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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by mrsbailey921

  1. mrsbailey921

    Any November Sleevers?

    november 17th here! very surprised and very excited, despite missing out on a huge Thanksgiving meal this year!
  2. mrsbailey921

    Insurance denial

    as far as my insurance goes, the only reason for a denial is improperly submitted paperwork or dieting instructions not being followed. so there aren't too many reasons you should be denied if everything is in order! good luck!
  3. mrsbailey921

    Catheter during surgery

    i had one during labor...it's not that bad. it's odd though because you can't feel yourself peeing even when you are and you can't feel anything but you know you're peeing--a real mind trip LOL. my surgeon will insert a catheter once i'm clonked out and then my bladder will be emptied and it will be taken out before i wake up. once i'm up, no more catheter. if i have to go...i have to walk. that is my surgeon's rule. if i can't walk...i'll have to get help. he is adamant that all of his patients must walk as soon as possible after surgery, and going to the bathroom is an encouragement. he also says a bit of pain is good post surgery...because to control pain most of us take deep breaths--and he wants us breathing deep to get the circulation going. either way...the catheter is not that bad
  4. mrsbailey921

    Pre-op diet...... Destroyed!

    well a non fatty liver. LOL.
  5. mrsbailey921

    Pre-op diet...... Destroyed!

    wow congratulations! interestingly enough, my surgeon has no preop diet. he says i can eat as i want to eat (of course my NUT highly recommends beginning to eat PRE OP as you will be POST OP) but the two days before surgery see through liquids ONLY--NO solids...and nothing to eat past 12am the night before surgery. in the AM i am to take my prilosec with just enough Water to swallow it down, and i'm off to the races! i am weaning myself off of sugary foods and high carb foods on my own starting monday as it will be exactly 2 weeks before the big day. nothing wrong with helping my dr. along with a smaller liver
  6. mrsbailey921

    sleeved last night

    yes walk walk walk and sip sip sip! gallbladder pain/surgery is remarkably similar to the entire sleeve experience and when my gb was still in...the gas and pain was absolutely UNBELIEVABLE. the only thing that relieved me was plenty of walking and yes, an antiacid...but even THAT took time to work. after my gallbladder was out i too was in alot of pain. it lasted about 3 days and then suddenly i was able to actually live again. i was very tender but the misery of the actual pain was gone! it took about another 2 weeks for me to pretty much go back to normal living, but it took about another 6 months for my phantom pains to go away. from my experience and others...i say give it about a week, and if you are still in SEVERE pain speak to your surgeon!
  7. mrsbailey921

    No Straw Ever!

    lol i think i'll be hitting up my local dollar store for a bag of straws! i have been practicing today and YUP...as i said...way less air going down with a straw. i also noticed a few weeks ago that i am a HUGE gulper and the straw FORCES me to sip, sip, sip. so i think it's def better for me.
  8. great! that was speedy fast! congratulations and good luck!
  9. mrsbailey921

    No Straw Ever!

    i was told also not to use a straw for at least 6 months...this is to prevent excess air from going into the belly. however i have alot of dental issues, and due to them, it is difficult for me to allow liquid to touch my teeth (VERY painful). so the way i drink DOES prevent liquids from touching my teeth however i swallow ALOT of air when i drink from a cup due to this. i actually swallow way LESS air when i sip through a straw...so i will be using one probably immediately post surgery.
  10. my friend who was sleeved swears by muscle milk. however, we cannot start it until week 2 because our surgeon wants only Clear liquids for the first 7 days and muscle milk isn't clear. my nerves are erratic and everywhere too...i go in on the 17th at 7:30 AM for my sleeve...EEK!
  11. mrsbailey921

    Sleeved 10/29/14

    congratulations! you were just a posting away from the hospital bed LOL. i'll be sure to bring my phone and tablet so i can post also LOL. i am hoping for good pain management. so long as i can get that--the rest will be ok. i handle anesthesia and meds VERY well so i'm hoping that continues.
  12. i have a question..how does the belly do with pills after surgery? my prilosec pills are pretty big...how can i handle them the day after surgery? it is a question i'll be sure to ask. also, it was determined after my endoscopy that i do have acid reflux (mild) even though i have no pain. there are burns on my esophagus and along my stomach lining. in my case, ibuprofen use and chocolate are the culprits.
  13. mrsbailey921

    Horizon NJ Health, 12 month wait?

