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Posts posted by susieq321

  1. Susieq: Where do you post on myslimband. They don't have an index like this site where one can scroll down the topics. I have difficulty all the time returning to a topic. Yes one or two e mail me, but what I am looking for are posted topics that I can join in the discussion and return to like this site.


    Once you get used to it, you might like it... I don't mind either forum style for posting I had to get used to this one after the canadian lapbanders forum on yahoo and disliked it forever.

    So there are different groups and all the postings originate in the group forums...

    On the right hand side select groups and then which group you want. If there is a group you want added email the admin. I did that for a general forum so we could discuss other things there. If you click on the group you want, fills, buddies, ask the nutritionist, general etc it will bring up all the active topics in that group. So then you can respond to the topic you want by clicking and reading similar to on here or start a new topic I think the add a post button is at the top.

    It is very similar to how this group works when you break down how the pages are designed and programmed... but as a general rule I know for me anyway I skip over the main forum and come right to the Canadian pages and then I can see all the posts and topics. The myslimband site has that same segration as we do here ie general, canadian, 40's, 50's and then postings underneath... it just doesn't seem that way to people who don't play on computers all day. So my slimband has the segration at the group name level and then you get into the postings similar to on here.

    I find the people on myslimband pretty cool and working towards their goals in my clinic's setting... and it is nice to read some positive stuff in there along with the not as positive stuff... and the other advantage I like is you get access to the slimband staff like Lina, Hanna, Jodi etc they check and post and will respond to questions so you are getting your clinic recommended answer rather than just the answer of another bandster. Both may work... but one may be more right with your dr...

    Does that help.. or did I get to technical?


  2. Just like Doddie63, I'm joining this thread so that I can read about other Slimband-sters.

    I was banded on Dec 11, 2008. I'm satisfied with my progress. I wish I could lose more, but I'm losing the healthy, recommended amount - and that's o.k.

    I'm attending two of the Supercharged seminars at the centre, and I find I get something out of each. I didn't know there was a "Slimband" website 'til yesterday. I don't know how I missed it - I had been checking the calendar on the TLBC site.

    I've had two fills, and have an appointment for another next week. I believe I'll ask for a little bit more, as I don't think I've reached my "sweet spot" yet. Close, but not quite there.

    Someone here recommended a central place for Slimband/TLBC people to gather. Is there a way to get a forum specific to us, I wonder?


    There is the myslimband.com forum that is for Slimband patients... you can join there and post. I am enjoying it more than i enjoyed the last TLBC board. It has a pretty active participation and they will email you about discussion and sessions etc once you join.

    I like both sets of forums but if you want slimbandsters specifically they are at the myslimband site.

    Good luck with losing


  3. Thanks for your support Doddie! I think I was just frustrated more then anything rather then an urgency. For the fill I just really wanted to be able to arrange a time and have it done efficently. But it did turn out all good for two reasons! I was able to get a hold of Jill and she gave me some really good recipe tips and advice on my menu planning and she agreed that I should get a fill based on my restriction level. And just to let everyone know she is going great! And just to update she is putting together some really great Obesity support groups. She will teach nutrition and menu planning, execerise, and create a support atmosphere. And its great because she is doing these programs for anyone that wants to lose weigth...so for family and friends that are not banded they join her programs! Its about learning how to lose weight and how to maintain. I'm so excited!!! If anyone is interested please contact me and I will give you the info!

    I'm going to start another tread also because Jill has also become a distributor for Metagenics! I'm going to finally be able to get my chocolate fix!! So I will start another thread for anyone that is interested in getting Metagenics!

    Now I did have a positive exeperience at TLBC also, on Saturday I went in to get a fill and there was so many people there! I think the VM booking line did some major overbooking because the fill nurse was triple book so we had to wait for quite so time but it turned out great because we all sat and talked for over an hour and half and it became a mini support group! I just want to say hi to everyone I met and it was a real pleasure to meet and talk with you all and I hope we can all keep in touch! And it was great to exchange stories and success's and also struggles. I wish you all the best of luck on your journey's.

    Make it a great day everyone!!!

    Hanbe you have just discovered one of my favorite parts of fill meeting new people... it is how I met some of the bandsters at the beginning who I still keep in touch with today.

    It is interesting to meet people who are going through the same things you are and understand it on the same level.

