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California Kelly

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by California Kelly

  1. Ok so in wondering if anyone else sees themselves as a fat person in dreams? I was not fat in every stage of my life. In the teens and early 20's I managed to keep weight under control and I remember when I would see myself in dreams at night ( I'm a vivid dreamer) I was relatively thin. These dreams were me feeling confident and sassy. After about 5 years of being heavy, I became heavy in my dreams also. I noticed I became much more a victim in my replay of life in this subconscious state. My dreams reflected a lot of social rejection and feeling not very pretty once the weight settled in.

    Wondering if any of you ladies or gents have dreams that reflect the fat you?

  2. Glad this was posted, I'm wondering about this too. I'm 8 days out and have a hard time distinguishing what the feelings are. It takes me 5 bites of a liquid/purée before I feel a tight sensation and then feel repulsed by what I'm eating. Not to be gross, but the first number two I took after surgery was even a new experience. I just felt funny, went to the bathroom and the business happened! Lol I feel like I should not trust a fart at all. Ahhh, the learning curve...

  3. Constantly feeling self conscious...constantly. I have a very handsome husband who females flock to like flies and I want to match him in attractiveness like I used to. Felt like people were wondering " why is he with that fat girl?" Tired of ugly concealing clothes when I know I have a good fashion sense and could dress better. The weight made me more of a negative person, and I hate that, want to feel good about myself so I can project that outwardly.

  4. This is California Kelly's husband Adam & I am a Massage Therapist, Aromatherapist & Instructor & I can't begin to tell you the amazing ranges at which massage will help you through your journey. So much so you really do not have to reach for any justification for getting bodywork done!

    First off, the simple yet scientifically proven benefit of reduced cortisol levels (a primary stress hormone) is enough for anybody in modern society to justify massage on a regular basis. Cortisol in long term exposures causes a whole slew of medical problems including weight management challenges.

    Second, positive touch. It is amazing the benefits of having a healthy, sympathetically applied touch and what it can do for ones physical, emotional & dare I say spiritual well being.

    Third, increased blood & lymph circulation, scar tissue adhesion release, lower blood pressure, increased self awareness & energy are all a part in the reasons massage should be a comprehensive part of your healing regimen which can continue on to be a part of your wellness plan post recovery. Aromatherapy & utilization of oils are amazing for the skin, the body & the mind!

    On a personal note, the day after I got Kelly home we did a lymph drainage of her clavicles, armpits (axillla) & inguinal (hip/thigh crease) then proceeded to drain her four abdominal quadrants to their respective end points & Kelly slept great, felt less post surgical swollen/full & had increased range of motion & energy.

    *Hello ladies, this is CK, & I asked my husband to respond to this as I thought it would be helpful. He is available if you have other questions, just know he is not a Dr. & he can not diagnose or prescribe.

  5. I am only 5 days out and on liquid/purée stage. Hubby wanted to go to to local Italian restaurant. I ordered minestrone Soup in a cup and asked the server if I could have it put in a blender. He went to the bar area, blended it up and it was delicious! Two servings out of that little cup and only 3 bucks. Hubby had lobster bisque, clam florentine and lava cake for dessert. Good lord, he ate all that in the time it took for me to sip my little timed servings of minestrone. Good news is I didn't feel deprived or like I wanted his food. I was happy and full with just the soup. Love my sleeve!

  6. To Nola- yeah wasn't a great experience but I think my surgeon is competent just not the follow up care. Wish dr. Kelly would just charge 7k and have the follow up care at the fancy hospital. He is worth it, but I understand the competitiveness in the Mexico scene. You are correct that I should not have had to go through all that, especially hearing how great others had it in Mexico.

  7. I had an old lady come up to me randomly and tell me how beautiful I am and how I remind her of her daughter. Sweet right? Yeah, then she goes on to say how her daughter has a weight problem too and did these special shakes and lost over 40 pounds! I laughed because I didn't know how else to react to that. Pretty face club member all the way. Should we get jackets? Members only?

  8. Hi Everyone. I am home and rested and ready to share my experience with Gastric Sleeve Surgery....

    Stats: Height 5 ft 1 weight on surgery day 248 (higher than my scale stated)

    Age 36

    Doctor: Dr. Ramos Kelly

    Hospital Nova Tijuana Mexico

    32 Boogie ( She is small) I call her Moaning Myrtle

    Background: Genetically inclined to be fat. Managed to stay within normal weight in high school and pieces/ parts of adult hood. 135- 140 in high school 150 adulthood. Married at 30 y.o was 175 and climbing.... Not a big sweets eater but I overeat and I fancy myself a good cook. Prepare healthy meals, but Portion Control is a problem. Yo-Yo dieter tried: Weight watchers, Optifast, Medi fast, Jenny craig, Paleo, Atkins, Ketone diet and SouthBeach. Will lose a little and gain a lot the minute I go off plan. I even tried the Cabbage Soup diet, gross and ineffective. I lost 2 pounds, pretty sure it was because I pooped that day :)

    Journey started December 25th, arrived at Hotel Marriott in San Diego. Arrived a day early because it just worked out better for my trip. I had been fasting and it was hard, the menu at this hotel was amazing, and the cooking smells were killing me. They had ONE Soup of the day...butter-squash bisque. I ordered that and fought the urge to order the lava cake. Walked, enjoyed the view from my room,thought about life and SLEPT. Had a cup of Decaf coffee.

