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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by signgirl

  1. signgirl

    NJ July 2008 Chat

    I give permission upon reviewing first LOL! Betty, I wish we were ALL located closer...man, can you imagine the blast we could all have!!!! Pat, I agree with Donna, update that avatar girlie!!! I'm feeling good with the fill, but really it was just a "tweek" not very much of a fill. Was eating solids today just fine!
  2. I'm so happy for both you and your son! My son is 24 and is morbidly obese. He has been sleeping with a CPAP machine for his sleep apnea for a few years now. If he were to get banded, he'd drop the weight and probably not have the sleep apnea. Personally, I felt like I "turned the corner" on healing after surgery by the 7th day. I was ready to return to work (albiet, carefully! lol). I'm a much older person, so your son will probably heal even better! I was on liquids for 2 wks. then I ate regular food (very, very small bites and extremely well chewed)usually some"soft " choices. As far as Protein intake at camp goes, If he has no access to cold Water for shaking up some Protein powder, He can go to the GNC nutrition store and buy these tubes, I think they are called slammers, not sure tho. They pack a lot of protein in a little container, that makes it convenient on the go. At night, I usually mix my water and protein powder with 4 frozen strawberries (for 2 servings), then in the morning, before I go off to work , I pour the chocolate drink into two 16 oz. re-used drinking water bottles....of course I have access to a fridge to put them in. Hang in there mom! He'll be just fine....and healthier
  3. signgirl

    Soon to be banded in Richmond

    Iteach, I had another fill today...nothing to it! yes, they numb the area, and as for the size of the needle, I choose to not look, LOL!
  4. signgirl

    NJ July 2008 Chat

    Betty, cocktails were no problem at all!!!!LOL! Seriously though, I had a fantastic time. Doc said that since the "good food" seemed to be a problem, but that I could eat a whole bowl of popcorn....indicated that maybe I was a tad too tight. whatever. Ultimatley, he added just a cc. for the fill. everything is looking good and is all as it should be (looking at it from the flouroscope). so now I have some newfound determination and a top-off on the fill :cool2: so, wish me luck. I had a great time getting together with Pat, then she invited Donna (dj bryan) over, it was such a nice "get-together". Oh, and BTW...Pat makes a mean "woo-who martini" :smile: LOL!
  5. signgirl

    Is this working for me??

    Oh sweetpea, please, please don't feel that way. Everybody is different, everybody looses or gains at different rates. I, personally, love to look at the before and after photos....I keep seeing folks who have lost quite substantial amount of weight by the time their "bandiversary" comes around. It got me thinking, just today, that I'm approaching mine in a few months and I'm just not there. My weight-ticker reads current: 196.....Bah! only saw that for a few days! Now the scale is traveling in the other direction. I'm at about 200 now. I've had that failure feeling too. But c'mon!!!! We elected to have SURGERY for our weight problems, we came through that just fine! Lets be as brutally honest with ourselves as possible....what are we, maybe doing, that is failing our band? Snacking between meals, grazing on a teaspoon of this and a bite or two of that? Are we following the band rules as well as we could? I am having the same problems that you are with food: meat & especially chicken & eggs! Yeah, I don't eat anywhere near as much as I used to, but I also know that ice cream and chocolate are not on the plan...and I've had both (more than once!) I have only had two fills. both small, and in fact, the second fill sent me going back a week later for a slight "unfill". I'm not doing as good as everybody else...but I'm not a failure either!!! And neither are you! We CAN do this! Lets pay attention more to what we're doing.....maybe it's all the "little stuff" that's adding up and sabotaging our success? Let's stop focusing on the "one year" thing and give ourselves time.....How 'bout a 5 year plan, LOL! :embaressed_smile: Chin up. We're gonna be just fine!
  6. signgirl

    NJ July 2008 Chat

    Poppin' in to say Hi everyone! I've missed y'all...I'm not getting my email notifications, WTH is with that!? Have a good day everyone!
  7. signgirl

    Hampton Roads/Peninsula thread

    Fingers crossed for you, ML!
  8. signgirl

    NJ July 2008 Chat

    OMG, Pat!!! I'm ROFLMAO!!!!!! I've had the same "stain" thing happen to me, and for the same reason too: Chocolate! (too funny:laugh:) Thanks so much Pat, Betty, for the advice/opinions. I really, really appreciate it! Hot weather may make the band tighter???? Maybe THAT's the deal!? I already know about mornings! Cripe, I bought new vitamins: one-a-day women's health....can you say "horse pill"?!!!! Hard to take in the mornning when I can remember them, unless I break it in two. Particular problem foods? chicken. Definatley chicken. Sometimes it seems like anything makes it mad, other times...nothing. Go figure. Yeah Betty, I thought maybe I was already "pushin' it" since I've beenn slimin' so much...and I also agree with Pat...maybe just a "tweek". I'll let you know how it goes. the fill is a week from today. We gotta get together Pat:wink_smile: Miss ya Jessica...know you're havin' a blast!
  9. signgirl

