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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Perky66

  1. I will tell you that the first week after I had lap band I was so nauseated. Just the thought of food made me nauseated. I contributed that to the hiatal hernia repair I had during surgery though. But in that nauseated process I did find out that there is some residual Fluid in the band that stays in during surgery. They came real close to doing an unfill on me. Also, there are some days my band is tighter than others. Some days I go back to mushies because I know I am not gonna be able to tolerate solid foods. This doesn't happen often but it does happen. I went to a meeting last night and they also talked about sinus drainage really affecting the band. Also, after I have fills I have alot of restriction for a good week or two before it levels out. I look forward to my fills because I lose weight real quick for a couple of weeks before it levels out, The hard part is that I have to start eating real slow and learn what and when I can eat and how much all over again. You will learn that some people can eat everything without a problem while others, like me, have to learn along the way. With all of this being said, I will say if you are PB'ing that often you might want to call your Dr and see if you can move your appointment up. It's not normal or healthy to do this after every meal. You have to have some nutrition.

    Hope it all evens out for you. If you have any more problems, feel free to ask..


  2. Sorry it has taken me so long to write I have been out of town. If you think you are pb'ing too often you definitely need to see your Dr. I am thinking you might be just eating too fast though. Try eating very slow. It might take me 30 minutes to eat a cup of Soup. If I try to eat 2 bites back to back, I will PB also but I have found that if I occupy myself with something else while I am eating that I don't eat too fast. At work, several of us eat together and they are always through eating at least 15 or 20 minutes before me. Everybody always says, "is that all you're gonna eat". Every day this happens. But the truth is, I can't hold much at all. Not that you're supposed to eat them, but I can eat 2 or 3 chicken nuggets and I am full. Sometimes I will grab a happy meal when I don't have anything else and just eat some of the nuggets for lunch. I never eat the fries. It is really hard when my husband and I eat out to eat slow. I have found that I will just order a small appetizer and a glass of Water and then I still end up taking part of it home. Oh yes, that's another thing. Never ever ever try to drink while you eat. That will make me PB instantly. I always get a glass of Water just for looks I guess but I never touch it. Sometimes I will get it to go and drink it later but not often. I mean if I take a sip while I am eating I will have to excuse myself.

    I hope this has helped you. But if you are doing all of this and still having trouble, you definitely need to see your DR. They might have to do a slight unfill. I have never had to have an unfill but I know pwople that have. Good luck and happy weight loss. By the way, I noticed you have lost 14 pounds already. You Go Girl. That is great.

  3. I think 25 pounds is great weight loss. It's only been 3 months. You are doing great. I will tell you, I think with the fills everybody is different. It's really a crap shoot. I have had four fills and sometimes I feel like I could eat the house and other times I don't feel like I can swallow a bean. I think there alot of factors that effect the band other than just food. But I will definitely say for me I think the fills are the key to the weight loss. When I start feeling like I am eating more than I should and not losing weight for a period of several weeks, it is time for a fill. I actually think I am at a good spot right now and won't need any more fills for a good while. I don't know how many fills you have had and to be honest with you, I know a lady that got the lap band in July and she has lost over 60 pounds and never has gotten a fill. So, as I said, everybody is different. I do pay close attention to what I eat also. I have not had one piece of bread since 2 weeks before my surgery. I try my best to follow the rules as far as food goes. I think you are worried for no reason though, I think your weight loss is great and you are doing good. You just need to keep doing what you're doing and keep up the good work....

  4. Hi guys!! I will glad to answer any questions you might have. If I don't know the answer I will try my best to find out for you. As you have all read on here, everybody is different so something that is right for me might not be right for you. Having said that, I want you all to know that this lap band is the best thing I have ever done for myself. It is the best tool for weight loss that I have ever found and believe me, short of gastric bypass ( this wasn't even option for me, I am a little scared of that ) I have tried everything. I bet I have lost at least 1000 pound in my life only to gain back 1100. I am at a 63 pound weight loss right now. I had surgery 6 months ago. For me, this is phenomenal. I know some people that have lost more and some people that have lost less. The key for me is the fills and how to know when to get one. I have had 4 fills at this point but I think I am pretty much at my sweet spot. I know you guys know that every Doctor is different too. My Dr requires about 4-6 weeks between fills. And they wouldn't give me my first one for 6 weeks post-op because they want everything to heal well before they start giving you fills. I really feel like this is a good idea. I had a million questions after surgery and I found all of my answers right here. Of course if I thought it was anything serious I would definitely consult my Dr. As far as the question about nausea after surgery, I talked to people that didn't have any nausea at all but I personally was pretty nauseated but I don't attribute that to the lap band, I also had a hiatal hernia repair with my lap band. My Dr sent me home with Phenergan liquid and liquid Hydrocodone after surgery. I have talked to alot of people on here though that got Zofran and had I known about it would have asked my Dr for that. It's a tiny oral dissintegrating tablet and they all say it works great. The Phenergan is pretty nasty especially if you're already nauseated. My nausea subsided after about a week. If I missed a question, please ask me again. I will be here to help you through this. If you have any questions just send me a pm or post on the blog and I will try to help you. Have a great Thanksgiving.... Good luck on your journey, it is awesome.. By the way, I went and bought a size "10" jeans yesterday. I have never worn a size 10 jeans. I think I skipped all of the lower numbers. I went straight from newborn to 20...LOL :) :wub: :wub:

