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Sassy in pink

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Everything posted by Sassy in pink

  1. Sassy in pink

    Nervous of not qualifying for surgery!

    Thank you for the kind words! I have hope and a good feeling that I will be ok, but I will be relax once they tell me 'YOUR INSURANCE APPROVED YOU' thank you!
  2. Sassy in pink

    Nervous of not qualifying for surgery!

    My insurance requires a BMI of 40 or 35+ with co-morbid problems and 3 moths of weight management and I think that's all. plus I gave them a BIG list of all supplements that I have taken for the past 24 years. This doctor is very good on his notations and I think that's a plus!!
  3. You hit it right in the nail head! Because I don't think they will be wasting there time on us unless they know they we will be approve plus I heard that this surgeon it very good on notations and I don't think they will schedule me and waste that spot for a good candidate right??!? But you're absolutely correct! That they won't submit my paperwork unless there certain I will be approve! Thank for the hope!
  4. So do you have a date yet? My nurse surgeon told me to start avoiding carbs and up my protein and she said if I loss weight it's ok because they will submit my first weight they took! I only had to do 3 months of weight management so I just need one more meeting and I will be done! Good luck to you!!
  5. That's very true about preventing health issues before we get there! That's what I told my PCP but his thought I wasn't going to qualify so my surgeon nurse told me that he don't have to give me an ok! So she gave me all the pre-op test order so I can start! I have a good feeling tho! That we will get approve! Crossing finger, toes, arms, legs and eyes lol!!! Good luck to you and keep me post it on you approval and your surgery when you get it schedule date!!
  6. Sassy in pink

    Guess what?!

    Yaaaaaay!!!! ???? Congrats!!! I'm happy for you!! How existing!!!
  7. Had my sleep apnea study done last night and it was TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!! I just hope I don't have to redo it because I don't know what I will do???? I couldn't sleep for nothing!!! To many wires very uncomfortable! Plus I couldn't never sleep in strange place or new places!!???? Plus knowing that somebody is watching you it's awful!! ????
  8. Sassy in pink

    Waiting For Approval

    Yaaaaayy!!!! Congrats!!! After all the yes/no for soooo long you got approve yay!! Congrats again!! Good luck on your up coming surgery!!
  9. I had my primary appt on Friday and they took my height and weight and his saying that I'm 5'3 and I'm 215 but my surgeon said I was good that I will qualify because they didn't think I was 5'3 the nurse said 'I think you're 5'1 1/2 so now with this information it will make my BMI of 38.8 But my surgeon said my BMI is 40 and I was good! So now I have hope that my sleep apnea test come back positive for sleep apnea then I will be ok! But when I had my test I couldn't sleep for nothing and I don't know how good the test will be?!?!? I have to wait a whole months for the results ???????? I'm sad, nervous plus stress!
  10. Sassy in pink

    Im sad because I might not qualify

    I went to my seminar and love it!! The information was very interesting! Plus I spoke to the person who is in change of the insurance documents and she said not to worry because since they took my height before my primary they can submit the one they had and then with that I will be at BMI of 40 so she said she will check my policy and see what other thing my insurance requirements are so we can move on! She said by a policy that she can think of from another patient with the same insurance she said they want 3 months of weight management and so I will just need this month and February so HOPEFULLY by March I will have a date?!?! Crossing fingers and toes!! Lol!
  11. Sassy in pink

    Im sad because I might not qualify

    Do you have any morbidity problems?!?
  12. Sassy in pink

    Waiting For Approval

    Great to hear good new for once!! Congrats you're on your way to your new journey/new life!!! Congrats!!!!!!
  13. Sassy in pink

    Im sad because I might not qualify

    Some time I wake up gasping for air. That's why the doctor said for me to get the study plus because since I have no health problems. I this is the assessment I fill out and I have most of those problems. sleep Health Assessment Answer Yes or No to the following statements regarding your sleep health. I have been told that I snore. Yes No I have been told that I hold my breath when I sleep. Yes No I have high blood pressure. Yes No My friends and family say that I am grumpy and irritable. Yes No I get morning headaches. Yes No I am overweight. Yes No I often feel sleepy and struggle to remain alert during the day. Yes No I have difficulty falling asleep. Yes No I often wake up gasping for breath. Yes No I often wake up and have trouble going back to sleep. Yes No I have trouble concentrating at work or school. Yes No When I am angry or surprised, I feel like my muscles are going limp. Yes No I have fallen asleep while driving. Yes No I have experienced vivid dreamlike scenes upon falling asleep or awakening. Yes No I have fallen asleep in social settings such as movies or at a party. Yes No I have vivid dreams soon after falling asleep or during naps. Yes No I have “sleep attacks” during the day no matter how hard I try to stay awake. Yes No I have episodes of feeling paralyzed during my sleep. Yes No I have heartburn at night. Yes No I have been told that I kick and jerk during sleep. Yes No When trying to go to sleep, I experience an aching or crawling sensation in my legs. Yes No I experience leg pain or cramps at night. Yes No Sometimes I cannot keep my legs still at night; I just have to move them to feel more comfortable. Yes No
  14. Sassy in pink

