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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by signgirl

  1. signgirl

    NJ (& Others) Nov/Dec 2008 Chat

    Hi everybody! Just peekin' in for sec. Thanks everybody for the birthday wishes! I had a wonderful day!!! Shopping, lunch, more shopping (all with great company, I might add!!....Thanks Pat!) DH gave me a large georgeous bouquet of flowers, tickets to see Trans Siberian Orch., and a menu, indicating the place we'd be dininng at before the show this Saturday! Jessica, thanks for the encouragement :thumbup: Y'all have a great nite and a good day tomorrow!
  2. Hey Donna! I don't have a clue about the party!!! Dressy...Casual? Don't know! LOL! I'm just going to wear slacks and a comfortable shirt....it's just barely "Dressy- casual", but I don't have any other details.

  3. signgirl

    NJ (& Others) Nov/Dec 2008 Chat

    Thanks for starting the thread, Sherry. I never can remember to go to the new month!!! Well, my halloween bandiversary came and went without fanfare! A year ago I thought that I'd be fan-tas-tic looking by this time :cool2: I must have spent too much time on the before and after pics page, LOL! I don't seem to have the "drive" that I used to have in my 30's & 40's. Now in my 50's (with another birthday just a day away) I just feel kinda tired most days. Go for a walk or exercise? ugh *sigh* And yet, that's all that's gonna change things (weight wise). True confessions: Was so happy with the weight I'd lost...I bought some new clothes, gave away almost all of the old clothes....and then got complacent (sp?). I knew what not to eat, but ate it anyway. I saw the scale move in the wrong direction, OUCH! I have to figure out how to straighten my act up or I'll ....I'll.... get bigger!!! Thinking of y'all tonight.
  4. signgirl

    NJ October 2008 thread

    Evenin' everybody! Darcy, I feel your pain! can't tell you how many time I've lost some really long posts!!! Donna, good to hear from you!!! How are you doing? We need to get together again. To answer your question: Observations? Yeah, I like the taste of food too much! Regrets? Not so much. I have some slime "episodes", but thats because I still think I can take a regular sized bite!!! Sometimes I get ravenous right after I hit the door home from work! Been doin' great all day at work, but just let me get home and I feel like I have to have a nibble of everything!!! UGH! Betty, how are you feeling now? all back to normal? ...or at least back to ordinary! Hee hee:) Sherry, I'm so sorry you're going through all this mess with the heavy duty reflux issues. I hope a solution for you is right around the corner and easy! I bet it really IS cold up there where you are!!! Today we had an almost 30 degree drop, after a cold front came through. Both yesterday and today, I thought my head would split open! I get bad migraines (that was a bit redundant! LOL) whenever the weather had a drastic change. Jessica, The beach pic is great!! I wish I had done as well as you did! I think I have a bunch of reasons why I didn't...trouble is, the line between reasons and excuses can be very blurry at times! Pat, how was the charity golf tournament? Did they have you sellin' the blue balls again? lol Looked like it was gonna be a really wet one, then things seemed to clear off. Hope lots of money was raised for op-smile. BTW, did your DH go back to FLA today? Well, so far I've been able to deal with this site tonight. I popped in yesterday, only to find that Donna and I had bee give some sort of weird avatar that looked like a green weeble! at least that's gone! The site sure has been pokey. See y'all later!
  5. signgirl

    NJ October 2008 thread

    michaele, WTG on the weightloss! I remember my first fill, a bit of anxiety, then the fill and it was so quick and uneventful! LOL! Betty, What a charge! to have compliments and folks "checking you out" all day!!! Post a pic :tongue2: Are you all healed from the PS? Happy with it, I'm sure! Jessica, that's such a cute picture of you on the beach, was that at the DR? Pat, when do you get back home?
  6. signgirl