    NJ July 2008 Chat

    Actually Betty, you might still have to turn the monkeys loose!!!! Just not on me, hee hee! Well, the good news is that the cold has gotten a little easier to deal with! Still got it, but not as bad. Donna, BIG CONGRATS on the 15lb. WL!!!!!!!! Yeah! WTG! Me, on the other hand (ahem...) well, I have to say I have been way too reckless with my food choices! My addiction is sweets . I also have been reading, possibly too many posts, from too many threads about fills. Boy oh boy, after reading all that stuff (and being banded for eight months now), you would think I should have had at least 4 fills by now! I still do pretty good, IMHO, at trying to get in the 90 grams of Protein the doc recommends (I usually end up with about 65-75). Many months ago, I finally changed my weight ticker to 196, because I actually hit it two days in a row! LOL! Then I haven't seen it again!!!!! GRRRRRRR! Havn't been below 198 in quite a while, and too lazy to change the ticker!) I added exercise, and while it's not a lot....it's something!!!!! Clothes are fitting only the teeniest looser...hardly worth mentioning. I seem to be having more and more slime episodes with the food that's good for you. I try to pay attention to eating slowly and chewing well, and still..... So, now I'm not sure if a fill is what I need or not (because of the slime), the appt., however, is already made, since I had a slight unfill off my 2nd fill, thought I'd try just a teensy fill, plus no sweet treats, and see what happens... :wink2:. So what do you think veterans? Have you already been there, done that? Would love some response on this, even if it's chastisement!!!! Hugs all! Sherry, how's the neck feeling today?
  10. signgirl

    NJ July 2008 Chat

    Sherry, what 3 picture shot did I miss? (I wanna seeeeeeee!!!). Really sorry to hear about your neck....I hope it at leas a bit better by now. And as far as the reflux issues go, I don't get tired of hearing about it or think thats all you talk about! I at least know how you are doing, if you talk about it, I know where youre at with it. hope ya get some relief soon. Kat, I hope you're doing ok...havn't heard from you in a while...miss ya. Betty, glad the party was a success (wish I coulda been there,lol) I'm still sick with the summer cold....I'm usually like the energizer bunny, but today I was veggin' in the bed 'til about 1:00 in the afternoon!!! Geeze! Headache won't go away, only have one nasal passage open, coughing, sneezing......OMG! JUST A COLD!!! UGH!
  11. signgirl

    Hampton Roads/Peninsula thread

    Hi ML, The person/people who processed the insurance end of it for me, made it positively effortless! It also was pretty quick (hearing back from them). I requested Dr. Clark. Then, based on positive responses for Dr. T, I expressed a possible interest in changing dr's. The staff was more than willing to accommodate my wishes, I have heard nothing but good things about both doctors....and ultimatley, am still satisfied with Dr. Clark as my surgeon.
  12. signgirl

    Hampton Roads/Peninsula thread

    hello bridgette & ml !!!! Hope y'all are doing ok this holiday weekend! My dr. at the wlsc was dr clark. the whole experience was good. Love my band. I'd probably be 50-70 lbs. more by now without it!!!! Good luck to you both!
  13. signgirl

    NJ July 2008 Chat

    Happy July 4th Everybody! Well, not quite yet, lol....tomorrow I should take your advise, Betty, and get some rest, but you know how that goes! It's real good for a few hours, then you start thinking of all the things you could/should be getting done!!!! Unlike some serious illness or recovery, It's hard to baby yourself when you KNOW all you have is a crummy summer cold! (I hate 'em!) Hey WTG on the WL Trish!!! that's great!!! I'll check out the journaling website you mentioned....but I have to confess, I've never been able to journal what I eat and drink. I did it for one day, right before my meeting with the nutritionist, just to be able to give her and example of my typical intake. Hey Sherry, ever heard of a Reiki GRAND master? I havn't. Some woman was in our local newspaper, about the business she opened, re: mind/body balance, and it said she was a reiki grand master. Well Pat, Betty, Sherry, Jessica, Eileen, Mandy, Trish, Donna, Cindy, Dianne, hope ya'll have a great (and safe) holiday weekend!!!!
  14. signgirl

