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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by webhopper

  1. Does liquid diet cause mood swings?
  2. webhopper

    My success at 1 month

    Awesome way to go!!!
  3. Today my daughter used the s word on me Skinny lol. Ive lost 27 lbs since January which was the first seminar for WLS I went to
  4. webhopper

    Low BMI and Gastric Sleeve

    My bmi started at 41 but now ive lost 27 lbs pre op weight and my bmi is 37. When I first found out that insurance wasn't covering it; a cousin suggested I try this new fad called "freeze your fat" How humiliating is that. My mom and sisters are supportive and my immediate family is supportive. My husband is a freaking rock star in my mind for being so sweet. I have not told people at work except HR but that's because I needed to get the FMLA paperwork and short term disability insurance paperwork filled out in case there are complications which keep me from returning to work.
  5. webhopper

    Stinkin Exclusion....

    Well guys I ended up selling some land to get 11k and then used a credit card for the rest. Surgery date is scheduled for 4/21 and I gave the cashiers checks to the bariatric coordinator today
  6. My surgeon said today slow and steady wins the race
  7. Thanks omg yes it did! My daughter said my curves were kicking cause I did this shimmy and twirl and she posted it on instagram
  8. Good luck pbucks. Its tough but doable. Lesson 1: don't grab a bowl of scalding soup that is full to the brim and try to move it when your hands are shaking. Lesson 2: Protein shakes are yummy but diversity is the key. Different flavors and consistency keep it interesting
  9. My husband is being so amazing and patient and supportive. He made the spaghetti for my daughter and him and the boys that are my daughters friends he watches after school and our roommate and his son. We have a houseful of people everyday and God has blessed our family with enough for everyone who shows up and who is in need. Literally my table sits eight and its full of people every day and there are only 3 in our family go figure. We talked about it and figured that if it wasn't for us opening our home and making room our roommate would probably be dead as hes a 49 yr old diabetic with no insurance who has been through 4 job losses in the last two years but who is trying to just get on his feet. I guess I should sit here and count all of the blessings in my life and thank God there are only 6 days of liquid diet left My bmi was like 37.8 yesterday and omg I'm wearing a skirt I haven't worn in at least a year.
  10. This evening was horrible. I had two Protein shakes to drink all day; when I got home from work hubby had cooked spaghetti and it smelled so good and I couldn't have any. We needed to go to Sam's because I needed the premier Protein Shakes for some traveling that we are doing over the Easter weekend. I was so hungry I opened the box after we paid and started drinking one. On the way home we were passing Panda Express and I asked my husband if they might have Miso Soup that I could get to go. He said honey I can make you some when we get home. I like totally didn't know he could make it but he lived in Japan for a year so I shouldn't be surprised. Anyways when it was done he poured it in a bowl on the counter and then left it on the counter and then tried to help my daughter with the screen protector for her phone. In the meantime I picked up the bowl i was trying to bring it to the table and it was too full and I was trying to walk towards the table and my hands were shaking from hunger and I ended up spilling the soup on my hand which burned me (slightly not seriously). And he started to ask me what I was doing and I screamed I'm starving and then sat down at the table and burst into tears. And then he put the soup on a saucer and set it on the table and I cried and ate soup. And then I apologized for having a meltdown
  11. Amazing! So glad this turned out well for you!
  12. Make sure she has the right team in place and the right support group and I would say it would be worth it to consult with a psychologist to see if she is mentally ready for everything it entails.
  13. I think that its a good option coupled with nutritionist consultations and coaching from you.
  14. My emotions were all over the place on day 1-4 of the liquid diet but I'm calm now. I hope I don't have regrets but having lost 26 lbs so far pre op makes me wonder if this is the right choice. In my head I know it is but I'm nervous and a little scared.
  15. The sleeve is just a tool.... that forces your body into eating small portions.
  16. I'm having second thoughts too but then I realize that this is the right thing cause if I could have kept the weight off long term then I wouldn't be sitting here weighing over 200 lbs
  17. Starting weight was 260 Current weight is 234 Ive lost 6 lbs on the pre op diet so far...
  18. Hey so much and dlperry. Ive also got surgery scheduled for the 21st and I'm doing great. Got a little dizzy today though because I went to a track meet and the heat plus sun and liquid diet really zapped me. So I'm home now and I ate some grits and laying down. I will be glad when the liquid phase is over. Omg I was craving tuna salad so much but I couldn't have any
  19. webhopper

    Any April Sleevers?

    I'm on day 5 of the pre op liquid diet and my surgery is scheduled for April 21st. I have a doctors appointment at 9 am on Monday and thats where they check my bloodwork and make sure its all good. I'm getting nervous excited and scared. I have lost 25 lbs so far since January 9 so I feel pretty good. I'm at a 235 weight and 37.8 bmi. Ive been taking vitamins to make sure that my blood levels stay good.
  20. I told my 13 yr old and she is so supportive. She didn't really understand the impact it would have on my eating until I started the pre op liquid diet. Now she says ya that part about not eating really sucks but I'm so proud of you and cant wait til you're skinny mom. Brings tears to my eyes.
  21. I'm so excited and also nervous! Started my pre op diet which is a full liquid diet yesterday... so far things are going great. I had lost 14 lbs between my first seminar on Jan 9 and my last appointment with the Pcp which was march 28... I'm so excited and cant wait! I ended up being self pay but its really ok; because its so worth it!
  22. My husband went to the first appointment with me. I couldn't imagine him not knowing and carrying this secret. Taking your life back and making a healthier you is a big deal and I would hope that he would be happy. My husband wouldn't let me do it in Mexico though
  23. webhopper

    surgery scheduled for April 21

    Bless your heart! So you are stuck on clear liquids? That doesn't seem like much fun at all girl I don't know how you can do that for 2 weeks
  24. webhopper

    surgery scheduled for April 21

    I hate veggie soup! Ive been doing Greek yogurt plus fat free milk; ice; and Protein powder shakes but I think they are getting old Ive been doing cream of chicken soup mixed with fat free milk and taking out the chicken chunks

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