    hey! dr. garrison didn't give me a date option like i thought he would. he said, "better early than late" and gave me a 11/17 date. so, no thanksgiving for me (boohiss) but there's always next year with the new me. everyone also felt like him...why delay start today and i was encouraged to just go on and do my surgery asap...so i agree. dr. g's assistant explained that in some cases, approval will be given even before the requirements are completed because of the patients health history and test results from the specialist. my file was about 75% complete when i was approved for surgery. my surgeon is from vorhees, but he is working in jersey city, which is where i'll be having my procedure at. i also get the robot assisted procedure, so i'm a bit stoked about that. faster healing, more precision, less pain and it's neat to have the robot doing the work!
  14. hey! sorry for the delay posting. my surgeon is dr. jordan garrison and i'm in hudson county. were you able to get a list of the requirements for surgery?
  15. mrsbailey921

    Success W/post-Op Breastfeeding

    just an update! my LO is 15 months, and due to unforseen health issues, my sleeve will be done in 2 weeks. I was able to have an at home sleep study (with her securely nestled in mamas arms!) and that relieved me IMMENSELY. she is eating solids, drinking cows milk AND still breastfeeding multi times per day...so i am also feeling better about that. she will have daddy, milk and food to keep her calm while i'm away. if all goes well I will be home within 36 hours after surgery, so not even 2 full days. please wish my luck on my journey and i will update!
  16. my doctor has listed AR as a potential side effect of surgery, even if you didn't suffer beforehand so yup, you can get it even if you never suffered with it before. i have a script for prilosec that i am to start taking now, on the day of surgery, and thereafter until my stomach is healed. hoping it works to keep AR at bay for me!
  17. mrsbailey921

    back spasms with every bite

    oh! and one reason i am adamant about my own weight loss surgery is because i notice, the weight from my midsection (stomach) is pulling me forward...and my back is now aching SO much, and when those pings come...my back begins to ache and the pings are worsened. i do believe if i am able to get some of this excess weight off the FRONT of my body, my back will feel better and maybe some of the ping pains will be eliminated.
  18. mrsbailey921

    back spasms with every bite

    i have that EXACT pain...since the birth of my 5th daughter! i do believe it is related to anesthetic and not your sleeve at all. in my case, the needle and attempts at anesthetizing me have left me going through those exact same sensations, that i call "pain pings". it is odd, but for me...when i get startled or frightened, they come and "zap" me! i breastfeed my daughter, and when she got her teeth, she nipped me. the nip startled me, and straight up my back came a pain ping. i had never had them before delivering my baby...and now i suffer from them. i am hoping they go away but so far no luck. i havent had my WLS yet so it cant be from that. i am 100% sure my pains (which are JUST like yours) are a result of the delivery of my baby (which physically, is similar to surgery in many ways!). hoping we begin to feel better.
  19. mrsbailey921

    Abdominal pain 10 months post op

    i do NOT recommend cancelling surgery and i hope you went through with it. gallstones are an issue that will NEVER go away...no matter how many pain free breaks you have in between episodes. my first gallbladder attack came TWO YEARS before my second one, and within 1 week of the 2nd attack, i was having them REGULARY. it got so bad i was hospitalized for 14 days with a liver functioning at 25%...to make matters worse i was pregnant! it was a difficult time for my body physically...and as soon as my baby was born i had that thing taken RIGHT OUT! i had to be VERY careful during my pregnancy--i was on a VERY restricted diet for the entire pregnancy (very much like what the bariatric diet is like at first) and my attacks totally went away from about 4 months pregnant til after birth...but i was no dummy. i didn't let that fool me, because i knew eventually they WOULD come back!
  20. mrsbailey921

    Dark areas on inner thighs

    you can always apply discoloration creams to the area to aid the skin in becoming lighter post surgery if the bath brush idea doesn't work.
  21. mrsbailey921

    Horizon NJ Health, 12 month wait?

    oh, and as a general piece of info--my approval process HAD to take less than 2 weeks by my calculations. so very quick, even though i didn't know i was even that far along LOL.
  22. mrsbailey921

    Horizon NJ Health, 12 month wait?

    hey leep! it's so funny...but when i wrote my last post, i had no clue that i had already been approved for my surgery 2 weeks prior! LOLOL. i have no clue how it all worked out but i went to check my mail the day after that post (i am horrible about checking my mail--i only check it about 1x a week IF that much!) and inside had been my approval letter, sitting for 12 days already. yay! now i see my surgeon on the 30th to pick a date. my biggest issue is...before Thanksgiving or after??? LOL.
  23. mrsbailey921

    Bad breath?

    my NUT definitely advised that gum is a NO NO...which is ok because as someone with a lot of dental problems i don't chew gum anyway. mints are fine as long as they don't bother you. sugar free though because you don't want to have any extra sugar being digested..especially for the first few months!
  24. i am NOT going to miss having a huge back or odd shape! i am also NOT going to miss all of the pain on my knees and ankles from carrying around an extra mini person! i want to really be able to enjoy walking as exercise after surgery! just put on my music and GO--and SEEING the results of the exercise, instead of doing it and still being overweight a year later.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
