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Everything posted by gingerbug

  1. LOL! I cant remember, I think my smokin hot goal is 170 and my 'passoutwiththeshockandexcitment' goal is 160. I have been makingn my goals on my ticker in ten pound increments since I hit 190 just to keep it 'real' for me. To be honest, if I am anywhere in the ballpark of the 160's Iwill be thrilled! I suspect that I will lose a few more while I am working out the kinks of mainenance so it will all be good!

  2. gingerbug

    16lbs shy of losing 200

    You are and look amazing!!
  3. Well, it is easier to alter a size down than a size up if I understand that right! I would be generous with your estimates then get it altered within 3 weeks of the wedding if you need to get it taken in.
  4. gingerbug

    Suggestions for Bandster Hell...

    Sounds like you have a good plan, just hang in there!
  5. You might find, after you get close to or at goal, that you redefine normal. I found that I no longer have a relationship with food, it is a means to fuel my body to get through the next few hours. I dont care about bread or pasta or cheeseburgers. If it is reasonably healthy, available, and tasty enough I will eat it. I try to eat what is healthy and low in sodium but other than that, it is a non-issue. What I am saying it dont worry too much about it. Your tastes and attitude towards food will change and this is often a good thing.
  6. gingerbug

    Hi I have a weight problem.

    welcome, and very best of luck!
  7. I gotta say, I freaking LOVE skipping the fat girls clothes at Kohls and finding rockin' pants in my size on clearance! I hated being fat. I love being ME!
  8. Thanks so much!! I am so thrilled with my band, I have my life back!!

  9. Thank you!!! On my arm is the gowear fit! By the makers of the body bug but it is smaller and easier to use, in my opinion. Welcome - GoWear fit ? The Lifestyle and Calorie Management System I love it, i have lost 11 punds in the last 4 weeks because of it!! It takes the guess work out of it. The band got me to my first goal and with the help of the go wear fit, I will get to my ultimate goal of 160, woohooo! LOL, tori

  10. Isnt that awesome? That point where you have the energy, attitude, and inclination to live life with gusto? That in itself is the reason I have a smile on my face these days!!!
  11. I have 6.7 cc in a 10 cc band and have had fab restriction for a few months now. At least since october, if I remember right. I eat 4-6 ounces at a time right now and feel fine. I plan to start getting unfills in about 10-20 more pounds so I can maintain. There is no way I can eat enough right now to maintain my current level of fitness.
  12. Latest update from me! Before, about 20 pounds from my heaviest Yesterday:
  13. gingerbug

    What do you all do?

    I am a Domestic Engineer, Mistress of my Household, Dispenser of Fig Newtons and sugar free Kool-aid, Assembler of small plastic battery operated toys, Household Chauffeur, Therapist, Pack Mule, Translator of Toddler-speak, and full time Chef. I am expected to have the patience of a saint and a memory like a steel trap. I could go on but I think you see what I mean!
  14. sodium intake, time of the month, even ovulation all impact how and when i lose weight. I rarely lose when I ovulate or the week leading up to my period which leaves me with a two week window of opportunity to lose weight in any given month. I tend to lose in chunks then nothing for a while no matter how hard i am busting my ass. Just keep at it, your body will catch up eventually.
  15. gingerbug

    Not liking foods after eating them

    For me, I wonder if I see way too much of my former self in those who are gorging themselves.
  16. gingerbug


    How about training for a marathon or lowering your BMI a point or something if you really need a goal. Hell, I dont know. I cant even believe that you would wonder if it is worth it. Are you so bored you need to eat for entertainment? Pick up a book. Learn to knit. Volunteer. Seriously.
  17. gingerbug

    Not liking foods after eating them

    I totally understand what you are saying.
  18. gingerbug

    Not liking foods after eating them

    Yeah, except for ice cream, that is still good LOL. I find that after more than a year now I view food as a means to keep from passing out for the next few hours. It is not a relationship that I nurture but a means to keep going. Food is a fuel, not a friend, so I dwell less on how things taste. There are quiet a few things that I dont like the taste of anymore, soda included.
  19. gingerbug

    Fast food!

    I carry Cliff Oatmeal, raisin, and walnut bars with me at all times so I dont need to hit fast food!! Worse case, I get a 4 piece chicken nugget!
  20. gingerbug

    Have you noticed?

    Well, I went from consult to band in a matter of weeks and I think it is safe to say I am a success and I certainly am a rule - follower.
  21. I drink a lot but I have been told now that even coffee and tea count as fluid, as well as juice (not that I drink it) or any other liquids. I am not saying I drink 8 cups of coffee a day and call it a day but I keep it in mind. I think I drink about 8-10 glasses of liquids a day, mostly water but I dont force it down.
  22. i take citrucel three times a day so I can go. I have IBS with constipation. It sucks but the citrucel is amazing.
  23. I intend on eating a box of cookies with my kiddos. One day of junk food wont hurt me at all. Might give me a tummy ache, though.
  24. sigh. I am a girlscout co-leader and I am about to be in cookie HELL
  25. Always happens to me and it is beginning to tick me off. My toes go painfully numb on the elliptical. Any ideas to alleviate this?

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