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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gingerbug

  1. gingerbug

    Focus on the issues!

    I am so much more than just my band. Just sayin'. I spend a ridiculous amount of time everyday dedicating myself to thinking about my band and a portion of my online time is spent doing other things. Like contemplating prostitution. Or discussing whether my crap floats or sinks. You know, the interesting stuff!
  2. gingerbug

    What has helped you most????

    If I dont journal my food I stop losing. I dont gain but I spin my wheels.I think it makes me more aware. Making a point to measure and weigh my food and eating high protien first helps a lot,a well. After that, the gym. 6 days a week. It is easy enough for me to go because it is the only break I get from the kiddos all day. An hour to myself with my MP3 player where I can sweat and have my thoughts in peace is priceless.
  3. gingerbug

    Exercise Success

    Wow, that was quite the YAGE (yet another grand exit). I feel the intent of the OP was to feel superior over those of us who dieted and exercised their way into a lower weight only to gain it back. The comment illustrates this. FTR, I hope you are successful and never look back. Statistically, I would not be surprised to see you back here in the future getting your band in. I think we have all been where you are right now at some point in our lives, best of luck to you.
  4. gingerbug

    NSV (Non Scale Victories)

    Yesterday I pick up a 44 pound bag of dog food tomove it across the house. First of all, I am ABLE to pick it up easily and while I am marveling at that I realize that I have lost more weight than two of these bags combined! 44 pound bags of dog food are not light. I cant imagine strapping two of those to my body and trying to make it though the day. No wonder I was so tired all the time.
  5. gingerbug

    Wow...this is what it feels like to be restricted!

    To echo what yvettej4123 said, take care of your restriction. Eat the amount the doc or nurse told you and chew well. It takes discipline but the end result is worth it!!
  6. I think I understand. Being so close to the end I have this feeling of 'now what'? My biggest fear is that I will get lazy and gain. Like other posters said, I think it will be best, for me, to have a goal in mind like a body fat ratio or something similar. Just to have something to focus on to keep it together. I have been in the losing mode for over a year now, it has occupied my thoughs for a goodportion of every day as I consciencly make decisions that will facilitate my weight lose. Having that end is just scary.
  7. gingerbug

    lapband=deceit and bullsh**t

    :thumbdown: This is my new motto, I may even post it on m fridge right next to my gym schedule. If I had room in my siggy I would stick it there, too! I agree with this sentiment, when you take out all the pretty words, this is what the core message is to all of us, really.
  8. gingerbug

    Share your gym strategies!

    I am excited to start my first circuit training class today. It is 30 minutes long and it is followed by a 15 minutes abs class and thena 15 minutes stretch class that I plan to stick around for as well. I amm shooting for 3 days a week of this then 2 days of a much more intense cardio as well as one day a week pilates. I figure this is my plan for the next 10 weeks, if I feel my interest is flagging I will switch out for a couple of yoga classes for a break or just suck it up and do it anyway :thumbdown:
  9. I notice that when I 'cheat' I have craving issues for a couple of days afterward. I dont slack off often but if I want to enjoy some ice cream with my kids I do. I did this on Saturday and I noticed yesterday I was just miserable craving all the junk. What am I missing here? Is it psychological? I gota taste of the ice cream and suddenly wanted to eat a half gallon of sherburt or did I have some sort of physiological response to the sugar/fat? I read briefly in a post somewhere that our system gets out of whack and and indulgance can trigger cravings and something about the glycemic index. Could use some insight on this. I am kind of hoping it is not all in my head cause I thought I was past this already (at least mostly). Also, what can one do to counteract this?
  10. I have been constipated for a year now. It sucks. I did recently discover that I am lactose intolerant and that I may have IBS so I am trying to sort out what makes it worse. The painful bloating is almost gone (I have the occasional ice cream) but I am still constipated. Lots of people suggest mirolax and i am thinking of giving that a try again. Oh, the glycerin suppositories work wonders, as well.
  11. Thanks for your detailed responses to my post about weight training! It was a big help

  12. gingerbug

    How much are you really eating????

