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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by signgirl

  1. signgirl

    NJ October Thread

    Hi all Finally just relaxin'. been busy all day. DH went fishin with a friend and since they took the boat out, I knew I'd have hours to get things done. Kat, hope you got your computer keyboard fixed. Wish I could get this one fixed! I swear I spend just as much time backspassing as typing...this laptop's keyboard doesn't always recognize when I hit a key! GRRRRRR. Anyway thankx for the encouragement . Wishing you restful nights, comfortable days and the answers you need. Eileen, too funny! (cheesburger) Tuesday is when I have my pre-op meeting with the surgeon ( it'll be the first time I'veever talked to him one-on-one). My band date is Wed. the 31st (halloween). Pat, was that the Poquoson seafood fest? my son went to that one with his girlfriend. I appreciate your surgery story, thanks for sharing. I gotta tell you guys, this morning I was reading some real old posts and OMG! I came across that whole thread by StrawartS! I'm sure all you veteran banders know the one I'm talking about....the really descriptive PBing post. Geez! readin' that pre-banding gave me a really creepy feeling....like: why am I getting ready to set myself up for that!!!!!! Some of you are probably ROTFLYAO g'nite all
  2. signgirl

    Newly Banded in Williamsburg

    Hey , how's everybody tonight? Well got finished painting the room I wanted to set up as a guest room.......looks so nice and fresh! now the rest of the place needs painting!!!LOL Donna, I keep thinking of you, knowing your date is tuesday! You'll be in bandland before me, so when you feel up to it, let me (us) know how you're doing. You're gonna be great! Gina, I read a previous post about bringing a pillow for the ride home....I got to thinking about that seatbelt and decided a squishy pillow might not be a bad idea! Pat I was laughing 'bout the gobblins too!!! Somebody asked me if I was going to paint anything on my tummy for the team in the OR to see for halloween, I said "No, I kinda don't want to distract them" (BOO!)
  3. signgirl

    NJ October Thread

    Helloooo Everybody!!!!! hope ya'll are doing alright, hopefully all finished with the stomache crud and put the boob back....no hats here! LOL I've missed All of you guys...I mean it! I had the weirdest feeling the other day after completing the pre-op tests, when the gal told me where to report to and to take the elevator up, I suddenly had a twinge of fear? anxiousness? Kinda surprised me. I posted on another thread that I feel like a very pregnant woman having nesting syndrome...been cleaning and painting and feeling like it all HAS to be done right now, before my life changes! I think I'm startin ta get the jitters! LOL. Did anybody wake up in recovery and think: what have I done? Or was it more like: alright! let the games begin!!! Well anyway.......found out my surgery time. They want me there at 5:30am for the 7:30 slot. I have to travel about 35 miles to get there. Yep, be gettin' up with the chickens, er, wait....I'll be wakin' up the chickens! LOL Yeah, definitaly getting nervous! Not about the surgery.....I just hope I can DO this! Mary, nice to meet you. Hope the bruises are fading and that all is well. Pat, party a bit for me would ya? I still have too much to do! LOL, Betty, Sherry,Cindy, Mandy, Jessica....EVERYBODY, Hope you have a relaxing weekend!!!!!!!
  4. signgirl

    Newly Banded in Williamsburg

    :DHey there!!!!!!! how's everybody doing? I've been so busy lately! Just wish I was busy doing fun stuff! LOL! I've been feeling like a very pregnant woman lately.....having some serious nesting syndrome going on (and belly still gets in the way !) I've been painting and cleaning and feeling like time is running out and I must do it all now before life changes!!!! Crazy! Donna, it sure was a treat to meet you at the nutrition class/lap band support meeting! That was great! Finished the pre-op tests,still have the meeting with doc clark and the exercise consult....but I have a surgery time: 7:30 am wed. the 31st! I hope everyone is doing terrific! Pat, see you on the other thread
  5. signgirl

