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Posts posted by signgirl

  1. Hey there "sweat buds"! Well I Literally had to "dust-off" the wii fit! No chit! big huge dust bunnies just rollin' off the thing! LOL! Seriously though, I did 35 min. of wii., started off warming up with balance games, moved into combos of yoga and strength and finished with hula and step. I wanted to go for a walk around the neighborhood today (and DH said he'd join me too *shock*)...but then it started to rain. (boo)

    I was thinking of you guys when I got started again...soooooooooooo, thanks Sherry, for starting this thread and thanks Trish for starting with "vowing" to do a specific amount of exercise. Sherry, I DESPISE exercise,, so double thanks to you for starting this thread.

    Hey Kat!!!! great to see you! I'm with you, so glad to have something that'll help me get this butt outta this chair!!!

    Hopefully tomorrow I can do more than just make a happy piggy ( 30 min. happy piggy bank)...Really going to try to do the wii AND do the neighborhood walk tomorrow.

    ....so funny, when I finally got back on the wii fit it said "OH! you havn't been here in 145 days! looks like you missed your goal. Oh, you've gained 3 lbs! (yeah, ok, you know-it-all-wii!....well, I'm BaaAAAAAaaaack!) :)

  2. Hi Beth! I remember being (kind of) where you are today. Trying to do all of the research, trying to be as informed as possible. Knowing that "something had to give". I was morbidly obese and was scared to death of diabetes. I wanted to be proactive. So I went to the WLSC in NN and attended the seminar. I proceeded through the rest of requirements. I was banded Oct. 31, 07. I lost 45lbs and was feeling fantastic (in the first five months) then I got complacent and started straying from the band rules. I've since gained 3 lbs and am here to tell you that this is not a fix-it-all, all by itself. You have to work too. I found that I could eat some of the foods I had loved (sweets, carbohydrates, etc...), then I started to gain weight!!! I had also gotten lacadasical about exercising. Bottom line....YOU will always still have to be the one in charge of your results. Watching what you eat and exercising. It helps tremendously (the band)...and it is also a big change in your life. I still feel, even though I don't have the successes to report that others have, that it was the right decision for me. I am presently at that second phase: got banded, lost weight, started eating whatever I wanted and stopped exercising, gained weight, and finally: start exercising AGAIN, and start trying to eat right again. The band is not some magical answer all. It WILL help. And no doubt has helped hundreds!!! Just realize, it is a helpful "tool"...you still have to stay away from those sweets and carbs and exercise!!! OOPs! was I preaching? I didn't mean to be. I just wanted to add to your information gathering. The best of luck to you on your journey. For the record, I went through the WlSC of NN with Dr. Clark. All my experiences with them, and him, have been positive. Good luck to you, in your Quest for a healthier, happier you.

  3. Hey everyone!

    Well, I'm with you Betty....I had the intentions of starting the diet and exercise. At least YOU and a reason, you were gonna get supplies. I did start though, I bought Protein powder, for whatever reason I havn't been getting in the Protein and it shows...in the amount of hair on my bathroom sink/vanity and in my breaking brittle nails! (gotta get "right" again!)

    Speaking of exercise, Sherry, did you say you were starting an exercise thread? If so could you send me the link, if not...well, maybe we could! WTG with the hula on the wii fit and the step aerobics!!! (and the other equipment)

    I think I've gained about 10 lbs., from my lowest weight after banding!!! YIKES!!!! Pants that used to make me smile because I didn't have to "suck it in", are now only wearable if I do suck it in :thumbup:

    I've been "runnin' amuck" (with food intake) and gaining weight. Gotta stop, Gotta STOP, GOT TO STOP! I have a vacation in the carribean in March and my son's wedding in mid May!!!!

    You know I've been toying with the idea of a slight unfill. All the naughty foods have been going down r e a l easy, and lots of the "good food" (chicken, greens, some fish...) gets stuck *ugh*. Can't take generous sips of really cold beverages either...(spit, spit, spit)

    anyway, whatever it takes, I've just got to get my butt in gear!!!

