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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by *Misty*Raine*

  1. phoenix here. put em on a plane (joke)

    As bad of a mother as I am going to sound like, when this was going on.... I threatened to "give u to the gypsies if u don't straighten up" so many times while dealing with that mess. No I wouldn't really, relax! But it sure as he'll felt good to threaten em with it. They didn't stop! They're always lil bitty hell cats!!!

    My youngest one has made me (after very trying days with her) call my own mother and apologize for being a bratty lil kid. I said "mom I'm so sorry for ever being an ass and I take back every mean thing I ever said. Please forgive me for being born" and I was sobbing. She lost it laughing. #confused! Hahahaha

  2. I just completed my psych appt. on Thursday and I'm scheduled to meet my surgeon on Jan. 13. All of my paperwork will be submitted and (hopefully) ready to go for February, but since I am a teacher, I am trying to schedule my surgery in March so I can just extend my Spring Break. I wish everyone luck and will be following all of your stories!

    Anxious to hear from you! Are u doing ok? Getting eager!? I miss hearing from u!! :)

  3. So today I have been doing a lot of thinking and researching. After finding conflicting info, I decided to call my own dr and just see what his "way of doing it" is.

    So his assistant tells me that I will have to do 3 dietician appts, 6 weigh in appts with him, and a psych eval, and then submit paper work. I have initial visit Monday with him and then they will sched the first dietician appt. she said since it's all getting started in January, that with my insurance, I will be ready for surgery late sept! Happy birthday to me! :) that's when my bday is! So, I started asking some of the things that I really wanted to know. Turns out he does do ALL the different gastric surgeries. He will do open if I have a lot of scar tissue (and I do). And no he doesn't test for nicotine! Thank god! Can't quit soda, cig and sweets all at the same time! And I also found out that he wants me to STOP losing weight. I guess that I'm on the boarder line of my insurance not covering me if I continue to lose. She said "can't tell u TO gain, but if u do, it will help ur insurance cover u" soooooo, that being said.... I'm going to continue to log all food and drinks, but not try to lose anymore weight! She said my Protein shakes (Breakfast and lunch) are a great start! And his pre-op diet is Clear liquids and fruit, glucerna shakes, and Adkins bars. So yay not total liquids when it's time! Hehehe! That made me really happy!

    So all of this said... I think I'm going to do just fine! Really happy with the way my dr does things! He really knows how to make this as pain free as possible.... :)

  4. Oh I'm so glad I'm not the only one obsessing! :) I called my dr today and I'm getting ready to post about that, but it was a good call. Finally begin my journey with my 1st appt Monday...and then I get my first nutrition appt! I'm super excited!!! Can't wait to get this journey underway! :)

  5. I had to pack up my sz12's - I'm now comfortably in the 10's. I haven't seen sz10 since the year I was married (1982). And that's not the best part! The best part happened when I was trying on pants yesterday (I only have one sz10 and needed at least one more pair). One pair I had grabbed to try said sz10 on the hanger but actually turned out to be a sz8 - and it fit! A tad snug, but not too bad. I got them buttoned and zipped! You could've knocked me over with a feather!!!! I put them back - they sat too low on the hips for a woman my age - but DAMN! A SIZE 8!!!!! I never even DARED to dream I'd get that small! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

    Congrats!!! I knew u would do it!! :)

  6. So I've had all my clearance test I'm waiting for the results of my psychological exam which it is a problem because I'm bipolar among other mental illnesses and that worried about my mental health with the surgery I have my last dietitian appointment next Wednesday before they turn in my paperwork for approval with Medicare and I'm very nervous this is gone by very fast I had originally thought that I had 6 months from when I started but my insurance company requires 3 months my mental health has been very well for over a year now I'm working hard at that I'm starting to get anxious sensitive scared my main reason for doing this is because I have a large chest that needs reduce but I have to lose weight first and I can't exercise or anything because I'm pinching a nerve in my back from the weight of my chest so it's a little difficult position to be in I'm very picky when it comes to eating so the after surgery diet is what is really scaring me I don't like creamy Soup I don't like cottage cheese I don't like anything that could be good to eat after the surgery after cleared off of like broth and stuff I'm also nervous about support here I have a lot of support but I don't have a lot of people to help take care of me I have a lot of emotional support I mean my family lives 750 miles away my husband has dealt with me being sick for a long time so it's hard for him to take care of me when something happens his family isn't very sympathetic supportive in their own way but not very sympathetic satin white about the recuperating I also have a problem with asking people for help I mean I think that people that would help me but its hard to me to say hey can you do this for me can you make me that can you wait on me I have a lot on my mind right now with this I know in the end the surgery is going to be very helpful it's going to get me to where I need to be and it's going to get me healthier at that I know it's going to be hard its going to be a struggle I'm just hoping I'm up for the challenge I'm pretty much just ranting I can't sleep its 3 o'clock in the morning and I just have a lot on my mind

    Keep us posted! We are all here to support u in ur journey. :) you will find a lot of useful info here, I certainly did and made some good friends too! :)

  7. For me, I had a rough couple of weeks after surgery and combined with a couple of really mean spirited people I read comments from I just don't comment much. I do when I feel I have something of value to add. I had surgery Dec 2 and now am 45 pounds down. I have hit that dreaded 4 week stall and have been there for 8 days now. I have been fortunate to have met a local to me buddy and consider her an invaluable friend now!! CJ

    Wow great job! Screw the mean people!!! We love ya, and we all always have something to add it this would be a boring board! :) hope to hear more from ya!!!