    NJ October Thread

    Hi Pat! I finally made it back! Hello all......Betty, Eileen, Cindy everyone!!!!!!! I had a trip to Pa. over the weekend. Flew out of RichmondVA to Pitt.,PA with the express purpose being, to have a graveside memorial for our mother. She passed away the end of January, and we tried to have a service, but it was on the top of a mountain with a dangerous wind chill, snow and ice. So this time we were able to have a nice service. I have my first appointment tomorrow (the three hour nutrition class). Then on Friday the 19th, all the pre-op tests. Surgeon appt. on tues. the 23rd......somewhere in there is an exercise consult! And surgery on Haloween....YIKES! that's just 16 days away! gettin' anxious......I think I'm doing the right thing. I hope this works! I've been practicing. Did any of you have a hiatle hernia prior to surgery? Kat, all the best to you.
  6. signgirl

    We are the TENaciousTENS!

    hi Kathyn! Looks like we'll be banded on the same day. The hospital called today to schedule my pre-op tests for the 19th. My surgeon does not require a special pre-op diet, but I am trying to do my best anyway...no snacks between meals, no carbs, eat slowly, chew well, and no drinks with meals. Then at nite I don't do as well, but still better than I would ordinarily do. Cheri and Lafs, I'm so relieved that you both are doing better!!!!!!! and.......thanks sooooooo much for posting, you're experience is helping me to prepare myself. I feel a little less anxious when the unknown becomes the known. thanks again...warmest wishes to you for a speedy mend!
  7. signgirl

    NJ October Thread

    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone :eek: I've been doubling back on the posts to get a feel for all the different and good personalities of those on this board. Wow! what a ride! I've been anxious and concerned in court, sweltering in the heat with no A/C, having too close a call with a a gunshot and shattered windshield, fun at disney, returning home to friends, sharing stresses...whether emotional or physical. I can see why Pat said ya'll are a great group. Since I saw a little of you, Here's a little of me,to start..... I have been very happily married for 25 years (30 if ya count the 5 yrs. we lived together before getting married!). I had one child, a son, who is now a young man 23 yrs. old. And an old girl German 'Shepherd named Heidi who is 10 (going on 77). Although I've had a variety of jobs, very different from one another, I have been in the sign making field for around 25 (give or take) years. I just got back from the Outer Banks of NC where I was able to meet and have lunch with Pat. Very nice :car: This weekend, DH and I will be flying to PA on Sat. and returning to VA on Sun. Lucky us Pat! we thought we were going to have to drive, but we worked it out last night....booked flight and rental car! Yeah!!!!!!! So anyway, thanks again for the welcome. I'm about 22 days from Bandland and getting more anxious every day! At this rate, I'd better ask my PCP for some valium or xanax , in oooooooooh, a week or so!!!!!!!!!! Later folks (guys AND gals!)
  8. signgirl

    NJ October Thread

    I have heard nothing but GREAT things from Pat about you all! And Betty, saw your picture the other day, You look so good. I can't wait for this to be a reality for me....I'm so uncomfortable! 5'3", 240 lbs.....This will be my 51st birthday present! Surgery on Halloween and my birthday on Nov. 3!.....birth of a new me? Sure hope so!
  9. signgirl

    NJ October Thread

    woo hoo!!!!!!! made it! Hey there all you folks in the NJ thread! and especially you HarleyNana!
  10. signgirl

    TENaciousTENS "roll call" as promised!