    NJ October 2008 thread

    Oh oh...somebody sent the monkeys!!!! I miss all you guys! I haven't been posting lately, as you know...mostly 'cause I can't seen to get back to basic "band rules"! I swear, if it weren't for this band, I'd proably be 300 lbs,! I was doing fair at getting in some exercise for a while there. Time to get back on the bandwagon! We took a little trip to Nassau the beginning of this month. Water was pretty, Hotel and staff were very nice....didn't much care for Nassau though. I really want to get back to cozumel (little island off the yucatan peninsula, mexico). Maybe I can stowaway in Pat's bag!!!!! How're ya doin' Pat? I'm missin' my party pal sista :biggrin: Took me a while to read through all the posts! So good to see everybody again! :biggrin:
  7. signgirl

    NJ September 2008 Chat

    Hi gals. I know I've been MIA for a while now. I've missed a lot! I've been most concerned for you, Betty. Hope you're ok....I think of you often. I miss you guys, I've been lethargic lately...very lazy! But I still had to go to work! LOL! Eileen the pups are sooooooo cute! thanks for sharing. Hope all you folks are well! Pat, Sherry, Donna, Kat, Trish....oh yeah, and all the new folks too!!!! :lovechoc: Stay well everybody!
  8. signgirl

    New Jersey August Chat

    Wow Betty! They moved your stress test to tomorrow!!!!! things are movin' along now! You will have your prayer request :whatchutalkingabout Hey there Donna, glad you're back! OBX for the weekend? That must have had "liquid diet" written all over it! LOL Trish, things going ok for you? How are the folks doing now? What's up with the breakfast set-up, Sherry? Volunteering? If not, why is it on YOUR time? Sounds awfully unappreciated! Hope it goes the way you want it to though :tt2: well,time to go...gettin' too sleepy too early!!! G'nite everybody. --
  9. signgirl

    New Jersey August Chat

    Cool pics Pat! But what's with that 2nd pic? Ghosts havin' a good time too!!!!
  10. signgirl

    New Jersey August Chat

    G'mornin' Sweeties:biggrin2: I've been peekin' in every so often and not posting (either busy, tired, or spending time with DH). Sherry, I know it was rough on you and your DH with the IL's there, but you so aptly described everything that you had me smiling and laughing at some points!! Gotta tell ya though, when I got to the end of your post, the part that I could really empathize with, all I wanted to do was:girl_hug:. I can't even tell you how many times I've felt like:banghead: !!! Thank goodness we're more than just about weight! I think I finally calmed down my twitchy butt about this band-weight-loss-time-frame thing by thinkin' "long term"....instead of bandaversaries and such. HEY! here's a thought....maaaaaaaaaaayyyyyybe we're like this to help others know, not to hurt themselves too bad, when beating up on themselves. So glad to hear things are movin' forward for ya Betty and that you have an appointment!!! And, ooooooooooooh yeah :crying:...DEFINATELY had to take a nap yesterday! It's soooooooo hard to be good when you're on a liquid diet :puke:.....so Pat and I do our best to help each other out with that:rofl:! Thanks so much for the invitation to your Pool Par-tay! Felt great to laugh THAT MUCH!!!! Imagine: bee-u-tee-ful afternoon, steamed (cleaned) crabs, courtesy of Pat's DS "so thoughful" de-lish crab/salmon spread, tasty drinks, panoramic views on the Water, then sundown..... Girls only lounging, laughing, swimming and floating in the "spa-like" pool (with its warming "jets" and water fountains, ambient lights in the pool gradually changing colors....red, green, blue. Floating on your back stargazing on a clear night. *get the picture * Theeeeen, get Pat to go down the water slide! Yea! Tell ya what, you get that combo of things going on and you'll laugh your hindparts off at the funny things "us gals" say (when it's just us gals) Wish you could have been there, Donna. BTW, I had to take a nap the next day....something about that whole "up 'til almost 3:30am" thing :ohmy: LOL Hope y'all have a great weekend! I had forgotten that I promised to go to a jewelry making class my SIL was teaching today. Takes me about an hour to get there from here and I havn't even showered yet :rofl:! TTYL
  11. signgirl