  5. Hey guys!! So glad to be your buddy!! This journey is a great one but there are so many things that come along that if I hadn't had people to talk to on here, I would have sworn there was something wrong when in actuality it was gas or something silly like that. Does your Doctor require you to stay the night after surgery? Do you already have your post-op diet? A good word of advice I can sure give you, have everything that you will be able to eat or drink for the first few days available before you go to surgery. My Dr let me go home real quick after surgery and I did great. I had surgery at 8 and I was on my way home at 11:30. I was sore afterward but not in any great pain. I am so thankful I had it done and I think you will be too. Do you have any questions?? I had 1000!! lol I'll be glad to answer anything I can and if I can't I will find out and let you know. Good luck!!!

  6. I am 6 months post op and have lost 63 pounds. I am 17 pounds from my original goal I set for myself. This has been by far the best and most exciting thing I have ever done for myself. I am a very upbeat person and feel I can help other people to be the same throughout this process. I am really excited about mentoring somebody through their progress too. I have learned almost everything I know about lap band through this site and am ready and willing to help somebody with what I know. This site is great and this mentoring thing is just one more positive thing that it does to help us through this journey. I honestly think I couldn't have gotten this far without it. If there is something I don't know, I will try my hardest to find out. I live in North East Texas, I have 3 grown children and 4 grandchildren. I 48 years old and am married to a very supportive husband that has been key in helping me through this process too. (Sometimes begrudgingly....lol). I am a Certified Pharmacy Technician and work in a mail order pharmacy in Texarkana, Texas. If anybody needs me, just send me a note...

    Sharon :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

  7. Hey all!! Just wanted to pop in and post a quick note. I am a May bandster that hasn't posted in awhile. Seems like I was lapband web talk junkie for the first few months. I just went yesterday and got my 4th fill. I think I am gonna be good for awhile. I honestly don't know what size band I have or how much is in it but I kinda gauge how I am doing and make my appointments accordingly. My Doctor is great. I have been with her throughout the surgery and she does my fills also. I have 24 pounds to go before I will be at the goal I set for myself but in all actuality I think I am supposed to weigh less than that. I'm just trying to be realistic. LOL I am just glad to be going to a normal store and getting normal clothes for a change. I never realized that I like to shop. I never wanted to shop before because I didn't want to admit how big I actually was. I have been reading some of you blogs. You guys are doing great. I have a BIG problem getting in the exercise. I work at a job where I am on my feet and walking 8 hours a day. By the time I get off work, I don't want to do anything. I know this is not acceptable and I am gonna try my hardest to do better. I do use an ab lounger and do some floor exercises but I know this isn't enough. It is great to read on here and see most people go through the same things. I know there are times on here I would have probably gone to the DR only to find out I had gas...LOL That would have been embarrassing.. Well I better get ready for work. Keep up the good work and have a great day!!!

  8. Girl, you are doing GREAT!!! You have nothing to be ashamed of. I have more faith in myself and feel better about myself than I have in years. It is a wonderful feeling to go down a size isn't it?? Makes my day. I like to try on clothes now which I previously avoided. I felt like if you didn't know, it didn't happen. I am so excited about losing weight. I would do it all again tomorrow if I had to. Keep up the good work. Congratulations!!!!!

  9. I hope they're not bad for you. I am like some above me, I just do not like plain Water. I drink crystal light or something like it all of the time.. If it wasn't for those I wouldn't drink any water. I drink at least 4 bottles of water daily with a packet of crystal light in each. And by the way, when they did my lap band they also repaired a hiatal hernia and almost nothing bothers my stomach any more.. Good luck!!!

  10. Just a quick reply to give you some words of encouragement. It seems like in everything you do there are just going to be some negative people. I really thought my husband would be one of these people too. But I came home from work one day and told him I needed to talk to him. I said I want to have lap band surgery to help me lose weight. I am 48 years old and my health is declining ( I had constant reflux, I was on BP medicine already and every joint i my body hurt, every day. When I got home fom work it was all I could do to get up the steps to get in the house. I would come straight home and put on my nightgown because that was the only thing I was comfortable in and I never wanted to go anywhere. I had no energy) I told him that this was something I wanted to do for myself, not him or anybody else. I told him I wanted his support in this but if I didn't get it, I was doing it anyway. To my surprise, he said "If that's what you want to do, I will support you." And I thought for sure my Mom would be negative too and she said "I don't blame you a bit, if I could have it done I would too." Now my daughter is considering having it done and I am beside her every step of the way. We come from a long line of overweight people.

