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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Tgarden

  1. Tgarden


    Congrats and welcome! I am also ready for mushies!
  2. Tgarden

    And it begins!

    Well, here I am one week (and 1 day) post surgery, and boy has it been a whirlwind!! I have been totally off pain meds since Saturday, and I learned that liquid Tylenol sits like a brick in my stomach. I tried it twice, and will never do it again. I needed it just for a few aches and pains, but didn't want to take any more Rx drugs. Now i am just toughing it out, and my heating pad is my best friend at night! Tried crushing regular Tylenol and it was like eating a chemical spill. Saturday I got out of the house and it was so nice! Didn't have a bra that would fit loosely enough across that very top suture, so had to find a dress where it wasn't too noticeable that I didn't have one on. Felt like a heathen the whole time! Wore a little crop shrug with it so I was safe. Really tired that night. Sunday I got out and did just a bit more, but not too much. Felt great that morning, and not so great by evening. Had a little crying spell, super overwhelmed with everything, not feeling my best, wondering if I will ever be normal again, just wanting to sit with my family and eat Sunday dinner. I was so frustrated by the lack of liquids that were appealing, and I just sortof went downhill from there. Did a LOT of praying that evening and tried to turn all of those fears and worries over, and Monday woke up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle another day. And, I did way too much on Monday. Two errands, went to work for 2 hours, tutored in the afternoon, and by the time bedtime rolled around I was hurting and so tired. I did keep my Water intake up that day, thank goodness, or I imagine I would have been in a lot worse shape. I woke up this morning (Tuesday) at around 4:00am with heartburn and a headache. Got up and took my Prilosec a few hours early with some almond milk, and went back to sleep propped up on the couch. Decided that my body is saying "Hold up sister!!" So, instead of tackling the few errands that need to be done or going to work, I have been on the couch drinking my water and getting up every once in awhile to move my body around. Nothing was so important today that I felt like I needed to put my recovery in jeopardy. I wish I could say recovery is a piece of cake, but its not. I have a high tolerance for pain, and truly haven't been in pain. There is just this strange overall feeling of blech and lightheadedness, and the question does go through my mind, "am I sure this is what I signed up for?" I have two more weeks of liquids, and it is going to take a whole lot of positive thinking to get through it and hopefully start feeling better. I want to be up and moving for my kids and husband, and I just have to make myself stop and take time for me. I think as a mom I usually end up putting everything I need on the back burner, so I am having these huge feelings of guilt. However, I KNOW there is an end in sight, and I am thankful for all of you postop people who post how great you are doing and how good you are feeling. Makes me realize that after this time of struggle and uncertainty, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I can't go back, so there is no point on focusing on the negative. Today I am choosing to be thankful for my family, and cozy house in which to recover, and my unwavering faith that God is in control. I wish all of you continued health and safety on your upcoming surgeries, and quick recovery to those of us on the other side.
  3. Papagrimace, I know how you feel. Sunday evening was my weepy time. Felt overwhelmed, hungry but not hungry, dizzy because I'm sure I'm not getting enough to drink, and wondering if I would ever be able to sit down at the table and eat a normal dinner with my family. Yesterday was much better, but I overdid it and am paying for it today! Not blue today, just tired. Focusing on Water today. I know bouts of sadness are to be expected, and I'm sorry you had a rough one today. I'll pray for you and hope that tomorrow is tons better! Dont' lose sight of the reasons we all did this crazy thing. I just know it will be worth it in a few months.
  4. Just wondering how some of you have used the strawberry sorbet unjury Protein powder. The bottle says use in Water or lemonade, but I wonder if anyone has used it in milk? I just tried some in water, and it's ok.
  5. Tgarden

