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Everything posted by Wallflower7522

  1. I have a purse that has a million zipper pockets. One of them is on the back of the bag where no one ever checks no one will ever check the change pocket part of a purse/bag either. We went to six flags last weekend. I took a banana, a protein bar, and a water bottle in with me and I was fine all day. You can buy a collapsible/foldable water bottle that's easy to take in anywhere, I just refilled it from the water fountain through out the day.
  2. Wallflower7522

    Allergy Medicine

    I've been using Zyrtec as needed since my surgery name. I know my GP is aware and I'm pretty sure my surgeon is too.
  3. Wallflower7522

    Friday Weigh-In!

    Yes. For sure. I've lost weight pretty evenly all over but that one area was kind of weird when I noticed it.
  4. Wallflower7522

    Friday Weigh-In!

    Sorry double post.
  5. Wallflower7522

    Post Op March 2014

    Taco seasoning as no sugar and 3 carbs per serving. You wouldn't even eat a whole service with this recipe, or you could leave the taco seasoning out. Salsa has 2 sugars and 2 carbs. As I said my husband eats his with a tortilla or chips. What do you eat? Plained boiled chicken 24/7? It's almost impossible to avoid all sugars and wouldn't be healthy or even doable to avoid all carbs. You do what you want to do, but this isn't a chocolate chip cookie recipe, it's a healthy, easy, almost pure protein.
  6. Even though my surgery was only 3 months ago. I feel like my journey really started 5 years ago. I was struggling with an anxiety, depression, and most of all ADD but I'd always been too scared to ask for help. 5 years ago I finally did. I got put on medicine to cope with my ADD and that helped relieve the anxiety too. It also helped me start loosing weight. I lost 20ish lbs from the medicine in the first year and eventually started trying to diet and exercise. I don't know what my weight was at that first doctors appointment. I could never face it, but at 22, I was already having health issues and was put on BP meds. I do know, several years later after I had been dieting, I hit 299 on the scale at my doctors office and she was impressed because she said "you've lost almost 40lbs." I was horrified and happy. I thought I'd lost 20lbs from the medicine, gained some back, and then lost 20lbs from dieting. I'm glad I never had to confront that number while I was at that weight. So, I honestly don't know exactly what my high weight was, but I know it was near 340. I have it listed as 320 on here because that's what it was when I finally started trying to get in shape. This is something to this day I haven't told anyone. Not even my BFF who had surgery knows what it was. But I'm telling you guys now because today when I woke up the scale said 237, which means I've officially lost about 100lbs! I'm embarrassed and elated. It's a weird goal to have. So in other threads and with other people I'll probably still note my weight loss from my presurgery/preop diet weight but I wanted to take a minute to mark this bittersweet milestone. For those of you just starting your journey, I hope you know it's hard as hell but it will be so worth it if it takes 5 months or 5 years.
  7. Wallflower7522

    Post Op March 2014

    Another good easy protein recipe: Take a few frozen chicken breasts and throw them in a crockpot with a jar of salsa, and a pack of taco seasoning for 8ish hours on low. It will fall right apart. I eat it alone with a little cheese and some low fat sour cream but my husband eats it on a tortilla or on nachos.
  8. Wallflower7522

    PCOS and RNY

    It was suspected that I had pcos but not confirmed. My weight loss has been about on par with others who had surgery at the same time as me and had a similar starting weight.
  9. Wallflower7522

    March surgery

    I'm so happy that you're getting better and you've resolved your other issues. Congrats! I understand over doing it at the gym, I tried to run last week and ended up with bronchitis. Will you get to eat meat again eventually?
  10. Wallflower7522

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    I rode the roller coasters at sixflags with out any issues! Nothing was even a bit snug!
  11. Wallflower7522

    3.5 weeks out

    It's different for everyone. And the smaller you are to start with the slower you're going to lose. Someone who is 235 isn't going to take it of nearly as fast as someone who is 300lbs. Some weeks I won't lose anything some weeks I'll lose 10lbs I felt the exact same way up until about a week ago, like I was losing so slowly. Then I've dropped about 10 over the past two weeks. I'm at 71 lbs and 3.5 months and I just kind of had a "holy sh*t" moment. You'll have your moment too, it just may take a little longer because you started out smaller.
  12. I think what other people do with their bodies is mostly none of my damn business. People who are overweight shouldn't be treated differently just because they're fat. We shouldn't body shame and judge other people. You never know what someone else is going through. This goes for both sides of the argument. I won't judge you for being over weight, don't judge me for having WLS. With that being said, we need to acknowledge that "healthily at every size" isn't really a real thing. You can be healthy and 100lbs over weight at 22 but it will catch up with you eventually. By 22 I was on blood pressure medicine and by the time I had my WLS I was probably well on my way to diabetes. Maybe you Can be 30-40lbs over weight and be active and eat well and be healthy but if you're morbidly obese, it doesn't matter if you do eat well and are active, it's going to catch up to you.
  13. Wallflower7522

