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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by shelly75

  1. Yes it is. I barely ate during my 3 day stay at the hospital and had to force myself to eat at home. I felt hunger from time to time, but nothing was appetizing. Your appetite will come back, don't worry. Mine came back after I was done the puree stage, I just hated how anything tasted at that stage. Ugh!!

  2. This is what my day looks like

    Breakfast : Bowl of Special K Protein Cereal (3/4 cup of Cereal with 1/2 cup milk)

    lunch : 2 oz red meat (I don't tolerate chicken that well anymore, when I do have some I can only get in 1 oz and I start to gag)

    1/2 cup mashed potatoes and a few carrots

    snack : 1/2 cup cottage cheese

    Supper : Same as lunch, I sometimes have Pasta, but very rarely. If I do, I'll have about 3/4 cup (spaghetti and sauce together)

    Snack : 1/2 cup cottage cheese

    I drink 1.5 liters of Water a day and sometimes will drink a little milk, maybe 1/2 cup a day. I will also try to eat one fruit a day,

    depending on when I'm hungry. No juice and no Protein shake, my surgeon and nutritionist are against those for some reason,

    that is why I rely on cottage cheese, I get 15 grams of Protein in 1/2 cup.

    If I add it up, it's about 1100 calories a day. I'll switch it up sometimes and have greek yogurt instead of cottage cheese, but my calories are pretty much always between 1000 and 1200 and I have lost 43 lbs in 2 months. Hope this helps.

  3. I'm at about the same, 9 weeks out. I've been eating around 1200 calories per day for a while now.That is what my nutritionist said to do, so I aimed for it. To me 1200 was the goal, I have to

    stay at 1200 as long as I want to lose weight. She didn't exactly give me the number of calories, but the meal plan she has for me equals about 1200 calories, so I guess you're right on target.

  4. I think everyone felt that at some point before surgery. I had doubts that morning when they

    wheeled me into the operating room, but at that point I figured "too late now". It's not easy.

    I've always thought surgery was the easy way out, but I was wrong. The first month is difficult,

    you will probably have regrets during the first few weeks. However, it gets better, you get more

    energy, you lose weight, faster than you ever thought possible and that keeps you going. I will be

    2 months out in 2 days and I can finally say I am happy I did it. I am down 42 lbs in 2 months, itwould have taken me 4 or 5 months to lose that without surgery. Think of the reasons you want to

    do it and see if it outweighs not doing it. I had high blood pressure and was finding it difficult

    to do any kind of activity. I never had any energy and was getting depressed. I was avoiding the

    mirror. I hated the way I looked. I'm getting better now. Just read up about it and keep going on

    this forum to read everyone's experience and then make your decision. Good luck.

  5. Thanks everyone for your comments. I will talk to my doctor about Biotin. I'm only taking a

    Multivitamin as of now and would like to add more, but I also want to follow what my center is

    telling me to do. They said if I have Hair loss it would only be 5 to 15% of my hair that I would

    lose so that didn't seem so bad at the time, but with everything I'm reading it seems like some

    people are losing way more than that. Concentrate on the positive I guess. I really appreciate all

    your comments. Thank you.

  6. Hi everyone, I'm 7 weeks out and starting to freak out about Hair loss. It hasn't happened yet, but I keep reading posts of people losing tons of hair and it is scaring me. So, if you have not experienced any hair loss and are

    over 6 months out, I would love to hear from you so I know it doesn't happen to everyone. Also, if you have tips

    on why you think you didn't lose any hair, I will try anything (lol). Thanks.

  7. You should definitely not feel guilty for feeling hungry. I'm 7 weeks out today and some days I

    feel hungry all day, other days I force myself to eat. I'm not sure why, but I know it's not my

    fault. If I'm hungry, I eat. I'm not going to starve myself more than I already am. I'll have some fruit or cottage cheese, that usually feels me up. Drinking a lot of Water seems to help too.

    Just make sure it's real hunger and not head hunger as they call it and take it one day at a time. Good luck.

  8. I think it must be acid reflux too. I had the same symptoms, really bad nausea and salivating. It was disgusting. I called the hospital and now I take my regular antacid in the morning and I also take Nexium around supper time. If I feel a little nauseous in between, I can take some Tums. I'm doing much better. Hang in there, you're not alone. Once you find what's wrong, you'll feel a lot better.

