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Posts posted by DylanRae

  1. Surgury date 18th. And post-200317-14157315949524_thumb.jpg away from the moment I check in to the hospital. The last 6 days of my pre op diet have been down and up. The first for days sucked really bad! But since then my biggest system is just being sleepy. Although I have also had a lot more energy at the same time.. It's interesting to say the least.

    Regardless I am really ready and so excited to be getting closer! :)


  2. I send my apologies, my good thoughts and hopes of this chapter to be over for you.

    I'm also extremely thankful of you. This might come off selfishly, I am very thankful of you an your misfortune because I have to believe that this means that the rest of us who are getting ready to go under are truly ready for the responsibilities that go with going under. In other words, thank you for sharing your story! I now have a better understanding of what I'm getting myself into.

    Again, I hope your agony ends soon, I hope that your new doctor can lead you to a path of at least comfort. I very much wish you a happy and long life!

  3. Im on day 6 of 14 days.. And I am happy to announce that it gets better! The first 3-4 days of my pre-op diet, was crazy hardcore! I could barely get out of bed, and had a constant Migraine. But yesterday was really good in comparison. I was still really sleepy all day long, but no aches or pains! This morning im also waking up hopeful. So it does get better! Now weather or not it will stay better is a whole other question. :)post-200317-14155563173152_thumb.jpg

  4. 11/24 for me but now I am getting 2nd thoughts! I am really scared, I need to do this for me and my kids but I am scared of the surgery....I am such a weirdo, been so excited but now I am scared.

    I'm so happy you shared this! I'm in the same boat! I was talking with my mother about it this morning, and she is more afraid for me then I am, which she should be, being my mother and all, but this overwhelming fear has come over me all focused around doubt. What if I can't keep this up, what if I'm just kidding myself when I say that im controlling my eating disorder. This pre-op diet is kicking my ass, and it's not because the food im eating is not good, because it is. I think it's because my body (mostly my brain) is telling me that I'm starving, i need to eat more, what if this feeling continues after surgery!? It is proven over and over again that the people who give in to their eating disorders after surgery are the ones who are more likely to gain their weight back. I rather die then gain my weight back after surgery. Ahh!!!post-200317-14152938012177_thumb.jpg

  5. Im scheduled for the 18th! Very exciting! I'm happy an want it to happen now! I'm now starting day 3 of my 14 day pre-op diet. I have to admit this is fucking hard! I get 3 protine drinks a day. I get one low cal frozen meal like lean cuisine. And one cup of vegetables every day. I also get unlimited amounts of Water and Vitamin water zero.

    My head hurts all the time! I'm hungry faster then usual it seams, I am peeing a nice clear yellow which is good. I just am getting really worried about how physically draining this pre op diet is. And I'm only 3 days in.

    I'm very out about my surgery, and people are now telling me how impressed they are with my dedication now that they see what it is im restricting myself to.

    This just makes the pressure to do well harder on me. I'm starting to get really scaird about how this good thing is going to work out.

    So yea now more then ever, I want my surgery to happen tomorrow! Not only because I'm excited but because I'm not sure I can survive this pre op diet. :( ????????????????????????????????????

  6. I sent my request december 2013

    Weight: 269

    Biggest: 310

    No other issues other than pre-diabeties

    Im 5'4"

    Bmi: 43 i think

    It took a long time to get approved because i got caught up in the middle of my policy changing. But got approved in feb. Long waiting list, and a bunch of appointments later i now have my date for november.

    I had to appeal 2 times. If you want some advice let me know.


  7. Have been working toward this moment for a very long time. I have been fighting and educating everyone around me. The morning i got my date, this was like Christmas morning! I barely slept the night before because of pure excitement.

    All of this and more, and yet i am so depressed. Yes i have chronic depression anyway, but this is different. This is a serious level of depression that i cant seem to get my self out of!

    Why be depressed in the first place? I should be happy that i got my date! I even have a count down on my phone. I should be jumping for joy! Instead i am hiding away under my sheets. I don't even want to wear my fitbit! If i had access to ice cream this would deffinetly be one of those times that i would be eating it!



  8. I told everybody and their brother and those that have negative things to say can stuff it.

    Basically, this is the route i went... But am less harsh about it. I am open to all about it, when people get negative with me, i nod and smile and say. "Thats nice, and likely an option for someone else, but for me, this is the right way."

    Negativity has a hard to continue when I'm being nothing but positive.

    Although i do have my moments when i think that if it was all a secret things would be easier. Then i remember, im not much of a private person.. At least not when it comes to my medical issues. Yes, i am that friend on your friends list that takes thousands of hospital selfies, and post them all.

    I have yet to find someone who is outwardly against my decision. Even the ones who have expressed worry have all in their own way congratulated me and wished me luck.

    Hope whichever path you choose, it is a good healthy one for you.


  9. Hey all! Fyi, as long as carpool is something that is attainable, i think that we should meet at alki beach soon before the sun goes away for good. There are plenty of sheltered picnic areas, and we can bring our own food and snacks..

    Im rooting for soon since school will be starting up again soon. I am more then happy to help organize this if one or more of you guys are willing to help me. :)

    I figure we can move around the greater seattle area as time goes on. But lets just pick a place already. ;)

    PM me if you want. :)


    P.S. I got my official surgery date. Im scheduled for nov. 18th!

  10. My doctor continues to repeat himself.

    Im going in to get surgery on my stomach, not my brain. Only i can fix my brain.

    Knowing this as i start my journey is probably the most helpful thing ever. The hard part is not managing your diet, Water intake, Vitamins or excersize, the hard part is finding confidence and then believing in it, in yourself.

