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Posts posted by susieq321

  1. Its taken me a little longer than I wanted to post this..dont know where the time has gone. In february I was delighted to know Slimband arranged a fill session only 2 1/2 hrs away from me and saved me a great deal of time and money so I wouldnt have to got to Toronto. Nancy was the fill nurse they flew in and she was great! My first fill at Slimband was extremely painful and took four needle insertions to find the port since mine has tilted. So needless to say I was terrified of the next fill.

    I was So happy with Nancy..I didnt even feel the needle!!! Plus I met a few other ladies with lapbands as well and we had a great chat. I needed a de-fill before I left because my Water was getting stuck and now I think i have hit my sweet spot. Only frustrating thing is I'm not seeing a huge difference on the scale but my clothes are really baggy and I know thats that most important thing. I cant wait for the snow to GO and I can get outside more and get moving around more. How is everyone else doing on there journey?? This forum has been so quiet lately and I need to talk to my lapband ladies!!


    The weight will come off too as long as the clothes are looser you are on the right track. And congrats on the progress.

    We switched over to the slimband thread since this one was so long. So you might want to repost this over there.


  2. Wow, for some reason I've stopped being notified when there is a new post on this thread (or site, I'm not sure) but wow, what a lot that has gone on! Thank you Heather for posting that information about the crashed party. I can't believe that people would behave that way!

    What a cut-throat world lap band is!

    And perhaps it is time to start to find another place to post that we can say our opinions without the post being removed. I am so glad you guys explained what was happening and then Heather managed to quote some of it again, as I wondered if I was going mad!

    I have to say that TLBC would have been much better off not saying anything about Jill when asked except a polite "she left to pursue other interests" and left her alone now. This has not done their reputation any good at all, as by their initial silence, and then that nasty comment about her being fired has only made them look bad, not her. I'm sure there is an expression but saying bad things about a person makes the teller look bad, not the subject. Something like that.

    I'm up for a monthly topic Heather. I replied to you in the Slimband site, but I'm not getting notifications on that either! Oh well.

    Thanks for all the info ladies!



    I wasn't the one who posted the info about TLBC, I don't have any issues with them... I think it was Sandy who posted.. just so you can give credit where credit is due. I don't know Jill at all or anything about her other than what I have read on here from people... good and bad and frankly the whole thing just screams DRAMA to me.

    My theory about the whole thing is there was no one who was actually there to witness it, everything is second hand stories... so there are two sides to every story and somewhere down the middle is the truth. And I am not in the middle or on either side so I refrain from commenting on this one... I only mentioned that Slimband can't remove posts only LBT can do that.


  3. :)

    Thanks Donna. Now I know it is not a bug but it is unusual that the website has not notified us of this popup. It is not like the use advertising and I really don't like the idea of judging something that I do not know where the information is going to and how it will be used.

    I don't see the popup.... but I am curious why my post saying congrats to Sandy was deleted ... all I said was congrats and before you go you might want to make sure that you have your post op care covered....

    Not sure what was editable in that post but... apparently something was!


  4. Slimband can't remove your posts no one can do that except the lapbandtalk moderators and I would guess that is a paid position with strict rules. You can edit your own posts... but someone can complain and have a post removed. Since you mentioned someone's full name and associated them with a business it could be considered libel (I always mix up slander and libel one is written and one is spoken)

    This is an american site so I would imagine they are even more afraid of lawsuits. This is a commercial site that makes a lot of money and they have to protect themselves.

  5. OK this is just my idea nothing to do with Slimband so do not hold them accountable... but I posted on the myslimband site and since it is locked down to slimband/TLBC patients it would be nice to host it on there because it will be our own small group that is manageable.

    Here were my thoughts so far... and I already posted this on myslimband.com

    I was thinking more along the lines of a thread that is ours, where we make our commitments for group and additional commitments as we go..

    I was thinking something along the lines of choosing a theme for the month or a theme for the week. We could start with a focus on eating, working out anything we want as a group we would choose the theme of the week or month...

