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Posts posted by lapbandchic73

  1. Well it's been a lil over a year..Dec 6,2013. I'm down 67 lbs. And now I'm at a platue. I'm working out three times a week, watching what I eat..constantly...So going in for another fill. Hoping and praying this I'd the one that gets me to my green zone....Anyone else just at a stuck point..would love to know what you've done to help you get past it

  2. Iv heard of people saying that they start yawning and also their nose starts dripping when there eatting. And sayin that, thats a sign that youve found your "Soft Spot"? Can someone please explain this to me. Cause Im goin on 4 months since my surgery and nothing like that has happened to me.

    Just wondering..


  3. I toally get the to restricted feeling. I just had that happen about a month ago. I went from 2cc to 5cc..and WOWZERS! TO MUCH!! went in ...took it down to 3cc..was fine after. Been a month..goin back for a fill..thinkin of only goin to 4cc..maybe 4.2cc. We'll see. But Im so happy that you got your figured out and your feeling better. Keep us updated on your progress. Best wishes to you Zeniada B


  4. I am definitly learning when Im hungry versa when Im bored. I know this sounds gross..but I eat tuna daily..2-3 times a day.. It satisfies me, Im good for like 4-5 hours after one can. Not sure Im suppose to eat a whole can, but Im not full when Im done. I just satisfied. And as far as only eatting a cup. I have to make myself stop at that. Cause I could definitly eat more. But I step away from the table, start cleaning up from the meal..then see if Im still hungry or satisfied.

    I go this Thursday for another fill. Which will be my 3rd one. Im at 3cc of 10cc band. I had prior had a fill and I asked if she would give me more than normal due to the face I had lost my insurance and was paying for the fills out of pocket now. So she did..and OMG..let me tell you..she took me from 2 cc to 5cc. WOW! Way to restricted!! Couldnt get anything but liquids down for a week later. Went back, had some taken out to bring me to 3cc..Thinking I need to just inch up to 4 see how that goes for a while. But Iv been a platueu for about a month..So..Im ready to get this thing tightened.

    Best of luck to you BeachBish...were all here for you while your taken this journey..We totally get it.


  5. I have a question..Iv only had 2 fills. How much was you getting when you was getting your fills before you got to the green. Was you getting like a full cc or just a .5 or .4cc when you went. I went in and got my 2nd fill. And She took me from a 2cc to a 5cc. Well that was way to tight. :( So I went in and had her take out 2cc. Now I dont feel any restriction. The scale isnt moving.I feel like Im still watching what I eat. But Iv seen gain instead of loss. So I called today to see about gettin another fill. But what should I get??? I dont by any means want to get to much then have to go back there and have some taken out. Defeats the purpose...any suggestions?

    But Im so happy that you have finally gotten to your green spot. Best of luck to you.

    lapbandchic73 :)

  6. yes sorry I have 4cc. Sorry..

    NOW I'm confused. you had 5cc but couldn't eat so you had 1cc removed and it left you with 1cc? Either I don't know how to count my cc's or there's a typo...lol

    I'm 5 months in 9.2cc with a 10cc band. I'm having same issues. Don't give up for some of us it just takes longer.

    How are you at a 9.2cc in a 10cc band. I had my surgery in December 2013 and went in for my 2nd fill this past week. and she put in 5cc..I couldnt get anything except liquids down.So I went back in and had her take out 1cc to leave me at a 1cc. WOW..you probably cant eat anything.Impressive. Way to go!

  7. I'm 5 months in 9.2cc with a 10cc band. I'm having same issues. Don't give up for some of us it just takes longer.

    How are you at a 9.2cc in a 10cc band. I had my surgery in December 2013 and went in for my 2nd fill this past week. and she put in 5cc..I couldnt get anything except liquids down.So I went back in and had her take out 1cc to leave me at a 1cc. WOW..you probably cant eat anything.Impressive. Way to go!

  8. I'm 5 months in 9.2cc with a 10cc band. I'm having same issues. Don't give up for some of us it just takes longer.

    How are you at a 9.2cc in a 10cc band. I had my surgery in December 2013 and went in for my 2nd fill this past week. and she put in 5cc..I couldnt get anything except liquids down.So I went back in and had her take out 1cc to leave me at a 1cc. WOW..you probably cant eat anything.Impressive. Way to go!

  9. :huh: Well I had my 2nd fill yesterday, Starting out I was at 2cc on a 10cc band. Well yesterday I had my 2nd fill and she added 3cc more so a total of 5cc. And WOW! is that a change! Did my liquids all day yesterday. So today I had some Soup..and that went down good. Then a lil bit later I tried some chicken. That did not stay down :( Up it came. So..will I be able to eat solids again? And how long till I should try them? Just seems like its all just sitting right there. If I dont throw it up..It hurts like crazy;. The reason she put so much in on my second fill is cause I lost my insurance and now paying out of pocket for my fill (which is not cheap) And to keep me from having to come back and pay that again. She just filled me up.

    Any help with what I should do and what what my outcome of eatting again..would be greatly apprieciated!!