    Jude, I'm not banded yet (halloween is my date), but from all the posts I've read, the first day can be difficult....everyone is different, because of that, please let your doctor know if you are having any difficulties.
  11. Here is a 12 year study from Favretti Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding in 1,791 c...[Obes Surg. 2007] - PubMed Result Obes Surg. 2007 Feb;17(2):168-75.Links Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding in 1,791 consecutive obese patients: 12-year results. Favretti F, Segato G, Ashton D, Busetto L, De Luca M, Mazza M, Ceoloni A, Banzato O, Calo E, Enzi G. Department of Surgery, Regional Hospital - Vicenza, Italy. ffavret@tin.it BACKGROUND: This study examines 1,791 consecutive laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) procedures with up to 12 years follow-up. Long-term results of LAGB with a high follow-up rate are not common. METHODS: Between September 1993 and December 2005, 1,791 consecutive patients (75.1% women, mean age 38.7 years, mean weight 127.7 +/- 24 kg, mean BMI 46.2 +/- 7.7) underwent LAGB by the same surgical team. Perigastric dissection was used in 77.8% of the patients, while subsequently pars flaccida was used in 21.5% and a mixed approach in 0.8%. Data were analyzed according to co-morbidities, conversion, short- and long-term complications and weight loss. Fluoroscopy-guided band adjustments were performed and patients received intensive follow-up. The effects of LAGB on life expectancy were measured in a case/control study involving 821 surgically-treated patients versus 821 treated by medical therapy. RESULTS: Most common baseline co-morbidities (%) were hypertension (35.6), osteoarthritis (57.8), diabetes (22), dyslipidemia (27.1), sleep apnea syndrome (31.4), depression (21.2), sweet eating (22.5) and binge eating (18.5). Conversion to open was 1.7%: due to technical difficulties (1.2) and due to intraoperative complications (0.5). Together with the re-positioning of the band, additional surgery was performed in 11.9% of the patients: hiatal hernia repair (2.4), cholecystectomy (7.8) and other procedures (1.7). There was no mortality. Reoperation was required in 106 patients (5.9%): band removal 55 (3.7%), band repositioning 50 (2.7 %), and other 1 (0.05 %). Port-related complications occurred in 200 patients (11.2%). 41 patients (2.3%) underwent further surgery due to unsatisfactory results: removal of the band in 12 (0.7%), biliopancreatic diversion in 5 (0.27%) and a biliopancreatic diversion with gastric preservation ("bandinaro") in 24 (1.3%). Weight in kg was 103.7 +/- 21.6, 102.5 +/- 22.5, 105.0 +/- 23.6, 106.8 +/- 24.3, 103.3 +/- 26.2 and 101.4 +/- 27.1 at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 years after LAGB. BMI at the same intervals was 37.7 +/- 7.1, 37.2 +/- 7.2, 38.1 +/- 7.6, 38.5 +/- 7.9, 37.5 +/- 8.5 and 37.7 +/- 9.1. The case/control study found a statistically significant difference in survival in favor of the surgically-treated group. CONCLUSIONS: LAGB can achieve effective, safe and stable long-term weight loss. In experienced hands, the complication rate is low. Follow-up is paramount. PMID: 17476867 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
  12. signgirl

    TENaciousTENS "roll call" as promised!

    Hello Klover dad (and Mary) WOW! together through it! Gotta smile for the both of you! May you get healthier every day, stay in love forever and grow younger at heart, as time goes by! Please let us know how you're progressing. All the best!
  13. signgirl

    TENaciousTENS "roll call" as promised!

    Renee, Congratulations on the start of "the you that you dream of"! all my best wishes to you for excellent health now and always . Keep us posted on your progress, challenges and anything else you'd like to share!!!!!!! :woot:
  14. signgirl

    Newly Banded in Williamsburg

    Just came backfromOBX. Met HarlyNana there (Dr.T's first lapbander!). She graciously allowedme to"pick her brain" for all that valuable lap band info from a veteran bander (day-to-day-living with the band). I feel much more at ease now.....We can do this folks! Thanks HarlyNana. OBX weekend sounds good to me!!!! and I just got back! LOL
  15. signgirl

    We are the TENaciousTENS!

    Miriam, you've been on my mind, as soon as you feel like it, let me know how thing are going with you.
  16. signgirl

    We are the TENaciousTENS!