    Glad you got your fill


  4. Susieq321 I just wanted to pass on my condolences on the passing of your father.

    Just hang in there. it does get easier although grieving takes time and has to run its course. Be stong.

    you have been a real role model for me. I have been following your posts on the forums and you were pivitol in my origial decision to get the band (best decision of my life). I am sure he was really proud of you and it sounds like he was the type of man who was a great role model for us all. I am sure you have a lot of his characteristics in you.

    Thank you, I am ok, I miss my dad a great deal but I know he didn't suffer and his quality of life only degraded at the very end. My dad was a very strong man and I am proud to have some of his traits and I only hope I can be as dedicated as he was.

    I can say this Dr Yau was really helpful when he relocated my port we talked about where I was and how I was and his advice really helped at that point in time. I wasn't ready to take it right then, but it stayed with me.


  5. I found drinking warm broth or any type of warm drink took the hunger pangs away. So I drank continually very slowly. Also found if I got out of the house and went walking or something to keep my mind away from food helped.

    You can do it.

    It was funny for all the times I ended up on liquids it was the one time I was never hungry... I mostly just drank, had some frozen juice etc but didn't care about eating solids and didn't suffer those hunger pangs. Not sure if it was the upset of surgery or the general but I guess I was lucky that way.


  6. I was banded on Jan 23rd 2009...It has not yet been a week and the last 2 days I have been starving !! Protein shakes do nothing for me...My recovery has been very good I feel no real discomfort. I was told that I have to stay on mushies for a month..are you kidding me... I ate something that was not in mushy form today ( a couple bites of a sandwich..) had no procblem keeping it down, as a matter of fact I wanted more ! My band obviously has not provided me with any restriction ...hopefully when I get my first fill Feb 23 , I will feel some sort of resriction. For now why am I sooo hungry all the time ? Is this normal ?

    Completely and totally normal... without fill you have no restriction. Keep drinking and follow the plan if you push your recovery and eating solid foods they may feel good going down but you are increasing your risk of complications because your stomach has not healed from the surgery.

    Keep drinking I know it isn't filling for some and keep trying and remember what you are working towards I know that may not be helpful but this is one of the hardest stages.

    Good luck


  7. Ok so now we have a Slimband fill and defill booking line at TLBC/Slimband? I called this morning to get an appointment for today or Monday morning for a fill and now you get transfered to a voicemail that I have to leave a message and someone will call me back to book an appointment? This place is just getting worse and worse! I find it so cold and unfriendly when I go there, I haven't heard anything good about their new "Supercharge programs" or whatever they are called. And the fact that I can't simply call and book an appt for a fill or defill is just another factor that is making things frustrating and disppointing!

    I need to really find Jill and get some positive reinforment! I feeling very off track right now!

    I am not sure what the problem is it is a fill hotline so that you don't get lost in a voicemail if someone is on vacation... that was what happened to me the last time I called for a fill appt... I think it is a great step forward to have a dedicated line that is constantly checked over an employees voicemail which will only get checked when the employee is free now it is part of someone job just to check this hotline book you and call you back that is fantastic.

    Hanbe I know you aren't happy and I am not sure if that is just with the clinic or your success, but have you tried talking to any of the other staff to see if they can become your new Jill. I am on myslimband and Jodi et all seem pretty nice and responsive to questions and quite willing to help people. Have you talked to them? They might be able to help you.


  8. Hi Guys,

    So I just found out I am pregnant. Well I have been banded for about a year and a half now and lost 62 lbs. Guys, I am scared, nervous, happy and everything all into one. Is there any advice that bandsters that have had babies with the band can tell me like weight gain, how to cope with the HUNGER:crying:

    I know several bandsters who got the band for the express reason of getting preggers. If your clinic has a site you might post on there and see who on there as been banded and I know some of the girls on the Yahoo Canadian Lapbander groups have recently been preggers and have done well.


  9. Also, forgot to mention I am going on vacation to Mexico in March...I am scheduled for my first fill on Feb 23..is this a bad idea

    I might hold off on the fill just in case you do not want to end up on vacation too tight to enjoy anything... if you are local to your clinic and can get back there with relative easy then it isn't so bad you can get a defill if you need it. Most people aren't to sensitive to a fill but some people are and you never know which you will be until you get one.

    Keep drinking and moving as much as you possibly can and take it easy! And enjoy your vacation!


  10. Hi Heather and Doddie,

    chocolate is my middle name, so giving it up is really hard! And I know what you mean about the headaches, but they usually go by the end of the third day.

