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Posts posted by Bawaji

  1. Taco seasoning as no sugar and 3 carbs per serving. You wouldn't even eat a whole service with this recipe, or you could leave the taco seasoning out. Salsa has 2 sugars and 2 carbs. As I said my husband eats his with a tortilla or chips. What do you eat? Plained boiled chicken 24/7?

    It's almost impossible to avoid all sugars and wouldn't be healthy or even doable to avoid all carbs. You do what you want to do, but this isn't a chocolate chip cookie recipe, it's a healthy, easy, almost pure Protein.< /p>

    Nope - don't eat plain boiled chicken 24/7 - make my own sauces at home instead of pouring them out of a bottle! Takes maybe 30 mins more of your time in the kitchen! ;)

    Tacos/Nachos are a complete and strict no no! :)

    It's not impossible to go sugar free - you need to want to do it! And that is how I've lost 101 pounds in 5 months! Cheers! :)

  2. Another good easy Protein recipe:

    Take a few frozen chicken breasts and throw them in a crockpot with a jar of salsa, and a pack of taco seasoning for 8ish hours on low. It will fall right apart. I eat it alone with a little cheese and some low fat sour cream but my husband eats it on a tortilla or on nachos.

    Jars of salsa, seasoning, etc all contain sugar! Tortilla/Nachos are just plain ol carbs again! Rather pointless undergoing surgery and still consuming sugars no?

  3. I had my lap-band with hernia repair done in August 2013. In December I started experiencing shoulder pain in my left shoulder that varied from being extremely painful to just annoying. I thought I had somehow injured it but then I noticed that lifting heavy stuff or overusing it didn't make it hurt any worse. Sometimes it wouldn't hurt at all. This went on everyday for four months. I know what nerve pain feels like and that's what I suspected. In looking into it I found there is a nerve that runs through your diaphram called the phrenic nerve. When that nerve is pinched or has a lot of pressure on it then it will cause pain in the left shoulder area. I'm not sure why I was having issues because when it started I had less than 2 cc's in my band, and I'm not sure why it stopped. I have talked to others with the lap-band who have experienced this same thing. It's definitely worth mentioning to your doctor!!!

    I guess this and many other reasons why they are increasingly discouraging the band surgery and promoting the sleeve!


    I usually throw chicken legs & thighs into a pressure cooker with some chopped red onions, tomatoes, carrots and Beans - spice it up with whatever suits you or whatever you prefer. End result is soft food which goes down easily during the first few weeks post surgery. The max you can consume is about 1 handful in a bowl.

    I was eating out at restaurants just after a month post sleeving - you just have to be very choosy about what you easy when out - that's it!

  5. I had Hiatal Hernia repair and lap band replacement in April and have been experincing horrible shoulder pain in the left shoulder since surgery. I am currently in therapy for what the doctors are calling a neck issue. But I want to give the whole story and find out if anyone else has ever had this happen.

    When I had surgery the IV had to be placed in the bend of my arm on the left side. My hand swelled and ached and the next morning after surgery I was begging them to take it out. When I got home from hospital my arm and shoulder ached and I called the doctor several times because it hurt so bad. Since surgery it has ached on and off but in the last 3 weeks it has been killing me. I can't sleep and I am taking to much pain meds. My family doctor thought it was rotater cup and sent me to theraphy. Theraphy thinks neck. Now here is what I think and want to know what others think.

    When I eat I get awful cramp like pains in my left shoulder. I wonder it has something to do with the mesh that had to be placed in me during hernia reapir. I don't have a lot of Fluid in my band like 3cc. It is crazy I know! Please let me know if anyone has had this problem and what the outcome was. I see my surgeon tomorrow and I am going to try to get to the bottom of this but I would love some input!!!

    I had the same hernia repair - only difference is I got sleeved at the same time - way back in 1st week of Jan. Don't have any issues since then.

    Your issues seems unconnected to the basic surgery but I suspect the placement of the IV could be the cause of your pain where Fluid might have accumulated - but this too goes away in a few days normally. Better to have this checked out more thoroughly.

  6. So I had my surgery on March 28th. I will be 3 months out in about a week in a half. And have only lost 49lbs since my surgery and 59lbs from my highest weight in the beginning the weight was coming off fast but now I feel like I am only loosing about maybe 2-3 pounds a week. I an having my 10 year High School reunion on June 28th and I am trying to get another 10lbs off by then. Any suggestions on what I can do to get these 10lbs off any jump start my weight loose again. And I am having a hard time getting all my recommended Protein . Protein powders make me sick to the stomach any ideas on what else I can drink to get my protein in?Help I need help

    LOL.... You are on track - just can't lose any faster! Cheers! :)

  7. Hi, I'm almost 5 months post op - got sleeved on Jan 7 - was 374 & had dropped to 297 in the first 2.5 months. Since then the loss has been very very slow and I've been hovering at 290 for 1.5 months now! I was able to shift to eating solid foods rather quickly - in just 2 weeks but my quantity is highly restricted! I brought my carb intake down to less than10% of my total intake. Is this slow loss normal?

