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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by southerngal_07

  1. I have been PBing everything I take in, even Water at times. Last night I took my meds and on my way to sleep the whole works suddenly came up and seem to have gotten some of it in my lungs. If I am not better by tonight I will sleep sitting up. Luckily my nighttime meds put me to sleep.

    When you first got that fill were you able to drink the water comfortably?

    When I first got the fill, I had to sip any liquids I took in. I PBd on anything. What ever I managed to take in wanted to come up in my throat at night and burn my throat and esophogas. I waited 3 hours after eating or drinking before going to bed too but it did not make any difference.

  2. INDIGO GIRL... I thought you were refering to me as I am also Brenda and I had just recently posted this on another forum.

    My copy paste isn't working....it was about me recently getting a fill and am too tight because I can only keep clear broth down.

    Hi Brenda,

    I have been a little too tight a couple of times but this time was the worst so far. I got my fill on a Saturday. I took it until Wednesday and they got me in and took out half of what they had put in. I tried to make that work but I kept not being able to eat, only drink liquids. I was having regurgatation at night and not sleeping well at all. So I went in again and they took the rest of what they had put in that past Saturday. It feels so much better now and I can eat. I still can only eat a small amount but that is what I want. Hope you do well. If you are too tight, it's not worth it. Get them to take some out. Brenda B.

  3. Hi everyone! Sorry it's been so long since I was here. I have been doing ok but got a fill a few weeks ago, and it was way too tight. I could not eat and ended going back and having two unfills which took me back to where I was before the fill. I do not mind though. At least I can eat. I dropped some pounds while I could not eat and I am hoping not to gain any of it back since I can eat now. I still have to eat small amounts and that is great! How is everyone doing? I feel its been so very long since I posted. Janet, how the heck are you doing? Sounds like you are doing well. I am glad to be back posting again. I have been so busy at work lately that I am just exhausted. I am so glad to see all the people that have joined our new spot since Janet started it. Good luck everyone. I won't be a stranger again. Brenda:wink_smile:

  4. Hello everyone! Its been so long since I popped in to post. I have had a long bout with Bronchitis. It lasted for several weeks. Took a ton of antibiotics. I had to go in and have Fluid taken out of my band two times because I was coughing so badly at night, I was vomiting my saliva and at times it would shoot through my nose.. YUCK! I did ok for a bit with the fluid being gone from my band but then I could eat and I tried not to but I could not help myself. I tried to get back in to get a fill but I had to wait until my appointment. So, I got back in a few weeks ago and had gained 3 pounds.. I felt that was terrible but the dr. said it was not bad at all since I had not had a fill since April and had had two unfills. Well now, I have lost the 3 pounds I gained and a pound more. I am back on track I think. My band is tight but not too tight. We are going on vacation this Thurs. the 7th to Alaska. I am looking forward to it but not the plane ride. Didn't I read somewhere that flying affects the band somehow?? If so, what should I expect?? Good to be back on the forum. What's going on with everyone?? Brenda

  5. Hi Brenda, I feel the same way about Janet and Phil they have both been an inspiration and support for me especially as I awaited my surgery date. Their honesty and advise was such a comfort. Best wishes to you on your great accomplishments. It is people like you that will keep me going as I try out my new wings. thanks, Becky

    23_30_126.gif Hi Beckn,

    Thank you so much. You are such a sweety. This journey we are all on is such an important one. It seems like the time has went pretty fast for me. I am usually an impatient person but I knew when I started this journey it was going to take a while and by the grace of god, I have managed to stay focused and have not been impatient. So glad you and I are on the losers bench together. Brenda


  6. Hi all,

    I, too, can't wait to have the surgery behind me. I feel like I am already on my way because as of this morning I have lost 16lbs post-op. Wish me luck and pray for me tomorrow morning (05/19/08) at 9:30 a.m. I too, have to stay overnite. Any words of encouragement is greatly appreciated! I am sure glad I found all of you (my new friends!). May God bless us all!:leaving:

    Hi Sherlyn,

    I remember how I felt the night before I had my surgery. I was so nervous and kept thinking all kinds of things, like "am I making a mistake?" " Will it hurt?" This time tomorrow you will have it all over with and everything will be great. Yes, there will be a bit of pain but you are well on your way to a healthier lifestyle. It won't be long until you are posting to folks in the same situation as you are right now and telling them to relax that everything will be fine. I will keep you in my prayers. Let us hear from you as soon as you feel like it so we all know you are ok. This is a very exciting time for you and you will be so glad you did this for yourself. You could not have given yourself a better gift than this. You are knocking on the door of better health and you will be glad you did. Take care, and let us hear from you. Brenda

  7. Hello all good bansters,

    Hope everyone is doing good. Its such a good feeling to see all the newer people. Sounds like some of them are already on their way to a new healthier life and some are just about to start. I certainly have never regretted having the Lap Band. I never considered having the bypass. That is a personal choice that each and every person has to decide. For the new folks, this is a wonderful place to discuss problems, and get the support you need. Two people that have been a total inspiration to me are Janet, aka Indigo Girl and Phil, aka Phyllser. There are certainly others that have been on their journey and are inspirational too but these two ladies really stick out in my mind as someone that I can rely on to answer honestly if I have a question. I have had enough fills now that I can not eat very much and its great except for one thing. I keep forgetting that I can not hold much food and unless I get a small plate, I tend to put too much food on my plate and can not eat it. I have been guilty of eating more than i should and then PBing. yuck. You live and you hopefully learn by your mistakes.. ha ha.. Hang in there all you newbies, you are all gonna make it big time. Take care everyone. Brenda, aka Southerngal