    So we would make the commitment to the group for the duration of the group, then another to the theme of the week or month.

    In addition there are dozens of free podcasts that we could suggest to each other a webcast or podcast or article to read that ties into our theme as an individual weigh in for the comments on the webcast, article or podcast.

    In addition we can add a weigh in for those who are in the weight loss phase and want that accountability added. We can also set up a chat room if that would help people there are several free rooms or if we are on msn or yahoo you can do a linked IM chat on there too.

    Thoughts comments etc?

  6. Hi Heather, I'd be interested int doing Long-distance Boot Camp.... I live 2 1/2 hours from the Clinic so it's pretty impossible for me to get there to do it.

    OK this is just my idea nothing to do with Slimband so do not hold them accountable... but I posted on the myslimband site and since it is locked down to slimband/TLBC patients it would be nice to host it on there because it will be our own small group that is manageable.

    Here were my thoughts so far... and I already posted this on myslimband.com

    I was thinking more along the lines of a thread that is ours, where we make our commitments for group and additional commitments as we go..

    I was thinking something along the lines of choosing a theme for the month or a theme for the week. We could start with a focus on eating, working out anything we want as a group we would choose the theme of the week or month...

    So we would make the commitment to the group for the duration of the group, then another to the theme of the week or month.

    In addition there are dozens of free podcasts that we could suggest to each other a webcast or podcast or article to read that ties into our theme as an individual weigh in for the comments on the webcast, article or podcast.

    In addition we can add a weigh in for those who are in the weight loss phase and want that accountability added. We can also set up a chat room if that would help people there are several free rooms or if we are on msn or yahoo you can do a linked IM chat on there too.

    Thoughts comments etc?



  7. Is anyone interested in an ongoing fitness challenge?

    So it would be the individual assessing themselves obviously and posting a challenge for the week. That challenge can be anything you want, walking 3 times, running for 5 mins, adding weight to your weight routine, using free weights... what ever...

    ?? Any interest?


  8. Great. where did you order the body bug program from? Love to hear if it works.


    You can order it online from APEX.com, I got it as part of my personal training at the gym.. so sign up for so many sessions and the body bug is your reward... woohoo.

    I dont have it yet it was in transit and so am I, but when I get back to CO it should be waiting for me... so I will start wearing it and experiencing the joy of something strapped to my arm all the time.

    I have to say the personal training has helped make a huge difference for me.. I will show up when I am paying a man to make me sweat and I am hitting the gym while in CO a lot more.

    Home is harder since I haven't joined a gym here and I don't want to since I am only home two weeks out of 10 or so. Between that and my schedule of seeing people it has interfered tonight I will conquer the gym again. I figure worst case scenario I can use the local fitness centre done by parks and rec people.


  9. I like the idea, but who would do it. At the moment, I am using Slimband. They had a type of challenge but that ended and there was no accountability in the program such as weight recording, so now I use fitday which works well. I purchased the program and I am able to record my food intake, weight, moods, etc. I also go to a support group which is all important to have people contact. Guess what I am saying, is I would join if someone set up such a program.

    I will post and ask the mods about doing a distance thing.. i think there might be enough of us. I am guessing it would only run at myslimband and it would be virtual but if they can do the lectures for people who are close why not distance? It is just a podcast or something like that..

    I just ordered the body bug program and you wear it all day and it measures all the calories you burn resting and working out etc... and they have a food program you log into that will give you all the details plus you log your work outs and it gives you how much you have to move to reach goals etc.

    So once I get it I will let you know if I like it!


  10. Has anyone tried the bootcamps (the new ones) I am it would be interesting if we could do an online style bootcamp and report in on the same regularity, weigh in, and do the lectures web style. But I am not sure if they would translate over for the distance for those of us not local.

    Anyone A) Interested :wink: have any input on whether it would work or fail from a distance standpoint?

    Let me know and if there are some people interested I will post and ask if we can do an online version of the bootcamp on my slimband but it would be interesting to see who else would be willing to try it.