  9. Hi everyone, I've been nauseous for the past week. I'll be 6 weeks post-op in 2 days. I called the nurse so we can try to figure out what was causing the nausea. At first, I thought it was my Vitamins, so the nurse told me to

    stop them and see if the nausea would go away. It didn't. It always started after lunch and got worse throughout

    the day. The worst was in the evening. I kept feeling like I was about to throw up, but only saliva would come

    out (sorry for being so gross!). At the end of the worst episode, I felt something like heartburn. So, the next

    day, I tried Tums, lunch time and supper time and my nausea got better. The day after that, I took my regular

    antacid pill in the morning and also took one before supper and no nausea at all. I called the nurse today to let

    her know I thought it was acid reflux so we are still testing it out, but it looks like that's what it is. So

    heartburn is not always a side effect because I didn't have that, I just had bad nausea and the salivating. I feel

    much better now and wanted to share in case someone else was going through this and didn't know what was causing

    the nausea. Hope this helps.

  10. I'll be 6 weeks out on Thursday and have lost 33 lbs and I'm happy with that. I would rather lose it slowly actually. I've always thought it wasn't healthy to lose weight too fast. My friend lost 70 lbs in 3 months and is now losing her hair. Is it related, I don't know, but I figure it

    probably didn't help her. If you lose slowly, it means you're keeping everything in so your body

    is getting enough nutrients to stay healthy. That's how I see it anyways.

  11. You are not alone. I started being nauseous around week 4 also. It's a bit better today, but yesterday was horrible. My body refuses to throw up, so I have to wait it out. If you can go to the hospital, I think you should go and just let them check you out. Nausea can come from many things, for me, they think it's my Vitamins. So I have to stay off of them for a few days and see if it gets better. Trial and error I guess. My friend is 4 months out and does not regret her decision. Everyone says it gets better with time, so I guess we have to have faith in that. Just know that many of us are going through the same thing and you are not alone.

  12. kpay10, I usually take them in the afternoon after my snack, which is usually cottage cheese. I

    take them with Water. I did call the hospital today and was told to stop them for 3 days so that

    we can see if it is the Vitamins doing this or something else. I hope we figure it out soon

    because nausea was my biggest fear before surgery, I'd rather have really bad stomach cramps than

    nausea, just can't stand it. Thanks so much to everyone for caring. I'd be lost without this group.

  13. I am also 5 weeks out and have been nauseous for the past 3 days. I called the hospital today and they said it could be my Multivitamin, so I have to stay off of it and call them back on Tuesday. I hate this feeling, I have to force myself to eat, nothing is appetizing, just the smell of food makes me want to puke. If anyone has advice, I would love to hear it. I was doing fine until now, it's depressing. I thought things were supposed to get better as you go along, not worse. I know

    I'm being very negative and I apologize, it's just one of those days I guess. I hope we all feel

    better soon.

  14. I asked my uncle who is an expert hair stylist and my cousin who is a pharmacist and they said nothing can be done to prevent it. It depends how much Protein you were able to get in during the first few months post surgery. They both also said that it is very rare that it is noticeable. My uncle had 4 clients who got sleeved and none of them lost any hair and my cousin said she has rarely seen it also, and they live in different countries, so ... I am also VERY stressed out about this happening to me, but all I can do is eat my Protein and pray that my hair stays on. Good luck.

  15. In Quebec, they give us longer. I could have gotten 3 months off, but I asked for 2 instead. I'm a teacher and I wanted to finish the school year with my students. I read some comments where people had to go back after 10 days and I don't know how they do it. There's days I feel fine, but other days, like today, where I feel nauseous and have zero energy. There is no way I could be teaching during those days. Here they tell us to rest the first month because your body has to adjust to your new lifestyle and that may take a while. Also, they want us to focus on our food choices at home and figure that out before going back to work. Every place is different.

  16. The night before is really stressful. They made me sleep at the hospital the night before because I was the first one scheduled the next morning. I thought about running away a few times, but changed my mind. lol As soon as they gave me something to relax, I was FINE. Good luck tomorrow.

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