    I'm sure your Mom is just scared something will happen to you. It's hard to think about your baby having surgery. I will be scared for my daughter too but I'm so excited she is considering it . The surgery is not near as scarey as watching somebody you love with the side effects of being morbidly obese.

    As far as the surgery goes, oh my goodness, I would do it again tomorrow. I have lost 46 pounds and I have so much energy you wouldn't believe it. I get outside and work in the yard. I go swimming and go places with friends. I used to hate to go buy clothes. Now, I will shop till I drop. I hope your family comes to understand that you are doing it for your health. I have heard everything that you family is telling you. It's just not that easy. As everybody on here has told you, this is a place to get all of the encouragement you need. No matter what I have gone through before and since surgery, there has been somebody here to help me.

    I hope your insurance covers this surgery. It seems more and more are these days. Good luck and keep the faith!!!

    Well this reply wasn't too quick was it?? Sorry!!!

  11. I got a card after surgery. As I was reading this thread I got it out and looked at it. It is as MistyD said. I guess I never really looked at it but mine says maximum fill volume 4cc. Is that normal? I have never been told what size band I have, is that it?? Anyway, back to the subject, I used my card for the first time yesterday at Golden Corral. They gave me the senior discount, it saved me a big whopping 50 cents....lol Not really worth the hassle.. I usually don't do buffets because I can't eat enough to even get half my money's worth but I was with my daughter and that's where she wanted to go...

  12. I also have BC/BS IL. They approved me pretty quickly after I finished the 6 month diet. But I am confused, I didn't have to see a Doctor for my 6 month diet. They told me it could be any supervised diet such as weight watchers, nutri system, la weight loss...etc.. I had not done that in the past year so I had to counsel with a nutritionist once a month for 6 months. After I finished that and the Dr sent it in, I got approved within a week. Of course, I also had to have a sleep study, see a psychologist for an evaluation and have some extra testing done by the Dr. But I really don't think that was insurance required but maybe physician required. Anyway, my insurance paid 100% and I paid nothing except office co-pays. Good luck. Hope everything goes great!!!

  13. Mine were painless. Just the stick and that didn't hurt at all. I didn't have fluoroscopy either. I have had 2 fills now and both were totally pain free. I was like you, I thought it was gonna be a big deal and I worried all night the night before the fill. I got there and it took like 3 minutes from start to fnish. They didn't deaden mine either. You will do great.. Good luck!!!

  14. Hi Addy!! This was my second fill. I don't have a clue what size band I have but I know there is 4.2cc in it... Whatever that means... The way I understand it, it doesn't mean alot because different people get different sized bands. Have you guys got a fill with the nurse practitioner yet?? She is great. One stick and quick as a flash. Dr Keilin did my first one and she was grea too. Have a good day guys...

  15. Hi everybody. It's been awhile since I posted. I had surgery with Dr K on May 14th. I did fairly well through the first fill but not great, as far as losing much weight. Let me tell you, I now know what restriction is since I had my fill last Monday. I have also found out what PB'ing and sliming are unfortunately....lol I thought I was gonna be the one that never did that. I also found out why they don't want you to drink before and after meals. If I try to drink with my meals now, even a few sips, it makes me feel like everything is hanging(get the pain in the stomach and the left shoulder pain...yuk). I totally understand and have a renewed appreciation for the band and everything I have learned on here. It is wonderful to be able to see that other people are going through the same thing you are. It's great to have you guys to talk to also. You guys are doing great.. I too have yo-yo'd. Seems like I would lose a pound one day only to gain it back the next day. (I know you shouldn't weigh every day but I can't help it. Before lap band you couldn't pay me to weigh...lol) Anyway, thanks for all the posts. You guys are great. Keep up the good work.....

  16. I had a Hiatal Hernia that was discovered before my surgery. Mine was not sliding, 1/3 of my stomach was above my diaphram and it was repaired with some mesh attached to my diaphram to reinforce it. That explained why I had severe heartburn and reflux for many years and no medication on the market would resolve my issue. For the first time in 5 years I do not have any heart burn any my food goes down easier.

    Me too!!! I tried every otc med I could find plus got a prescription of nexium thinking it was indigestion. I did know that I was getting it way too often but didn't really think I had a hernia. I sure am thankful though. No meds now!!! Woo Hoo!! :thumbup::thumbup:

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