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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Schmincke

  1. I was a big coffee fan, 2 cups of heavy espresso every morning. My surgeon allows a cup of coffee after surgery. I am astonished at how my taste has changed since the sleeve, and my sleeve definitely does not like coffee. To my astonishment I do not even like the smell of my favorite brew. I tried o-n-e s-i-p of coffee and started throwing up, felt wretched for 6 hours. However I've had caffeine withdrawal headaches, so currently I am putting ½ tsp of instant coffee powder in my morning Protein Shake. It sits better if I put half a banana in the shake too. I am weaning myself completely off coffee, but gradually.

  2. I was told to forget about calories for the first 2 months, just to follow the eating rules:

    • Count grams of Protein and ounces of liquid.
    • Make sure to get 60-80 grams of Protein a day.
    • Drink 60+ ounces of Fluid (preferably more).
    • No drinking for 30 minutes before or after a meal.
    • At every meal: Eat protein first, then veggies, then if there is any room left, eat fruit, then carbs (but probably will only have room for protein).
    • Take Vitamins every day.
    • Exercise every day.
    • No junk. Nothing with more than 5 grams of sugars.

    I track on FitnessPal and I do notice that following these rules gives me 550-700 calories a day, but I primarily track protein and Fluid.< /p>

  3. Not everyone has this restriction.

    My surgery was 2 ½ weeks ago. I was offered tea in the hospital. Some surgeons discourage coffee and tea because they have caffeine which is a diuretic (contributing potentially to dehydration) and also can irritate some new sleeves. Personally, my sleeve will not tolerate coffee (nausea), and I am sticking to herbal tea.

    I am encouraged to have milk multiple times a day in my Protein shakes, although I prefer almond milk. Some surgeons discourage milk out of fear that patients are lactose intolerant.

    However I am a big believer in doing what YOUR surgeon recommends after surgery, not what someone else's surgeon recommends. Your surgeon knows your personal health circumstances better than the members of this forum do.

  4. So many straws.

    Watching my cousin go from 400+ pounds, dieting down to 160 pounds, then bouncing back up to 400+ pounds and dying at 50.

    Yo-yo dieting for 45 years, gaining a few more pounds every time.

    Watching my sister yo-yo diet up to 280 pounds, and start to lose her mobility and her zest for life.

    Having more and more trouble controlling my hypertension.

    Developing sore shoulders and hips, that don't get better with physical therapy.

    Having a fall and breaking 4 ribs ... and still having pain 15 years later.

    Having a fall and breaking a bone in my back ... and still having back pain 18 months later.

    Hating to see myself in photos.

    Not being able to dress with the style I would like.

    The last straw? Feeling like food is my master.

  5. My MD says no lifting 10 pounds for another month (sleeved Jan 14). It increases your risk of developing hernias in the surgical sites, so I take it seriously. We have been getting half gallons of milk b/c surgeon said not to lift a full gallon.

    Although I am obeying all my rules, I am recovering from my second post-op infection. First one was bladder, from the Foley catheter. It cleared up quick with antibiotics but brought a fever. This second one is mysterious with a fever over 101 that is gone for now, and doc is not sure why; they are keeping an eye out for a small leak possibly because my upper central abdomen is swollen and tender. Keeping my fingers crossed and trusting in good medicine.

  6. THE FIRST SUPPER: I am Day 8, puréed food. Today I craved meatballs and creamed spinach. DH got a meatloaf dinner plate for one at Boston Market. I got out my little 2-TBSP cups: one with puréed meatloaf; one with creamed spinach; one with mashed potatoes. Ate the meatloaf first, half the spinach (too fibrous), then the potatoes. Sat at table with my DH and ate a civilized hot meal. Chewed each bite 30 times. Two meals for half the price it would have been a month ago and I had leftovers for another meal! Major morale boost.

  7. Donaboss, I feel so bad to hear your tough day! My NUT suggests making double Protein milk by adding 1/4 cup of powdered skim milk to regular milk. You could drink it or if you don't like the flavor plain, you could use it to make creamy Soup or pudding. I use it to make cream of wheat or oatmeal. Also the protein powders can mix into yogurt or shakes as someone else suggested. If you have a gaping wound you need to call your surgeon. Hang in there!

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