm not homophobic, because my best friend is gay!" Honey I've seen and heard it all. I would also like to say that anyone can frequent a Gay club at night time and leave their bashing mouth at home, especially if they are the only people who might put up with you!! If you don't know this, I could care less what you think or do..I just can't stand the stupidity and ignorance that is being spewed out of your mouth!! PATHETIC!!!

    ummm...not just my best friend is gay, all of them but like 2 are gay. I didnt just frequent the gay club, I practically lived there. I am friends with the owner, Aaron, and was there every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday night. Rain or shine, cold or hot, happy or not. HAHAHAHA If you really hung around enough gays you would know that they are the kings of bashing! I swear, I cant take them anywhere that they dont almost cause a fight! Its hilarious though! I have no idea how many times Ive seen Chris McTaggert (my really really hot frat boy gay) have to kick some booty because he was talking smack about someone and they heard him!

    I dont care if you believe anything I say, I really dont. Because frankly you dont matter. You arent a person to me in reality, I dont even know if you actually exist as you are, or if you are different. Apparently you DO exist in a form, but is it in the form you present here? Ill never meet you, Ill never know you, so what does it matter if you believe anything I say.

  5. <p></p> <p> </p> <p>You know what they say about white lies. You tell one and they snowball. </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>AVALANCHE!<img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/help.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Help" smilieid="256" class="inlineimg" /></p>

    Once again would you like Aaron Davis's phone number, she owns club Sixx, or maybe my ex (Justin)that used to work at the club, or maybe the head bartendar Rey, or the upstairs bartendar Ruby?? Would you like to talk to the Hidden Door, because I can get you that info too, and if you want to talk to the owner of Zodiac, I can have that arranged as well....

    If you think you are going to piss me off, you arent...All you do is fuel me and you dont even realize it. This is like my little entertainment in the world. Everyone has to have an enemy, and I enjoy being all of yours. You guys are SO entertaining, living in your perfect imaginary world. And you accuse me of having an imaginary world! HA! You guys cant even distinguish between reality and what you envision as perfection.

  6. That's like being a little bit PREGNANT!! You either are, or you're not!!! They don't give medicine to people who are bi-polorish. So either you were lying then, or you are lying now... Either way this is way off topic..you've made things very easy to see to some who were blinded..but the blinders are off, now.. Good Luck! I don't think the kids dad is the only habitual liar contributed DNA.

    You are ridiculous in every aspect of the word. If you would like to call my therapist tomorrow her name is Lois Gonzalez and shes in Lufkin, Texas...her number is 936-637-7600....Ill go ahead and call in the morning and waive the confidentiality of my bi-polar disorder to anyone who calls stating that they are from LBT. You can be bi-polarish, and yes there is medicine for it. I dont know how you can judge me a liar or not, because you dont know me. You are probably one of the most ignorant person Ive ever had any form of contact with in my entire life that is above the age of 18. Call the therapist...I DARE YOU!

  7. That is seriously the most hilarious thing Ive seen all week!!!! Homophobic??? ME!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

    Im FREAKIN VIP AT THE GAY CLUBS AND BARS IN CORPUS!! My best friend in the whole world is gay, and voted against it thank you...so did a few of my other friends. Ive been named Corpus Christi's number #1 faghag! You are so freakin ignorant of me its hilarious. If you didnt want people stating the truth on your thread, then you never should have made it, or made a clause saying: "if you dont agree with me, then dont post"

  8. You are half correct. Texas State Senate passed a marriage Amendment HJR 6, then made it's way to the voters November 8, 2005..The way the Amendment(referendum) read it basically said "I AM VOTING FOR HJR 6 BECAUSE I BELIEVE MARRIAGE SHOULD ONLY BE BETWEEN A MAN AND A WOMAN." The Governor also felt the need to sign this Amendment, even though Texas law says there was no need to...

    Yes, I was wrong about what your state officials did...however, I cannot see any GAY MAN OR WOMAN voting for this, because it is set in concrete and can't be overturned unless the Federal Government make Gay Marriage LEGAL!!

    So not only are you a Racist, and a liar Jodie...you are a tiny bit homophobic.. The way I see it as You doth protest to much! A person who have gay friends, black friends, and friends of any backgrounds, and such would not be as close minded as you are, nor would they deny someone equal and civil rights under the law!!






























































  9. Jodi Warner,

    I don't understand why you are so outspoken considering your condition. Do you expect people to take life advice from someone that has repeatedly admitted to being suicidal and is Bi Polar. I don't want to be to harsh but being a 20 year pregnant suicidal Bi Polar girl is not a strong position to debate from. You act like you have more worldly experiences than people twice your age. The reason that I am being borderline mean to you is that you need to keep quiet. Not necessarily online in the chat group but I hope you are not ranting this idealism in person to people. You actually typed out that you hate Martin Luther King. What the hell is wrong with you Jodi. I don't need some long rambling excuse on how you justified that comment but please try to filter what those voices are saying to you.

    I dont hate anyone, and never said that I did. I dont even hate the baby's father. I do not respect King as a person because he was a cheater, and I do not respect anyone that could do that to someone else. I DO recognize his impact and his importance in the civil rights movement, and Im very glad that he was here, and that I do respect about him, diligence I believe it is.