    600-1400 calories a day, i just looked it up on fitday. I purposely vary the intake so my body is not used to getting the exact 800 calories every.single.day.
  13. gingerbug

    Kashi cereal

    Adding it to my grocery list, thanks!! Oh, I often use a low fat yogurt instead of milk (lactose intolerant) and it is YUMMY
  14. gingerbug

    Share your gym strategies!

    Awesome, I am starting circuit training tomorrow. At the YMCA I am a memeber of I can either take a class for it or jump into the roomand do it myself whenever Iwant. What is nice is it is only 30 mintues but it is HARD. (not including cool down) I dont mind hard, as long as it is effective. It seems that I can go on the elliptical forever with my heartrate being on the low side and I get off cause I am bored, not becaue I feel 'done'. I have about 10 weeks until my husband comes home so I am pretty excited to take this on and have results.
  15. LMAO. I, on the other hand, and missingout in the boob department. When they were handing out body parts I must have gotten in line twice for the a$$ and missed the boobs all together! that is ok, that is what plastic surgeons are for!
  16. gingerbug

    Oooops! Stretched pouch

    It took me 6 days to shrink it back down. I saw the before and after on the screen after flouro and I am confident that my liquid diet worked. I can for sure tell I have my restriction back now because I am FULL after about 2-3 ounces of protien and a few bites of veggies. Best of luck!!
  17. gingerbug

    Share your gym strategies!

    It is a myth? Seems like I was the last to know :cool: LOL. My gym has a circuit training room where you alternate lifting for 60 seconds to jumping right into a cardio for 60 seconds, so on and so forth. Is this what you are talking about combining the two?
  18. gingerbug

    Family Photos

    You look great and you look HAPPY! No forced smile on your face!!
  19. gingerbug

    Lap-Band, the easy way out.

    For me, it is easy cause I am not hungry. On the same note, it was the hunger that killed me every single time I tried to lose weight before so by removing that element of insane hunger, yes, it is easy. The effort and work Iput into my new lifestyle is not easy, nor is having to face somewhat traumatic issues of how I got to be a heffer in the first place.
  20. HOW COULD YOU THAT IS SO DECEITFUL. I kid, I kid, I did the exact same thing. Except they never checked my height and I told them I was 5'9 when I am closer to 5'11. Put me right over the edge. The BMI requirement for insurance is arbitrary, IMO. There is little to no difference between 37 and 40.
  21. gingerbug

    Share your gym strategies!

    How long are your weight training sessions? Free weights or the machines? thanks!
  22. OMG, this is hysterical. Something about 'protien' comes to mind......:cool:
  23. gingerbug

    Wow...this is what it feels like to be restricted!

    ahh, restriction kicks a$$!:cool:
  24. gingerbug

    Oooops! Stretched pouch

    The nurse told me that I dont feel my restriction because I had stretched my pouch. I had been doing things that I was not supposed to do like drink a little pop, drinking a bit with my meals. It started out slow then one day I realized I was hungry all the time and could eat so much. Iwent in for a fill and found out what was going on and I was put on a liquid diet for a week so my pouch could go back down to the size of an egg (it was twice its size). So, in my case, even with restriction, I was able to stretch out my pouch. If oyu are concerned, you may want to ask your doc to check it under flouro. All I can talk about is my experience and what I was told by my 'people'.
  25. gingerbug

    Oooops! Stretched pouch

    Well, as it was explained to me, even though my restriction was good my pouch was stretched making it possible for me to eat so much more that I should have been able to and making me me so hungry. I am under strict orders to measure and weight my food from now on and to stick with it 100% of the time. I did liquids for a week and I portion out every.single.thing. Guess what? I have my restriction back and it ROCKS. I am in no position to give anyone advice BUT if I were to make a suggestion, give yourself a few days of liquids to get back in the saddle then be a nazi about measuring your food.

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