    NJ June 2008 Chat

    Hi folks, just poppin' in to say hello....i'm not gonna linger tho'...i caught a crummy cold and feel like crap Pat, son's been out of the house for 'bout a year now. He's 23. Yep wedding bells! should be may '09. small, inexpensive, outdoors at park's rose garden. That was their idea ...They know there's not a lot of money to work with so they are trying to be as frugal and sensible as they can....not to worry folks, it's gonna be alright, we told them we'll help them make it special. AchooooooooOOOOooo!, UGH! gonna sign off here...love ya guys!
  15. signgirl

    NJ June 2008 Chat

    Good mornin' all, Thought I'd jump in here for a minute, before I need to get going. Today I'm going to a bridal shop to see my future DIL try on gowns, along with her younger sister & mother, should be interesting & I'm hoping a little fun too Pat, I hope that AC repair tech is able to get your AC working ASAP!!!!! As you know, it was 101 yesterday in Williamsburg :tt2:......today, probably another 100 degree day! It's gonna be fantastic when your new pool at the beach is usable!!! How exciting...to have a pool at the beach house!!!! Alright Eileen, it's the weekend.......been waitin' t hear from ya How's your week been going? I'll check in later tonight. Have a great day everybody!!!
  16. signgirl

    NJ June 2008 Chat

    Donna, I soooooooooooo remember that feeling!!!! Having those numbers looming large over my head, about getting in all those grams of Protein...and not wanting to have anything, especially not that!!!! I made myself take small sips and try to get the protein in as best as I could. I didn't like the taste, but I knew that if I managed to get this protein in and heal-up, I could start shopping for all the other flavors, until maybe I'd find one that was at least bearable, lol! I found that every day that passed, I was able to increase the grams per day, and felt good about it ('tho it still wasn't the best tasting!). there's plenty of time to find the Protein drinks that you can handle, over some of the others. I tried some of those liquid bullets from GNC, that Kat mentioned. She's right about the high amount of protein for such a small amount of liquid....you could certainly give that a shot, as they come in a variety of flavors. I finally settled on two varieties of powdered protein drinks to keep my gram intake up (even now). One is "Isopure" powder, the flavor: cookies-'n-cream....not bad. the other is "Procomplex" powder, chocolate flavor. For the past several months now, I mix the Water with a few frozen strawberries in the blender, the I add the Protein Powder (I add it last because it 'froths-up' real quick). I pour this into 2 plastic bottles (water bottles will do). That gives me almost 90 a day, one for Breakfast, then one usually around 2:30. The rest I augment with the "real food" Proteins. I know you're still weeks from adding food yet, I just wanted to give you an idea, on a daily basis, of what works for me (to get that much protein in), and sometimes a day or even an entire weekend will go by without doing the protein....and ya know, it's not fatal! LOL! You manage to get back on schedule. Oops! didn't mean to make this so lengthy. It really does get easier
  17. signgirl

    NJ June 2008 Chat

    Hey there Donna! Like Jessica said "..glad to see that you are already up and moving around." :blushing: Very, very glad to hear that! Hi everybody! Pat, Betty, Sherry, Kat, Jessica, Eileen, Mandy, Cindy, Trish...... Tomorrow is what? FRIDAY!!!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!!
  18. signgirl

    NJ June 2008 Chat

    Thinkin' of ya Donna! wishing you a speedy recovery....you'll be "up-and-at-'em" in no time!!!!
  19. signgirl

    Hampton Roads/Peninsula thread

    looking forward to hearing from you again Donna. Welcome to bandland!
  20. signgirl

    NJ June 2008 Chat

    Trish, thanks so much for the offer to help me with the resume, that's so thoughtful (and helpful). I have been "rough drafting" it this weekend, then emailing it to my brother and his wife. He called me today, and said that for a first attempt, it actually wasn't too bad (yea!). As soon as I finish posting here, it's back to the resume. Funny that something soooooo short can take soooooong long to get right! LOL! Might just take you up on that offer, though :thumbup: YEAH! Trish is on Mushies!!! (nice WL too...that always brings out the Happy dance :crying:) Sherry, you crack me up girl! I was LOL about the 300+ miles on the back of a bike makin' your butt "spread out"....so funny! I too am having a hard time with the weight loss lately...and just like you, have to admit that "it's me" messin' up. I've been trying to get a minimum of 30 mins. exercise in a day, even tho' it's laughable (wii fit), Hey, better than nothin'! go get that thing back gal, and work it 'til the little timekeeper "piggy-bank" celebrates 30 minutes! LOL :thumbup: Betty, I felt so bad for you when you said you'd lost your long post....boy oh boy, have I been there before!!!!! UGH! Actually, I don't think I'll mention, to the boss, that things at work have caused me to start looking elsewhere. I think I'll just continue being a dutiful employee ( while compiling my resume ) Then give notice, if/when I have something else lined up. Oh, has your company arrived yet? They staying for a while? Donna, how are you doin' gal? got your shopping done? Rx's filled? Wrappin' it up about now, huh? things are gonna be great! Even tho' I've not been as great with the weight loss as some folks we know ( hottie with the collar bones :thumbup:), this band thing has made me feel so much better, with the weight I've lost so far, and with the hope of loosing more..... and, oh yeah, it's GREAT having support "only a click away! Pat, great talkin' to ya!....'til that bird sh*t on my leg!!!! TOO CRAZY! Just sittin there relaxin, then plop YUCK!!! UGH!!! Anyway, teach me the recipe for those butt-kickin' martinis BTW, I was relieved to hear that you understood just how unorthodox things are handled there. Thankx. Well folks, I've had no less than 4 phone calls, while I've been trying to post here AND I still have to revise the resume! so I'm gonna hafta stop here, it's getting late. Kat, Jessica & Eileen, thinkin' of ya.... Everybody, have a good night. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  21. signgirl

