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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BabySheldon

  1. I had GERD, but it was from the low dose of Metformin I used to take....now I have straight up heartburn....my sleever GF told me that it goes away when your hydrated...Its not often unmanageable, but its very strange to me because I never dealt with it before! As always, consult your medical team! Shel
  2. BabySheldon

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    12/17/13....Felipe the Sleeve was born. 3 months is creeping up fast!!!! Down 50lbs... Weight loss has slowed considerably since I discovered the real dangers of sliders.... Pork rinds, pickles, mini triscits and buttered popcorn... I just had to tell Felipe "no more!" So were back at the gym, preparing for a 5k, shopping, wearing a size 12!...and respecting the journey always. Shelby....
  3. BabySheldon


    What are your stats lady? We want to be able to follow you and support you! Welcome! Shel
  4. BabySheldon

    6 Months Post Op Today with Pics

    You look incredible!!!!!!! Wowweeeeee!!!! Shel
  5. BabySheldon


    I'm terrified to even get it close to my lips....rice was one of several things like Pasta, bread that i was completely fine giving up forever....i love my sushi without rice....delicious..... gnatman has a GREAT quote in regard to rice....:-). Maybe someone can post here... Shel
  6. I disagree...i think your pretty special.... Shel
  7. BabySheldon

    Lost a very good friend

    She sounds like a wonderful lady that will be dearly missed. Im so, so sorry... Shel
  8. BabySheldon

    Let's Talk hormones and tears

    I'm really glad someone mentioned this because I had generally kept quiet about this....I started having what I was calling "baby blues" because that is what it reminded me of...just feeling sad and weepy for no reason...I knew in my mind that it was probably a hormonal shift...but I didn't think I had lost enough weight yet (-43lbs) at the time....two weeks ago....but sure enough, it passed as quick as it came... I wonder if it also has something to do with the reduction of carbs and sugar? I was and still am addicted to carbs, although I don't indulge in them like I used to...but I reasoned that this depletion of endorphins rush could have also caused my mood swing....just a theory... Shel
  9. BabySheldon

    30 for 30 ?

    I am following this rule to the letter...with the exception of Water....if I am drinking straight water, with nothing in it....I can transition to food with no problems...that is when "Felipe" is completely empty...I can actually feel when there is food still in my sleeve or when the water is running straight through...when the water I am drinking is running straight through like a funnel, then I will eat...other wise, under any other conditions, I wait at least 30 minutes before eating...I ALWAYS wait to eat or drink after I eat..ALWAYS... Hope this helps... Shel
  10. Hi there...are you getting enough fluids? Dehydration can cause tummy issues.. Shel
  11. The "old" me used to love Coke Cola...the classic...loved everything Coke flavored...now...two months out....I NEVER (thank the Lord) think about, desire, crave or have curiosity about any carbonated beverages....none...I am hoping that this part of my life is completely over : - ) Shelby
  12. That's great...you are a better sleever that I, because I still have not gotten there.... Congrats! Shelby
  13. BabySheldon

    stall broken!

    I agree with the second statement you made...I just went through a 3 week stall after dropping 35lbs my first month and it was tough..tough on my ego, tough on my reaction and tough on my surgeon...(he thought i had lost way to much to fast...he was happy that I stalled) It is true that really nothing can console us except getting the weight moving again.... I just broke mine last week, and let me tell you...it DOES feel great! Huge Congratulations on conquering yours!!! Shelby
  14. BabySheldon


    A huge feat and one you should be very proud of...Congratulations on staying on track and keeping you eyes on the prize! Shel
  15. BabySheldon

    Checking in

    You are a beautiful and deserving lady that is making great choices for your health. This is definitely not easy...no even a little bit....in the beginning, from my experience..its horrible....I am a little more than two months out and just beginning to enjoy my weight loss and settling in with "Felipe" my sleeve....its been a journey and it is NOT EASY at all.... But you have a great attitude and the love and support you need to stay on track and meet your healthcare goals... Good Luck!!! Shelby
  16. BabySheldon

    Arm pits and 'back t!ts'

    Nesa, you are down a ton!!! What are your stats?.... Shel
  17. BabySheldon

    9 wks out!

    Looking great...how much have you lost? Shelby
  18. BabySheldon

    Popcorn? When?

    I had popcorn for the first time last night..... movie night with the family and let me tell you...... I had plenty ......more than my one cup allotment....I don't how much I hate not only for me was it a slider food but I never even felt it go through I could keep..eating eating eating eating eating ....I looked up and my bowl was empty..... it should be a 'never 'food for me....no issues whatsoever.... Shel
  19. Seattle native here! Born and raised!!! Gooooo Hawks!!!!!!!! 12,12,12,12,......lol Shelby
  20. BabySheldon

    Pictures for the first time

    Girl...its totally visible....totally! Shel
  21. BabySheldon

    Weird Ear Symptom After Surgery?

    Me, me, me tooooo! Shel
  22. Be afraid...... be very afraid ......everything everyone is telling you is 100% correct .....dehydration is a serious problem ......I was afraid and worried about it as well..... I got severely dehydrated and spent three days in the hospital and a trip to the ER and I knew I needed to sip.... I didn't have enough room in my tiny little tummy .....I didn't understand how quickly it could happen..... I didn't realize in the beginning that I had to literally live with Water or a straw in my mouth at all times..... I was so sick it was one of the most horrible experiences..... sip....sip.....sip.......then sip some more... Shel
  23. BabySheldon

    Mushrooms and salads?

    Nesa, let me tell you I love salad ....this week was the first time I tried salad .....it was wonderful ....I tried romaine lettuce... I put full fat dressing on it with cheese, bacon and raw red onion ...it was amazing ....Felipe loved it and it was so good.... I am eight weeks out and about two weeks ago after I got over the issue of dehydration and my stomach felt better I think my sleeve started healing and it opened up a little bit so I've had salad, and today I tried pork line just so that I can have a crunchy snack that didn't have carbs in it..... Have no fear of salad.....how far along are you though? Im 8 weeks.... Shel...
  24. BabySheldon

    Foods after the Sleeve

    I just tried salad for the first time yesterday..... it was delicious went down just fine.... I stuck to Romain lettuce and I had Protein added to it ...it is absolutely delicious.... I love salad so I would've been very very disappointed if I couldn't eat it again ....it Digested just fine....im 8 weeks post op. Shel

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