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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by susieq321

  1. susieq321

    Just starting my journey

    Welcome, and you need to change the 2fatt so we know what to call you.... like soon to be slim On the ticker you will notice a website, and if you go to the website you can creat a ticker and then you can add it to your signature. Good luck on the consult.
  2. susieq321

    My Day has come !

    I can feel my port but it doesn't hurt every so often if I am laying on my stomach the wrong way I ned to move or I am uncortable. But hurt not really not since a right after surgery. But remember they cut through a layer of muscle to place the port and that has to heal too. Keep a close eye on it and go to the doc if you are worried at all
  3. susieq321

    Thunder Bay ?

    Yasmina, You might try and post on canadian lapbanders or Bandsters (they are american though) on Yahoo they have more members I think and you might get a response. I know some banders who meet in North Bay but that would be one hack of a drive for lunch. I can't say enough about being able to sit down with other bandsters face to face knowing they have been there helps so much.
  4. susieq321

    The Police!

    I was told he was only touring the states last time I checked his tour dates it was all US dates so now I am very sad.. might be actually shedding a tear there are a few concerts that are must sees for me. His is one, I used to travel for work a ton so concerts were much harder to get to. Now I can actually book tickets and know that I can get there. Ok back to the police concert sorry for hijacking...
  5. susieq321

    My Day has come !

    I am so glad to hear it is clearing up that is awesome Yasmina.... You are going to have a blast in Egypt I am so envious... green with envy... literally green
  6. susieq321

    Let Me Introduce Myself!!

    Donna, Welcome, and great job, you will make it having a supportive surgeon you like helps a ton over time. Keep posting.
  7. susieq321

    Dieticians who specialize in WLS?

    TLBC does have one on staff, actually I think she is a nutritionist rather than a dietician, but she specializes in WLS. If you phone or email and tell them that is what you are looking for they can hook you up with her. I have heard great things about her from some of the staff on TLBC. I think you have to self pay or have insurance pay for her but the cost is reasonable.
  8. susieq321

    The Police!

    The police are good but personally Bob Seger is on tour in the US right now and i am waiting for him to expand internationally and if someone was up for that... yowser.... But Mookie if you are looking to come to TO and want someone to go with depending on the dates I could tag along with you
  9. susieq321

    Newby need advice ..

    I have talked to some of Dr Leung's patients they seem to really like him but he is strict or used to be. He used to make you lose a certain amount or your didn't get a fill etc. But I know his patients didn't mind they felt it kept them on track. You might check out Dr Amson and I think there is another surgeon in BC. I know the docs in Mexico are pretty good Ortiz, Rumbat and Kuri. But I am still a fan of getting a surgeon closer to home.
  10. susieq321

    The Deciding Moment

    The AHA momment is priceless, I know I never realized how big I was until I saw pictures of myself... the mirror lied and told me that I looked good, the camera told me the truth. Remember how you felt then and how you feel now and you will never go backwards only forwards in leaps and bounds
  11. susieq321

    My Day has come !

    Yasmina, It is not common or uncommon for some people to get infections of the incisions site. But it sounds like you have it well in hand just look for the area to not get red and hot. If it does call the clinic.
  12. susieq321

    Food Poll

    I could make a little home of sugar... chips dip once in a while I like it but not so much... give me chocolate, ice cream, caramels... yummy yummy ooey gooey sugar sugar sugar
  13. susieq321

    What is sliming?

    I find I slime if I eat to much or too fast and I am too full I find it is my stomach's response to having too much in it and my body produces the slimy saliva to try and get the food out of the top part of the stoma as fast as it can. I find that walking around tends to help me not vomit the slime up, while I am swallowing copious amount of that dog like drool I like to call saliva. And normal whats that???
  14. susieq321

    Good luck, Astrotoes!!!

    Tres Chic, Just imagine how much more agile and fast you will be to chase this new grandbaby around.... you will be able to keep up and run circles around them Fantastic congrats.
  15. susieq321

    Good luck, Astrotoes!!!

