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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by *Misty*Raine*

  1. *Misty*Raine*

    You Annoyed much!?! I am!

    Yes EXACTLY!
  2. *Misty*Raine*

    You Annoyed much!?! I am!

    It's this coming October I'm told! super excited!!! And wasn't trying to "make" anyone check in.... Just like the previous person said (sorry didn't see who said it) ... We just wonder if they made it, died, or what!?
  3. *Misty*Raine*

    Water line break....

    Ty all for your support. The 2 lil ones are still outta classes, but the rest are back in session!! Thank ya Jesus! The two lil ones go back tomorrow. Yay!!! I'll finally have a day of sanity for this week! Then they're out fri-mon..... Oh that's gonna be a long weekend! Lol but that I can handle. I just don't do well with -30 degree temps, broken Water lines, and fighting children! Lol I went to bed early right along side em last night. I was whooped! Oh on the cute side...... Gonna try to upload a pic we can all laugh at!!! Yes they dressed up the kitten and are pushing it in a grocery cart!!! It's letting them! Silly crazy kitty.
  4. *Misty*Raine*


    It's prob a durn good thing I don't live by u! I'd smack that one silly for being so rude to u! U are going to have the normally negative nellies in life for sure... But that was over the top rude and crude!!!
  5. *Misty*Raine*

    Husband, kids and eating healthy oh my!

    So what I did withh my kids is find a veggie they all like, In my house it's cucumbers and ranch (fat free of course!) And trade that for chips and dip. And I use yogart and fruit snacks as a replacement for candy and ice cream. It's still sweet and can be frozen just like ice cream. Or for a rare treat, sherbet. (Fat free again). And them seeing you and dad make this change will help with less kicking and screaming. They're gonna resist any change, all kids do... But if u clean out all the "junk" and there's no choice but to eat right... Then they're gonna do it a lot easier than if they're doing it while seeing the box of ho hos in the corner! And even explain to them, I making sure we all live long healthy lives by making the switch for everyone.... Not just the kids!
  6. *Misty*Raine*

    Upstate New York? Anyone out there?

    I would def do a consult with each dr, see who u are more cozy with , see who is more qualified. And see who practices what hosps. Check out the hospitals online and see what people are saying about each of them. It's going to take some work on ur part.... But this can be done!! good luck to ya! Keep us posted.
  7. *Misty*Raine*

    100 Pounds Lost

    So very sorry to hear about ur friends dad. But at the same time, don't cheat yourself of a HUGE milestone! You have accomplished something very tough and deserve to shine in your moment also! Congrats on the weight loss!
  8. *Misty*Raine*

    Abdominal pain

    Sorry u got a quack for the er dr! :-/ That stinks! Maybe ur surgeon can offer more help.
  9. *Misty*Raine*

    53 days to get approval

    Yep.... Still going thru the 9 mo process!!
  10. *Misty*Raine*

    Cough & Cold What Can I Take?

    For future reference for anyone looking and wondering what to take.... With sugars being an issue, I'd imagine that u could take any diabetic cold meds... They're all sugar free!
  11. *Misty*Raine*

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    Omg that's amazing! I'm so happy for u! You are doing amazing and ur gonna rock those 18s like no one else! smile girl... Ur makin mad progress!!
  12. *Misty*Raine*

    Need to get back on track...

    Thank you! You and so many others have made me feel right at home here. I prob in true reality spend way too much time on here just lurking am reading... Lol.... But can't think of a place better to gather so much useful info!
  13. *Misty*Raine*

    Patiently waiting!

    Omg I am so happy for u! I have been following ur journey on the boards. You so deserve this! Good luck and we will be anxiously awaiting the update!
  14. *Misty*Raine*

    December Surgeries!?!?!?

    When I first started taking it, I wanna say it took a couple of doses before it really started working.... But I had a real bad problem with it too... Just be patient and keep taking it even if u don't see immediate results, cause u WILL! and if u stay on it daily, u will see a major difference! It's good stuff.
  15. *Misty*Raine*

    December post ops

    I've read a lot of people actually going thru this and the answer was always that the nerve endings in the pouch weren't healed and that's why people didn't feel full. From what I read, many times over, it will develop within a couple of months once the pouch heals completely. So for him to say its "normal" is prob true just based on the many posts I've read here and the articles online I've also read. (Ok so I'm a research junkie! Lol.... Maybe even borderline addict! Hahaha) Hope this was helpful in someway to someone!
  16. *Misty*Raine*

    Need to get back on track...

    Dies of wasting*** not does*** ugh auto correct! Hate it!
  17. *Misty*Raine*

    Need to get back on track...

    Oh DL! I can't thank you enough for taking the time to spell it all put for me! I really appreciate it. I just d/loaded the app and I'm goin to go explore it now. I had no idea how this all worked. I had seen many people talking about it... But felt stupid not knowing what it meant or how to even go about it. :-/ I agree that keeping a log would make me more accountable! I'm the mom that finishes off her kids plates in order "not to waste" food. Well I have spent the last week teaching/reminding myself that wasting is just fine, and no ones ever does of wasting a half of a plate of food... Lol I look forward to learning a lot from you and everyone on the boards. I have been lurking for sometime now and noticed that you seem to have a lot of useful and educated information! You are a real asset to us all. Thank you again!
  18. Hi I am new to the board. I just made the call today to the surgeon and started my journey. I go the 13th of jan for my initial visit. Then 9long months of classes, psych appt, and all the craziness gets real for me. I am a married mom of 6 kids. And I know this is not going to be easy. Is there anyone else just starting the journey? Or am I the lone one? I am really looking for a buddy to go thru this with! Thanks in advance! Misty Raine
  19. *Misty*Raine*

    New person welcome?

    If it had to be removed... How is that ur fault? Just nosey sorry! Lol I'm sure ur going to do fantastic! You have tons of support here and were all facing the same uphill battles. Good luck to ya ... And let me know if I can help in any way!
  20. *Misty*Raine*

    New person welcome?

    Ur so close! Congrats!!! So happy for u. I know any surgery is scary... Just know were all rootin for ya here!
  21. *Misty*Raine*

    Self-Pay Complications

    I guess what I don't understand is if the insurance could be billed, why wasn't instead of u self paying? And if it wasn't covered, how are they billing now? That's my confusion!
  22. *Misty*Raine*

    Shake? Question?

    OK I know a lot of u have tried a lot of different shakes. What were ur favorite shakes? And which ones made u glad u never had to taste that again!? I'm new to the shake thing, as are many of us new people...What advice can u give us so we aren't wasting a butt ton of money on gross shakes?
  23. *Misty*Raine*

    December Surgeries!?!?!?

    I use miralax on a daily basis. It is gentle on the tummy and uses the water already in ur system and pulls it into the bowels to help move em. It's great stuff and u can mix it with water and it's tasteless. Or put it in ur protein shake and u really can't tell it's even in there! This is gentle enough my surgeon already said I can still use it after my bypass. Hope this helps!
  24. *Misty*Raine*

    Shake? Question?

    I was just reading about those tonite! Lol... Have to try some of these out!
  25. *Misty*Raine*

    Shake? Question?

    Ty so much for ur help with this! I am new to the whole shake it up thing, and trying to get as much info as I can on it all. Don't want a bunch of shakes sitting in my cabinet collecting dust ya know?!

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