    And the wisdom is, that if you stick to something for 30 days, it will start to become a habit. I started by doing a small weight lifting program that wasn't too hard or intense and I could advance at my own pace, and before I knew it I was enjoying it. Then I started with the treadmill and I do now miss it if I don't do my 30 minute speed walk every day.

    I'm back on track, but I am having the same issue as you Doddie, where I hoped I would take off at least a pound, but it is fluctuating at the moment. I'm hoping to just keep on track and the weight will follow!



    congrats on doing it.... when I was in my losing stage I found that I would lose 1-7 lbs in a week plateau for about 3 weeks and then lose again for a week and then plateau... sometimes the body just needs to hold the weight and it comes off....

    Keep going, and once I get the sugar out and I can go back to the moderation stage of my life... where I am more focused on being consistent I will let chocolate back in.... but I tend to go for the really good stuff it seems to satisfy me more than just the candy store bars... so I will have a piece or two and be happy with the richness etc and won't need more than that.


  11. Getting back on track is one of the hardest things in the world for me, because I (like you) know what is coming. Starting out fresh with the band it was all new, scarey, enlightening, all the emotions to keep me going. It is when I revert to old habits that I have that terrible fight with myself because I know what is coming.

    How did you get yourself moving?


    I started in Dec ad I just did something every day for 20 days... mine was treadmill.. I know I need to move and I feel better when I am moving so as trite as it sounds I am just doing it.

    When I was talking to Dr Yau we were talking fitness and I was asking him about his running program... and he agreed it is the same thing... he just started doing what he was telling his patients to do and he ended up running more and more and he loves it... so it is finding something you enjoy and just getting up and saying no TV program is worth the sacrifice of your health... and besides you can tape it and watch it later ;-). So I am trying to get into a mindset where nothing is as important as me and my fitness and my joy... so I am going and I enjoy working out while I am doing it and I have developed a love of the steam room as my reward and I don't get that unless I go and move!

    Good luck Doddie just do something for 5-10 mins and then increase it daily!


  12. Hi: In my experience, any addiction, no matter what type, alcohol. drugs, or food is a bummer to try and control.

    Unfortuantely for me, I seem to have the addiction to salt and fats. My GP insists I weigh in every Saturday and when I visit him he records it. His interest is what keeps me going knowing I have to account to not only myself but him.

    Have fun at the gym and high energy is my wish to you.


    Thanks for the good wishes.... I love the gym while I am there, other than Jamal is going to kick my ass and push me hard again of that I am sure! I used to weigh daily and haven't in about 5 years since I was at goal for about 6 months and just after plastic surgery I stopped. It worked very well for me for a long time... but in this case I had my own reasons for not caring if I gained and weighing daily wouldn't have stopped me it would have just made some other things worse.... I think there are merits to judging your progress by the scale and by how you look and feel. I have to say sitting and talking to Dr Yau when he moved my port back in Oct helped a lot. Knowing he is there whenever I need him or call Slimband helps too... at the time Dr Yau and I were talking I just wasn't mentally ready to make any of the changes I knew were coming.... and I knew they were coming and exactly what they were because I had been here before.... that was prebanding so I knew how much work I had to go. I just didn't factor in the Migraine headaches that were my body begging me for sugar.


  13. Interesting. So if you had not been able to pay for your lap band surgery, what would you have chosen?

    I'm afraid, I may not have a choice, but to go with one of the covered surgeries, as I don't have the money to put down, nor can I afford the payments.

    There are other options be prepared to be on a waiting list that may be months up to five years.

    I am unusual I at the time I was banded had US health coverage since I am a CDN who works in the US much of the time so I had several options covered under my US health care ironically none of those was the band since it had not been approved in the US yet. I saved and took the money out of what I had been saving for my house down payment. Others have done it many other ways.

    But I would put myself on the waiting list for the sleeve or RNY if I knew there was no way I could ever pay for the band.


  14. In order to keep getting notification for this link, I am joining in. I have no particular concerns but am interested in others. It is a great way to learn from reading other postings. One thing I noticed in other posts is how some bandsters (not many) loose sight of changing ones eating habits. I read into some posts the anxiety of giving up pop, Pasta, pizza, etc. Not getting a fill before vacation (good idea). I am going on a cruise in Feb. and have learned a lot from posts on what to do or not do. I am also relieved for the way SB is now setting up various aftercare topics for us. I will be the first to join all.