  8. I'm on purées, eat on a schedule because I'm not hungry. I have 3 meals a day (2Tb) Water and Protein Shakes.< /p>

    Way to go! Could you share what you are having for those 3 meals please - Thx

    I myself am doing 6-9 oz of Tea with milk and then an hour or so later 1 half boiled egg. For lunch I had 3 oz of mince in bolognese sauce with 2 teaspoons of pea puree today and something similar for dinner (I mix it upeveryday so don't get bored) with some tea again around 6pm. I'm totally stuffed with this much and don't have any room left for any shakes or anything else! And I'm just 1.1 weeks post op :)

  9. That's great! Practice makes perfect. Don't rush it. I am 6 days post op and takes me 1 hour to eat half cup pudding and almost 2 hours to drink 12 oz Protein Shake. The hard part is over!

    2 hrs to finish 12 oz shake - why do you find the need to finish it in 1 sitting? I'm usually full with just a quarter cup ( 3 oz) of anything and then don't find the need for more until 2/3 hrs later.

  10. I'm scheduled for Thursday, 1/16, and have been reading everyone's comments.

    I'm on my first day f liquids & my stomach is soooo growling at me. I'm ready to growl back. I was nervous before, but think I'm more nervous now. I was reading that some people burp up blood. I understand the why as, let's face it, this is major surgery, but it still kinda freaks me out.

    What else can I expect the first few days?

    You are not going to burp up tons of blood! The pouch is washed in dye & Water on the op table to check for initial leaks by your surgeon. A few specks of blood will appear as and when you first start sipping water and bring it back out.

    First day of liquids n your stomach is growling? Have more liquid - simple! :)

  11. Thanks for the replies. Feels good to take this journey with others. I'm still very nauseas. Not burping up blood anymore, but all the liquids I take in come back up. Not sure if this is normal. Wondering how long until I can keep something down.

    Completely normal! :) Slow down your intake to ensure things stay down! Take only 1 or 2 sips of Water every 30 mins or 1 hour. Increase after a while day passes.

  12. Was sleeved yesterday. Went better than I expected. First few hrs out were awful but it gets better and better as the hrs pass. Been burping up blood which is the worst part of it. Drains and IV in. Leak test today and if things go well, water! I can't wait to just swallow some Water.< /p>

    Nothing to worry about burping/vomiting a bit of blood - your stomach pouch was just cut off! Sip on the water slowly..... Don't swallow! Cheers

  13. They shud have kept you in hospital until you could swallow Water without vomiting it back!

    Reduce the amount of water taken on each sip and increase the time in between sips to abt 30 mins - you shud do better in another days time and then increase the frequency of water intake as soon as you stop bringing it back out.

    Take small steps at a time! Cheers

  14. They shud have kept you in hospital until you could swallow Water without vomiting it back!

    Reduce the amount of water taken on each sip and increase the time in between sips to abt 30 mins - you shud do better in another days time and then increase the frequency of water intake as soon as you stop bringing it back out.

    Take small steps at a time! Cheers

  15. My drains was removed the day I was discharged.

    I'm hearing so much about drains, et all - I didn't have any! No drains, no swallow test the next day - nothing! In fact they were trying to get me to sip warm Water the moment they got me up n awake! Since I got my Hiatus Hernia repaired at the same time I did feel a lot of pain in trying to swallow more than 2 sips every hour or so on that 1st day n night. 2nd day didn't go too well & was able to swallow water without any pain only on the 2nd nite onwards.

    @ DCBorn - I too lost 7-8 kilos in 7 days pre-op on just home made Soups n salads.

  16. Our doctor advised us not to eat unless hungry and relax with it all, and eat Proteins. Working!!!!!! Nothing to plan and taking it easy. Doing great.

    With no fundus you cannot ever 'feel' hungry! There are no cravings anymore so it's best to stick to a plan to stay hydrated at least - for me 4 days post op tea and fluids seem to go down easily but when I tried pureed stuff today I couldn't finish more than a 1/4 cup in 30 mins and was stuffed! :)

  17. we all have different requirements from our respective surgeons...as long as each of us follow the guidelines that "our" surgeon's have out in place we should be successful. We don't want to get into the habit of questioning others instructions. Success is different for each of us. In my opinion! Best wishes to you and your journey

    Diff requirements pre-op is fine. I think Ally18 was referring to her post op diet. And that isn't going to change for anybody! Try & cut out the carbs & sugars permanently to see the wondrous changes in your body! :)

  18. How did it go?

    I'm male, 42 - Altho I'm home sipping only Water every few mins I still feel sore/raw inside esp on my left where the stomach was cut off! Can't cough properly - everything hurts when I try, so I use a pillow to hold on to all the mass when attempting to cough! I could not swallow too much on the first night becoz I also got my Hiatus Hernia repaired with a stitch on the diaphragm tear so stayed on IV fluids for an extra day. Now that I can put in 10/20 ml of water without any pain every 5 mins I was sent home. Start tender coconut water tomorrow

  19. Friday I start my liquid diet

    Monday is my date

    I've been sick these past few days so I haven't really ate anything but a bowl of Soup and crackers and drinking fluids then i ate a chicken salad today idk if that's good or not but tomorrow I will def start guzzling down my Protein Shakes. 0_o

    You don't have to guzzle down on anything! Slow down! Fluids like plain Water, chicken & vegetable soup are more than sufficient! I just got done on 7th n home today - sipping on only water all day for now.

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