    April 2014 pre-op group

    As far as soups go, I just find different ones at the grocery store and blend them to oblivion with some chicken broth added until they are fairly thin. That way your choices open up pretty wide! Just make sure to pour it through a strainer before you drink it so there are no chunks. I did french onion the other day and it was heaven! I have also found that I can add nearly a full scoop of Unjury unflavored to a cup of soup like that after I heat it (don't heat it with the unjury already in it), and I seriously can't taste it in there. I am staying away from tomato soup though; afraid of too much acid quite yet. Although it really sounds yummy! I am finding myself really tired of all the sweet liquids, and definitely craving the savory. I have another two full weeks of liquids to go until I see my doc! But, I'm feeling pretty good and no complications, so I can't complain.
  6. I have just made some Soup that was heavenly that I thought I would share. I'm assuming we are all still on full liquids, so hopefully this will sound good to some of you. I just took low sodium cream of mushroom soup and put it in my magic bullet with equal parts chicken broth and a shake or two of sea salt. Got it to the consistency I wanted, then heated it in microwave. Then I slowly added unflavored unjury to it a little at a time, mixed it well, and was able to get in about half a scoop into a nearly full mug before I could taste anything. It is so delicious!! You could also use cream of chicken soup, and I'm going to get some of that today. It is the first savory thing I have had with any uhmph in so long that it tastes like heaven!! I'm also going out for the first time since surgery tonight. My step dad sings in his church choir and there is an Easter Cantata pre-show this evening. I'm not sure what I'll wear, but it will be nice to get out! Hope you all enjoy your weekend.
  7. Tgarden

    Unjury strawberry?

    That sounds good! Wish I had an ice cream maker. I think today I'm going to try it in vanilla almond milk, and also mix it into some Jello. Time to get creative!
  8. Tgarden

    Getting in the protein?

    Finding a Protein powder that is tolerable is a challenge, isn't it? I had some whey Protein Powder that I bought at my grocery store, and I can only stand it in a few things. The unjury powders do seem to be better. I just got them in yesterday, so I haven't played around with them too much. I'm not even a week out of surgery yet, so I'm focusing on hydrating as my first goal. I am able to tolerate the Isopure drinks thankfully! That is a great way to knock out some protein grams. I am going to try the strawberry Unjury in Jello the next time I make some, and I also like the ready made shakes called "Oh yeah", (strange name) but they are good. Found them at my grocery store's health food section. I can tolerate the Atkins shakes, but they do give me a strange feeling in my tummy. I'm only on day two of full liquids, so they might have just been a little rich for me yet. There are some great suggestions on this link! If anyone finds something new, make sure to add it! Blessings to all of you on this journey!
  9. Bianca, have you tried Gas X strips? I get those pains sometimes, but they aren't constant. I still use my incentive spirometer several times a day that I brought home from the hospital just to keep my lungs pumping to their fullest and trying to move that gas around. I feel the most pain when I am just getting up from bed or from sitting awhile, then it seems to work itself out. I agree that you need lots and lots of Water or other fluids. I have heard that you can end up right back in the hospital for dehydration pretty quickly during this post-op period. Try the Gas X strips and see if they help. I hope you get some relief soon. Let us know!
  10. Tgarden

    Unjury strawberry?

    Ooooh, shmily, please share your recipe for the ice cream!
  11. Tgarden

    Starting my journey

    Welcome, Julie! This is a great place to learn just about everything you need to know about WLS. Are you having gastric bypass? I had my bypass surgery Monday and it is a whole new world! Congratulations to you for going through all of the requirements to become a healthier version of you!
  12. Tgarden

    And it begins!

    I am certainly looking forward to the high energy part! Right now I am exhausted after being on my feet for 30 minutes or so. I have never been one to sit still for very long, so I am having to make myself take it easy. I just woke up from a two hour nap, so I guess my body knows best!! I weighed myself this morning and am now back to where I was presurgery. I had lost 12 pounds on the preop diet, so I'm officially at ground zero! I had heard stories of people gaining close to 10 pounds in the hospital just from fluids, swelling and bloating so it is good to have that part behind me.
  13. Tgarden

    April 2014 pre-op group

    I also didn't need very much in the hospital. Chapstick was necessary, as was a toothbrush. I did change into some of my own pjs on day two after I had a rinse off shower. That felt good! I brought my Kindle, but like Harley59 said, I would start to watch or read something and just fall asleep. I was restless several times, but couldn't really focus. Those are the times I would just get up and walk. My surgery was Monday and I have walked a path through my house now many times! We are having horrible winds and high levels of allergens in the air here, so i am not going to risk going outside for a walk. The last thing I need is a sneezing fit! Take care everyone!
  14. Tgarden

    And it begins!

    Cupcake, my plan is to go back to work on Monday but I will only work for two hours. I am a tutor and Monday's are super short. Tuesday I work for 6 hours so that is the one I'm not sure about. It is very flexible so if I'm not ready I can take more time.
  15. Tgarden

    And it begins!