    NJ June 2008 Chat

    Thanks SOoooo much everybody for the kind words, advice and concern! I spent tonight getting a resume together. Too hard for me to walk away from even a bad job situation, without having another one lined up first. You guys are the greatest!!!!! Donna, I'm thinkin' of ya gal! Won't b long now....and IMHO, the before "waiting" time, was worse than recovery! LOL! How're you doin' Trish? TTYL :ohmy:
  22. signgirl

    NJ June 2008 Chat

    Thought I'd "pop-in" for a minute to say Hi! i'm feelin' a little better today. headache is still hangin' on tho'. Well, I had a situation today where (long story short) my boss told me to tell his wife to do something differently than she wanted to. I told him that he needed to tell her ,because we have had "issues". I continued to elaborate, about how his wife got cussy and loud toward me in front of the rest of the crew. He wasn't fazed, at all. When work was over i went to talk to an old associate about coming onboard with them. He has to talk to his people and see what they think. And ya know what? If that doesn't work out ,I'll just keep trying til something does work!!!! But for right now, think 'll fix a little :confused_smile: :crying: Hugs all around!!!!!!!!
  23. signgirl

    Soon to be banded in Richmond

    Janine, Yep I sure do get stuck! I've had two fills and a slight unnfill from my second one. I think I don't chew it up good enough and/or eat too fast. steak is out of the question, and chicken isn't much better! But the foods and beverages that aren't good for weight loss, go down just fine and dandy!!!! GRRRRRRRRR!
  24. signgirl

    NJ June 2008 Chat

    Trish, hang in there! You can do this :cursing: I think I was on liquids for 2 weeks post-op....I sure was ready when I got the go ahead to have mushies!! LOL Donna, "nesting" is the exact word I used! I just needed to know everything was as "in order" as it could be, since I thought I'd be out of commission for a while....and also, so I could devote my thoughts to my healing and not to what bills needed paying, or that a mess somewhere would try to hijack my calm!!!!! lol :biggrin:
  25. signgirl

    NJ June 2008 Chat

    Hi there everybody, Just thought i'd take a moment to check in. Pat, I loved the picture! thanks for posting it. I keep looking through all the photos hoping to find something i could post,but s some of you already mentioned about yourselves, i don't take very good pictures, and i'm not in a lot of them either! Kat, I was thinking....sure seems like it would be a blast to experience the whole rodeo, cows, horses life for a moment.....I'd love to be able to see what hat's all like "up close & personal". How are you doing, tho'? all healed-up? I hope so :thumbs_up: you got too much to do!!!!! Donna how was the nutrition class? My DH came with me to mine. I think just to learn what I could and couldn't have so to keep me from "cheatin'" LOL! we actually had a pretty full room of folks. Mustuv been about a dozen or more. Sherry, thanks for askin' about the job thing. My brother in Georgia just emailed me a current resume so I could use it as a template. I have had a fierce headache since monday...then yesterday, I felt nauseated AND had the monster headache!!! I left work 1-1/2 hrs. early and went home and straight to bed. went out like a light for about 5 hrs!!!! slept so so last night and called in sick today. (so unlike me!!!!) even tho' i still had the headache, i felt dizzy and oh so tired.....soooooooo tired (sick or depressed?) Fridays and Saturdays aren't bad, but come Sunday, I start getting that crappy feeling about going back there on Monday!!!!!! I'm so sorry to hear about how bad the reflux has gotten, you poor dear....maybe an opinion from another doctor? I wish I had the answer for ya. Jessica, how is the back doing? Found anything to help it? Mandy & Eileen....how're y'all doin'? Well, guess I'll get a bite to eat, and relax for the rest of today. Tomorrow i go back there....ugh (yeah, i know... have some cheese with my whine :smile2:)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