    TTYL :thumbup:

  4. Hey Trish! Seems we were both doing the whole take the decorations down stuff. whew! sure does wear ya out! but anyway...got that artificial Christmas tree down. GOOD-nesss!!! what does that thing weigh? Like 2 tons?!!! LOL! And I STILL had to vacuum up needles! Just, these were plastic! *geeze*

    Sherry, I've read you post about that taco Soup before...sure sounds delish (recipie?). I eed to go back and read about that flavor product...drops? for adding to the Protein drinks. sounds good, I'd like to try that too.

    Was a bit chilly here in Williamsburg VA. It was cold and sleeting at one point. And a 20 degree difference from yesterday (colder).... Sure did give me a headache, though. I get headaches when the weather changes, especially with low pressure changes. My Dh told me that there's nothing to that (weather causing a headache) and so I told him about all the folks online that testify to the same outcome from the barometric pressure affecting people (headaches). well, I KNOW there is a connecction....wethere he cares to acknowlege it or not!!! LOL!

    Michaele, hows the restoration coming? Is it all done?

    Hope everyone is well. TTYL

  5. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

    Looking forward to this new year, with hope for renewed committment to the lapband rules and dusting off some exercise gear!!!

    thanks Sherry for setting up this thread for the new quarter :Yawn: I always wondered why I wasn't getting any email notifications during the first week of every month!...then: DUH! new month! lol!

    I was off work today, but have to work tomorrow. Then next week the boss & his wife are off to Jamacia....that'll mean busier me, so if I don't post often you'll know why....oh, and if I post more, um, you'll know why :thumbup:


  6. Diane, you've got some nerve, asking where everyone else has been and you've been mia all month! We need to make a date soon. You owe me a trip to my neck of the woods when I get back, lets make a day of it.

    Good- Ness :)Whatever do you mean? Look back on this past month and you'll see I've havn't been missing, LOL!!!! What's the funniest, is that I HAD to look back on the past month, "just to be sure"! Wasn't aware that "I owed" you a trip to your neck o' the woods *ha, ha, ha*....but getting together would be fun!!! Hope you have fun while you're away!!!

  7. Sherry.....YEAH!!!!! you are doing great!!! man, it sure is hard to stick to that kind of diet, so far....but I bet the scale is already being your friend :crying: I've been thinking of you a lot today, and realizing how hard it is to be on just liquids. I'm counting down the days with you! soon.....very soon, Mushies!!!! Yea!!!!!!

    Oh Betty :frown: so sorry your time off is over already....WHERE IN THE WORLD DOES IT GO!!!!!! well hope you had a good time while you were off. :thumbup:

    Pat, have fun on your trip! I'm with Betty, I want YOUR lifestyle....ah, tanning in Florida :wink:...anyway, I havn't talked to you since your anniversary party! ....well, almost that long, WTH? Miss talkin' to ya. (hope you're doing alright).

    What's up with Donna, Trish, Jessica, Darcy, Michaele, Eileen? How're you gals doing?

    Well, guess I'll call it a night. I tried to cut my finger off carving the ham off a bone!!! DH says I should have gotten stitches...but geeze! Have you guys ever done that? Waited for the doc , at the local "dock-in-the-box" to stitch you up? ....long wait, big bill....I just don't want to do it!

    BTW Kat, that gal is "somethin' else"! My goodness! what a bunch of "stuff" for your son and you and yours, to go through, while she gets with her former boyfriend and then later, quits that....geeze! (fodder for a book!)

    have a good nite everyone.

  8. Sherry, so glad you're home and doing well!!! MY GOODNESS the weather there looks intense!!! just saw a shot of it on the weather channel. Whoa!

    Betty, I asked DH what he wanted for Christmas and I couldn't get an answer from him! Then finally he said Peanut brittle......Have any extra??? LOL! Actually, I already had his gifts all wrapped up :tongue_smilie:

    Hope everyone is able to get a little relaxing in now. DH and me are "dog sitting" all next week. She's a real sweet 3yr. old German shepherd. Only one thing though...today was day one, I let her out in the fenced backyard and 15 mins. later she was gone!!! I whistled for her and she came, she was on the outside of the fence! I don't see any place where she could have gotten out, so, I'm guessing she jumped the fence. Gonna be an interesting week, lol.

    G'nite all!

  9. Oh Sherry! I'm so relieved that the procedure went well, that you're OK and that you have a brand-spankin'-new-band!!!!

