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short c

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by short c

  1. short c

    OMG, How Crazy Am I????

    hey Ghost and others, I've been lurking on this thread. Its very interesting! I have a long ways to go, but I think the head game is key. The reason I got fat and stayed fat on and off is that my head works in the opposite way. Even heavy, I look in the mirror and see someone that is thinner than myself, and I deliberately select mirrors that support that view ( warped ones, waist up ones) and avoid ones that contradict my firmly held belief that I am just a bit above normal. I am always SHOCKED when i see myself in a store window, or real mirror and see this fat person there. In the past when I've lost weight and got to normal size ( OK - above normal, but not hugely obese) I would walk around feeling on top of the world because I was skinny,and then feeling so skinny, would feel like I could give myself permission to eat just that one thing - that treat. And back up I would go- back to my land of denial. so that's one thought I wanted to contribute and want to know if any of you used to feel this way. Also, Ghost, you were expressing that you want to know what other people think about you and your weight,or that you are concerned by what other people think. I think we have to get to the place where we really don't give a darn what anyone else thinks about our bodies.We are for the first time in a long time ( if you're like me) taking care of our bodies, and loving ourselves enough to do that. Let's own that for ourselves and NOT give our power away to anyone else. Do you like the changes that you see? DO you want to be even thinner or stay where you are now? Its YOUR choice. You can choose to stay where you are now and maybe change your mind in a few months, or .... whatever you want. I think that those of us who grapple with weight do so mostly because of the head stuff.Sure some people have metabolism issues and medical reasons for being overweight, but as all of you describe here on this thread, we have fat thinking and an unhealthy relationship with food. I attended Overeaters Anon a few years ago, and their stuff is all about the thinking , and the concept of addiction to food as something that comforts us when we are stressed. They have a saying - if you don't face your stuff, you'll stuff your face. The band stops us from stuffing our face, thereby helping us not abuse food to smooth out our emotions , but I realise that it doesn't solve the base issues.Those we need to work on separately to be truly free. I expect if anyone did a survey they's find that most people with eating problems and overweight have stuff from their past, or huge challenges in their present that they are stuffing down. So back to you Ghost - you look great! I wish for you that you get to feel as great inside as you look on the outside. You are an inspiration to me. So are you, bubblebutt - I like alot of what you post. I hope you can get comfortable enough with yourself to show us some pics -because we will not judge you... .:clap2:
  2. I completely agree that our provincial coverage is often stupid beyond belief. I went to Mexico to have mine done, but have been quite disappointed by the lack of follow-up care from my doc. Also another issue is that some of the Canadian docs won't do follow up for patients from other countries, so if you do go this route, make sure you have follow up care in BC, or in Washington state or can afford to fly to and fro to SanDiego a few times. If you look at the price difference, $16 K vs $7 or $8K- that buys a lot of flights----but there are trade-offs. On the plus side, many of the docs south of the border have done alot of lap bands- many many more than some of the docs up here. ANother thing I've recently learned is that my doc used an older version of the Allergan /Inamed lapband- maybe using up older cheaper stock.... i don't know. That was disappointing to learn. ANyhow, I'm happy to talk to you if you want to connect in a PM. Short C
  3. food4less in your post here you rant on and on about docs who do the surgey in a surgical centre and not in a hospital.To quote you" You might be the lucky ones but what about a complication at the SURGICAL CENTER no intensive care units????? BUT interestingly, in a thread about Dr. Ortiz, you write that you have done all your research and you have 100% confidence in Dr. Ortiz, and are considering him for your surgery. Either you have not done your research or you are fronting for a doc - Dr. Ortiz does his operations in a 'surgical centre' of his own making.When I asked his mother how far we were from the nearest hospital, in case something should happen, she shrugged it off and said - "oh , not far, dear." i quote you Or a complication at the HOTEL (recovering at a hotel??) some people just don’t care. Your Dr. Ortiz, in whom you have 100% confidence dropped us off at the hotel the morning after the surgery and never called or had anyone check on us.... So, food4less, are you for real? Are you really a potential patient or have you been hired to slag certain docs who have been getting rave reviews? I simply don't believe you anymore because you are contradicting yourself, misquoting and massaging facts.
  4. Ok folks, I think Bubblebutt has some good points, as do the rest of you. There is a phenomenon in marketing that is known as post purchase rationalization, which describes buyer behaviour after having invested a great deal of time, money and or emotion in a purchase decision. Its why, when you ask someone how they like the new car they just bought, they will invariably always say they 'love it.' Does that mean then that all the posts we read here, where people have had good experiences with one doc or another are invalid as sources of information. NO. Those who have posted that each of us needs to do our own research, figure out what's the most important to us and make a decision that feels good for us, as thinking and feeling beings, are right. This is not a popularity contest, or club. We all know, if we're honest with ourselves that this is a highly competitive market! It is big business and no matter how good a surgeon is, technically, the communication of that expertise is bound to be difficult. If we as patients seek to reduce our 'risk' to our health and longevity, I believe we cannot get stuck in the stats. It is a well known maxim in the business world that figures can lie. Let's get past the numbers and really look at what matters- the quality of overall care which plays a huge role in final outcomes - probably much bigger than who has done the most surgeries, has the lowest complications rates etc. Remember that complication rates can be easily 'adjusted 'by docs who simply only take low risk patients. I have an autoimmune disorder- I am probably at a higher risk of having an erosion - I don't really know, but I imagine there are some of us walking around with risk factors we don't even know about ( I found out after my lap-band surgery!) Should docs refuse to take us on because we'll afect their stats? BUt here's the thing that I think is really useful- when one reads on the forum that someone has had a problem with their doc and they do post it, it means that they've had to swallow their pride, and say, oops, perhaps I chose poorly. Perhaps the criteria I used weren't the ones I should have focussed so heavily on. I made a mistake and I am willing to admit that so others might be smarter than I was. (I did that in other posts - I focussed on the numbers. I became a number.) I am not pro any particular doc, but I am now unimpressed with docs who rest on their laurels or their 'numbers' and consider that "follow-up is not cost effective." I've written on these boards positively about a doc that wasn't mine because I got follow up from his team, even though I , at the last minute, opted for their competitor. There is a philosophy of patient care there that I admire. so lets take it back to what this is really about - let's have a discussion about what factors one really should consider seriously when one is choosinga lap-band surgeon and his/her practice. I didn't get into this for the short term. I expect to have this lap band for the next 10-15 years of my life - possibly to replace it with a new one then... I wonder - are there any Mx patients reading these boards who were banded 3 or 4 or 10 years ago? What, in retrospect are the important things to consider? I've said it elsewhere. This is not brain surgery and it is a relatively simple procedure. Sure it can be botched, but most of the Mx docs have enough experiene to do this thing in their sleep. That's what puts into into the 'commodity' category and as consumers, we need to look at the other supporting stuff that comes with the surgeon whose skills we are purchasing..... that's enough for now....
  5. short c

