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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by signgirl

  1. signgirl

    NJ November Thread

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! I'll be thinking of each and every one of you as I give thanks today. You all have made me feel so very welcome. I feel honored to be in such good company! A very special thanks to Pat, for introducing me to you all. I look forward to positive changes in my life and health with my Band, and in, what I am certain will be some of the best forged friendships ever!!!:amen:
  2. signgirl

    NJ November Thread

    :typing: Hi Everybody! Hey Cindy! Terriffic news about your job!!!!!!! Er, I mean Dream Job!!!! Man, my jaw was hangin' open when you said they were sending techs to your house to hook you up to be able to do a bulk of work from home!!!! Kat just remember.....there's Black Friday online too , And don't forget Cyber Monday! The busiest online shopping day of the year! Well, I'm really, really trying to be good with this band. My calorie intake is not bad at all and I don't drink anything with meals (and up to 45 mins. later), but I'm at a stand still, weight-wise. Then there's thanksgiving looming large....I can't help feeling conspicuous, you know...like folks are going to be checking out what and how I eat (not used to that. after all, our friends and family know about my band, and people can't help being curious :paranoid) I have three more weeks to go of no restriction at all (before my first fill)....I think I'm having newbie-bander nervousness, lol see ya later!!!!
  3. signgirl

    NJ November Thread

    :hug:Hugs back at cha Kat!!!!!! So happy you're home and on the mend!
  4. signgirl

    Newly Banded in Williamsburg

    Hey there Janine! The Mushies aren't so Mushie! LOL! I asked the surgeon that did my band, what was the difference between Mushies and the following weeks, and he said "none other than next tep is to chew really well...chew chew, chew and chew some more. So I just do that (chew.....) innstead of mashing it up beforehand Am doing really well. Still a little sore at the main incision. Not ALL the time, just certain moves and certain clothes.
  5. signgirl

    Virginia Nov Chat

    hey all you va folks! where's everybody been?! I have been trying to be good and not eat any carbs, get my Protein in and hardest of all....trying not to snack in between meals! well, made it two outta three! LOL! I'm still having moments where I have discomfort at or around the port site, I'm hoping that just needs more time to heal. HarlyN, are you still having a get together? welcome Cathy and Corey! Donna and Judy, hope you're both doing well.
  6. signgirl

    NJ November Thread

    Oh Eileen! you're so talented!!!! that sure is beautiful! thanks for the pic.
  7. signgirl

    NJ November Thread

    To anybody who has EVER lost your composed ,but not yet submitted, post....you'll understand why a lengthy post is suddenly sooooooooo short when composed again !GRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! Kat, I'll be saying thanks giving prayers tonite! Was so happy to hear the good news. Hope your and yours can have some Ahhhhhhhhh time. Pat, can't wait to hear the dinner details! And romance too!!! you lucky gal! Happy Annniversary! Eileen, Why not try hangin' upside down, lol! But seriously, My BIL swears by an inversion table for back problems. And as a side note, a 73 year old gent told me he thinks it keeps his mind sharp and his appearance more youthful! Cindy how'd the deposition go? Jessica, How are things now? Good I hope. Glad to hear about the WL too Sherry hope the reflux is gone with that slight unfill. Mandy, thanks for offering to send the list. Betty hope you're doing ok. Hope everyone has a stress free week!!!!!!
  8. signgirl

    NJ November Thread

    Hey Gals! Been so busy latley!! Nothing in particular, you know, just getting Busy with life! Had my Post-Op appt. today and, Yippie! get to have something other than liquids! Yea Mushies!!! ....My first food processed delight: NC BBQ !!!!! Sooooooo good! DH made it and I used appropriate restraint in qty. Has anyone heard from Jetti ?(Jessica) Hope she's doing ok. Well, gotta go for now....take it easy ladies! And Pat....Oops! I probably shouldn't have used your name in the same sentence with Awful Arthurs, when I told Dani you said Hi, at the dr. office.:bounce:
  9. signgirl

    Newly Banded in Williamsburg

    hi janine! the dr. appt. went really well! Yea Mushies! good to have some food other than liquid! I was told that multivitamins plus Biotin (for hair and nails) helps. And, the good news is that the posts i've read about this, say that after a few months, when you think it can't get any worse, it suddenly just stops! and the hair grows in nicely!
  10. signgirl

    Virginia Nov Chat

    Oops, sorry so late in posting back, Brenda.....I got the werthers caramel cafe from food lion. been so busy lately, havn't even been online for a while. Hope everybody's well....special hello to Pat and Donna too.
  11. signgirl

    Newly Banded in Williamsburg

    Happy anniversary! Hope you've had a great vacation too! Congratulations on all you hard work in losing so much weight. Can't wait 'til you post your fabulous pix
  12. signgirl

    NJ November Thread

    Hi Jessica, I don't think you're doing anything wrong if you are taking little baby sips. Hydration,as you already know is soooooo important. But I felt so nauseous too (at about the same timeline as you). My doctor had prescribed pain meds and med for nausea. I did use it once. Anything you have a question or concern about, just call the Drs. office. Not only are they used to it, but they are usually very helpful and informed. It'll rest your fears too (if you have any). Take care and let us know how things are going when you can
  13. signgirl