    Don't tell me to keep quiet in an open discussion, whether it be vocal or typing. You are ridiculous to think that I would keep quiet after that statement anyway. If you dont like what I say, or if you just cant handle it, put me on an ignore list or something. I dont force you to read what I write. I intrigue you though, you want to know what is going to come out of me next. I am your entertainment, your little delight.

    Im not suicidal, Im barely bi-polar.

    And why aren't my statistics good to debate from? Im 20 (I represent a different view, a different generation), Im pregnant (I represent single mothers, and young mothers), Im bi-polarish (I prove that just because you have a mental disorder, that you are not incompetent and that your not crazy), Im female (so I can take a woman's stand). Actually Im a great candidate in a debate. I cover many different statistics in one being, so I can debate over a broader range of topics.

    Please show me your degree or certification that entitles you to decide who needs to be quiet and who does not, and who can and can not debate?

    If you didnt want a lengthy answer, you shouldnt have brought up so many points in your little paragraph.

    And I don't give life advice, Im not near qualified to do that (although some of you believe that you are.) I have had a lot of worldly experiences.

    And if you are going to address me, atleast spell my damn name correctly...thank you.

  10. Hey Jodie, I've got a question for you about your bipolar disorder. Do you experience more depressed cycles or manic cycles?

    My bipolarism (Im actually bi-polarish) has nothing to do with anything. IF you must know then I will tell you that Im mostly happy, about once every month or two I have a breakdown, but Ive learned to manage that now. I calm myself down and get over it. Its usually starts with depression then moves to mania. The mania is not usually yelling and screaming, its usually excessive spending. So would anyone like to stay on topic?

  11. You have no idea what the devil you are talking about. There was no gay marriage referendum's on the voting ballets. If you were/are against gay marriage then plain and simple you voted for Bush.. If gay marriage became legal there would not be riots, and more violence against LBGT community(than there is already)..what a freaking cop out to not allow two people who love each other have the same damn rights. When Inter-racial marriage became legal there wasn't any riots or violence!! If they can let ignorant people procreate than they can allow gay men, and women marry. It doesn't take away from anyone's marriage or love for their spouse. And if you agree with Billo...well that explains it all.

    My grandmother use to tell me that.. A person will never know how dumb you are, until you open up your mouth and remove all doubt!!

    Yes there was a bill propositioned in Texas....get your facts

  12. I don't understand this statement at all. What does it mean for you to say "America isn't ready" for something, and doesn't that go against the point of voting? If something is voted in, it means the majority wanted it and "is ready" for it, does it not?

    Okay this is not the subject here, however I will explain briefly:

    When you study politics in depth, you come to realize that sometimes voters vote depending on how they think they should vote. They think that, okay its 2007 time for gay marriage. They dont think of the consequences that could arise from that. Many people are still not okay with gay marriage, but many are not voters. Your theory works if 100% of the citizens of voting age actually voted, however they do not. I believe that riots would ensue, and the safety of homosexuals in America would be at risk if gay marriage was legalized right now. I hope to see it in 10 years or so, but study politics. I look at voting patterns quite often, and then make decisions based on that when I vote. Because I study political science, its a habit of me to vote for what I believe is for the better of the country and its citizens, not necessarily whats best for my friends and I. My friends actually understand this theory...IN FACT I had atleast 3 or 4 gay friends who voted AGAINST gay marriage in the last election a couple of years ago. They felt the same way that I do. But sometimes what is best for some, is not best for all at the time that it is proposed. But it may fit more appropriately later on down the road. I really dont have time to explain in much more depth right now, I hope you get it...however it seems that no one can understand what Im saying because they only want to see what is in front of them and what is blatantly right or wrong. They dont see the grey area of certain acceptability.

    You know, maybe me and Bill O'Reilly would get along?

  13. I actually have to write mine down, Im really really bad with numbers and remembering them. So I carry journals and plan my meals ahead of time, and always bring a calculator, because I have a learning disorder with math...But Chris's way definately works and is much more simple than what I do. Just remember to keep up with it. Im a little OCD with mine :)

  14. That it one thing we agree on.

    Practice what you preach hun. Do you really believe that is an appropriate statement to make under the conditions that I have been attacked for the fact that I tell people what I think and what I believe and my opinions. However, if you are one of the people that doesnt believe that one insult doesnt deserve another, then arent we being a little hypocritical. Its a little immature of you all who chose to attack me (not the ones who have debated with me) solely because you dont like what I believe. I dont attack you because you believe the opposite or near opposite of what I believe.

    hmmm...I think you want to hate me. You want to because you think you are supposed to. I contradict what you believe is right and wrong, and you are afraid of that. You probably wonder if deep down inside you feel the same way I do. You are scared that maybe there is a little of me inside you. Does that scare you? That in some way, some how you may have something in common with me. Does that mean that you are like me? Does that make you indecent, if I am so by your own opinion?

  15. Its just math really. If one is worried about eating too many calories they can write down the whole caloric content of something they only ate a little of. If you are worried about too few calories, try to divide up how much you did eat and figure out almost exactly how many cals you have had.

    i.e. something has 100 cals, but you only eat 1/4 of it thats 25 cals. Divide your food up into fourths if possible so that it makes it easier.

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