  11. It's not a bad product but pricey and I concur with with the group that real food is a better option. If dairy is a problem the clinic provided me with an option that included chicken. You can also google pre op diets for lap band and find alternatives. They all provide a similar outcome...reduction of fat around the liver.

    I can understand how it does make things easier for some people to have a prepped meal... the same people who love jenny craig etc and just easy to buy their meals.. me I am with you guys I would rather make my own!

    My trainer has lately wanted me to start on the shakes and bars again and I will say this I have had a really really hard time finding a Protein bar I like, I have never liked the shakes and bars preferring real food. I have a few additional requirements like no almonds and soy... which makes it harder and I want something high in Protein and low in calories much harder to find.

    One trick I have found that makes all of them better for the bars at least that I have tried is freezing them... changes the texture and makes me happy.


  12. I'm very cynical about this product, or any alternate food-like substance.

    TLBC at one time used the Optifast liquid diet, but made the decision to go with the dairy based diet (yogurt and cottage cheese) as it is high in Protein, nutritional, and got the same results for a lot less money.

    This new move to Metagenics, in my opinion, is another income source.


    I prefer real food too... some people find it easier to have shakes since they don't have to think just drink... Why Slimband went to them only they may know. I know a couple of people who wanted to have a shake before they got them and were prescribed another one so there might have been enough demand to start selling them.

    I am sure if prebandsters asked they would always been given a choice.. I know I don't eat yogurt or cottage cheese so I was told if I had ever needed it I would be put on a grilled chicken etc preop diet and I am sure that option would exist.

    I can't imagine living off shakes these days I am having a hard enough time getting a Protein Bar that makes me and my trainer happy because they all seem to taste like sawdust and have 300 calories... But I am making the effort to Protein up about an hour before my work out for many reasons.

    Hope Jodi's email helped and your welcome!


  13. I agree, the myslimband website is very very poor. I'm quite proficient with computers so its not a matter of "getting used to it". I found the old tlbc website was easier to navigate. What is really surprising, is that there is no "help" or "contact us" button on the site. It just doesn't function naturally.

    Does anyone know Jodi's email address? or her last name?

    I posted a separate thread, and susieq kindly responded with some helpful advice - but I still would like the address if anyone has it.

    i posted to Jodi on the slimband site here you go


  14. if any one has dr. yaus emergency contact number could you private message it to me...i cant find his card and fear a slip...i cant even keep hot Water down.

    Dr Yau, will tell you to go to the local emergency if you can't swallow or keep anything down. Usually slips allow you to still drink and eat unless your band slips up and closes things off. If you are close to Scarborough Grace head there since that is his local hospital and you have a very slim chance of him being on call.

    If you can't swallow do not mess around with this get yourself to any hospital quickly dehydration can become very serious very quickly do not wait to talk to Dr Yau. If you want to call me I can tell you about my experience with slips 424 558 1814 I am heading into the mountains for the day so I am not sure if I will have cell reception.

    Good luck and I hope you are ok


  15. Hanabe ,this might make your life easier slimband set up a fills email where you can email your preference for a time for a fill.

    I know for a tech geek like me it makes it so much easier... i will always send an email over picking up the phone since I loath the phone.

    the email address was fills@slimband.com, and hopefully for those who mentioned they didn't want to suffer through phone tag this will help out.


  16. Emep:

    I have not been on this site or the old tlbc site in several weeks. Life, ya know. Anyhow, I am shocked to see all the angry and frustrated dialogue. Doubly shocked to see anyone thinking Heather is a "plant" - I know that is ridiculous. I have been on this site for years and she has always given helpful and eloquent advice, to me and to others. (Now Jane, on the other hand....) Anyhow, I also was not able to participate in all the old programs, but did get a lot of support from Jill, and I am sad to not have that open access that I was used to. I have not had any imformation about the new "organization" except from the pages of Canada Lapbandtalk, and eventually will try to tap into the new programs. I am lucky enough to live in the GTA, but sympathize with your frustration. It is true that you must find support wherever you can. I know that we on this site will do what we can to help you, and I wish you the best of luck on your journey.


