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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gingerbug

  1. gingerbug

    My Fabulous NSV

    I was chatting with a woman from my 'women on weights' class and while I was busting through my bicep curls, I mentioned that I had lost 118 pounds with the help of the lapband. She tells me she was shocked because you dont look at people who are thin and think that they used to have a weight problem. I almost passed out cause, to her, I had rated as thin. Imagine that. Me being so normal looking that people cant tell I may have once been fat. Blows my mind.
  2. gingerbug

    Do you keep your 'fat' clothes?

    All my fat clothes go away the INSTANT they start to not fit me! When I shop I keep an eye out for clearance clothes and I try on my current size then try to get a size down as well.
  3. gingerbug

    My Fabulous NSV

    That is right, it is all about the exercise! Exercise is my insurance that I wont go back to where I was.
  4. gingerbug

    Boddy Bugg Users

    You are welcome, I credit my last 14 pounds to the gowear fit!
  5. That is seriously, the best feeling ever. Oh, and for the first time in years I dont dread buying a swimsuit.
  6. gingerbug

    Boddy Bugg Users

    Check out the Gowear Fit, made by the same people with a lower price tag. Yes, it has helped me A LOT, especially as I got towards the end of my goal.
  7. I run on a treadmill, I am not brave enough to run outside yet since I have a history of knee issues. So far my knees are holding up great though. I know that Jachut has said before that you can put your incline on .5 or 1 to simulate being outside. I figure I will get to 3 miles without passing out then raise the incline! Good luck today!

  8. gingerbug

    Exercise frequency

    I feel the need to add that water aerobics is NOT a cake walk workout. I have had my ass handed to me in water aerobics.
  9. gingerbug


    I avoid the rice and the seaweed and I am fine. I tend to eat just the fish itself. I dont get to go out for sushi as much as I would like but when we do go, it takes us a while to eat anyways. I always get some hot saki to start with and take it slow from there. I might be able to eat a piece with rice on it but not much more at my current restriction level.
  10. HEY! How is the couch to 5K going? I just wrapped uo week 3 and looked at next weeks schedule! I about peed myself, run for 5 minutes!!?? LOL, I am sure it will be fine, I thought the same thing when I saw I had to run for 3 minutes. My legs are getting solid, though, and I really like that!

  11. gingerbug

    Exercise frequency

    I had the same issues every other morbidly obese adult had with knee and foot and a host of other aches and pains. I started on the elliptical, barely moving, it seemed. Now I run, do tae bo, lift free weights, do spin class....and I PUSH myself. Hard. Every.single.workout. What used to be 'pushing myself hard' in the beginning barely registers now but at the time it was hard and each workout I got stronger and all thoses obsticles that were there went away. Part of it was my physical condition improved making my body more efficient and part of it was the phsychological roadblocks I put up for myself. I HATED working out, omg, I had convinced myself for years how much it sucked. Now, it it the one thing I do 6 days out of the week, no exceptions. I would rather my house be messy, laundry be piled up, and the fridge be out of milk than miss going to the gym. My point is, it does not matter what you can do, it is the effort you put into what you are capable of doing and the drive you have to push yourself that matters.
  12. gingerbug

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

  13. gingerbug

    *Deep Breathes* Don't Panic*

    Give me a flat and unobstructed path and I will find a way to trip, fall, and take 16 people down with me. My husband is completely amazed that I dont actually require emergency room visits on a weekly basis. I have to admit, since I started running and doing tae bo, my balance and coordination has greatly improved. I have NO BRUISES on my legs right now. It is shocking.
  14. Going in on March 3rd for my first unfill as I am unable to keep from losing more weight. It seems so bizarre to me. Because of my rate of losing and my level of activity they figure it may take a few small unfills before I level out and I may even have a couple more bursts of weight loss as I am able to eat a little more (I am pretty restricted now and have about 900-1000 calories a day) due to how hard I work out. What a strange and unreal situation to be in, I feel so weird about it. So, since I cant seem to operate without goals my new goal is a BMI of 22, to run in an actual 5k, become proficient at spinning, and increase my slow ass running time to a ten minute mile.
  15. gingerbug

    *Deep Breathes* Don't Panic*

    EXACTLY. I burn more than a lot of women just by trying to stay upright and not bowl people over.
  16. gingerbug

    I know this will vary...

    Took me 4 days to be able to manage all the details of my then 2 and 4 year olds. I was tired but I could manage just fine. I got down on the floor to change diapers and give hugs.
  17. gingerbug

    Is Casey Anthony guilty?

    I think she was jealous of the love her mother had for Caylee and she killed her.
  18. gingerbug


    Pole dancing gets my vote. just sayin' :blushing:
  19. gingerbug

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    LMAO, this is CLASSIC. Everytime someone is in a snit and gets pissed they tell others to get offline and take care of their families/jobs/or something. As it happens, I am personally rather efficient with my time and I have enough time to take care of myself, my two kids, three pets, household, and everything else I have going on. I amm offended that you think Iam 'wasting my time' where as you are so superior you are ONLY online because it is your JOB to do so. Whatever. This is what it comes down to, if pattygreen is going to post her radical shit online then she is going to have to accept that people are going to shove it right back at her. Put on your Big Girl Panties and deal with it. If you want sunshine and rainbows and ass-pats, go somewhere else. Suck it up or take your toys and go home.
  20. gingerbug

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    WOW, a whole post by you that you did not use the word 'god' or 'jesus'. I am shocked, I would have thought you were incapable of speech without those two words. Although, you ruined it for me with your 'abort children' comment although I am far from surprised. I dont think there is anything you do or contemplate that does not involve injecting your own over-zealous religous agenda into. Frankly, while it disgusts me, I find it incredible amusing. I hold you up as the example of the type of christian woman I try to avoid.
  21. gingerbug

    Need support

    Well, what are you eating? Are you tracking calories? What kind of working out are you doing? Are you sweating your face off? How many fills have you had?
  22. gingerbug

    Oooops! Stretched pouch

    Full liquids the whole time. If I could puree it to the consistency of cream Soup, I could have it. I have to say, some things are better left un-puree'd. Just sayin' :thumbup:
  23. They never looked at my pre-op deit or asked for proof but I know they will cncel it if you liver has too much fat around it. Imagine waking up and finding out they did not do the procedure. Stick with the the diet the rest of the time, I know it is hard but you HAVE to be compliant ont his kind of stuff. Believe me, it gets worse before it gets better but it is completely worth it. I ate so much cream soup on my pre-op diet I never wanted to see soup again. THen the hunger wears you down and you dont even feel it anymore it is weird. I had about 8 weeks between finding out I was approved and being able to do the procedure so I ate and ate and ate during that time and gained 11 pounds. Then I lost all of that plus 4 more before my surgury. First appointment was 284, highest weight was 295, date of banding I was 279. Hang in there!!

  24. gingerbug

    Clear Lake Area

    jan 2nd of last year and I have lost 115 pounds in the last 13 or so months

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
