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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BetterNai88

  1. Mostly everyone knows at work, I work in a call center environment so I'd rather them know the truth from me opposed to the rumor mill flying. My immediate family knows and are very supportive my mom had the bypass done a few years ago so that helps.
  2. BetterNai88


    Thank you
  3. BetterNai88


    My information went to insurance on Thursday afternoon, I called today to follow up and was advised I was approved. Confirmed with my surgeon's office now I'm just waiting for a call from my surgeon's nurse to schedule my official date. Whooohoo
  4. BetterNai88

    Advice: Insurance Submission

    I'm with BCBSNC
  5. BetterNai88

    Wanted: September Sleevers!

    I called my insurance company today and found out that I've been approved so between getting work calmed down and my family here to help with my son I am shooting for a September date.
  6. BetterNai88

    Wanted: September Sleevers!

    I called my insurance company today and found out that I've been approved so between getting work calmed down and my family here to help with my son I am shooting for a September date.
  7. BetterNai88

    Advice: Insurance Submission

    They notified me once they had my final clearance for submission. I notified them today when I called my insurance company and they told me I was approved. I was submitted Thursday afternoon and found out I was approved today. So now I'm just waiting for a call from my surgeon's office to schedule.
  8. I got an email today saying they received my last clearance from my dietician and it would be going to insurance. Wooohoooo does it really take the full 30 days to hear back????
  9. BetterNai88


    Well when I spoke to my insurance they are the ones that told me if it was called in a case is opened during the call and if It's faxed it takes 24-48 for them to see it. Truth of the matter is it didn't get sent on the 22nd it got sent today so I'll follow up mid week to confirm the my insurance has it.
  10. BetterNai88


    I'm ready to SCREAM was notified that my file was sent to the submission person on 07/22/14 to submit to BCBSNC. I called BCBSNC this morning just to confirm that they have received it not even checking on approval or denial at this point because it is so early on but just to make sure they received re it and was told that they DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING AS OF YET GRRRRR this is the part that is going to drive me looney.
  11. BetterNai88


    Okay so I think I'll call on Friday to see if they received it from my surgeon's office and then follow up a week or so later.
  12. BetterNai88


    I've definitely jumped through all of therr hoops to the point where I was 15 days away from my final 6 month supervised diet visit when they did away with the requirement lol
  13. BetterNai88


    Ok thanks for the response
  14. Woooohhhoooooo it's official [ATTACH]46485[/ATTACH]
  15. That's awesome my 6th of 6th supervised diet visits is on 07/30 so hopefully everything happens on the 15th and I'll be approved and have a date by 07/30 if not because it's my last one I really wouldn't mind doing it.
  16. BetterNai88


    Thank you all for responding I hope they ask me about my preferences also I have to coordinate with my parents to come help me with my little one. Congrats to everyone.
  17. BetterNai88


    Thank you so much for your reply. I'm excited to be almost done with the process. 2 1/2 months is fine with me the later the better honestly as I'm quite tight on my time off available for the rest of the year lol. As long as it's before the end of the year I'll be happy.
  18. Wow I have my 5th of 6th visit on Monday if I could do away with the 6th on 7/30 and get sleeved earlier that would be great
  19. BetterNai88

    August 2014 sleevers!

    I have my 5th supervised diet visit on 06/30 and then my 6th and final visit on 07/30 so I am hoping for an August or September date for surgery
  20. BetterNai88

    Any NC sleevers?

    I'm using SE Bariatrics too but Dr. Kolasch is my Dr. I still have a June and July follow up before it goes to insurance so I'm hoping for a early fall date. About how long is your recovery?
  21. BetterNai88

    Any NC sleevers?

    I'm using SE Bariatrics too but Dr. Kolasch is my Dr. I still have a June and July follow up before it goes to insurance so I'm hoping for a early fall date. About how long is your recovery?
  22. BetterNai88

    Any NC sleevers?

    Who did your surgery?
  23. BetterNai88

    Any NC sleevers?

    6 months is not bad at all I started by supervised visits in February I have #4 of 6 on the 28th of this month and I'm honestly surprised with how fast this has all gone. I've been more focused on my changes than the 6 months. Good luck everybody.
  24. BetterNai88

    Any NC sleevers?

    I'm going through SE Bariatrics too but Dr. Kolosch(sp) is doing my sleeve.
  25. BetterNai88

    Any NC sleevers?

    Who's your surgeon?

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