    I agree it is all about the eating. For years I maintained a consistent pattern post reaching goal weight. I ate out, I drank, I ate chocolate all in moderation. In the last several months I just said screw it... it was my way of dealing with my father dying I just didn't care about health or weight. I ate more chocolate than a small third world nation... I ate a lot of alfredo and drank more than the usual. And over all just did not care about anything.... so I have gained a few pounds but it is amazing how easy it is to fall into the habits that got me to 296 lbs (although eating much less) how easy it is to break 6+ years of conditioning my body and my mind about eating consistently and moving my body... old habits never die they are lurking right they to take you over.

    Fortunately I didn't gain that much and my clothes still fit so my goals are to get back into my better habits and consistent again. Take off the few lbs I gained... and ironically to honor my dad who watched what he ate till the end and who walked 5 kms a day even after a terminal cancer diagnosis right up until the last months of his life he was lifting weights, walking and do his exercise programs that he enjoyed. So if a man with nothing to live for, and every reason to indulge and just let it all go can be the healthiest terminal patient on his Drs role call, just because it worked for him so can I!


  15. Well I am not weighing but I should step on the scale at the gym tonight! I joined the gym signed up for a personal trainer went three times last week... I have a training session tonight again so that is going well.

    Now my sugar challenge.. I have been avoiding chocolate etc because I am seriously addicted and dependant... so last Tues I gave up the chocolate and I haven't had a cookie etc since. Now I have had sugar in the form of fruit and some booze... a glass of wine here and there and a margarita but compared to my norm as of late that is leaps and bounds from where I started a week ago.

    I can not tell you how hard this has been how many times I have idly picked up a chocolate bar or almost reached for a cookie in the last week just not even thinking. I can't tell you how much I wanted it when my body went into withdrawal and my head started pounding and didn't stop for days. I can understand how people relapse because mine issue is minor... I can't imagine being a drug addict or a smoker and going through this...

    So off to the gym to pay a lad to kick my butt into shape ;-)


  16. From what I've been reading, lap-band surgery is much less invasive and safer. Does anyone know why they would pay for other types and not lap band surgery?

    Now when you said lap band they may have confused it with the VGB which is covered and it is a banding but none adjustable and many of the people who have this find it difficult to maintain the loss long term without the adjustbility.

    As to why it isn't covered many many reasons the big one is you have to understand how OHIP works and why the legislature did what they did in voting to not have it covered.

    My understanding of OHIP is thus (I am not a Dr I am a software consultant so my knowledge may be wrong)

    OHIP has a committee that meets to discuss what is and is not covered a few times a year and that committee is made up of Drs, so this committee adds things to the fee schedules and takes them aways gives more money equating to time to procedures that are covered or less.

    So to get something covered you need to apply to this committee to get it covered only Docs can apply to the committee and none of the banding surgeons want the band covered for many reasons so none of them will ever apply.

    Some of the reasons they don't want the band covered is that it would be just another WLS so it be slotted under that umbrella and the wait for RNY is huge with some Drs less with others who work in WLS hospitals who dedicate more OR time to WLS.

    So part of the reason is their are afraid the wait would be huge

    There would be no post op clinic follow up they way we have now, no fill nurses etc because OHIP won't cover lectures, websites, etc.

    The docs also make a nice living from banding and OHIP would not pay nearly as much as private practice does so it would cost the private banding docs money.

    Now why the ON legislature voted not to cover it, there was a law suit which cost a lot of money and they wanted to avoid the possibility of another law suit so the voted to permanently exclude adjustable gastric banding (which is what you would need to ask about when you call)


  17. Hi all:

    I'm joining here in hopes to find posts from other Ontario people who have had the lap band surgery.

    I am very seriously considering having it done, but it looks like no one in Ottawa does the surgery so I may be Toronto bound.

    I contacted CIBO in Toronto and have spoken to them a bit, and they tell me the price is $18,000 and OHIP will not pay.

    However, I called OHIP and was told that if it's a medical necessity they will pay.

    I have to see my Dr in a couple weeks for a check up and am going to talk to him about it.

    I have a great Dr, and he's been treating me for some time now for High Blood pressure as well as trying to help me with my weight so I'm hoping he will back me up on this.

    I've been yoyo dieting since I was in my teens and it's the same old story as with many others, tried everything, keep gaining more each time, etc. etc....

    So have any others here been able to get OHIP to pay for the surgery? I can't afford it on my own, but coming from a family of severely overweight people, I'm terrified that as I get older it's only going to get worse for me if I don't have the surgery.