    Virginia Nov Chat

    :welcome:transformer, good to have you here! Sounds like you're at that most desirable "sweet spot" . I remember Dr. T saying, at a lap band presentation one night, that it usually takes at least three fills to get the right amount of restriction....not too much, not too little.
  14. signgirl

    Virginia Nov Chat

    welcome Brenda! Wow! You have done really well...already down 50 lbs.! I'm newly banded and looking forward to a healthier new me. I live in Williamsburg. You sure sound like one busy lady! Hey Judy, let me know if you find any good sugar-free stuff. I just discovered Werthur's sugar-free carmel-coffee hard handies Yum!
  15. signgirl

    Virginia Nov Chat

    Hey folks! How is everybody? well, tomorrow I go back to work, I'm just gonna take it easy though. Since everybody there (by now) knows about my surgery, I can almost feel all the eyes on me at lunchtime....and for that matter ANYtime I put something to my lips (even a pencil? who knows! LOL) Donna, so glad you didn't want anything from the store! I got in the car, started it up, started to read the address of the place and caught a glimpse of: CLOSED MONDAYS so needless to say, I never went:) I figured anything I really wanted to buy, I could find online. but OMG, have you been to the new JC PENNEY'S? N I C E! So Pat, If you sell your bike are you getting another? BTW, thanks for letting meknow about the pixel size on posted pix to LBT. You know, I always see somebody or another, asking for help with that....Maybe there should be a thread on that. (maybe there is and I was too lazy to ckeck it out first)
  16. signgirl

    NJ November Thread

    hey ladies, how's it going? Well, tomorrow is my first day back at work. I'm just gonna take it easy, don't want to damage my new best friend...and speaking of new best friends, They just opened a brand new JC PENNEY's in my area. Seriously, I'm not a real hardcore shopaholic, but I love having a good store nearby!!!! LOL! Chrispy, I just loved hearing all about the date I was sitting here just smiling. Happy for ya. He sounds really good. Funny though, being an ol' married gal for so long, it didn't even occur to me about telling the person you're dating about the band....I mean, of course, I just never thought about it. Anyway I enjoyed it, thanks for sharing. Hope it continues to go well for you two. Betty, You almost had some monkeys comin' after you, I think good to see you back! Sherry, I have bodybugg envy! LOL It really sounds like THE ticket to keeping on track (and I love gadgets too) Mandy the job sounds great! But what did the doc do for Abi? I hope her cough gets better real soon. Pat, I sent you an email with some links that I thought maybe you were talking about. Jessica, my husband had to keep reminding me that just because it's the next day, it did'nt mean I was on day two...but rather to remember that 24hrs. constitutes a day!!!! LOL! I'm thinking of you and hope you're doing well
  17. signgirl

    Virginia Nov Chat

    Hi Judy, Glad to see you made it here It's so funny that you mention being hungry because I had just stumbled and lingered on a forum discussing just that. I acually went looking for a person who used to post frequently and just seemed to vanish. The person is a mid october bandster and the new posts were on a forum all about bandster #*%@! I've been trying not to think about it too much, but I know that it' going to be inevitable :confused: Oh well...I didn't get this way overnight, so I know it's gonna take some time. I'm guessng (and it's just a guess) that "band happines " is probably around the third fill. With six weeks in between fills, I guess I better learn how to be patient and drink flavored Water when I'm hungry. :ohwell:
  18. signgirl

    Virginia Nov Chat

    Pat, the appetite has not been a problem. When I get hungry I drink some creamed soup w/protein and some water or surgar free apple cider or decaf tea and I'm good to go for quite a while. Tummy is doing good too. Steri strips are still hangin' on. Mobility is better and better each day.
  19. signgirl

    NJ November Thread

    Jessica, :welcome2: to Bandland! Ditto to Mandy's advise. Things are looking up already! You got through all that pre-surgery anxiety! IMO that was probably harder than any recovery, LOL! All your friends here are thinking of you and will be happy to hear from you when you are able.
  20. signgirl

    NJ November Thread

    Hey Gina!!!!!!!!!! thanks for the link, for Kate. I thought I had it but apparently not, LOL! How've you been?
  21. signgirl

    NJ November Thread

    Kate, for the pictures try: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f17/before-after-pictures-pix-only-4642/
  22. signgirl

    NJ November Thread

    I'm from Williamsburg, VA
  23. signgirl

    NJ November Thread

    Oh Jessica Big hug comming your way!!! please, please, try not to get too upset over this. It's natural to be anxious and nervouseven (just read some of my before surgery posts, LOL) But while it is still surgery, it is also a very simple procedure (my surgeon's words). While I was writing to you, a nurse practicioner from my dr.office called to check up on me, and I asked her about your concern with the choice to wear underwear (that it was that TOM) She said, certainly do so....if things change, they'll let you know. I think the LBT site was down, I also kept trying to get on. I feel for YOU, day before surgery and your main support system goes down!!
  24. signgirl

    NJ November Thread

    Thanks, Kat! Be assured of prayers :angel:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