  8. I just took my happy pill. ; ) I am ready for tomorrow! I need to be at the hospital by 7:30 in the morning. I will update as soon as I can after surgery. I didn't need a bowel prep. Ya!!!! I will be getting a shot in my stomach for blood thinning. Ick! I ate a nice dinner tonight and am ready for my reflux free life! There are several others tomorrow. Let's compare notes. ; ). I am really excited.

    Please keep us posted!!!

  9. Ty all for your support. The 2 lil ones are still outta classes, but the rest are back in session!! Thank ya Jesus!

    The two lil ones go back tomorrow. Yay!!! I'll finally have a day of sanity for this week! Then they're out fri-mon..... Oh that's gonna be a long weekend! Lol but that I can handle. I just don't do well with -30 degree temps, broken Water lines, and fighting children! Lol I went to bed early right along side em last night. I was whooped! Oh on the cute side...... Gonna try to upload a pic we can all laugh at!!!

    Yes they dressed up the kitten and are pushing it in a grocery cart!!! It's letting them! Silly crazy kitty.



  10. I knew to some extent I would have to deal with negative or jealous people. But being that I'm still pre op I had no idea there would be so many already. I keep hearing things like. " oh you better start saving money to get all your extra skin cut off" or " people who have that surgery have nothing but problems and are miserable" and " F that diet you have to eat after" also I'm engaged so I was recently asked if we have set a date and I said no we haven't yet we are just getting caught up on our finances as paying off our debts but we are getting closer! A woman replied, " she just wants to lose weight first then decide if that's the person she wants to marry" it took everything in me not to jump over the couch and pummel her. Ugh

    It's prob a durn good thing I don't live by u! I'd smack that one silly for being so rude to u! U are going to have the normally negative nellies in life for sure... But that was over the top rude and crude!!!

  11. I with the Artic bald that came thru central Ohio, my kids have had 2 snow days this week (after a 16 day winter break!) and I'm going crazy! They're 3, & 5 (girls) in preschool, 6 yr old girl and 10 yr old boy in elementary school, and 16 and 10 yr old hs girls! They're fighting, arguing, and nonstop bickering has been off the hook!!

    Then just when I think I can't take anymore... I have 1 Water line broken in 3 places! That means the landlord, his helper, and my (eye roll) husband have all been standing in my kitchen tracking muddy snow all thru it! Seriously!?! I am ready for a nervous break down! Oh and did I mention that I am also logging my every meal and trying to lose weight on my own before seeing the surgeon again!? Yeah I'm a tad past cranky!! I can't take much more!!!

    Ty for allowing me a safe spot to vent without going smack ass goofy on this "fantastic" husband (eye roll again!) of mine! Tho if I had maybe he would go find setting productive to do besides hold the couch down!!! Then again prob not just makin me more annoyed! :)

  12. So I am scheduled for my surgery in a few weeks, I am trying to get myself eating now the way I will need to later...everything I have read says this will make it easier for me after, plus...I was asked to loose 10lbs. I am doing fine for myself. I fix myself separate items from my family. The thing is...one big reason I am doing this is to help my children. Both our girls are heavy for their ages (my hubs and I are both too and he will be having his surgery in the spring) I do NOT want my kids to have to go through this. I want to help them now while they are little. It is my duty as their mom who loves them more than anything in this world. Where I am having trouble is dinner...what in the world do I make for a family that is low in fat, low in sugar, high in Protein and...my kids will actually eat?? I love my babies and I don't want them to suffer the way I did as a child/teen/adult. The teasing and laughing and being left out. I also don't want them to loose their confidence or self esteem at the hands of me...because I didn't take control... They are both dancers and are very active kids...good grief are they active...but the weight sticks in their tummy area just like mine and my husbands. (He says it's sympathy weight from when I was pregnant...nearly 10 years ago lol) Anyway..any ideas or advice other parents can give me on how to handle the dinner situation and also...tips on weeding out the crap like hoho's in the lunch box..what do I swap it for and the chips...without them crying...and hating it. I want them to see that eating right can be great!!! I know it can...I've done it a million times but...you all know... Thanks y'all! ~dreaming

    So what I did withh my kids is find a veggie they all like, In my house it's cucumbers and ranch (fat free of course!) And trade that for chips and dip. And I use yogart and fruit Snacks as a replacement for candy and ice cream. It's still sweet and can be frozen just like ice cream. Or for a rare treat, sherbet. (Fat free again). And them seeing you and dad make this change will help with less kicking and screaming. They're gonna resist any change, all kids do... But if u clean out all the "junk" and there's no choice but to eat right... Then they're gonna do it a lot easier than if they're doing it while seeing the box of ho hos in the corner! And even explain to them, I making sure we all live long healthy lives by making the switch for everyone.... Not just the kids!

  13. Ok so I have been stalking the boards for a few weeks now. I tend to comment seldom unless it's something that really touches me or if it's something I can learn from.

    One thing that's becoming obviously annoying to me.... A lot (not all) of people that use te boards pre-op, go thru surgeries and we never ear from em again! I have followed a lot of stories, and tons of em dead end at tomorrow's my surgery date! Uuuuuugh! Why do people do this!? Very annoying! If you are going to be part of a board pre-op..... Finish ur story post op!!

  14. Wondering if you ladies could help me with an issue I am having. I have a referral to go see Dr. Simon, but I found my insurance also has Dr. Graber, anyone can shed some light as to how you chose your Dr? I will like to have a gastric bypass, oh and what about the hospitals do you know anything about them? I am new to the area, and newer to the whole experience and this going back and forth looking at healthgrades is making me chicken out, please help!!!!

    I would def do a consult with each dr, see who u are more cozy with , see who is more qualified. And see who practices what hosps. Check out the hospitals online and see what people are saying about each of them. It's going to take some work on ur part.... But this can be done!! :) good luck to ya! Keep us posted.

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