    Betty, how's the lady of leisure doing? Enjoying your time off, I'm sure! ...And you're probably still goin', goin', goin'!!!!

    Thanks Chrispy for the early news on Sherry!

    Pat, you doing OK? How are things? You all ready for Christmas

    How's everybody doing? Ready to relax and enjoy Christmas?

  10. Sherry, I just looked at the clock to see if it was too late to call you....and it was! Darn!! Anyway, I'm thinking of you and will be praying for future succsesses for you. And even if I'm not sure how I'll do, or not do....I'm up for a 2009 exercise support/participation "thingy" LOL! I'll be thinking of you when I start my workday tomorrow "at 7:30"! I'm hoping for outpatient for you though....but that's just me, I get a whole lot more comfortable at home! And if they DO admit you, R E L A X , renew...and post as soon as you can :shades_smile:

    Betty, I think you expressed yourself clearly, honestly and with all the best intentions with care and concern for folks, like, well me for instance. I think you're right. The first sentence said it all. When I read your post, my first feeling from it was that of "in your face"....I was a little surprised, like "whoa! Betty said all that!!!" ....and I'll reinterate: I think you're right. I hope your words bang around in my head long enough for it to sink in and take charge. Thanks Betty. and Hey! Enjoy your week off!!!!

    Trish, loved the idea you had for the family tee shirts, too funny!!!!!!

    TTYL folks, g'nite.

  11. Just a quick "check-in"....let y'all know I'm still alive, LOL! Pat, Sherry, Betty........think of you guys often. I havn't been doing as will as I should be. Havn't been exercising, Havn't been avoiding the "junk food". Seems like the only food that'll stay down is the junk food. It's so hard to eat lunch at work. I'm sitting there at a table with other co-workers and have a cup or less of food and have to get up halfway and go spit becuse I have a huge mothfull of hard slime. I know that's gross...but there's no-one else that would understand that ('cept maybe you guys!) . When it hurts too much to sit at the table amymore, I have to go spit, and it's usually a "pillar" of hard slime in the toilet...I swear, that stuff is soooooo tuff! I remember one time, Kat, you said something to the effect of " you could stretch it across the room and hang clothes on it!" Boy that's the truth! Once I had a fork in my hand, walking a plate over to the sink, when a little spit wanted to slip out of my mouth...Ugh! So unconciously, I squeegeed it off my lip with the fork. ( I know...too gross again....), but what really blew me away, was the fact that the fork didn't break that "fine hairline" of spit!!!!!! so I pulled the fork away (to break the spit), ad that lie would NOT break! It became facination....a spiderweb-like strand of spit, was so tough that I was able to stand there and wrap that fine strand aroun the fork four times befor it broke!!!!! No wonder it hurts when it gets to be about a half inch, or more, in diameter, and sitting in my pouch and working it's way up my eusophagus (sp?)

    Anyway, now that I have totally disgusted everyone (lol)... Again, I'm sorry about the nasty content of this post, and at the same time, thanks for allowing me to feel comfortable enough to share.

  12. Awwwwwwwww Sherry :whatchutalkingabout I havn't been here in a few, so I pop in today and start to read about your plight....Oh my goodness!!!!! My jaw just dropped as I was reading! I'm angry at your doctor and happy for the presence of the intern at the same time! I am relieved, though, that now you (and yours), are finally getting some answers. It always seemed so hard for you to put into words JUST how intense the reflux, etc. was...because it was so bad, words just couldn't "frame" it. I'm sorry to hear about the slip/prolapse and am hopeful for your healing to start, physically, emotionally (you've been through so much, for so long). I've loved reading your posts and getting to know you through them. You've put a smile on my face, so many times! ....and that's why I want you to know that I'm hugging you right now. It's gonna be alright....but you already knew that :wub:

    Kat, thanks for for offering to compile a list. All my info is the same, and if you need me to send it on I will. I'd like to get an updated list too, please. Thanks!

    Sorry no personals tonight...headache, but thinkin' of every one of you!

  13. Sherry, I hope they are able to "see" what's going on, and soon! And I just want you to feel better. Hang in there, answers are just around the corner!

