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Posts posted by drobinson1

  1. My doctor told me to eat scrambled eggs or egg salad during my.soft phase..I.havent had a problem. I did have a dumping experience from using strawberries in my Protein Shake. I was told too much natural sugar. Not the best feeling, especially with severe left side pain...omg!!!!

    Im 3weeks out but my.doctor callas it soft foods..eggs, tuna, chicken in the can, salmon packs, cottage cheese/fruit, greek yogurt, cheese, Jello, pudding, and I do veggie juices.

  2. My doctor told me to eat scrambled eggs or egg salad during my.soft phase..I.havent had a problem. I did have a dumping experience from using strawberries in my Protein Shake. I was told too much natural sugar. Not the best feeling, especially with severe left side pain...omg!!!!

    Im 3weeks out but my.doctor callas it soft foods..eggs, tuna, chicken in the can, salmon packs, cottage cheese/fruit, greek yogurt, cheese, Jello, pudding, and I do veggie juices.

  3. Aren't you only three weeks out? My diet is still puréed and 2oz per meal. I think you just rushed it alittle. I made a Protein Shake several days ago, but I made it really thick. I used PB2 and it was yummy. But....it was six oz. I didn't divide it up, I just drank it slow. I was sick for 5 hours. It was awful. I'll stick to 2 oz from now on. Also, what you ate, while it sound delish needs to be softer. If you puréed it first it would work. Maybe just try the egg alone. Good luck.

    My doctor told me to eat scrambled eggs or egg salad during my.soft phase..I.havent had a problem. I did have a dumping experience from using strawberries in my Protein shake. I was told too much natural sugar. Not the best feeling, especially with severe left side pain...omg!!!!

  4. Hi lady! I did have a stuck issue with a deviled egg. My plan was never to puree but instead chew to a puree'd consistency...well, eggs are a mental roadblock for me to begin with as I have always needed toast as it's companion. So mentally, I wanted to rush the egg along. The last bite was swallowed and immediately "stuck"...so I sat and waited for it to pass then realized maybe it wouldn't and stood over the toilet for a few minutes both dreading and hoping it would come up. The feeling passed in less than ten minutes, but it was miserable. For me, it's hard to dress up an egg. I have done scrambled eggs twice without physical problems.


    I have learned quickly that what may have worked for you yesterday, may give you a different affect today...

  5. Jlmckee great list too. I was wondering if they would let me bring my own PJ's? I have a ton of paperwork and info from my hospital and docs but curiously enough nothing about what to bring to the hospital.

    When I was going to the hospital, they told me no pj's due to the pain bulbs, pain pump, and iv hooked up..its,easier to access with their gowns..cosmetically you can bring all the things that you normally use. I.didn't use half thd things I brought. I was either sleeping or walking around. I was there 1 night, so it went fast...PACK LITE

  6. He will be home in about 2 months. He already knows the only thing that he is going to see for the time being is my face when we video chat. I am going to buy a sexy dress and hopes that he walks right past me. I just wanna blow him away. I just hope the emotional roller coaster gets easier to handle lol

    I am 3 weeks post op and am an emotional wreck. I cry at everything..commercials, tv shows, songs. I broke down in the hospital to the PA because they werent walking me...wouldnt put the abdominal binder on...I was so emotional. When does it stop?

  7. I tried to swallow my Vitamins today for the first time. I cut them in half at home and stuck them in my purse to take at my sons swimming lesson. Oh my word they got stuck good and proper! What pain!! I thought I would puke and pass out at the same time:(! I tried walking around no luck then I stuck my finger down my throat and only a bit came up but at least I started feeling a bit better! I will definitely continue grinding them up for a few weeks yet!! Damn horse pills! I just wanna sleep now but I still have along drive once swimming is done!

    You may want to try the gummy vitamins. They go down well, plus its like getting a treat...lol

  8. Tick tock . . 8:30 a.m. this Thursday my surgery begins. . .

    Yesterday I went off my two week pre-op Protein Shake diet and 'binged'. I have to laugh at what is now a binge for me. I have already changed quite a lot about my eating. I've lost 100 pounds over the past ten years or so (up and down, up and down, always staying down a bit more than last time but at this rate I'll be 80 before I get to goal so I am having the surgery . . ). I eat a very careful diet.

    Yesterday I ate a lot of food -- a lot for me. Nothing compared to my old standards when I weighed 330 pounds and thought nothing of eating most of a pizza or a whole jumbo San Francisco Mission burrito with the works (those puppies must have 3,000 calories!).

    I ate some gluten free tortillas with some cooked, mashed and spiced pinto Beans, some healthy vegie salsa and a few slices of avocado -- all in all, a healthy meal. Post-surgery, months down the line when I can eat real food in small amounts, one of my healthy gluten-free taco-y things (not sure what to call what I made . . it wasn't a burrito, but was it a taco?) would make a perfectly reasonable meal.

    I am not afraid of the surgery or of the challenges in the early recovery stage as my new stomach heals and the hiatal hernia repair hears (I guess that will add to my hurt!). I am afraid I will eat too much down the road when my new stomach is too small to handle it. I think I ate a lot -- a lot for me now a days -- because I know I won't be able to do it again. Today I am being unkind to myself, berating myself as if I had lost all control and gone crazy with food. I didn't, not really. I think I actually ate a normal amount of healthy food and it felt like a lot of food because I have been eating nothing but Protein Shakes and four ounces of Protein and a cup of greens for months.

    I am not going to be going back for another surgery after losing then gaining back. I am glad folks that need to redo WLS are able to but I am 60 -- too old to let myselt get morbidly obese again once I lose the rest of my weight.

    I guess I am anxious. Tick tock.

    Congratulations to everyone who has had surgery so far in january. May the force with with you all in your recovery. And may you all reach your weight loss goals as soon as your bodies allow.

    It's forever.

    And I think there is a part of me that doesn't quite believe the surgery will help me lose.

    "Faith without works is dead." Dont lose faith my friend..we all fall short..I feel sorry and had a slice of pizza day 2 of my preop because it smelled sooooooo good...I best myself up a bit but got right back on track..believe me that will not hinder you chances of having surgery...you will do just fine..find some time to journal you're feelings now, so if and when you start feeling like this post op, you can go back and reference how normal those feelings are..I'm having surgery at 7:45 am on Thursday..WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER!!!

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