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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BandedBrunette481

  1. BandedBrunette481

    A Long Way Coming, Fueling My Fire

    Thanks for sharing your story! I feel like we're kind of in the same places in our lives. I'm 23 and trying to get my life on the healthy track and not let food control me anymore. It feels good to do something so great for yourself doesn't it? If you want to see anything about my story you can check out my blog. The link is in my signature below. Best of luck to you!!
  2. BandedBrunette481

    Post-Op Blood Thinner

    I had my visit with the pulmonologist this week and he gave me a prescription for post-op Lovenox (blood thinner). I have to give myself injections once a day for a week after surgery. Turns out my surgeon does do this for all bariatric patients. It's also especially important for me because my dad has a history of blood clots. I'm not thrilled about the injections but I know they are tiny needles and won't hurt Just wanted to give the update to everyone who was wondering about it!
  3. BandedBrunette481

    NSV? Really?

    It's such a tricky thing to compliment someone on their weight loss!! Anything along the lines of "you look so skinny now" always sounds like you're telling them you noticed they aren't fat anymore. I love that the language barrier made it that much more obvious haha!
  4. BandedBrunette481

    The Dreaded Loose Skin!

    Thanks for the comments ladies! Makes me feel better to have your honest thoughts. I will definitely be trying out some of the lotion and exercise suggestions. In the end, I think I will be able to live with the loose skin. But maybe I'll start saving up for a tummy tuck now, just in case haha!
  5. BandedBrunette481

    Post-Op Blood Thinner

    Thanks to all who posted their experiences! It seems that it varies surgeon to surgeon so when I go in for my next appointment I will ask what he requires post op in terms of blood thinners
  6. BandedBrunette481

    Your Biggest Critic(s)

    Man! My biggest critics have been skinny people and family!! I've been told I just need to "stop eating and try harder." Like, really? I know myself, my body, and what I'm capable of. I know what's best for me. I agree with what you said - don't let people talk you out of something you want for yourself. I think mu family members only do it out of fear something bad is going to happen rather than envy, but still! Lol
  7. BandedBrunette481

    No pre-op diet?

    I've had pretty much the same experience as you as far as surgery requirements go but my surgeon requires a 2 week liquid diet like most people are saying. It's to help shrink your liver for surgery. It helps the surgery go smoother, supposedly. But since all surgeons don't require it, who knows how seriously necessary it is right? I'd say to be on the safe side, do what your surgeon says. Don't over do it on food the weeks leading up to your surgery. Plus, if you start a healthier diet now, you will be more used to it for post-op. Good luck with everything
  8. BandedBrunette481


    I think waiting to get approval is like the worst part so congrats on getting over that hurdle! I have to finish all of my pre-op testing before they will even give me a surgery date. Sucks lol
  9. BandedBrunette481

    Surgery in the morning!

    Hi Misty! I just came across your post. I'm new to the site so I'm just looking around, trying to get into the forums. Your story seems a little bit like mine! I started my journey with a seminar in November and my insurance company had no waiting period either so I'm just trying to get my surgery date now. It's exciting to think that I could be where you are now in just a few short months!! Glad your surgery went well, best wishes for a speedy recovery
  10. BandedBrunette481

    Discouraging words

    I don't know why people think they know someone else's body!! You know your body and what is right for you so don't get dragged down by negativity. Some of my family is not supportive of my decision to get the lapband but I'm not letting them sway me. The good news is you have a wonderful community of people here to give you support if you need it Also, what helped me a ton in my decision was reading other people's success stories. I know they have a whole forum on here for that but what helped me a lot was reading blogs from people like LapBand Gal, Banded Wendy, and Amy. Their stories are incredibly inspirational and I encourage you to check them out. Here are their links. LapBand Gal - http://lapbandgalsjourney.blogspot.com/ Banded Wendy (hers is a video blog) - http://www.youtube.com/user/bandedwendy Amy - http://cheeseandsunkist.blogspot.com/ Best of luck to you! Stay strong!
  11. Hello! I was just wondering if there is anyone else out there with a blog (like from wordpress or blogger) chronicling their weight loss surgery. I am getting a LapBand so I have a particular interest in blogs from others with the band, but all types of weight loss surgery blogs are still relevant. I've been looking around online for blogs but it seems there aren't many that are current and post regularly. So leave a comment and tell me about your blog or blogs you know of! Thanks Here's a link to my blog, feel free to check it out: http://blissfullybanded.wordpress.com/
  12. BandedBrunette481

    Weight Loss Surgery Blogs

    Thanks for the link! I followed your blog
  13. BandedBrunette481

    Weight Loss Surgery Blogs

    I LOVE lapband gal!! Reading her blog is what inspired me to write one myself. I checked out a bunch of her "newly banded blogger" posts and a lot of them have since stopped updating their blogs. Bummer. But I think I might have to email her anyways and let her know how inspirational she is. Thanks
  14. BandedBrunette481

    Goal Weight Outfits! :)

    Love the goals, ladies!! All of us are going to kick butt and find ourselves in smaller sizes before we know it
  15. BandedBrunette481

    How long to be approved?

    Nine days. Nine days? Even with the Christmas holiday? That's it. I officially hate you. LOL Nine days sure beats the five weeks I had to wait. It's not so bad, looking back on it, from here, now that I have my band and am living my new life. It was a nail biter, at the time, tho. It's ok. I accept the hate I was totally prepared for a long wait like yours!! I am incredibly amazed at how fast it went too, trust me haha. I can barely sleep these days because I'm so excited for the future. Congrats on your success so far
  16. BandedBrunette481

    Weight Loss Surgery Blogs

    Thanks for the warm wishes! I will check out your blog
  17. BandedBrunette481

    My BLOG

    Love your blog!! Here's a link to mine, feel free to check it out! http://blissfullybanded.wordpress.com/
  18. BandedBrunette481

    Weight Loss Surgery Blogs

    Thank you!!!
  19. BandedBrunette481

    First Dr. Appt

    Congrats on starting your journey!! I'm not too far into mine; I just received approval from my insurance company a few days ago and let me tell you, that is an amazing hurdle to pass! Good luck with everything and feel free to ask if you have any questions
  20. BandedBrunette481

    My Pre Band Wish List For 2014

    I love your list! So many of them are my wishes for 2014 as well. It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one out there going through the same kinds of things. Thank you for sharing your list and giving me hope for the future
  21. BandedBrunette481

    Blue Cross Blue Shield Question

    I have BCBS in IL and it took 9 days from when it was submitted for it to be approved and that was with the Christmas holiday in there. Good luck to all who are still waiting
  22. BandedBrunette481

    How long to be approved?

    Culver, I have BCBC IL and I was approved in 9 days. That is even with the Christmas holiday in there. I hope you and everyone else still waiting get quick yes replies from your insurance companies!
  23. BandedBrunette481

    Goal Weight Outfits! :)

    Oh I know what you mean!! I have a pair of size 12's waiting for me as well. We will get there
  24. BandedBrunette481

    Goal Weight Outfits! :)

    Yes! I have always been unable to wear boots and I hate that! There are so many cute boots out there and they go with so many outfits but it's really hard to find boots when you have big calves. As soon as I am able, I'm going to buy boots like these
  25. BandedBrunette481

    Weight Loss Surgery Blogs

    Thanks!! I'll check it out

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
