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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BeverlyJane

  1. BeverlyJane

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    Hello~ I haven't been on since Feb., but I really needed to visit. That "don't compare yourself to others" is really good advice, but kinda hard to do. I sometimes get discouraged when I read how some people are able to lose the weight really quick. I am very happy for them. I just can't understand why my weight lose is sooo slow. Slow but sure is how my doc refers to it...lol I just try to convince myself that it is better to lose slowly then to gain more. I know I don't follow the rules like I am suppose to. I eat the wrong things and I eat too much of them. I have had one fill. My doc says I am doing good, Bless his heart. Coming to the boards is really encouraging to me. It helps me to know that I am not alone. Thanks guys and gals for being there. ...bev
  2. Hello Everyone...and Merry Christmas!! I just dropped by for a little encouragement. I love reading all the posts. Got a big Christmas dinner to face today... I haven't been doing all that well. I got banded on Sept. 6, 2007. I still haven't had a fill because my darn port cut is taking forever to heal. It looks like it finally has though and maybe I will get a fill when I go in on Jan 2nd. Then maybe I will finally be able to lose again. Thanks to all for all the inspiration and I hope you have a GREAT holiday!! bev
  3. BeverlyJane

    Adding protein shakes

    SO SORRY!! I didn't realize I was under my son's name. We both use the same computer sometimes. I didn't think to look whose name was on. Sorry..that entry was from BeverlyJane and not Bozlee.
  4. BeverlyJane

    Adding protein shakes

    HELLO! I am really confused about protein. I didn't have any protein after surgery and my muscles started to cramp. When I went back to the doctor, I asked, and was told I needed to take a protein supplement. The one recommended was beneprotein, like benefiber only it is protein. It seemed expensive for only seven grams of protein. I decided to come on this site and try to find something else. Yesterday I fell, my leg muscle just didn't seem to work. It took me about two hours and three people to get off the floor. My husband went and got some protein powder from GNC. Bless his heart he even tried to make me a banana shake with it. It tasted awlful and I couldn't drink it. I looked on the package and it said it came in chocolate..more to my taste. Has anyone used this and does it seem to help. Sorry this is sooo long, but as I said at first....I am confused. Thanks for any advice....bev
  5. Hello All I think I have finally found a place where I might fit in. When I went in for my consultation I weighed 385 lbs and I am only 5'3. I don't know how I ever let myself get that large, but it happened and I stayed house bound (except for a few drs visits) for the last three years. I got my band on Sept 6, 2007. Two weeks post op I was down 33 lbs. I couldn't stay with the liquids anymore though. According to my scales, I have gained back about three pounds. I have not had a fill yet and am really hesitate about it. I am scared to death of pbing. I think that I need some help...but really don't know where to go...so I came here. I'm 55, so I should know better...right? Well, this is getting long...thanks for letting air my feelings...really glad I found this site.....bev

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