    Im sad because I might not qualify

    Thank you ladies I need to be patient and wait! I started walking today and drinking water to start getting rid of my bad habits like soda, bread, and all the bad stuff!! So I can be kind of ready WHEN I get approve! Positive thinking right! ????
  15. Sassy in pink

    Im sad because I might not qualify

    I don't have kaiser, I have blue cross/blue shield IL. I wonder if the insurance company will ask for my medical records from my primary doctor? I guess that's why I should go to the seminar and ask all that! I don't lose nothing by going but a little time and if I do have sleep apnea I would be one less thing to do from the regular requirements!
  16. When are you posting more videos?! Hope you're doing good?!
  17. Sassy in pink

    just want to say hiya

    Congrats dragonmate!!! Good luck!
  18. Sassy in pink

    Im sad because I might not qualify

    Today I have my seminar but I don't know if I should go??? What do you ladies think? I went to my first support group last week!
  19. Sassy in pink

    Im sad because I might not qualify

    Sandee..... Not just the wires, in a strange bed, I was super hot and on top of all the somebody watching you that was creepy to me!!!!
  20. Sassy in pink

    Im sad because I might not qualify

    Thank you give me hope!!! I'm praying that they got some kind of results! I mean I do snore super loud that my daughter can hear me all the way to her bedroom with my and her door shut! So that must be loud!!
  21. Sassy in pink

    Im sad because I might not qualify

    The only thing I have is high cholesterol but I guess thats not enough! The day I saw my primary doctor my blood press was super high so the doctor said he will keep an eye on that! I'm happy that I don't have that many problem but I don't want to wait until I get them and then do something about it!
  22. Sassy in pink

    Waiting For Approval

    Can you go over to the hospital in person? So you can talk to a SUPERVISOR?!?! I forgot to tell you the last time and I hope you are doing that ----> asking for the persons you have talk to all this time?!?! This way you tell the supervisor who is been handling your case! This is horrible!!! I can feel your stress and I'm not going thru this!! I'm sorry you have to deal with somebody soooooo incompetent!!!! Good luck and keep us updated!!! Tomorrow is Monday a new week and hope for better results!! I'm crossing my finger for you!! I will be thing of you ????
  23. Sassy in pink

    Gaunt and an Amazon, really!

    I totally feel you because when I haven't seen my mother in a while she will call me and ask "what size are you now because I have some clothes that fits me tooooo big and I wanted to see if they fit you" or she will make comments like maybe your small then me and clothes won't fit you since your always losing weight! So I just tell her that I DONT KNOW WHAT SIZE I AM!!! But it drives me crazy that someone who need to love me no matter what size I am she's always worry about what size we are! About two years ago I lost like 30 pounds but of course I gain them back and more but anyways my sister in law told me one day after I lost the 30 pounds "you better not lose any more weight or you will be my friend-enemy" I'm not telling anybody about my surgery EVER!!! They know I always exercise and I try to eat healthy but I could never lose the weight and I'm sure I will be the topic of there conversation for a loooooong time! I can't wait!!!! ????
  24. I watch your videos and there great! I like to watch videos cuz I can see and not just read! I will be following your videos keep them coming!!!
  25. Sassy in pink

    Waiting For Approval

    Sorry to hear that this people think just because the holiday where present life stop for them and they think they don't have to work! Sorry but it gets me mad that some people don't care or don't think its important because it's not life or death situation! If I was you I will call them back and tell them 'what do you need to do to get them to summit the paperwork" 1) do you need to go to there office in person? 2) do you need to talk to a supervisor to see what's going on and why they asked authorization for December with no problem and they couldn't do it this for this year yet? I'm sorry again I just don't like to see people dragging there feet to do there work! I'm just like this with everybody, that why I take care of my in laws, father, and husband medical appointments and all there medical paperwork! I wish you the best of luck and hope that you get something resolve soon! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!

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