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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by georgiare

  1. georgiare


    I had a rash all down my right side and around my incisions, doctor said it was likely an allergic reaction and they gave me an ointment...
  2. georgiare

    "My monthly visitor"

    Yes they will still do the surgery.
  3. I think that would depend on the quality of the machine you use. I was kind of cheap when I bought my processor because I only wanted it for chopping and shredding, and I have a high quality blender that I use to puree. But I'm sure a good quality processor would get the job done effectively
  4. georgiare

    5 days post-op, bruised and very sore

    I'm 8 days out from my revision from band to sleeve. I was very sore and had a hard time the first few days, but it gets better. my incision where they removed the port is the most tender, and if I do a lot of walking I use my codeine syrup because it gets very painful. Other than that, I just have the constant shooting pain of gas in my left shoulder, but everything else has passed. I'm sorry that you are still feeling unwell, but it will get better.
  5. I think there are a fair few of us who are/were on the smaller end of the BMI spectrum when getting surgery. I have seen two trends, one seems to be the belief that weight loss is slower, and the other is that recovery is easier and risk of complications is lower. I don't know that either are true, but I do know that I am losing a lot faster with the sleeve than I did with the lap band. It may slow down, but I'm OK with that because I don't have hundreds to lose so if it takes me a year to lose 60lbs, and I have to put more work in, that's what I'll do. It makes saggy skin less likely anyway.
  6. I used mederma on my scars after my lap band, really really helped, plus time is also a key consideration in attaching a picture from about 2 months postop from my band. By 1 year out I couldn't hardly see them at all, but then I had to get a modification to the sleeve so I have all new incisions to scar over now.
  7. georgiare

    psychiatric evaluation

    Lol since I work in mental health, a lot of my evaluation was shop talk with a colleague. We just went over the signs of depression, risk factors to consider, my support system, and the like. They might do a standardized assessment, which would be longer, but they are about the equivalent of the standard personality test you take when applying for a new job, and they assess characteristics, not really something that you could fail, but the counselor might recommend certain counseling interventions based on your results. It will all go okay for you I'm sure.
  8. I'm surprised that the choices and needs of some would surprise others. I never hit 40bmi at my top weight, but had other issues. Going through the process I lost quite a bit of weight, and when I had the band done my preop weight was 189. The band have me all kinds of issues, and after fighting with it for a year I decided to revise to sleeve with a preop weight of 190. Mind you I was down to 165 with the band before it slipped, but it was shown that without restriction I did not maintain weight loss so insurance approved it, plus I needed to have the band removed due to the slip anyway. We are all supposed to be here for support, not to be judged. I'm sure that was your intention in this thread, but sometimes I see topics that are very judgemental and thoughtless of others, and I do not think that this is the place for that.
  9. georgiare

    Excess Saliva (sliming?)

    I had this issue with the band, and I'm guessing I will have it now with my new sleeve, it's usually from taking too big of bites or eating too fast.
  10. georgiare

    Hurt our new tummy

    I'm guessing the difference in how quickly you move forward through the diet is at least partially based on the surgical style, if the stitch over the staples, if there's other technique differences n whatnot. For example, I was clear liquids for the first week, then full liquids for week 2, and I start straight into soft n mushy next week, no pureed at all. So, for that reason, most everyone is going to tell you to speak with your surgeon about their recommendations because the surgeon knows what they did and what you could do.
  11. I have an 8 year old and a 5 year old, so not as small as your kids, but I'm 8 days post op and I had my mom help out for the first 3 days while I was recovering then came home and was on my own. It's not that bad, you just can't pick them up. For most people, from what I've seen, the pain part passes fast, and then it's just dealing with being tired. Smaller kids can still nap so you might be ok on that front, but I would certainly get them some snack foods that youdon't have to spend a lot of time preparing, and prepare yourself for a messy house for a couple weeks.
  12. I wish the pain in my shoulder would pass, I think I am developing an allergy to the lortab syrup...