    Aug/Sept Exercise Challenge

    day 1 - 35 minute dog walk
  6. short c

    Aug/Sept Exercise Challenge

    OK > I'm in - 21 days of mindful exercise - I commit to at least 20 minutes of 'something' every day - from walking the dog, elliptical, golf or curling (yes its almost that season!) Hey how does one get that sparkly crazy ates thingy into your signature?
  7. Short C................. 166....................166...................146..............20
  8. short c

    Ottawa support group

    Hi all, I've been away for about a week... Anyone interested in getting together for coffee or lunch sometime in the coming two weeks? If you are, PM me and we can arrange a time.,place etc......maybe even before 'frenchie' heads down to TJ!
  9. Food4less, You seem really upset.It would seem that you feel the need to set 'the record' straight. Whenyou checked with Inamed, did you check the rates of all the docs you were considering? Has Dr. Ortiz ( admittedly a spokeman for the company) really done over 4500? Each doctor prints stats because we patients seem to be making our decisions based on numbers... what we really should be caring about is not who has done the most, but who has an overall focus on excellence in patient care- from first contact through surgery and beyond. From what you've no doubt read here on the boards, Dr. Gonzalez has a loyal following BECAUSE of the kind of consistent care he provides. I was not even banded by Dr. G, but in retrospect wish I had been. Dr. Ortiz did my band and it was done ( as many are ) in a clinical surgical centre with no access to an ICU at the ready. Unless there are co-morbidities, this is really very minor surgery.In Dr Ortiz's practice , it is like an assembly line (some patients didn't even get to talk to the doctor before surgery!) In the US and Canada, this is mostly performed on an outpatient basis! As for less than the 3% complication rate - you have erroneously translated that fact into "75 serious complications". Come on, be real here - acid reflux, for instance, while unpleasant is not serious. When you mix up your facts like you have , and add a tone of outrage, you do make it difficult to have anyone take you seriously. It is likely that every website on the internet contains inaccuracies. For instance, Dr. Ortiz's site misrepresents as well- he does no follow-up to speak of and there is no 'nursing care' available at the hotel the following day, as is suggested on his site. The TV show 'interview' that is available for viewing on his site was one that he paid for - an infomercial.... At the end of the day, we each, as adults, make the decision that feels best for us.NUmbers can be made to lie, as you yourself have just shown us with your "75 serious complications" statitical gymnastics. As a patient, I believe that we need to gather info from those who have 'been there, done that.' People are not stupid, and post purchase rationalization and cognitive dissonance will only go so far. If they are unhappy with their experience, as I have been, they will speak up. There is no perfect Doctor out there, and with a few exceptions, technically they are all fine and will do a good job on your body. This is NOT brain surgery - this is an easy operation as operations go.SO whether a doc has done 4500 or 2500 or 1500 or 10,000 is really moot. Once they've passed the 500 or the 1000 mark, you can pretty much imagine they could do it in their sleep. I think the proof is inthe pudding... are the patients happy? Dr. G's patients ALL seem to be very happy with the surgery and the care they received. When you're doing your research, look at the WHOLE picture- the overall philosophy of care. I made the mistake of going with the guy who had the biggest numbers.. SO food4less, good luck in your journey. I hope you find a doc and his/her practice with whom you can feel comfortable. You've stirred up some emotion here on this site- which is interesting of itself. People feel strongly about you making accusations against a team of doctors that they feel have done well by them...
  10. short c