    Thank you, Kookichu! I have been meaning to update this log for several days, but every time I get situated on the couch with my laptop, I fall asleep! Today is Thursday and my surgery was first thing Monday morning. Here is the experience in an abbreviated nutshell. Monday; arrived at hospital at 6:00am and was taken back to pre-op room. Had to wipe my entire body from head to toe with these horribly sticky body wipes that are supposed to do wonders for eliminating bacteria. Nurse got my IV started first try, and I was rolling back to surgery by 7:50. I remember going back and seeing my surgeon, then there was a mask on my face and boom! Out for 4 hours! I had my lap band removed, a hiatal hernia repaired, and conversion to bypass, so mine took a bit longer than regular bypass. I think regular bypass surgeries are about 2 hours. Up to my room by around 1:00, and the rest of the day is pretty much a blur. I had a pain med button to push every ten minutes and that was a lifesaver. I did have about an hour where I battled some pretty bad nausea, even though I had had several precautionary meds to keep that away. I didn't throw up, and haven't been nauseated since. (Thank the good Lord!) Nothing at all by mouth that day, only swabs dipped in mouthwash to rinse out my mouth. I was up and taking very short walks by 6:00 that night, and even bugged the nurses at 1am and 4:30am to take me walking. It felt good to move! Hubby spent the night that night. Tuesday; radiology came to get me at 7:30 for my xray to check for leaks. Nurse gave me more anti nausea meds about an hour before that, and I highly recommend everyone ask for that! My xray was all clear, so I got to have Water, ice chips, broth, and crystal light the rest of the day in very small amounts. Nurse brought me plastic medicine cups to practice sipping out of, and they helped a lot. Walked a lot that day, further and further every time. Sat in the chair as much as possible, and took many naps. By evening, pain button gone and moved to oral pain meds, crushed and mixed with crystal light. I was hurting a bit during that transition, but quickly caught up. Dr. came in that afternoon to talk to me and said things went great. Not too much scarring from band, and everything else went just as planned. I was running a low fever that day so he kept me another night. Was pretty much self-sufficient so hubby stayed at home with our kids and gave my mom a break. Also had drain removed that evening. This didn't hurt necessarily, but did not feel good at all. Be prepared! Wednesday; Dr came by to check on me and said he could tell I was ready to go home. (He was right about that!) Bariatric nurse came by and spent a great deal of time going over after care, expectations, etc. She took out my IV at the very end, and I was packed up and heading home by noon. Got home and into my own bed and slept for 3 hours! Took a nice hot shower after that with hubby close by, and then I felt mostly normal. Still a little groggy from pain meds, but overall doing so much better than I expected! This whole process has been easier than I ever imagined. I do have some pain, but it is not unbearable. If it starts to creep up, I have my pain meds. Thursday; spending my day walking around the house and resting on the couch. I have already cut my pain medicine by half. Was taking 100mg Tramadol, cut to 50 this morning. Tomorrow I hope to lengthen time between. I have kept a glass of water beside me, and so far room temp water goes down easiest. A little colder is ok. I also like the Isopure Protein waters, with 40g protein in each bottle. I have broth with Protein powder, and the warm feels really good going down. I am taking a Prilosec pill each morning, and that worried me at first but no problems. Still crushing pain meds because they are crushable. Don't ever crush or cut a Prilosec type med! (heard about this in hospital) Tonight I am going to try to cook dinner for my family. I do feel a little bit hungry during the day, but it is probably thirst. Tomorrow I can start full liquids and I'm looking forward to some butternut squash Soup run through the blender about 10 times! I'm also hoping my unjury strawberry powder comes in as I plan to mix that with almond milk. One day at a time! Still a bit in shock that I actually did this, and excited about the changes coming my way. I'll try to continue to update every few days as healing continues. Good luck to those of you coming up to your date, and may God bless you and keep you safe!
  16. Tgarden

    April 2014 pre-op group

    Here's hoping that all of you awaiting surgery in April have easy pre-op diets, no stress, and feelings of excitement! I came home from the hospital today after surgery Monday, and I feel much better than I thought I would! I know I have a long way to go, but so far things have gone well. Praying for all of you as your dates arrive!
  17. I'm home! Best shower I have had in a long time in my own shower! Took a short nap and now I'm up on the couch waiting for my kids to get home from school. I'm able to go the full 4 hours between pain medicine doses without feeling bad and needing a supplement to take the edge off. Sipping on broth and Water. My dr said not to worry too much these next few days about Protein requirements, just focus on hydration. I bought some Isopure flavored water before surgery that I'll sip on a bit. It has 40 g of protein in 1 bottle. Still can't believe it is over, and I feel so much better than I thought I would. Good luck everyone!
  18. New clothes already? That's a great score! It is Wed morning and I actually slept pretty well last night. Now taking oral pain meds crushed and getting iv out later. I am walking so much and using my breathing thing which has helped a lot with gas.
  19. Here we are on the other side, huh? My pain has not been bad until they took me off the pump. I'm walking a lot and just got clearance to drink clear liquids. Broth never tasted so good! I'm off to take a nap.
  20. Tgarden

    update...why I vanished (long)