    Lapband is exclusively excluded from the OHIP schedule from benefits with a vote in the Ontario legislature in Dec 07 I think. This means that it won't be considered for coverage etc. This was part of a article in the Globe and Mail back then where people were fighting to get partial coverage. Good thing if you are military I can think of two people the cdn forces have paid for the band for as part of a need for their position in the forces.


  18. As requested starting a new thread... feel free to post here the good the great, the not so great, problems, complications compliments etc.

    Again this thread is primarily for Slimband patients so if you are reading and not a Slimband clinic patient please do not get upset when we talk about our surgeon and clinic as our best choice and the best choice we see possible.


  19. HI: Why don't you start one say "Slimband aka TLBC cont'd" :thumbdown: I am not a great computer "geek" and find myself happy I can navigate these sites.

    Let us know how you are doing in your Quest to get under or at your goal.

    Nice to see some different topics here. Can't we start a new thread though, so we can have less pages to wade through?


    I don't mind starting a new thread is everyone in agreement to let this one go and start a new thread?

  20. I don't eat out very often, as I said, but I find that I am ordering so much differently than I used to, for sure. And you are right, there is no harm in asking for something the way you want it. As long as you aren't asking for some "way out there" ingredient, it isn't hard for them to alter a food. I used to always want a hamberger because it wasn't often that I got them at home, now I'll mostly order Soup and a salad.

    The only thing I haven't been able to catch until later when I get that horrible tired feeling behind my eyes, is when there is MSG in something. I ate something at a restaurant a while ago, and I won't go back there as it must have had MSG and I was so tired for the rest of the day! It is so unnecessary!

    Hope it helps someone. You are right, if you are sensible, you know whether something is good for your diet or not, but sometimes it is hard to know which item would be better.


    It is funny since banding MSG makes me vomit instantly two bits of anything with MSG and I am hiking for the restroom... It never bothered me prebanding really now it is almost instant I know when something has MSG in it.


  21. OMG! I am not blaming "the band" the thread was: Would you do it all again?"

    And I said no and gave my reasons. Never once did I blame the band for anything.


    The question is how much are you eating and what are you eating and how much are you moving your body. If you are starving yourself you will stop losing you need to have food to lose weight... you need to have calories or your body will go into starvation mode. I think Doddie is right you may want to talk to your clinic and see what they can do to help and advise you. You should be getting in 1200-1500 cals at a min a day and be moving your body in some form. But if you are not getting enough in your body you won't lose even if you are exercising like a madman.

    Good luck I hope you start losing again and I not get a fill pre vacation because you might be stuck eating food that you aren't used to or that sticks a little more than usual.


  22. I saw this on another forum. It's a list of restaurants and how many calories, points, carbs etc are in the meals on their menus. A lot of them are in the US (it's an American site) but it may be helpful to those who eat out.

    The woman who mentioned it said it helped her to know what was a reasonably healthy meal to have before she went out.

    I don't really eat out that much, and didn't recognise a lot of the places, but maybe if some of you are on holidays or do recognise some of them, it may be of some use.

    Dotti's Weight Loss Zone - Restaurants A-Z, Weight Watcher and Nutritional Info



    thank you for posting this I am in the US pretty much 300 days a year for my job so since we eat out a few times a week it is nice to know what is in things.

    I have been eating out since I was first banded much more than most people because I spend a lot of my life living in hotels and eating out. I have always used common sense, ordering things like french onion Soup with no cheese and no bread when I was on clear fluids because it is beef broth giving me some Protein. Other than that I learned that chicken, beef and lots of fish are my friends. I haven't been a calorie counter since my first 6 months post banding by then I had worked out Protein counts in my head so I knew I was getting enough protein.

    Even now I think about what I am ordering and try to structure it based on what else I have eaten throughout the day, the time I am eating etc.

    But restaurants have a ton of hidden calories sauces done in butter, a quick flash fry in fat, and the dressings etc all laden with fat. As a general rule I never eat the bread or salad or Soup that comes with my entree I can't eat that much food so I skip it. And I learned a long time ago I don't eat leftovers often so leaving them behind is much more practical for me... unless the friends or the dog want them. And the other thing I have learned is I am a high maintenance ordering machine... if I am paying for it I want it the way I want it, sauce on the side, substitutions etc...I am polite and never protest paying more when I ask for something different but if I am paying I am not afraid to ask for what I want and how I like it.