    Thanks.. I appreciate the kind words. Regardless if we are close or far some of us have issues getting to the clinic.. and even if we can it is still all on us to do the work and meet our goals. And I really do hope everyone everywhere gets to theirs.


  17. Thanks Heather,

    I don't live in Toronto but four hours away. I do get down for busitiess from time to time .My issue is that this faciltity is becoming GTA Centric. I used to be able to drop into Jill's groups without registering because of my reality. For istance I could participate in any session if I was in town as my schedule is unpredictible. I don't believe this latitude is currently available. To their credit they are attempting outreach for fills but it is still 1.5 hours from home for me. For many reasons Toronto is more convenient.

    I have not needed a fill for months. I agree that the previous system was flawed. However it doesn't sound like the new process in much better as it could lead to never ending telephone tag. On the rare occassions I need a fill or defill, I don't have much lattitude in terms of time frame. I realize this is as much my problems as theirs. However, before I has the proceedure I was assured that I could be accomodated. Moreover, the aftercare pitch is what sold me on this clinic.

    Perhaps I expect too much, but for the first 8 months they exceeded my expectations.

    As far as the website is concerned, I have to disagree. I am not a newbie when it comes to the internet and I believe the site could be better. I don't see the similarities with this one. I also find the postings to be sanatized and sweet compared this one and there are portions of the site that are by invitation only. For instance blogging. It seems to be more about the sales pitch than anything else.

    At first I was excited about the slimband site. But that soon turned to frustration and I haven't been there in months. Maybe I should check it out again in the future but still don't think I would find it a good fit.

    This is the last time I will post on this issue. My entire weight loss experience has been very postive. I guess I'm feeling a little isolated and I'm disapointed that the website did not meet my needs or expectations. I will have to find an alternative support systems.


    Do what you need to get support. I do live in the GTA but I travel about 300 days a year for my job so I have never been able to do the boot camps etc. Mind you when I was banded they didn't exist... what I have found as a whole the most successful long term bandsters I know have taken advantage of what they can for support groups but really the onus is on them and they made themselves the successes they have maintained etc.

    So the website, courses etc are great and they do help but it is all on our own shoulders to do the work and succeed no one cares are much as we do about ourselves!

    Good luck and I hope you get what you need from sources you need to get them from where ever that is.


  18. Hanbe, I concur with your frustration. The make over at TLBC is less than welcoming. I also sense the chill when communicating with them. I don't contact them that often but when I do I would hope that I will not have to jump through hoops to get what I need.

    I became frustrated with the new website. No user friendly. There is also a slant to rewarding good behavior. The more good stuff you post the more priviliges you get.. Sad to say it seems to be more about sales than support...


    The new website is modeled very similarly to this one... it seems to be a trend with posting boards that they are all going to a similar format to this one. As I posted to Doddie, if you look at how they are built they are built almost the same... this one you don't count the forum entry screen to access whatever forum you want for most people... so it seems like myslimband has more entries. But if you find Lapbandtalk easy you should find myslimband pretty easy to navigate too.

    I am not sure what you mean by more privileges? I have had good experiences with Slimband since before it was TLBC even but I have said that. I have been at goal for over 5 years now so I am not in for fills often but the staff members I have had to deal with for fills are awesome to me anyway (that is about once a year) and when my port was moved in Oct the staff was really good not just to me but in keeping my mom informed and making sure she had something to eat since she was waiting for me longer than we though and she has diabetes. So I will say my experience is limited since I am not filling and defilling all the time, but what experiences I have had have been good for the majority and I don't have more privileges than anyone else.

    Good luck on your journey, and I hope it is going well for you


  19. Hi: I am such a slow looser, 1 lb per month. I thought by starting a link for turtles we can encourge each other along. I love reading about the huge weight losses of others but sometimes I get a bit down that I am so slow. Don't get me wrong there is no way I am not happy with my loss as they add up to 80 lbs but I thought I would like to hear from people like me. :confused:

    Doddie what a great idea, good luck and I hope you get others joining you.


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