    Astrotoes, What a way to get band Rod Steward and the banding... take it easy and enjoy your concert
  16. susieq321

    Good Luck, Tres Chic!!

    Tres, good to know you are doing well. Keep up the good work.
  17. susieq321

    My Day has come !

    wait until the scabs from the incisions are healed over before adding anything to it. Should be somwhere in the 10 to14 days range. Good to know you are healing bell.
  18. susieq321

    Good Luck Yasmina!!!

    Yasmina, Glad you are doing so well.... take it easy rest up and enjoy the liquids
  19. susieq321

    Good Luck, Tres Chic!!

    Good luck Tres.. take it easy and recover well.
  20. susieq321

    Good Luck Yasmina!!!

    Good Luck Yasmina, Take it easy relax and remember to take a pillow it takes care of the bumps...
  21. susieq321

    I can't believe this....

    Becca, Phone your surgeon's office and tell them what happened. They operate on patients with high blood pressure all the time, they know how to handle this. Unless it is in a dangerous zone the odds are they will take precautions and be able to operate whether your GP signs off or not. Good luck
  22. susieq321

    Newbie, recently de-banded

    I can think of two stories in Canada where from what I heard from the patients they have reacted to the materials in the band. One was back in emerg in less than 24 hours seriously ill from the reaction and the band came out in emergency surgery. The other one is getting her band out and revised to the sleeve in the next week. She developed adhesions around the band very quickly along with other symptoms. I am not sure the sleeve would work for you since it involves a line of staples and you might react to the material again. But you have come a long way and improved health is the reason I know I got the band. Improved health is wonderful and I hope yours keeps getting better
  23. susieq321

    Band or no band???

    I am absolutely pro band.. and I have had a complicated journey, but yours sounds equally tough. I am not sure if your band doc is in the states or where, but I would think with the time you were banded you have a rigid band if it is an innamed band. I was never able to get more than a 1 cc fill with the innamed band at 1.5 cc I was way too tight for my taste. After slipping several times I was rebanded with the swedish band. I can still say my stomach is sensitive to fill levels. But I can eat anything, bread, Pasta, rice, steak, chicken etc just in much lower amounts like a good bandster should. I often wondered if the reason my band slipped was because it was too small but it was the option that was available when I was banded. I would ask my band surgeon if another band is an option both Innamed and J&J have recently brought out new bands that are larger and more flexible and may help you. If banding isn't an option for you again I would check out other options I think the best one I have heard about from my surgeon is the sleeve. Good luck, great subject
  24. susieq321

    First Bite Syndrome

    Two ways I know of to get rid of it.. the first is to work with a warm drink prior to eating it tends to relax the pouch and stomach. Second way is to have a bite of softer food first I find it helps me to mix the textures of my food, so eating Protein with veges rather than just eating straight protein then the veges. When I mix the food textures I seem to get rid of the first bite syndrome.
  25. susieq321

    My first consult!

    Laura welcome I know some Dr Coburn and Dr Mumford patients, they seem to love their surgeons. I would write down all your questions prior to the appt and make sure you are comfortable with the surgeon. You are going to have a long relationship with this person. If you aren't completly happy with the answers, the clinic and the surgeon remember there are always other clinics you can visit too. If I was doing this all over again I would ask the following (yes some are a little negative but I am a big believer in being prepared) Who does the fills and what is the criteria for fills What type of post op support does the clinic offer (nutritionist, fitness, counselling etc) How many bands they have done What is their percentage of complications over all What type of complications they have dealt with If you have a complication who pays to repair it you or them (not uncommon for the surgeon to donate their time but you pay the other staff for a greatly reduced rate) If the band doesn't work out for you (ie you body reacts badly to the material or you just can't get it) what other options do they offer you Do they do other weight loss surgerical options and what would it be like to have one done and exactly what other options do they off (RNY, DS, VBG, Sleeve etc) Beyond that all questions are fair game, but I think the above are things that in hindsight I would have like to know before I was banded 5 years ago.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
