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Posts posted by Ditdee

  1. Hi all, hope everyone is well.

    I was having a lot of trouble with Water after the surgery, it jut tasted foul, like chlorine and dirt or someone's sweaty swimming pool!

    Well I have finally found the solution. I have to buy bottle natural spring water then filter it through my Brita filter and chill (colder the better) then and only then does it taste good and I can manage it. Haha how ridiculous, I sound so stuck up to all those non sleevers!!

  2. Thank you all for your imput. You have all done wonderfully. And bec 99.5 wow you must of been stoked to crack the hundred i know i cant wait.

    So from the figures everyone has given me the average monthly weight loss is a little over 5kgs. (this isnt exact because i dont know exactly how many weeks in each month and whether they were whole or partial months, lets just call this a roughly worked out guesstimation). 5 kgs a month seems like a great result to me, well done.

    And might i say between the five of you, you have lost 163.5 kgs.. Now thats alot of weight, you guys a such wonderful inspiration!

    I was so excited that at 5am I ran and jumped on my hubby and told him.....he was asleep lol. This has been the best thing I have done for myself. I'll send u a copy of my mesaurements/weight spreadsheet if u like. As I weigh in every Monday and write it in and then every month I do my mesaurements. So just let me know if u want to have a look

    I would love to have a look, I really do find it all very interesting, hope i can be part of the stats soon but only five weeks out there's not much data there. And I would love to use your spreadsheet for my self if that would be ok. I have been meaning to make one my self but just haven't gotten around to it.

  3. Thank you all for your imput. You have all done wonderfully. And bec 99.5 wow you must of been stoked to crack the hundred i know i cant wait.

    So from the figures everyone has given me the average monthly weight loss is a little over 5kgs. (this isnt exact because i dont know exactly how many weeks in each month and whether they were whole or partial months, lets just call this a roughly worked out guesstimation). 5 kgs a month seems like a great result to me, well done.

    And might i say between the five of you, you have lost 163.5 kgs.. Now thats alot of weight, you guys a such wonderful inspiration!

  4. I gained a kg this week! I'm taking it in stride and just continuing to work my plan. I think the next 10-15 kg are going to be much tougher to lose. <br><br> I'm going to try Zumba on Thursday! I'm nervous I will look like an idiot but I'm excited too. A friend is going with me. I'm not sure if I would rather do it on my own or not but it is what it is.

    You certainly have the right attitude misty. Nothing we can do but try our best.

    I'm interested though how much everyone lost on average every week? When this slowed down and what the average then was?

    I'm not trying to compare myself to anyone just interested if there is a big variance in weekly averages.

  5. How far out are you lessismore and merry1

    From all the forums I have read everyone has the same regret of not doing it earlier or it not being available so I have done it young in the hopes my kids will also benefit. Hearing people say that was a big factor in why I did decide to do it.

    I know this isn't a diet but everyone I've ever been one has seen me lose weight for two weeks and then either gain or maintain on the other two due to my 'cycle', I certainly was hoping it wasn't going to happen with this surgery but seems it is.

  6. I agree the gov should help out more. For me it was almost like it was a last chance at a healthy life for me and my family. I guess i figured the money i was taking away from my family i could make eventually by being able to work longer when i was healthier and that my kids would prefer a healthier, happier mum and have money be tight for a while. Anyway really only you and your family can work through whats best for you. Wish you all the best!!

  7. Ring the surgeons office and ask for the item number for the srugery then ring your health insurance and ask if you have appropriate cover. Even with very good cover my surgery cost around $6000 but we could be in different states and we are with different provate health. Also when u ring the srgeons office ask how much it will cost for the surgeons consultations and dietian etc. so seem to have this in the price but mine did not so that was extra.

    It defiently is alot of money, i had to take out a loan, but chin up. Try find out exactly what it might cost before you stress to much :)

  8. Hey guys,<br> I'm 6 days post op and things have been progressing well. No pain or nausea and have been a bit more successful in getting the fluids in today......however....the head hunger is driving me crazy. Only really started yesterday and it feels like my every waking moment is thoughts about food...not unhealthy food or takeaway, but food I want to eat during puréed or soft! I cringe at the thought of liquids. So I did something stupid, I thought I could chew on some potato and fish a then spit it out rather than swallow...went ok until I swallowed a small amount and I was let know pretty quickly how silly it was to think I could do more than liquids....how has everybody combated the head hunger? Do I fight to ignore or try to embrace it somehow?

    Congrats on your surgery spudsy! I'm 11 days out now and I've done the exact same thing as u, I sucked the guts out of some grapes and spat the rest in the bin. The only thing that's ever work for head hunger and me is keeping busy . I've been craving salad and Ham, toast with vegiemite I can't wait till I go on soft foods. When did everyone else move to this stage?

  9. Thank u everyone, I'm impressed with the support you all give to a complete stranger!!

    I'm feeling a bit better today and tried to keep my mind a bit more occupied and I think that helps. My real problem now the pain has settled a little is what to drink everything really just sounds or tastes disgusting.

    Sueoco you look fabulous! I haven't seen any before photos of you and I can say you look like you were never big in the first place. Just a beautiful healthy women! That give me hope!!


  10. Hi all,

    So I'm five days post op and I'm on struggle street at the moment. The bottom left quadrant I my stomach hurts all the time but especially when I move. I'm finding it difficult to get in a litre of fluids a day, everything smells, looks and taste just horrible. I feel weak and dizzy. My tummy is very bloated especially at the top. My bowels are playing up like there's no tomorrow and that is also painful and of course the standard gas pain. I feel I should be better than this by now? Did anyone else experience this? I'm really regretting this already and that's not a good sign! Sorry for the rant.

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