  8. Hello fellow bandsters,

    I have not posted lately but I read the post frequently. I am glad to see we have a lot of new bandsters. Welcome to all of you. I had a fill a few weeks ago and was too full. I had to go back and they removed half of what they put in. I was totally miserable with my band too full. I still have to be very careful not to eat too much. I am thinking I may be getting near my "sweet spot". I can't hold a lot of food.

    I am so thankful people like Phil and Janet keep posting. Both of you have been such an inspiration to me. It's comforting to see your post and knowing you are there to keep inspiring us. By the way, I have lost 45 pounds now and its been 5 months. I am pretty pleased with that. I am trying to get some relief for my left knee so I can walk more often. I am going to PT now and if that doesn't help, I am going to have Hialgon injections in it..Dread that so hopefully the PT will help. Take care everyone.

  9. Hi everybody,

    Just checking in and saying hello. Hey Janet, you are still an inspiration to me. I have finally lost 40 pounds. The time has really went by fast and I am very pleased with my band. It seems like it was just a short time ago when I was first banded and was so afraid I was eating too much.

    Welcome to all our newer newbies. This is a great site and you be glad you found it. Take care and I will post again soon. Brenda:tt2:

  10. Hello Everyone, I have not been posting very much lately but I wanted to drop by and say hi again. Janet, you are doing great I see. There are a lot of new folks posting that I don't know. Hello to all of the new folks. Janet, I am doing my best to exercise now. Sometimes, my knees won't allow much walking but I do it when I can. I am just getting started with the exercise. I walked for 15minutes tonight andwant to increase that gradually. Janet, how is it going with the trainer? I think I would like to have a trainer too maybe someday. Well, just dropping by to say hi to all. Hope everyone is doing good. I have sent a few friend request out too. Take care, Brenda

  11. Hi everyone. I sure understand about the "turkey neck". I am losing weight on my neck too and by Thanksgiving, I will have to wear a turtle neck so no one will mistake me for a turkey.. ha ha. So far my boobs are still there but who knows, I may get up some morning and my boobs may be laying by my feet and I could step on one... ha ha.. what a picture that brings to mind. It will all be worth it to lose the weight and get healthier. Take care every one. Brenda

  12. Bonnie, I was banded on Nov. 30th. My band is Inamed also. Inamed has new bands also. The big difference is the inner part of the band where the normal saline is put to make the stoma smaller. It now covers the area where the buckle is and has a more consistent amount of pressure on the stoma. I am very pleased with mine. My dr. said he had only started to use the newer Inamed bands in April 2007. I am not saying the older bands made by Inamed were not good only saying these are supposed to be more effective. I have lost 26 pounds in 8 weeks. I have had two fills.

    I would just try to trust your physician and his choice. Good luck on your soon to be banding and welcome to the losers bench. We will save you a spot. Brenda

  13. Hey Indigo and anyone else wanting to answer me.

    I got my second fill on Tuesday of this week. Everything seems to go down ok but most of the liquids I drink are cold or at least cool. When I drink Its as if my band wants to close more and it takes a little bit for the cool liquids to go down. When I drink warm liquids they go down faster. I am now on mushies since my fill and they go down great. I had Wendy's chili for supper and had no problems with it. I just got a drink of Water and it seemed like the stoma just wants to get tighter when I drink the cold drinks. Am I nuts are is it possible that my stoma could be having a spasm with the cold drinks? They do go down but not as fast as everything else. Any ideas or comments? Brenda

  14. Hey Everyone,

    I will be 8 weeks post op on this Friday. I went for my second fill this afternoon. I have lost 24 pounds. I am very pleased. I go back in two more weeks to get my third fill. I haven't posted in a while but I read all the post every day. Indigo you still inspire me. I love your positive ways. Keep up all the good work. Brenda

  15. Hi every one , I just thought I should hop in on this thread as I am over 50. 52 to be exact. I am being banded on the 16th January and am trying not to be too anxious about it. These forums are a great read though as everybody on here is very supportive and helpful to every one else. Good luck every one.



    Congrats on getting your band on the 16th. I was banded on Nov. 30th. I got my first fill this afternoon. I understand completely about being anxious. I was very anxious, even to the point of second guessing my decision to get the surgery.

    Do some things that are relaxing to you. That helped me somewhat. You will do great! Hang in there. This is a good thread. There are a lot of folks here that have quite a bit of experience with the band and they are always willing to help or answer questions. Welcome to the land of the bansters. Brenda B.

  16. 1_4_138.gif I just love our new place. Glad to see all of you here. I am going tomorrow afternoon for my first fill. Not sure what to expect but am looking forward to it. It may take more than one fill to get restriction but this is the first step. They made me an appointment in two weeks for my second fill and then two weeks later for my third. I sure hope I get good restriction by then. Glad to see everyone. Brenda



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