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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fullofitx3

  1. Thanks for the info, signed up now waiting approval
  2. Fullofitx3

    100 lbs.....GONE!

    Wow congratulations. I'm only 3 weeks out but feeling great so far.
  3. Fullofitx3

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    I just started using my fitness pal, so far so good. My users name is fulofitx3
  4. Fullofitx3

    Surgery Date set 2-3-14

    As others have said walking helps, hopefully your recovery goes smooth and you feeling better in a coule days.
  5. Fullofitx3

    Losing it- Stall advice

    It's sounds like your doing well and being to hard on yourself, stay focused on the positive and keep at it. You said yourself you clothes fit better, you feel better and I probably look better and younger, keep up the good work and it will pay off in the long run.
  6. Fullofitx3

    Surgery Tomorrow

    I was just sleeved 2 weeks ago and went through the same gauntlet of emotions, but so glad that I went through with it, everyday gets better and I feel like I got more energy and I'm not a slave to food anymore. Good luck with you surgery.
  7. Fullofitx3

    My Fitness Pal!

    I just myself fullofitx3
  8. Fullofitx3

    Monday is the big day, not to nervous..

    Good luck, I felt the same exact way a couple weeks ago.
  9. Congrats, if you able try walking it really helps. I was just sleeved on the 20th, trust me everyday gets better.
  10. Fullofitx3

    Day #10

    Feeling great 10 days post-up, had 1st follow up visit today and everything is going great down 20lbs and starting puréed foods, can't get over the fact that one scrambled egg is more then enough to fill me up also made fatfree refried beans in slow cooker that came out tasty.
  11. Dude, that's awesome, congratulations
  12. Fullofitx3

    after surgery

    Walking around helped me a lot
  13. Fullofitx3

    Getting nervous due to all the comments I am hearing

    I was just sleeved this past mon 1/20 by Dr O and cannot say enough good things about him, the staff at the hospital was also excellent, had surgery at 10, was home to by noon on Tuesday before the snow, was well enough to show my wife how to start and use the snow blower.
  14. Fullofitx3

    is this normal?

    This is totally normal, I was just sleeved mon 1/20/14, even up until they put me under I was considering chicken out but can't say enough good things about the hospital staff, the anesthesiologist sensed I was extremely nervous asked if I wanted to something to take the edge off and the next thing I know I was awake and my wife spoon feeding me jello, I was never in a lot of pain just really sore, the hardest thing for me was urinating, for some reason I had a hard time going and my stomach (bladder) started hurting from all the fluids, after walking about 50 laps around the hospital floor I finally went, then was home by noon on Tuesday, stopped the pain meds Thursday. The first couple days it was tough to get all the protein and water in but getting better everyday.
  15. Fullofitx3

    Goodbye lasagna

    My last big meals before pre-op diet were pizza and Chinese buffet. I know in a couple of months I'll be able to pizza again in moderation, not really missing the buffet since the only reason for going was cause it was cheap and could eat till I felt like I was going to explode
  16. I, like many others was considering the lap band several years ago and started going to all the prerequisite drs appt for approval, during this time I lost a considerable amount of weight and chickened out of surgery. Slowly the weight came back plus some and I felt like crap all the time, clothes didn't fit, work uniform was super tight and I found myself wearing the same clothes all the time because they were stretched out and comfortable. Decided in dec '13 I had enough and needed to do this for not only myself but my family, I was just sleeved this past mon 1/20/14, and feeling great, like I have a new begging of life and so looking forward to this summer and wearing clothes that been hanging in the closet for a such a long time. You will know when the time is right for you, get as much info as you can in the mean time so you can decide what's best for you.
  17. I know I'm new at this, but I just can't get over the fact that a half bottle of the muscle milk fills me up and I have to wait a couple hrs to finish the rest.
  18. Thanks for heads-up I went out today and bought a bunch of them, all different flavors.
  19. I just got sleeved on Monday and besides the first 2 days of feeling sore, I feel great. Each day I'm able to get more protein and water in, just started full liquids and it's crazy having such a small amount of soup and feeling full, I feel like I have to remind myself to eat because I'm just not hungry, so happy I finally went though with thus.
  20. scheduled for surgery jan 20th, about 3 years ago went about 1/2 way though the process and chickened out and lost a ton of weight on my on and have since gained it all back plus some but getting nervous again about the procedure but know that I'll be better in the long run, the only ones that know about my surgery is my wife who is very supportive of me but I've been a little embarrassed to let anyone else know.
  21. Fullofitx3

    Surgery 2 Days Ago

    I got sleeved Monday, the first 2 days I was very sore and could only take little sips at a time and needed my pain meds every 4hrs. I feel much better now only take the meds before bed. Like everyone said you need to walk and passing gas helps also.
  22. Fullofitx3

    Getting ready for a new me '14

    Just wanted to thank everyone for the support and update this post. Well I finally went through with surgery, which was a breeze all the dr's and nurses were great, the anesthesiologist was the best he sensed I was really nervous and just before going into the operating room gave me sleepy meds and the next thing I remember is my wife asking me if I wanted jello and spoon feeding me lol. The only thing that sucked was that it took me awhile pee but finally did and the soreness for the first couple of days but feeling better ever since.
  23. Fullofitx3

    Getting ready for a new me '14

    Getting anxious for surgery date. I'm 2days into pre-op diet and have to say this is probably the hardest diet I've have ever done its alittle difficult not drinking while eating then waiting 30 mins, but feeling motivated I know this is a long road but the end results should be worth it.
  24. Fullofitx3

    Getting ready for a new me '14

    Thanks for all the encouragement, cause of my occupation I'll be off from work for a month, so I won't be able to keep my surgery a secret from coworkers, especially afterwards since we all eat together most of the time.

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