    Mexico ?

    Good luck to you all- I have come to see this surgery as a bit of a commodity. there are lots of docs who are doing this work and I suspect that almost all are very technically competent. I have come to believe that the difference lies in the patient care practices and philosophies that accompany the surgery. Welcome to the land of the banded .
  11. short c

    Argon's Activities

    Hello all, I'm pretty new to this --- am in Ottawa and wonder if there are any other Ottawa bandsters ( or potential bandsters) out there that would like to get together. I know that there are support groups in other cities - why not ours? please PM me with contact info if you're interested.
  12. short c

    Mexico ?

    Like others who went to see Dr. Ortiz, I went to him because of the length and breadth of his experience, the price and because of his reputation. The experience was fine - didn't blow me away, but was fine. he does lots of these , so there is a bit of an assembly line feel to it. You are ushered out the door the morning after the surgery, and dropped off at the hotel. Contrary to what the website says, there is no nursing care there. I didn't really need any, but it was not offered. Unlike other docs, including many in Mexico, Ortiz's group did not follow up with me - no email , no phone call. When I spoke with him yesterday (and he did very promptly return my call!) on a medical issue, and I mentioned the follow- up, he explained that they had made the decision (and I quote) that "follow-up is not cost effective." That made me feel like we are viewed as income sources more than patients. Just my feeling..... Ortiz is a charming and experienced doc. Perhaps he is even number 1, as he claims. But it brings to mind a commercial from years ago - "when you're number 2 - you try harder". Technically I think that anyone who has been performing these operations for many years, and has done them in the thousands, AND has consistently good reviews here online, is likely to be fine. If I had it to do over agin, I would still go to Mexico, but likely not with Ortiz. There are several docs who,like him,have done thousands of these operations and who appear to provide a greater level of overall patient care.... I have heard that DR Gonzales does terrific follow-up, does fewer ops per day, in part because they want to be able to maintain a high patient care standard... I have a dear friend who I am recommending go to see him. just my opinion, just my experience
  13. short c

    Mexico ?

    Frenchie, I would not go to him - - call me - I sent you my phone number as a private message
  14. I wish I had gone with him. I went with Ortiz and it was fine, but I got NO follow- up - not an email , not a phone call checking in on me - nothing!. In contrast, I've been hearing from Dr. Gonzalez's clinical doc, with whom I had been in touch prior to choosing a doc.( Timing played a huge role in my decision-making...) He followed up with me- even though I wasn't his patient! I have gotten very good information from him. It really seems to me that this practice takes the complete care of their patients seriously... I'm impressed.
  15. short c

    Acid Reflux Wedge pillow

    I've had reflux/hiatus hernia pain for years. I was just banded 9 days ago, and he said he did a wee hernia repair, however I still have the same pain especially if i drink ( Am still on fluids) too much or too quickly. I have lots of gas. So far the only thing that helps is a concoction that the pharmacist mixed up by prescription for me , called a "pink lady" which is a mixture of that pink pepto bismol stuff and a topical swallowable anesthetic. It seems to help somewhat.... Here in Canada it was prescribed by my GP.
  16. short c

    Valley Of The Dolls.....