    I am so sorry for all that has happened! I will pray for comfort for your mother, and for peace and love for you. In all that is happening, try not to lose hope. Blessings to you!
  21. Tgarden

    Vitamins etc

    Those are exactly the Vitamins I was told to take. My surgery is tomorrow but I've already purchased all of my vitamins. I'm not sure about teeth, though. Might call your NUT and check. I would guess that the Multivitamin would cover that.
  22. I still think it is so interesting how different all of our pre-op diets are! Today is the only day I have to do clear liquids only. Went last night out to dinner with hubby and had a salad, asparagus, and a delicious grilled pork chop. Today is a different story! Took a big travel mug of lemon tea to church, just finished a big mug of broth, and now having a popsicle before I head to the grocery story. Going to spend today doing little chores and making sure I have everything in order for my mom to take care of my kids. How are the rest of you holding up? What are you doing today to keep yourselves busy?
  23. Tgarden

    April 2014 pre-op group

    I also thought about getting a manicure and a hair cut before surgery, but decided that those are good low effort things to do that I might enjoy as a "getting out of the house" activity after I have recovered at home a bit. Plus, after working in my garden for the last several days, my nails aren't exactly paint-able right now!
  24. Packing is on my list for tomorrow. I went to Walmart (I hate Walmart) and bought some cheap, loose pjs and a loose sundress to wear while I am there and home. I knew I wouldn't be able to fit in them long, so I didn't want to spend too much money! Hence, the Walmart trip. This weekend I'm helping with some of my daughter's activities and hope to get together with some friends tomorrow night. Sunday is packed full of church activities, and before I know it, Monday morning will be here.
  25. Tgarden

    And it begins!

    Good morning! That little ticker at the bottom says 3, and only 3, as in DAYS!!! So excited and just bubbling with happiness. Been working out in my flower beds the last few days, so I think the sunshine is helping with my mood and energy levels. I have lost 10 pounds on the pre-op diet, and while this isn't miraculous, it is certainly a start in the right direction. I went for my pre-op visit at the hospital on Thursday, and didn't really know what to expect. I had routine blood work done, and the nurse was able to get me in one stick!! I'm usually a 4-5 stick blood draw, and have very uncooperative veins. So I was happy about that. I asked this nurse if she could be at the hospital with me on Monday morning, but that is not her day to work. Then I had a meeting with the anesthesiologist who asked some very basic questions. I have had a few surgeries before requiring general anesthesia and have not had problems, so he wasn't too worried. He explained the entire process of anesthesia/pain meds during and after surgery. Lastly I met with a Bariatric surgery nurse who was lovely! She spent the most time with me out of everyone I saw that morning. Went through a standard power point of information that answered every single one of my questions, and some that I didn't know I had! I learned two things I hadn't thought to ask about. 1, I cannot have anything at all by mouth for the entire day after surgery while still in the hospital. If my mouth is dry, I can swish and spit but no swallowing. The next morning I will do an upper GI with a barium swallow to check for staple line leaks and make sure liquids are flowing in the path that they are supposed to. If that is all clear, then I start Clear Liquids. If it is NOT all clear, I go back in for surgery revision. I am just going to go ahead and say that I'll get the all clear!! Positive thinking, right? 2, I might wake up from surgery with a small drain pouch, but they rarely send a patient home with the drain. This nurse said she honestly can't remember when a bariatric patient had to go home with a drain. So I was relieved to hear that!! She had me start a proton pump prohibitor OTC today, and wants me to even take one day of surgery with tiny sip of Water. I have a history of reflux and ulcers. Other than that, I will show up, be admitted, and have this thing over with by mid-morning! I have to call later today to get my official arrival time, but was initially scheduled as first procedure of the day. I'm really hoping that has not changed. Wow, this post is really wordy, but my intention is to hopefully help someone else out who is either considering bypass or about to go through what I am. So thankful for this online community as I have learned a whole lot from reading posts from other members. Blessings to everyone on this beautiful weekend! I'm off to work in my garden again.

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