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Posts posted by jimhead4866

  1. So im 2 years abd a few months out. I lost alittle over 100 lbs initiallt and got to 175. Over the last year im ay 193-196 depending on the day. Everything internally has pretty much been going ok. My question at this point is should i still be using Protein Powder? I get my needed amount of Protein from meals mostly and i still try to eat as healthy as possible. And if i do use powder should i replace a meal with it or should it just be extra protein? I would ask my dr's these questions but about a year out i oost my job and my insurance so i havent been able to afford to see my dr. Any advice is helpful. Also i do still work out but not as often as i would like because of finances and dad life.

  2. Hey i havent been to my dr in almost a year because i lost my job and am now workiny under the table so i have no isnurance. Ive been trying to wing it. I had my surgery 2 years ago and lost about 90 lbs but have had some weight gains. Im always trying to eat healthy butnim confuses now how much Protein i should consume. Like shoulf a Protein shake be a meal at this point or just extra Protein? Also if im working out how much protein should i consume? Any suggestions r greatly appreciated.

  3. Im coming up on 9 months out and ive lost over 100 ibs. Im so happy for myself and proud of myself to stick with it because not only did i get the surgery but i also have stuck to a work out and diet plan to help myself succeed which is something i always had trouble with in the past. Today i ate a lemon danish for the first time since my surgery. Im not going to make it a habit but every once in a while u have to endulge yoursel to stay sane. It was so damn delicious!

  4. I wanted to reach my goal of 180 lbs within at least a year of my operation. In june it will be 6 months and im already down to 191.5. Thank u to my docto andball the support from friends and family and everyone on this board. I cant weight to hit my first goal weight

  5. I dont ever regret my sleeve. Im so happy with the fact that i have gotten it done and the change it haa brought to my life. The only time i regret it is at those big family events when there is a ton of delicious food or when my wife makes one of her 'special" meals. I always want to eat more! But i cant cause im sleeved. At least now i get lots of left overs and can enjoy that great meal a few more days.

  6. Ok i have just been worried that i pushed it. I know my dr told me to eat till im full so that i can get as much nutrition from my food as possible and inwas afraid maybe i was just advancing too fast. I know people can stretch their sleeves and wind up needing revisions and i dont want that to happen i just wanna make sure im doing it right. Thanks everyone.

  7. In 2 weeks i will be 5 months out i have lost a total of 85 pounds my goal is to lose 15 more so i could be down by 100. I have a concern though that i have already begun stretching my pouch. Normally when i eat dinner i eat until i feel full and i play around with my phone while im eating so that i dont eat too fast. When i do get full i get a case if the hiccups. Well lately i feel as though im not getting full as fast and have been able to eat more and im not getting hiccups like i was. I fear that im stretching my pouch already too far and thats the last thing i want. I cant really give an idea on exactly how much i eat becauae i dont measure it i just eat and listen to my body telling me when i have had enough. Im also eating my dinners the same way i usually do. Protein first then Beans or veggies and maybe a small amount of carbs rice or Pasta very little bit. As far as eating throughout the day goes should i be eating every meal until im full or portion it? Normal i when i do my Breakfast and lunch i eat and dont get too ful depending on what i eat (eggs usually till im full if i have yogurt i just eat the container and leave it at that). Does anyone think i have stretched it too far or am i overthinking it? There are some days where i feel like i can eat so much more than i should be able to.

  8. I appreciate all of the help but im looking for something to eat. I normally pack a meal for lunch but on this occasion i didnt have time so this is the first time ive been at work and not been prepared. I also dont have the opportunity or time to check out each place to see what i can have. If anyone knows anhthing specific that i can eat let me know please. And thank u all. I too have lived off of crap food overnights. We have a few pizza places that stay open late also chinese food popcorn chips huge wawa sandwiches or i packed a lunch which was always loaded with food and because i would eat from boredom i would get even more food later in the night. I cant wait to be dont with this overnight stuff

  9. I cheated on my diet for the first time today for the superbowl. Had some cheetos crackers woth cheese spread some pita and hummus and a cookie. It felt good to break out of the norn for 20 minutes. Back to the same old same old tomorrow.

  10. For my first few weeks during purree and liquid phases i did alot of Protein Powder. I got the lemon tea flavor nectar which i mixed with 8 oz of Water and each shake is 25 grams. So with 2 i got 50 grams plus 16 oz of water. Also i used unflavored in a blender with fat free yogurt or Sugar Free Chocolate pudding ice and PB2 powder. I could make a shake that was at least 35-40 grams that way. Ill have to try this app see how that works. Thanks.

  11. Wow u look completely different. Thats a very quick weightloss too. I was 285 before pre op diet and 269 the morning of op. That was on december 12th. Today im 240. I have a few days left of my soft food phase. I just hope i continue to lose fast. Ive also been doing weight training and cardio at the gym the last 2 weeks. If i can lost as quick as you i can spend the next year alot less stressed out about fluctuating weight. Whats your diet like?

  12. I have been trying to do fruits im a week in on the soft phase. I just get so full so fast i find it hard to fit that kind of stuff in. I was thinking maybe a fiver supplement too. I had just gone like 5 days and had to take stool softeners.

  13. Right now i guess my troubles are cakes and cupcakes and when my wife wants to order out. There ia nothing healthy on a take put menu. So far i have been good i order Soup or try to make sonething at home. I havent had any sweets yet i made so sugar free pudding with slne proteing in it and it was ok. The sugar free Jello is actually yummy buy i feel its a waste since there is no Protein in it. I have been behaving tho. I hope i can keep this up.

  14. Ok, well I apprexiate your honesty, noe I dont feel so bad. As for "blended foods" which I started doing for a few days at two weeks post op, I threw up EVERYTIME. I cant blend fish ,-(or should I say drink fish) or chicken. It was disgusting. I couldnt do baby food. So I started taking tiny bites and "blending" it in my mouth myself. Then I was able to swallow and keep it down. I was very careful. Im not supposed to be at that phase "the mechanical" ,phase until the 27th. But i cant drink food especially hot, and when I do I throw up. The other way is working fine. I couldn't figure out any other solution to get my Protein in (which Im still no where near required) if all I was going to do was puke up everything!

    I am the same way! Thank god im not the only one! I never got sick but i could never get it to taste right and it always sat in my tummy making it feel heavy. My wife is the cook so she has been making the meats in the crock pot or oven and and fish. The fish is already soft and the meats come out very tender so i eat little pieces at a time and chew diligantly. I have yet to have a problem. As a side i do soft veggies. Peas and carrots are 2 good examples. I use a rotisserie chicken and shred it into small pieces and use Omega balance which is like some kind of healthy mayo to make chicken salad and tuna salad. 1 can of tuna has 24 g of protein and its only about 4.5 ounces. I make a few meals out of it for one day and that helps keep my protein up. Blending foods is just gross and should be illiegal.

  15. Ill be a month put this week. Im conpletely bewildered by how some doctors already gave the ok in just a few short weeks or months! Mine told me 18 months! Now there is absolutely no way im waiting that long probably by the time summer comes ill be having a beer or 2 on weekends at family events and parties at least. I thought 18 months is pretty steep. Now im wondering how different people have a different guideline for alcohol.

  16. Im just wondering how far along everyone was along when they started working out after their surgery? I know the dr doesnt want ppl doing heavyifting for like a month after but im talking light workouts like walking on a treadmill for a half hour. I want to get back to feeling like a normal person and get the most out of this operation as possible.

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