    New Jersey August Chat

    Hey Donna! How's it goin' gal! so glad to hear things went well with your first fill. I too thought it was pretty cool to see everything under the flouroscope. One time, my DH actually came in with me to see it! I thought he'd be uncomfortable with seeing it, but instead, he found it very "enlightening". He'd said that after seeing where everything was and seeing it work, it was easier to wrap his head around the whole thing! LOL :w00t: Hope all is well with everyone, have a good night folks!
  12. signgirl

    New Jersey August Chat

    Trish, Take good care of yourself. I'm sorry to hear about your poor mom going through the medical problems and pain. I'm sending you wishes and prayers for strength and endurance....you already have the kindness! as evidenced by "the girls" wanting to get you away for a girl's weekend. Hi to all today! (sorry so short.................I was born that way! lol)
  13. signgirl

    New Jersey August Chat

    Jessica! WOW! just visited your myspace page....You're so pretty! The boys in the DR must'uv been lining up to dance with you. And OMG :thumbup: the change is tremendous! You rock :cool2: Pat, cool sunflower hat :thumbup: LOL! I love the new picture...gorgeous YOU! Betty honey, We'd have a blast if you were there too! (wish you were.) OOps, gotta go!!!! Hi to everybody!!!!! Later :biggrin2:
  14. signgirl

    New Jersey August Chat

    Thanks Trish! The weight loss was steady in the beginning (for me, almost exclusively from the band), then it was time to step up to the plate...exercise, being more careful with food choices. During that time I hit a major plateau and was nowhere near goal! So now I try not to stress about it. If I'm real good, the scale moves in the right direction...if not, it's cause I've had too many "sugary" drinks :teeth_smile: or hit too many M&M's! LOL! Jessica:welldone2: Losing weight while on vacation!! I'm glad to see ya back! I just know you and your friend had a fabulous time in the DR! Man, you are a fantastic inspiration to all of us! I would love, love, love to see some progress pics of you, you've done so well! I replied to a gal, some time ago, who was so bummed out about her slow loss WL. I told her not to give up. Some lose faster than others (for a variety of reasons). And you, my dear, just might be the next face of LBT! Me, on the other hand, well...I'm on the 5 yr. plan, LOL!!!!! Pat, I'd love to get together with you gals again! call me. Michaele, glad to have you aboard!! I can relate to most of the stuff that you're feeling about being banded. My greatest joy in this journey (other than the Weight Loss) was the support, advice and understanding that I got from those on this site. I'm not from NJ. I'm from Williamsburg, VA but once I got here and discovered what a great group of folks are here, I stayed! Betty, Donna, Sherry, Kat, Eileen, Chrispy Thinkin' of y'all! gotta go now TTYL
  15. signgirl

    Hampton Roads/Peninsula thread

    ML!!! so happy to year you were approved!!!!:teeth_smile:
  16. signgirl

    Hampton Roads/Peninsula thread

    lovemy2dogs, YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wink2: So happy for you getting your approval!
  17. signgirl

    NJ July 2008 Chat

    How's everybody doing? I'm still trying to get this scale of mine to move in the right direction! The last fill I had was just a little tweek...sometimes I don't tolerate things very well, then other times I can't tell I've had a fill at all! *sigh* I was really looking forward to finding out if the reason that I haven't seen the scale move is because I had gained some muscle,but the day I was there to get my weight and muscle mass readout, they told me the machine was broken and only the weight readings were working. I guess if I had gained some muscle and lost some fat, my clothes would have been a good indicator...but alas, they fit the same But ya know what?! I'm STILL thrilled about the weight I HAVE lost :hurray: The job has been a bit different in the past few days...The boss and his wife are on vacation. That offers moments of calm mixed with trying to cover some of the bases that he would usually handle. Hope all of you are doing alright! Try to stay cool tomorrow chickies :wink2:
  18. signgirl