    Black Friday? Yeah, I did it.....ugh, brrrrrrrr!!!!! I've done blackfridays before, but not like this one! This year my son was after a laptop from best buy. I went too because I thought I'd pick up a cheap one for DH (his was soooo old, and I couldn't even defrag it anymore!) SOOOoooooOOO...we got there at 11:30 pm Thursday ans sat in a "chair line" under blankets until 4:00 am. thats when they handed out the papers that said you were guarenteed to get the item you wanted. My son got the LAST one (on the laptops)....aparently there were only 13. As I was packin' it in, happy that he got one and sad too, that I did not, a man who had also been waiting in line near us, got two tickets. His wife got one and he go one. He told her "look, decide which one you want, 'cause there's folks out here tht really want one". Next thing I know, He tells me about that conversation with his wife, as I'm headed to the car, and offered the other laptop ticket to me! Awesome! BTW, the latops were Toshiba 3G with 160g hard drive for $379 (that's the one I got) and a 4G with 256g hard drive, case & mouse for $479 (that's what my son got). He also picked up a 32" LCD TV for $399!

    It took a long time to thaw out, and I had to nap for four hours after I got home! LOL! By far, that was the most "hard core" black friday I've ever done!!

    Today, DH and me went out on the boat. I caught 4 stripe bass! the bigest one was 26"....my arm sure is sore, but my freezer is starting to get stocked! Yum!

    How's the house coming along Michaele?

    Thinkin' of you all!

  14. Name one thing I'm thankful for?

    All of You!!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving


    I know it's early, but I wanted to be sure to tell you all how thankful I am that you folks have been here encouraging, listening, make me laugh, and always make me feel comfortable!

    I hope everybody has a great holiday! ...and if you're heading out for the early Black Friday bargains, hope you get what you're after, with ease!!!!

  15. Sherry, I could almost hear the "Calgon, take me away!" in you voice! What a long weekend that was! I was forced to stay a hotel like that one, once when I was visiting my mom (God rest her soul) in PA. It was the only place! And I swear it looked like they rented the rooms by the hour! UGH! And "Stinkin' Lincoln"....we've got a town like that, about half an hour from us is a paper mill, town called West Point. We call it "Stinky town"! LOL! Brrrrrrr, sure sounded cold too! I used to live in Portsmouth, NH bordering Kittery, ME....I know about that cold!

    Ya know hon, If I didn't have a weight issue with my life, I never would have gotten banded! I HAVE ISSUES! Because of that, I have to realize that, given my weight related past, even thought I'm banded I'm gonna have ups and downs. We'll get to where something will just "click" and get us ramped up again to do the right things with food and exercise. Maybe we just need to start counting on each other? We've had setbacks...eating "slider" foods, grazing, not burning off those calories! We also have complicated lives too...not just go to work and go work-out. We're the care givers. It's not as easy to kick-it as it was when I was 20 or 30 yeas younger! I've gained too...and just outside of my one year bandiversary, too. We'll "git-r-done", we'll just take a little longer gettin' there :laugh:

    Betty, glad you're doing great and that the doctor released you to do the things that you were probably already doing!! LOL!

    Michaele, How did your fill go? (or did I miss that post?)

    Pat, Sorry I didn't meet up with you for a late lunch, I'm sure it was good! I just knew that my DH had to take the boat out, or he'd go bananas:sneaky: Actually, I was kind of looking forward to it (this time).It had been a while since we went out. It was pretty good too. Managed to yank 3 stripers outta there, they were all over 20" and they were really fat! Felt good to put some more food saver bags of stripped bas in the freezer!

    Donna, Havn't heard from ya. You OK?

    Darcy, Earthly Intentions is a cool name! What exactly do you do?

    Remember, no personals doesn't mean you're not thought of!!! Big hello to all and hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  16. Hey there Pat! Glad to see you made it there, sorry about the hiccups in your arrivial. What place did you say you are staying at? Oh yeah, thanks for the picture...you guys look great!

    Sherry, I can't wait to see your new haircut! I thought your last picture was cute as can be (avatar)!