    I just bought the greens+ powder that you mix with water for a drink - it has a full slate of vitamins - and tastes OK - like koolaid
  17. short c

    August 15, 16, 17th bandsters

    IHi . I was also banded on the 15th. It samazing to me the wide variation in post op menus - some do clear liquids for a long time and some go to purees pretty quickly. Mine goes from clear to other liquids and never goes to purees.... bah humbug... I have recurring pressure/ pain/discomfort under my breastbone with lots of burping. I am doing liquids - soups and protein shakes etc. I've even woken up from this pain and am concerned .... any ideas anyone
  18. short c

    How sore was your abdomen?

    I also had a c-section. This is a piece of cake comparatively... I am a week out now and the biggest pain I have is gas pain in my left shoulder - am ready to amputate. I went shopping today to Costco and to grocery store and got really tired out. I'm not sleeping super well - maybe some general discomfort in my belly keeps waking me.. I found out I've been eating the wrong stuff post op - so that's probably to blame.... I work from home and if I had to go into an office I could do it, but I think I'd be wiped by the end of the day.
  19. I've still got them too. I'm taking liquid tylenol ( jr strength) and gas X and putting a hot pad on it, and walking and cursing..... they are getting better.
  20. Thanks for this - I have definitiely not been drinking enough _ will start now.
  21. short c

    making a bad mistake

    Hey Maddog, I just realised that I too have been messing up with the post op - AND I thought I was being good - misread the directions!!!??? How stupid is that? It makes me wonder if I did it on purpose???? I've just emailed the dietician in a panic and told her everything I ate . I'm hoping for a response soon, so that I can figure out what to do now. I went off clear liquids too fast,and onto mushies - kind of skipped the whole opague drinkable stage, AND I also jsut got banded last week. I am now worried about slippage, about not having set up the scar tissue or ridge or whatever is suppoed to be happening during this phase because until about 15 minutes ago I had no idea about it. From one of the posts on another thread I learned that solid food makes the stomach work - which while its healing and the band is settling into position is ,like, a bad thing..I feel really stupid. I was pretty haphazard abut it because I thought that if my stomach was tolerating what I was eating then it must be OK??? apparently not so..
  22. short c

    Worried New Bandster

    my doc said we could move to opague liquids on day 4 post op. I hadn't heard anything about the groove... now I'm worried! I've been eating yoghurt and soups and even mousse and a bit of ice milk today.I've been drinking protein shakes, and I'm only a week out.....yipes.. I don't know what to eat .....
  23. short c

    Mushies Stage Recipes

    I tossed them in a blender and thereby got rid of the chunks... seems ok so far.
  24. Hello all, I am also a crazy ate -was banded on august 15th by DR Ortiz in Mexico. I have gas pains like crazy. I have been taking baby liquid tylenol, but I am about ready to chop my left shoulder right off. Its been 5 days - aagh. It does come and go, luckily... or I'd be ready for the funny farm. I'm Canadian too - so I know we don't have access to the extra strength liquid tylenol that is available in the US. I'm eating yoghurt, Protein shake , cream Soups blended to get out the chunks,babyfood with added salt. I have a garden full of tomatos and cucumbers and would love to make some gaspacho but have no idea if I could eat that? Anybody got some wisdom on that?
  25. short c

    Mexico ?

    Hi all, I too was banded in TJ on august 15th by Dr Ortiz. It was fine, mostly met my expectations, and I am recovering back home up in Canada.SOme things you don't really get if you go with a Mx doctor though is immediate follow up care. I've heard that docs here will call the patient a few days later to check on them - that hasn't happened. I think that there is more that could be done to support patients post op and hopefully the Mx docs will add that to their scope of practice. however, maybe that's what you forfeit when you save the money by going down there. I chose Ortiz because he has done over 4000 of these ops, does 5 or so a day and has done them for many years. He trains other doctors in the technique. I opted for someone who is technically expert at the procedure, and cared less about bedside manner ( One patient on my day didn't even meet him!) which was fine. It is a highly competitive market down in Tijuana and as you get ready to commit to one doc or another , narrow it down. I have the perception that their prices may be a bit Fluid to get the business. I had another doc's rep offer to lower the price twice in the week after I had made contact, but while I was still researching....I had in the meantime already committed to Ortiz, in part because he could fit me in on a date that would work with my schedule. Ortiz's practice is filled with some docs that really seemed to care, and some great nurses. He has set up a competent and squeaky clean center. that's my feedback. Good luck!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