  13. I have been suffering from this for the past week since my surgery, and I don't feel like it's getting much better. I've tried heat pads, gasx strips, I walk several times daily, and it passes a little but as soon as I hiccup it's back in full force. I wouldn't say it's something to rethink surgery over, but if it happens just keep Tylenol around if you are off the narcotics quickly like the most of us
  14. My pain with drinking went away fast, comparatively. I can take normal sized drinks now, don't even have to sip. It's so nice. It just eventually got a little better each day until now it's like it never happened. Hopefully it gets better for you all as well. :-)
  15. georgiare

    Painfully Alone in This

    I see a lot of people saying not to let this impact your relationship with your mom, but maybe letting that relationship fall to the way side might help you feel stronger. You say that you don't want your son to be a 4th generation heavy kid, and it doesn't seem that your mom understands that. I mean really, you are not alone, you have supports, and you have these forums and I'm sure everyone here would agree that we like you and think you made the right decision for you and understand the turmoil and craziness that WLS brings. But additional stress isn't likely to be helpful to you at all. You need to set the boundaries with your mom, tell her no more food stuff, ever, period, for you or your son, and let her know that she needs to find another way to express her affections that won't have such a strong impact on you. I sincerely hope you find the support you need here, and I know family drama is never fun. Maybe a general counselor might also be able to help you sort out how you're feeling, and make a plan for advocating for yourself with your family.
  16. Yes, they came in the next morning and asked when I wanted to shower. They used glue in all if my incisions, so I was instructed not to scrub my belly, which I didn't want to do due to the discomfort, but got to wash my hair and put on deodorant after. I also asked them to let me change back into the clothes I came in after my shower because I found the gown so binding and with cords and tubes everywhere I didn't need more physical restrictions, and they let me.
  17. Rush, while I am new to the sleeve, I'm not new to counting protein as I had to do so with the band prior to my revision. Some helpful ideas if you can't get the texture tolerable might be to use a blender and make your own shakes. One of my favorites has been vanilla powder with skim milk and add a banana and some peanut butter, but you can mix and match, add ice, use some water instead of just milk, use Greek yogurt, or try all kinds of different conglomerations to suit your preferences.
  18. georgiare

    Calling all October Sleevers

    Hi all. I had my revision sleeve on 10/16 from a band. I was only in the hospital 1 night, and it was very restless with the nurses pushing me to get up and move when I just wanted to sleep lol. My doc says clear liquids for the first week, then I can move on to protein shakes, milk, and cream soups. I am excited for that day! I had a hiatal hernia, which was the only complication, and made surgery take 3 hours. No reflux, but I have crazy gas pain in my shoulders. I can drink normally, it took a few days, but I am getting my 64 ozs in. I can walk easily now that I got some rest, it was hard in the hospital because I was just tired, but I can walk the kids to school and back, go around the block, even took a few trips to the grocery store. I lost about 10 lbs on the clear liquid preop diet, and about another 5 postop. I won't see my WLS until 4 weeks postop, so I'm hoping all continues to go well.
  19. georgiare

    Band to Sleeve in One surgery

    Just had my revision completed on the 16th, and all went well. I was under for about 3 hours because they had to repair a hiatal hernia, but no drain tubes and I went home the following afternoon. Liquids were a bit difficult for the first couple days, but it seems that I can drink the same as I did with the band now on day 3 postop. No hunger pains, but I am a bit tired and sore . I hope it goes as smoothly for all you others out there!
  20. Denver CO, banded 10/15/13; sleeved 10/16/14.
  21. I had surgery this last Thursday, modified from band to sleeve with a hiatal hernia repair. I have the same thing, Thursday and Friday everything I tried to drink came with a dry heave to follow. Today is a little better, but still hurts. It's easier for me to drink iced beverages than warm ones. My guess is that it has something to the hernia and the esophageal repair. I'm gonna call my doctor Monday if it isn't better by then, get more info.
  22. georgiare

    Lap band

    Pics from the time of the lap band
  23. georgiare

    Before lap band

    From the album: Lap band

    Last picture before lap band surgery, and before clear liquid diet.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
