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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by jojo120706

  1. Hi fleabag1975 it will a case of not taking meds but its vits instead lol but at least youmhave a date good luck with it. I am having the issue of not being able to stop picking at food at the mo although im trying be good by eating carrots or fruit I still have the odd slip up but not as bad as I once was. Dumping is a concern for me too but they say your taste buds change after op so hopefully we will ok.

  2. Hi kenny good luck with op, I have to wait till August as I have only just started my pathway to the op, I know its scary and often worry wether I am making the right choice by having the op. But the way I look at it I cant lose the weight without the op and once I have lost the weight I might be able to walk alot longer, I have severe arthritis in most of my joints and im only 38. Im scared that something might go wrong but you could get run over or having car crash every day we take risks this one is more calculated risk. The doctors have done so many of these ops. Please keep strong life will be better and you will be able to enjoy your kids more walk in park without getting so tired or out of breath be strong.

  3. Hi a couple of years ago I had pains in my chest and they found I had an inverted t wave on my ecg reading upon further tests and I mean crap loads at the major hospital I london they said the right side of my heart was enlarged but they could not find anything that caused it, my last visit to them in june last year they said that all was good and ecg was clear no reason for any of the trouble, but it looks like it had sorted itself out as I have had no treatment just been monitered, yet when I went for op on arm my ecg reading showed t wave again but I feel fine. My advise woukd be dont panic case that will stress you out, it could be nothing but even if there is something itncan be fixed, keep smiling you will get there.

  4. Hi I have just started my pathway to hopefully getting bypass, but all I can do is think about food I love the taste smell texture of food, i have made small changes so far but over the xmas time I did give it all up now im trying to get back on the right path. I spend alot of time on my own as im physically disabled and my husband works and our so 6yr old is at school I find boredom tends to lead me tp picking at food, any advise woukd be really welcome.

  5. Hi I too have alot of fears im just starting on my pathway and hope to get the op around August this year I also have a 6yr old son im soo scared that somethinb might go wrong, I have alot of mobility issues mainly caused by arthritis. I need to lose the weight to keep pressure of my joints. I have read so much on her and other sires and believe none of us would be here if we did not need surgery to help us, although its scary I do believe it will be worth it in the long run.

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