    NJ July 2008 Chat

    Kat, so glad you checked in and that you are well! I didn't realize that you are a moderator. I thought I'd remembered something about you being asked and then time elapsed and it didn't happen....maybe I'm remembering incorrectly....anyway, cool - moderator! Fantastic numbers on the scale! You must be really hot now (especially after TT and all!) I thought I remembered you saying something about being tall too. anyway, good to see you posting in here again :teeth_smile: Sherry! congrats on a fabulous party! Biggest problem for me is that I wasn't there! Everything sounded fan-tas-tic! how may people, do you think, were there? good luck with all the "after-work" stuff. Pat, Betty, Chrispy, Donna, Cindy, Trish and Jessica...Hope you're doing well! G'night all!
  19. signgirl

    NJ July 2008 Chat

    Betty, I'm thinkin' that you PCP will be "on board" with you on this....just a feeling. If I were able to do it, I'd have to have them moved up too! LOL! Sherry, thinkin'of you livin' with the two guys just reminds me of what it was like when my young son was living at home with me & DH. I love him dearly and ARG! GRRRRRRRR! "pig stye" room! ...it gets better, he finds his way and moves into his own place and then you and DH have a playground that's all your own! Sure love my boy and sure love my privacy and cleaner house too! (AND I gained a guest room, LOL)...sometimes it seems like that day will never come, and then it does :thumbup: I know now why the scale is moving in the wrong direction! I'm an IDIOT! I do real well all day at work and then I come home and feel like I have to take a bite or tablespoon of everything under the sun AND eat a dinner AND drink beverages with lots of sugar/calories....bah! Idiot. Pat, home from the beach? did you win anything when you went to the horse races? Donna & Trish, how goes it? TTYL gals!
  20. signgirl

    NJ July 2008 Chat

    Betty, geez! THAT would be scary! to be old you'd had a previous heart attack! glad the readings were wrong on that and that you're ok! Sherry, you're right...Aug. 8 will be here before ya know it! Where is everybody else?????
  21. signgirl

    NJ July 2008 Chat

    Hope all goes well with the additional testing, Betty. Chrispy!!!! great to hear from you...you sound so happy! Here's a gripe.....Don't ya just hate it when you check out the pictures on LBT and can't see the poster's face because of an ad for Lap Band solutions !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. signgirl

    NJ July 2008 Chat

    Awwwwwww Betty, I want this so bad for you, because you want it so bad for you! You're such a sweetie! Your bloodwork is gonna be just fine and next thing ya know, you'll be in recovery and getting better feeling every day!!!! So happy for you :seeya: You'll have the prayers too!
  23. signgirl

    NJ July 2008 Chat

    Donna, svelte body! me? LMAO!!!!! Have quite a ways to go to get to goal! The tweek of a fill is going ok, no problems. Susie, all the best to you on Monday! log on when you feel up to it and let us know how you're doing. No worries gal....be happy! Pat, have any luck at the track today? I'll call first if it looks like we'll boat by....don't worry, with a smaller craft we're AlWAYS all ears & eyes on the weather before we go out. Eileen, hope you have a great time at the luau today! Gonna do any hula dancing? YEA Betty!!! on the PS approval :drool: ...I'm happy for ya! Hope you don't have to wait too long Kat, Come back. Miss your posts. Hope you're doing alright. Trish, how are ya doing, gal? ....so if your son catches that frog and chucks it into the marsh again, you'll have a frog free pool for a year? I guess Jessica is still dancin' her butt off on vacation :tt2: Have a good nite all!
  24. signgirl

    NJ July 2008 Chat

    Trish, thanks for the compliments! Sure wish we could all get together! And Trish, ditto on Pat's comments....one day at a time sweetie. Pat, love the pic of you at the pool. BTW, got your boat lettering ready.
  25. signgirl

    NJ July 2008 Chat

    susie, I know all about the pre-surgery jitters! for me, THAT was the worse part! After the surgery, things jut healed and settled down...no more heavy anxiety! Try to relax about it if you can. You'll be just fine :thumbup: and we're all here for you too!

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