    Hi Kathryn! We have the same surgery date! at just about the same weight......'cept I have 20 years on ya! LOL Hope all goes OK for you at your appoinntment
  17. signgirl

    Newly Banded in Williamsburg

    Gina....thanks so much for all the detail! I probably not the only one who benefits from it! Heather and Donna.......who knows, maybe someday we can get together on the OBX for a bander weekend
  18. signgirl

    Newly Banded in Williamsburg

    Donna you're right! Halloween will be here soon...and Oct. 23rd even sooner! LOL! funny reading you went to Avon,...I'm sitting here typing this listening to the ocean on the outer banks! A little R & R with family, It's GREAT! and speaking of GR8..Hi Gina! I was wondering, from you're experience with the lap band so far, have you had any problems with it? What do/did you find is/was the hardest thing to deal with being banded? I hope you don't mind repeating, if you've been asked this too many times before:)
  19. signgirl

    I Have A Date!!!!

    Woohoo!!!!!!! Happy for you too! i'll be banded the day before you. I Really want to get it moving now! I keep seeing everyone's date approach and pass....sometimes it feels soooooooooo far away
  20. signgirl

    Newly Banded in Williamsburg

    Donna, I feel just as excited for you and everybody else that is about to enter "bandland" as I am for myself!!!!!!! I too am just over 100lbs. to loose. No matter what anybody's feedback is on whether to lapband or not, I have so much hope that this is the one that WILL work, that I don't care about anyone else's opinion on what will work for me except for vemy DH. Even though he's not real keen on the idea of anyone having any kind of surgery, he knows that this is going to be a "done deal" on oct. 31, and has pledged his support! I can't wait to start this journey into a healthy life....adding energy and years to my life, and to know that I can succeed this time in keeping the weight off! An opportunity to have a whole new lease on life!
  21. signgirl

    Diet drinks and Artifcial sweeteners

    Freebig, with so much info to absorb, sometimes I need little "associations" to help me remember some recommendations. Re: artificial sweetners, I need to only use the ones that start with "S" (for sweeten)....not Equal or Nutrasweet, instead: splenda, sweet n low :eek:
  22. signgirl

    Newly Banded in Williamsburg

    Hey Donna!!!!!! You're approved! Yeah! Thanks for your comments re: which surgeon. I called and spoke to Cat...she clarified thing for me and offered an appt. w/Dr. Clark, to rest my concerns, but I was satisfied with the answers she provided....sooooooo, It's Dr. Clark, and I'm still bringin' up the rear, with me being the last to be banded in October (31st)....so please, let me know how you all are doing/did, and any "pearls of wisdom"! Donna the 720.00 covers a laundry-list of incidentals, including your 3 1/2 hr. class to prepare for surgery, unlimited visits with the dietician for 6 mos., other info. re fills and discounts at health & fitness centers, etc...
  23. signgirl

    TENaciousTENS "roll call" as promised!

    :yo: My hats off to you Holly! Great job on the roll call!:clap2: I appreciate the work you put in to it, and obviously so do a lot of other TENacious TENS! Not much longer for several of us:whoo:, just keep me informed of your progress everyone! 'cause I'm pullin' up the rear at Oct. 31!
  24. signgirl

    Newly Banded in Williamsburg

    Hi Donna, the WLSC had submitted to the insurance co. for me, and in less than a week I learned that I had been approved! I had asked if one of the doctors "specialized" in one proceedure over the other and was told "not really, they both do all the proceedures." So the surgery date was set with Dr. Clark. Now I'm feeling aprehensive and concerned :confused: , with surgery set for Oct. 31, I'm wondering if I should see if I could change Drs., (?) Any thoughts, anyone?
  25. I searched for the link for a while last night before I even posted on this board, so that I could include it, but couldn't remember how I got there...I'm not giving up, I'll still search for it and post it as soon as I (if I?) find it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