    I hope you find that confidence AND believe in it soon. But i am one to believe that you are what you say you are. Even just looking in the mirror and telling yourself out loud, "i am fit, healthy and the size i need to be." Once everyday, can make the biggest difference! Go ahead try it!

    Everyday, until saying those words feels as much the truth as saying my name is...

    :) good luck.

  11. Hello all again! In so happy to see the manny new voices on here! I love that a support group is coming together.

    Since we where talking about locations, i live in west seattle, alki to be exact. Alki beach is a lovely place to walk, and sit and chat. Just another option.

    I am currently going to one group, but until i actually have surgery, i don't find the group as supportive as i want. Anyway, i also do not have any wheels, so that makes it harder for me to commute. Carpool maybe?

    Anyway! This is great!


  12. Hey everyone,

    I absolutely love the idea of meeting up. I am also terrified of the idea. Im not going to lie, the closer i get to my surgery, the more daunting things become.

    It is very easy to allow things to stop me from pursuing a real connection with any of you, regardless of how badly i actually need it.

    Anyway, as of right now. I can handle the monthly group health support groups. Although sometimes i don't really feel comfortable in there. I almost want a group for those of us who have NOT had surgery yet. Sometimes i just want to speak my worries with out someone telling me "oh no, that isn't that bad, it will get better" or "that does not really happen to people" i just want to vent and worry, and speak my mind. When i want answers, i know how to seek them out.

    Sorry, off on a tangent. Back now.

    Anyway, i would love to meet you guys. I just need to warm up to it i suppose.


  13. For the record, I'm still very young and don't plan on having children anytime soon. And even when I do I am considering adopting.

    Anyway I wanted to see if my two cents would be helpful here.

    As an overweight daughter from a long line of overweight, mothers I happen to be the smallest in comparison to my previous generations at this age. I have always loved my mom and grandma regardless of their size. In my mind this is how she is, how can I love her for what she isn't.

    As I developed into my teens, when weight really seemed to matter to me, I noticed that "I don't want to be like my mom" feeling. Also by this point my grandmother had already passed at age 59 from diabetes.

    (For better understanding, my mother also suffers from mental illness and she is/was an addict to several drugs. This caused me to be put into foster care by the age of 14)

    So during this crazy time of my early teens, my mother would drop weight within weeks. I was averagely a size 16/18 jeans. And she was probably closer to the high 20s to low 30s. So when she got down to my size she would dance around in my jeans. This was upsetting to me for obvious reasons, (mom is stealing my pants!!!) But more so she was happy that her use of crack was making her skinny. And I hated it!

    My point I suppose is that it is hard to watch your parent be overweight your whole life then suddenly after years and years of valiant attempts to lose weight, they finally do because of the use of a drug (something that I was raised to never even think about) really turned my world upside down.

    I think it is important to really be clear about why someone is overweight and also clear about how they are going about changing their behaviors. Open communication, even when the conversation is hard to talk about, is super important in any situation.

    Now in my early 20s, only getting bigger, I realize that I still love my mom for who she is regardless of her size, or even behavior. And regardless of the choices she makes in her life, the choices I make are NOT going to be in-spite of her. My choices are for me, and in some way for my future children. There is nothing healthy about doing something so you "don't end up like them".

    (Hopes this was easy to fallow, not the best with the English language.)


  14. Ugh. I'm getting far from impatient. I have my psych eval later this week.. Which is good. But it breaks my brain think that in a few months I will have been waiting for nearly a year since this conversation started with GH.

    I kept on hearing from people that making a formal complaint with costumer service will help put pressure on the team to make sure that we clear out this obvious backlog of people waiting for surgery.

    I'm not sure it did anything, either way, I'm still trying to juggle my life around my potential surgery date. And as it I coming closer, it is driving me more an more insane! I have so many things that will be directly influenced by this surgery that I have to plan to take breaks from or change in some way. An all of the things involve letting someone like a boss or other higher up, know what my schedule is.

    On top of it, the basic anticipation is killing me. Everyday I get closer to my potential surgery month.. Which is August, I notice more and more how much I want surgery. More so then ever, the lines caused by pants being to tight is bothering me. The fact that I can barely lift my feet to get socks, shoes and yes even undies on. The thought of waiting longer for surgery, taunts me when I have to potentially throw out my back as I put myself in some crazy body position to wipe my own but!

    Ugh. All this talk about WLS makes me hungry.


  15. I have an appointment next friday for the pulmonary function test and my phone consult appointment with julie is june 12th (I thought it was weird to get a call for the pulmonary since I haven't had that first appointment with julie?) So im in the very beginning process. Crossing fingers itll be somewhat speedy...I couldnt handle it taking over a year wow!! Have you told anyone yet?? Ive told just my hubby, bestie and my mom..I dont think I want to tell anyone?? Esp the inlaws..I just dont want the Neg. ~~ Ang

    Yeah that is not all that normal.. But hey! Get what you can get! It's really all dependent on when the docs and when Julie is available. All the things I had to do that is on my check list.. Which you will get after your phone appointment.. I did all of that in less then a week.

    I am super out about it. I first told my family, and some friends. And while some are more hesitant then others everyone is supportive. So, at school and work, and other aspects of my life I am not afraid to talk about it. I have met lots of friends of friends, who who ups strongly advise against it. I just smile and say, "fair enough, I know this is right for me." I hit them with kindness an they have no choice but to politely smile and walk away. I figure that there are a lot of people who are against tattoos yet I still have 11, and wear them proud. I'm considering WLS similar.. :) but being out is something that is easy for me. I'm out about everything... Why start being in the closet now. Also I am a very... Outgoing.. Bold 'in your face' sorta person.. So that helps.

    Being out is not for everyone. As long as you feel the love and support around you weather that is from this site, your husband, or your pet. If you feel good that's all that matters.


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