    My 5 year journey

    Thanks everyone. I'm sick so I went to the doctor today. I've only met the nurse ones before and she was curious about my weight loss so she looked back at my records and she confirmed it. I've lost 105lbs since august of 2009. It makes me happy that i managed to be well on my way before surgery. I hit 71lbs since my preop diet today.
  14. Most people will regain a bit of weight as others have said. I'm shooting for 20lbs below my goal weight for that very reason. This surgery is very common at my workplace because our insurance is good. The one person I know who has gained almost all of their weight back really really doesn't stick to their diet. He is 6 years post op and eats like a regular person. His lunch the other day was regular carbonated energy drink loaded with sugar, a bag of chips, and a whole sandwich, he also blames his wife because she doesn't cook for him. I know this lifestyle will be harder the further out you get, I'm not perfect, but I know I can't and won't ever go back to eating that way.
  15. Wallflower7522

    Looking for a sensible Breakfast idea!

    My go to breakfast options are: 1/4 of a banana sliced with Peanut Butter A grande nonfat iced latte (10 grams of protein) A scrambled egg with a bit of cheese and a piece of bacon.
  16. I'm 3 months out from gastric bypass so my experience might be a little different. I would say you're probably freaking yourself out more than you need to be. At this point my life feels relatively normal I just don't eat and drink as much as everyone else. If I'm really thirsty or dehydrated I can still drink a cup of Water fairly fast. Sometimes I can only get down a little bit, sometimes I can get down a lot. I feel full like I did before, but sometimes it a heavier fullness and I feel full much quicker. For the most part, I've been able to eat whatever I want, I just have to watch how much I eat. My pouch doesn't like bread and grease, but those are things I don't need so I avoid them for the most part anyway. The key is moderation. Once the weight starts coming off and you're all healed, you'll be so glad you did it. It's easier once you know what your body can handle and once you're all healed and can tell when you're hungry and when you're full.
  17. Wallflower7522

    Post Op March 2014

    Here's some updated pics. Before was Christmas Eve 2013 at the hospital when my nephew decided to make his early debut and after were yesterday at a Braves game.
  18. Wallflower7522

    Post Op March 2014

    I'm going to six flags today! I'm so excited and I'm down almost 70lbs so I'm fairly confident I'm going to fit into everything. I'm actually down almost 85lbs from last time I was here. Unfortunately I've got a sinus infection and some bronchitis brewing in my lungs but it's mild so far. I was sitting up in bed sipping some tea and my husband said "are you hungry" I said "no, I just took two DayQuil so I'm pretty fully right now" lol At least I can make myself laugh. Oh yeah, my hair is failing out like crazy. It has been for almost a month. (March 3rd surgery). Right now it's just more manageable because it was so thick before, but I'm starting to get worried about what it's going to look like in another month.
  19. This is a great thread. It's awesome to have goals like this going in and you'll all be surprised how fast you get there. I'm 3.5 months out and 70lbs down and I've already been able to check a lot of these off my list. I take way more selfies now and don't obsess over every picture of myself. I found a bathing suit I like! I've been going to the gym 4-5 times a week with out embarrassment and shopping in more regular stores. (That one is harder than I thought it would be, I feel lost outside of the plus size section.) And last night I bought my first ever pair of shorts that don't come all the way down to my knees! I'm going to six flags tomorrow and I'm still a little nervous about fitting on everything, but I think I'll be fine. Oh yeah, and sex is better. Congrats to all of you who are getting your surgery soon. It's going to be a difficult journey, but it will be worth it even sooner than you know.
  20. Wallflower7522


    How do you all feel about the chocolate pb2?
  21. Wallflower7522

    What foods made you dump?

    I'm 3 months out. The only thing that's made me sick was an egg with cheese that must have been cooked on a greasy grill. It made me throw up though. I'm glad that's been the worst thing that's happened so far. Follow your plan and you'll probably be fine.
  22. Wallflower7522


    I have. It hasn't bothered me so far, but I try not to eat too much. If we go to the movies we always get it without butter so it's not as greasy. I'd suggest smart pop if you're going to do it. A 100 calorie bag has 3 grams of protein at least.
  23. Wallflower7522

    Happy Times

    1. You look amazing 2 that dress is adorable
  24. I was kind of debating with this the other day. If someone directly asks how I lost weight, I'll tell them. But if they just comment on my weight loss or ask how much I've lost I don't. I might say something like "oh I've been going to the gym a lot and trying to eat healthier."
  25. I felt the exact same way. Unfortunate it didn't work and people still showed up anyway but not as many as I think would have if I wouldn't have told them not to. I initially told my husband not to stay, but I was grateful that he didn't listen. You might need help in the hospital and the nurses won't always be there, so that's one thing to consider.

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