  10. Well I called the WLS center that I use. And they have a thing called "safety net" so I just have to pay $50 for the fill..that day. Then I'll have to pay the remaining balance of $200 before my next visit.

    I havent asked about the fills being built into my plan when I had the surgery, but I definitly will ask when I call or go up there. I tried to get on the Obama healthcare plan. It said that it would be like $300 a month for just me. I had medicad. Just goin to do the safety net thing till I can figure something else out. Thanks everyone for your help and suggestions.


  11. :( Well...I lost my insurance. I had my surgery on December 6, 2013. I have had a lot of issues with my band. I had to go back into surgery on January 14 do to having to have a Port Revision done. My stitch came undone. Thank god it happened when it did, while I still had insurance.

    Well ...I lost my insurance. Love Obama!! NOT!

    Anyway..Not sure how Im suppose to get my fills and still get the medical care that I need. I know the fills are going to be costly. Im just at a loss.. Iv only had one fill. And another surgery. Was suppose to get my 2nd fill on March 4th. Well...Now what? Anyone else gone thru this?

    I feel so defeated.


  12. Oh no! You and I seem to be so simliar...in our starting weights, weight lost, surgery date, and end goal. I keep worrying that I have something wrong because I feel tenderness, bumps, not sure what is the port, band or hernia repair. I just ate a can of cream of chix Soup, yes the whole can. I am not full, I had no trouble getting it down. This is after a 5cc fill today? Can that be possible? I'm nervous that these large portions are going to cause damage.

    Band teacher and lapbandchic: You two should go back to the beginning of this thread and read all the posts. All your questions will be answered.


    I did go back and reread it..but it was nice just to carry on a convo with someone going thru the same thing..sorry if we was keeping the feed goin to long.

  13. Band Teacher..I feel the same way.l But my doctor only gave me 2cc. So Im still never feeling full. Went to dinner to Texas Roadhouse..and well..I had to make myself stop..Also could have kept going. So..I also called. She said its a gradual fill. Well I want the restriction NOW!

    But update..about two weeks ago..I was taking a shower..and well washing I felt a bump right where my long incision was on my stomach..with a bump. That following Monday went to my doctor..and guess what..a stitch came out. So now I have this bump for the past two weeks. Have to drive back to Kansas ( I live south of St Louis ---4 hour drive)to have my Port Revision done. Surgery date is Jan.28th. 8am. So..really the journey that I was ready to start has been stalled due to a faulty stitch.

    Just really feeling set back.. :mellow:


  14. Guess it could have come lose on one side, tho if it did, prolly was going to even without your activities. If it is still moving Monday I would get it looked at even if just to give yourself peace of mind. My port doesn't move at all. Does yours move when you are lying down?

    It now does move when Im laying down..If I compress my stomach muscles to get up outta my recliner..it POPs up..but it never had before. Before I had my fill..it was fine Then even fine after my fill. But after our lil romp in the bedroom..POP.there it goes. Im just scared.

  15. Ok..so I have a weird thing going on with me...I went and got my first fill Thursday 1/9/14..Yesterday 1/10/14 I went to work out at the gym at my college. All went good yesterday. Tonight, after having some intimate time with my boyfriend. I was cleaning up and seen a bulge coming from right where my port is. So I pushed in back down. I leaned over..BOOM there it was again. So..Im not sure if the port has come loose, or if its flipped. But something is definitely wrong, or just not right. Ok....heres where TO MUCH INFORMATION may come into effect. Can having sex,can that put to much pressure on your port and cause it to move, flip, come dislocated. It not moving freely..Just a side is popping up. HELP SOMEONE...Im freaked out. I called the Weight Loss Clinic in Overland Park KS. where I had it done. I live south of St Louis. And she didn't seem to alarmed .Just to notify on Monday the clinic where I go. But to have to drive all the way out to Kansas ( 4 1/2 hours) to have them stitch it back..AUGH!! Has this happened to anyone else...Im so curious to know...

    Lapbandchic73 :wacko:


  16. I guess I thought she might fill me a little more than just 2cc. I just dont feel like I get full. But she said that its a slow process.. I want the restriction now. I only ate this morning out of a 6inch Subway egg white/steak flatbread sandwich (which I took the bread off) I only ate like 3 inches of the meat and egg white. I felt full..Im still not hungry and its almost 1:30pm..and I ate at 9:30am. So I guess its doing the right thing. I wish everyone the best of luck.

    Stay in touch..Add me as a friend..I need as much support as possible. I live in Missouri..(Jefferson County) and still have yet to find a support group close to me. :mellow:


  17. :) Well yesterday I had my first fill. And as all of you have said it was painless. It was need to see the x-ray part where I had to drink the barium swallow stuff and I could see it go into my stomach. I have a 10cc band. And they just put 2cc in. I dont feel much restriction. Is that normal? Im still able to eat, I was on 24 hour fluids after. Then today I ate and it wasnt that much. So is that what its suppose to do..Just make me want to eat less. I really gotta get the chew, chew, chew chew thing down. But Im not hungry..guess thats the point. Anyway..1st fill down..Many more to come. :D


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