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Posts posted by jrhancher

  1. Dorian thank you for the helpful link, also I think I am at the point of "Obsession". There is not a minute of the day that it is not on my mind. I just want to be well informed and I am very anxious to start my new life. It is your kindness and others like you that make this process a little bit easier to go through.



  2. Thanks for the sound advice, Having talked it over with my wife did no good she seems to think I should get the lap band If I should have to do this at all! She says it is less invasive and should be better. I know what is right for me after a long evaluation of my circumstances and education about both procedures. I can only hope that I can gain her support because this is something I believe I have to do for myself. It is not as though I am breaking the cardinal rule of marriage and cheating on her. I just want this for me to be around longer for my family and live a healthy productive life.

    I think she is scared of me getting it because of all of the small "risks" involved. I just pray she is on board before surgery day. Thanks again for the encouragement.

    You are not alone in this. You have a great big family here.
    As for your wife I would suggest taking her to your support group meetings and doctor appointments. It can be scary for the spouse as this is such a big surgery. My hubby supported my decision, but was so nervous about the surgery he threw up several times on the day of the surgery.
    The best thing you can do is sit down and have a long talk with your wife. Communication is the key. Get ready to answer the tough questions, and be ready to ask the tough questions. Be open and honest with her. The big question my husband wanted to know was why now. My answer was that I was done being fat. This is a life changing decision for the entire family. food becomes fuel and is no longer your crutch. Again this is where communication is key. Although my hubby can not understand my feeling of being overweight he listens to me and has supported me.
    If you ever have any questions we are all here for you. Please don't hesitate to send me a message! Good luck.

  3. I completely agree about going bald. If it means good health it will be worth it. I have definitely been looking into a lot more overall research of the process in its entirety. I feel confident and my anxieties are starting to calm. It seems that most of the horror stories I am hearing are from people who had this surgery over ten years ago. Medicine must have advanced substantially because 90% or more of the people I notice have not had many set-backs due to the surgery that was not created by things that were due to surgery alone and not their own neglect.

    Also have you experienced any "dumping" symptoms? What was it like and what caused it for you?

  4. Wishing you all my best, your posts are encouraging to us all especially us pre-ops. It is nice to hear all the little "tricks" to great health after surgery. It seems as though from what I have been reading from your posts that eventually after surgery in time you will make a fantastic mentor with all your experiences, I say this because I see your compassion for others in your posts and it is greatly appreciated.

    Good luck.

  5. Very helpful information, I was under the assumption that if I took the Biotin and ate the necessary Proteins that the hair would not fall out. Please do not get the impression that I am worried about vanity. I am just trying to get as much good information as I can. every reply has been easing my nervousness about the surgery. You hear your doctor and get great advice, for me it is better to hear the everyday trials and tribulations from people who experience this first hand. I will definitely pay it forward to a newcomer after my surgery experience is all over. Thanks again for all the great advice!

  6. Thanks again for the encouragement, today was a particularly bad day! I have one more weigh in for my insurance through my PCP in one week and it was my kids birthday today, work Christmas party Monday not to mention all the food distractions this time of year! Wow and I have to manage a 2lb loss which is very easy but going through this pre-op journey really showed me what a real "food addiction I really have! I am tired of living in this shell and I am ready to shed it and get on with the next chapter. I have read a lot of posts from different people and they say after being obese for so many years that when they met their goal weight that they still mentally felt like the same obese person.

    I guess there will be a lot of psychological as well as physical stuff to get through.

    It has been a long journey to get here for me to get to where I am today. I was scheduled for surgery February 13, 2013 and I had a work related injury that caused me to have surgery on my hand and several month therapy which made me cancel my bariatric surgery. When I got well again I was excited to pursue the bariatric surgery again. To my dismay the insurance company made me jump through all the same hoops that I jumped through for my previously scheduled surgery. So here I am again ready for surgery in late February early March 2014. It has been a roller coaster ride. I wish I would have found this site a lot sooner you all are a very helpful tight knit group. I have soooooo many more questions for all of you. Such as, is skin removal after lots of weight loss considered cosmetic under most insurance programs?



  7. Thank you all for your kindness and advice.

    It does not feel like I am alone so much anymore I am glad I found this forum you are great group of encouraging people.

    Do any of you experience "dumping" after eating? if so, what is that like? I want to find out as much as I can about this whole process. I am not a big fan of surprises, but I am sure there will be a few!

    Thanks again for the help.


  8. I will make sure to get in my Proteins, thank you for your support! I just felt all alone going in to this, I really do not know anyone who has gone through this and I have no support from my wife. She is one who believes that I should be able to lose weight the natural way. At 325 lbs heaviest I have tried to lose weight since I was a kid. I am 40 with three little boys, I have all the overweight junk that comes with it, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, slight diabetes. I am just ready to start living life and not feeling imprisoned by a body that does not feel like my own. I want to be able to watch my kids grow up. I am sure you all can relate!

    About returning to work, some people tell me it is possible to be able to get back to work after a week. I can't see how that is possible. Do you think two weeks would be out of the question? I just don't have the vacation days to support much more than that at work. I would be grateful for some advice. I am not extremely worried about the pain, I guess I am just afraid of all the unknown. If anyone has the time and can give me any helpful information that may help like what to look out for, or what to expect, or what not to do. My doctor has given me some info but I would rather not hear text book answers I would rather hear it from you guys, a community of people that has gone through it.

    Thanks for any advice you may have,


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