    Oh man Trish!!! $5500 in CC fraud?!!! Thank goodness it's been taken care of! but whew! I'd have been havin' a cow! The closest I've had to having that sinking feeling, was when I was going through my bills...just opening up a stack of 'em, one right after the other, ad the I opened up my CC statement and it said $7,000!!!! OMG!!! (how much was that trip ayway!) Then studied the bill and found out that it belonged to my neighbor, we both have the same last name!!! (ad the same CC Co.)

    Michaele, the fill with fluro aint nuttin'! My husband went with me to see one once. He thought it was pretty interesing and he said, even tho' he knows what goes on with the bad, it was different seeing it. I guess it was kind of like taking it out of being an abstract concept, ya know? After I knew what to expect, and remembered what it looked, I had to laugh when I saw those two big "U's" on my xray......underwire bra! LOL. I don't much care for the little sips of Barium ( I guess that's what it is), but it's interesting to watch it "travel".

    Hey Betty! How're things going with you? I would scroll back and find out, but I'm afraid I'll loose my post!!! LOL (been there before!)

    Donna, whatcha been up to lady? :rolleyes: I was hoping we'd see you at Pat's party and was wondering if you ever got my last PM. Anyway, hope all's well with you.

    O.K. Jessica, did you buy a new car? Get a new "do"....maybe both :wink2: How was your weekend?

    Well everyone, have a great week! And Pat, It's really chilly here!!!! bring back some o' that warmth, would ya?!

  17. Good mornin' everyone!

    Thought I'd post early before my day gets too busy! (although I might just check back later tonight.)

    Jessica your doctor is going to be ecstatic with your results! I still think you'd make a gorgeous before-&-after-lap-band- -results-poster-gal! Me? I'd be the lap-band-what-not-to-do-warning-poster! LOL

    I tell ya gals, I had a real treat last night!! I went to a surprise party that Pat's DH threw for their 40th wedding anniversary.:blink: OMG! there were so many there that came from near & far to Celebrate with them. Before they arrived, my DH & me were delighted with a slideshow on a large projector screen, of Pat and family, some going back to her high school prom! It was very touching to see them "through the years" (and when I heard that song play, I almost got misty-eyed).

    The appetizers and food were WONDERFUL! ...scallops wrapped in bacon, great creammy hot crabmeat, stuffed mushrooms, prime rib....very, very nice.

    A highlight was when Pat's Hubby handed her the jewelry bag. I should have brought sunglasses!!!!:ohmy: That was a LOT-O-BLING! I know she loves her salads....but quadruple carots!!!!! W O W!

    I wish we could have stayed, the party was just starting when I decided that I should get DH home. He had been feeling pretty whipped...bad cold or something. I knew he would have stayed (for me), but I knew how tired he was feeling. And after all, he'd need his rest...Today we have lunch reservations at a very nice restaurant, followed by that Trans Siberian Orchestra show!!!

    Pat, tell your DH thank you for the invite to a fabulous party! He done reeeeeeeeeeel good! I feel a lot of traveling commin' on with all those "flier miles" he just got!:)

    TTYL girlies

  18. Hi everybody! Just peekin' in for sec.

    Thanks everybody for the birthday wishes! I had a wonderful day!!! Shopping, lunch, more shopping (all with great company, I might add!!....Thanks Pat!)

    DH gave me a large georgeous bouquet of flowers, tickets to see Trans Siberian Orch., and a menu, indicating the place we'd be dininng at before the show this Saturday!

    Jessica, thanks for the encouragement :thumbup:

    Y'all have a great nite and a good day tomorrow!

  19. Thanks for starting the thread, Sherry. I never can remember to go to the new month!!!

    Well, my halloween bandiversary came and went without fanfare! A year ago I thought that I'd be fan-tas-tic looking by this time :cool2: I must have spent too much time on the before and after pics page, LOL!

    I don't seem to have the "drive" that I used to have in my 30's & 40's. Now in my 50's (with another birthday just a day away) I just feel kinda tired most days. Go for a walk or exercise? ugh *sigh*

    And yet, that's all that's gonna change things (weight wise). True confessions: Was so happy with the weight I'd lost...I bought some new clothes, gave away almost all of the old clothes....and then got complacent (sp?). I knew what not to eat, but ate it anyway.

    I saw the scale move in the wrong direction, OUCH! I have to figure out how to straighten my act up or I'll ....I'll.... get bigger!!!

    Thinking of y'all tonight.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