    December 26. The day has arrived. Dr, Kelly's wife CiCi picked me up from the Hotel and we began our journey into Mexico. I was nervous and my hospital paperwork was in Spanish. Receptionist was efficient but not very friendly. Didn't know what I was signing. I ended up having to pay 500 dollars more for a high BMI (48) which annoyed me since I had conflicting messages about it from Lora, my original coordinator who was on vacation at this time. Cici was now my coordinator and go-to person. I was asked to pay it when I was in a precarious position, getting hooked up to ekg and prepped for surgery. Nurse aids pulled my gown down, exposing bare breasts to the room and started sticking those electrode things on, one pulled my panties off and threw my undies in a bedside drawer. Two of them began putting compression hose on my legs. Bed side manner was abrupt. I cried and they did nothing to put me at ease. Did all preliminary tests and then was wheeled into surgery. Dr. Kelly's anesthesiologist was on vacation and I had in his place a very beautiful young model- looking woman who was texting while I was laid out like Jesus Christ on the OR table awaiting surgery and to be knocked out! I thought it was unprofessional but I was terrified and as soon as the mask went on I was out. Did not see Dr. Kelly in the OR before I passed out. Would have liked to.

    Woke up with a lot of nausea and pain. Worst pain of my whole life which continued for the whole night. I walked and walked and moaned and rocked myself. Couldn't communicate effectively with nurses who seemed baffled at my pain.

    December 27- Felt better and EXHAUSTED. Cici said someone would call my husband to tell him I came out of surgery ok, no one actually did and he was beside himself with worry. I called him to let him know I was ok, but didn't want to talk long since I was so tired and hoarse. Dr. Kelly came in and apologized, admitted the new anesthesiologist made a mistake and gave me no pain meds before or after, so I was healing “RAW” at that point. Threw up some blood a few times and finally got some pain relief. Slept the rest of the day. Pain was minimal and I could sleep on my side and eat ice chips. LOTS of noise loud talking outside of room, motorcycle racing on street below, and a crying baby. I live in a rural quiet environment and I could not relax. I was cold and had one blanket, asked for another pillow and blanket and was given two sheets folded up over me and a pillow with no pillow case that was so shabby, the stuffing was showing lol. No one knocks, they barge in and flip the lights on full blast when you are trying to sleep and then walk out and leave them on. I didn't have a call button at first, then they went to get one hooked into the wall. Kept getting up to turn lights off so I could rest. Finally told on -call doctor (not Dr. Kelly) “Please shut off the light!!” He seemed oblivious.

    December 28- Not sleeping well and IV line was hurting. Nurse wouldn't take it out and I asked her to call Dr. Kelly. She did and couldn't get a hold of him. I had thrown up so violently I peed myself the night before and needed a shower. Cant handle being dirty. Used translator on ipad to finally convey message to nurse who took out IV. YAY!! Showered and washed myself and my hair. brushed my teeth and changed into scrubs which amused the nurses. Scrubs are comfy and don't pinch the middle. Love them. GAS X was my savor through it all. I cant stress this enough, BRING GAS X. Sat on my bed and read a book on my ipad. Five people piled into my room and I was stared at and informed they would be talking about my case with the interns IN SPANISH of course. I heard them talk about my weight and one of the pretty interns made a gasping noise upon hearing my weight. It was awkward and upsetting. I wanted to go home.


    I texted cici and asked if I could get a ride to the airport. I asked to take my leak test and Dr. Kelly did this at another hospital. I could tell they were confused by my attitude change and due to my lack of sleep among other things I just wanted to be back state side. I still had two days left, but felt like I would heal better at home. Husband helped change my flight and I was home by midnight the 28th.

    December 29th- Took a low Water level bath in my own claw-foot tub AHHHHHH heaven. Fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow (my own pillow) Draped myself over my sweet husband and two fluffy pomeranians. Healing up really well and Im impressed with Dr. Kelly and his wife, but not so much the staff at NOVA.

    Husband ordered a bunch of cool shakes, purees and puddings and stocked a cupboard with bariatric goodies. He is so awesome. Got a massage today and some lymphatic drainage from husband also ( He is a massage therapist) This helped with my swelling and puffy face and feet.

    Over all I think Dr. Kelly is a great surgeon I just think the cultural barrier was hard to overcome for me. I would do it again to get the result. I've attached a photo of my belly which of course is still swollen but i wanted you to see what to expect. My incisions do not hurt at all and I forget they are there.


  9. I have two weeks off and its do or die for me. (Excuse the choice of wording there) I fly out to San Diego tomorrow and I will be staying at a nice Hotel on Christmas day. Will watch cable, sip broth and rest in style! The 26th I will picked up for surgery with Dr. Ramos Kelly. I am so scared about waking up in an amount of pain I cannot manage!! After reading posts on here it seems to vary from person to person. My biggest fear is a clot. I have Asthma pretty bad and a deviated septum, so breathing through my nose is hard and Im scared about going under.

    I will update with details when the whole thing is over with. Did anyone else want to see the removed portion of the stomach after surgery? My husband laughed at me when I told him I was going to ask. Its part of me and Im curious about it I guess :)

  10. Hello Friends,

    I am new here but have been "lurking" for about a year. Creepy huh? haha Have had weight issues my whole life and at 36 the battle with the bulge is getting the better of me. Decided after every diet and exercise program failing, that this is my last chance. My weight has not only caused me a great deal of angst (infertility) but also embarrassment ( held up a carnival ride and asked for seat extender on a plane) These of course are just a few highlights.

    Wanted to travel with my husband, but it now appears that plane tickets are exorbitant and we have a house full of pets that needs tending to, so I am going alone. ** Is anyone else going to Mexico on December 26th who may want a moral support buddy?** My Dr. is Jamie Ramos Kelly.< /p>

    My fear level right now is going back and forth. Sometimes I feel confident with my decision and sometimes I want to call and cancel my appointment because I think I've gone mad to consider this. "Yes mom, I am traveling to Mexico to have my stomach cut out, no mom I don't think I will be kidnapped by cartel."

    Looking forward to sharing my journey with you all.

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