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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bigunc

  1. <p>I have just set up my first appt with the Surgeon for next Thursday and had a question for those of you in this forum.</p> <p>I am wondering if anyone else had a problem with being limited in the amount of exercise they were able to do.</p> <p>Besides the obesity, I have two things going against me. I have suffered from severe back pain since 2004. By definition my condition is called Lumbar stenosis, a bone build up along the spine. To make matters worse I was hospitalized in April with A-Fib and congestive heart failure.</p> <p>My Cardiologists has me limited to keep my heart rate down due to the A-Fib. I ride a stationary bike for ten minutes daily and it feels like my heart will jump out of my chest. When my wife told my doctor this he instructed me to cut it back to 5 to 7 minutes. I am concerned that I am not exercising enough to meet the citeria set for the surgery.</p>
  2. Thanks, I'm pretty excited that I have the ok to get my ESI. I really wanted to call today and schedue the ESI, but I got swamped at work today and forgot to call. I will not forget to call tomorrow. My wife had two small wire mesh discs inserted to replace her damaged discs. In these discs the Dr. packed them with crushed cadaver bone and wrapped them with thin strips of bone taken from her hip (Her major complaint was the pain in her hip). He then used two stainless steel strips of metal to secure the discs to the right and left side of her spine. Her time off from work should have been 10 weeks. She convinced the DR. to release her at about 5 1/2 weeks. She was their perfect patient. They even had her talk to a couple of patients that were unsure if they wanted to go thru with the surgery. When they seen she was 6 and 7 weeks post op they were amazed how well she was able to move around. As for your question about Big Unc. Yes it is for Big Uncle. I am probably the biggest (tallest and widest) person in my family. I am 6'1" and 395lbs. My family and friends all call me that. My wife and I have 13 nieces and nephews between our brothers and they all call me Big Unc.
  3. Yes, physical therapy did help but it started out slow and painful. My pain is just about same as how you described yours. My left leg does show signs of weakness. This was proven by some testing done with my Physical Therapist. This was done using various exercises with right, than the left leg to determine differences in strength. She told me everyone show some difference in strength between each leg, but not to the extent in differences between my two legs. I actually asked my Doctor for the Spinal fusion surgery. My Wife had this type of surgery done approx. 5 years ago. She has a degenarative bone disease with required the two lowest discs in her back to be removed and fused with a wire mesh and bone filler. She is not totally without pain or problems, but she is in much better shape now than she was pre-surgery. I agree with your assessment about the ESI's. Mine only last at most 2 months usually after the third shot (three shots every six months). It does not totally eliminate the pain, but dulls it so I can function. I have just returned from my appointment with my Cardio Rhythym Specialist. He has given me some good news. He has relented an will now let me get off the coumadin for the required 5 days pre-injection. I have already made the call to get the injection date set up. Yes, I was using a Chiropractor in the begining before the stenosis was diagnosed. She became concerned because I showed minimal improvement. I was then instructed to visit with an Orthopedic Doctor for further treatment.
  4. Good to here back from someone suffering with stenosis. I believe you are the first person who even heard of the word stenosis besides my medical providers. My biggest areas of pain are lower back and left leg. I found that the lower back pain isn't as severe when I lean forward. This seems to relieve to constant sharp pain in my back. I have a "shooting" pain down the left leg only. I did get some relief from physical therapy but had to stop after 45 sessions because insurance would not pay any more. My Orthopedic doctor advised against surgery until: A) I was older than 50 or It was totaling unbearable for me to function. I was recieving epidoral injections before I was diagnosed with A-Fibb. My Rhythym Specialist will not allow me to get off my Coumadin ( anti coagulant)for the 5 days prior to the injection. The injections were providing relief but this was only minimal for about 2 months. I also was taking Naproxan and Tramadol but had to discontinue these at the direction of my Cardiologist. Yes my Cardiologist and the Cardio Rhythym Specialist are the ones to recommend me for the procedure.
  5. Hello Everyone, I have just attended my first seminar which is the first step in my journey into the world of Lap Band surgery. I joined this site at the sugestion of my Bariatric Doctor. He told everyone in the seminar this was a very good site for anyone needing some first hand info about Lap Bands. My goal is to learn as much as I can to help me in my path to a healthy lifestyle. I am 45 years old and have been over weight since a young child. I was diagnosed with type II Diabetes in November of 2002. I spent my 40th birthday in the hospital when I was originally diagnosed. My hopes are to be less dependent on the various meds I am presently on and get down to a healthy weight.

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