  23. I can't make it to the seminar on Sat so if anyone does attend I would love to hear the feedback! I maybe would be able to make time for the next one if they are helpful!

    Heather I just saw your response in regards to my comment about drinking diet coke....I appreciate you telling me about the stretching of my pouch I was not aware of this. So thanks! I was very under educated about things like this when I was banded, I had my consultation with Kathy and I think it lasted 10 minutes and I found her unfriendly and uninformative and the only reason I went ahead with the procedure was because I wanted to be banded so badly and I had a friend that had referred me to TLBC and had lost over 100 pounds. You said to have a chat with Dr. Yau and he would chastise me on the no no's of drinking diet coke but I really have no interest in speaking with Dr.Yau considering he spoke approx 10 words to me in total just minutes before my surgery. I found him rude and trying to rush out of the room. I think he got my $16K and thats all that matters to him! Now I know Heather you are good friends with Kathy and a big supporter of TLBC and Dr.Yau so I want you to know this was not intended to start a battle with you I'm just venting my frustrations or I guess my disappointment with TLBC and Dr.Yau. We don't need to argue our differences of opinion and I respect your feelings and your loyalty.

    I did speak with a expert on lapband at CIBO and she told me to try gateroide instead of soda pop is a good solution. I have also just went to drinking Water with flavors and that has helped.


    I am friends with Kathy and I have a good relationship with Yau... two things I have learned in this life is that not everyone can like everyone else and they just may not be your cup of tea.. and that is ok. I get along with them and that is ok too, Kathy was one of the few resources for those who were banded way back when and she was amazing with people and her own research and I know from experience she does care but that is my relationship with her.

    Yau... first time I met him that I remembered I loathed him called him a bastard I do believe... I was going in for my first fill at Grace and after over an hour of Joffe and the radiologist freezing and poking me everywhere... they called Yau out of surgery he walked in found the only unfrozen spot on my stomach inserted the needle none to nicely said her tubing is disconnected she needs surgery and walked out... that was it I was like who is that bastard? I was told and I said well he is a total jerk. The moral of that story is Yau is a surgeon and as a general rule most surgeons I have met over the years aren't the most social creatures and like to cut people open and fix them, they don't always have a decent bedside manner. As I got to know Yau through my complications and helping a friend out who had complications I liked him, he became human with a sense of humour etc. That lesson took me a long time, and most of his patients won't ever get to see him the way I did because I spent that time with him and it is probably a good thing that they don't know him that way. Knowing him as a surgeon from other non banding patients there is not a surgeon I know that I trust more than Yau other than my plastic guy... and both of those two rank highly with me as people who care that they help you and are perfectionists and there is nothing more you can ask of a surgeon.

    I can honestly say this Dr Yau does care about his patients and if you are struggling and you aren't happy with your results or the help the nurses are providing you and at your wits end and you make an appt with Dr Yau he will sit there and go through things with you. He may tell you things you don't want to hear but he will take the time to work through issues and make suggestions etc. It isn't something he wants to do with every patient since there are well over 2000-3000 of us but if you do need him Hanbe he will make the time for you. The reason he hired all the staff he hired was so he could concentrate on surgery rather than on the patients and he arranged to hire people who had been banded and who could help in ways he may not be able to, but he will take the time for any patient who needs it and has exhausted the other options.

    And with that said even if you sat and talked to Yau you might not like him as I said I learned a long long time ago there are a lot of people who can't stand me and I am good with that not everyone can like all of us and we can't like everyone and that is ok.

    As for the pop you are welcome it is something I never believed until I watch that episode of Mythbusters it was eye opening. For liquids... I am a little different since I am at goal I do a lot of milk, water, some teas, wine, martinis and some fountain soda (the last three full of sugar and not the best choice but I do them in moderation and the soda I am trying to break that habit again)

  24. i have pain in my stomach, too. It is a dull pain and I am worried that I might have eaten too much and bursted the band. Can that happen? I see my doc tomorrow and hopefully get some answers.

    You would throw up many times long before you burst your band. I have heard of the clips that hold the band shut breaking once in 7 years. Pain in the stomach is relative we don't have pain nerves in our stomach, pain nerves are closer to the surface we have the full receptors, gag reflex etc but deep where are organs are there aren't true pain receptor nerves.

    The dull pain sounds more like what I eat too fast and am over full slightly. It is an ache of fullness and my warning that I really shouldn't have eaten that much and if I take another bite I will vomit. Talk to your surgeon and get his opinion.


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