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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Arsinoe2007

  1. Sunny, I had mine on the 10.8.2007 and haven't lost more than 10lbs. I didn't have my first fill until January 2008 (about 4cc in total) and another 1.5 about 3 weeks ago. Until my first fill I had been eating pretty much the same, just in smaller quantities. I'm now pbing over all solid foods, sometimes even mushies, but I still can't see any change on the scales. I hadn't been working out, but I'm now trying to make time for this. Last week I went to the beach for the first time this year in the same swimsuit, something I believed would have changed.

    I'm hoping that things will get better. I admit I make mistakes like eating late, not getting enough sleep, eating too many carbs, having the occasional glass of wine and letting stress get me down.

    I too really would like to know if sipping liquids could affect weight loss.

    Wishing you and everyone here all the best,


  2. I was banded on the 10/8/2007 with a 2ml in the band and got my first fill on the 1/8/2008, total 4 ml.

    I weighted round about 100 kilos, 220 (lbs) and have lost about 6kilos to date. I eat a lot less than what I used to and do try to eat healthily but I'm always bloated. I don't have time to exercise regularly because I work long hours. I know it's no excuse but I just don't have the energy.

    I've had PCOS since I was 27 and put on weight steadily at a couple of kilos per year. I hadn't heard of insulin resistancy until 2003 when I was doing some searching on the net. I followed it up with a endocrinologist and was put on metaforin which helped me loss about 5-6 kilos. I put the weight back on when I stopped the medication because I was suffering severe hair loss.

    I'm desperate because I'm not loosing. I was scheduled for another fill a couple of weeks ago when I was home, but had a silly car accident and missed my appointment. I work abroad and had to get back before I could reschedule another appointment.

    I'm going to see my endocrinologist again this week. I was wondering if going back on metformine would help. I also have a suspision that I might have hypothyroidism since all my sisters have thyroid problems.

    I know 100 kilos isn't that much and there's people with many more problems than I have, but I'm so depressed and feel that I'm been punished for been selfish and vain. It's just a vicious circle. I wish I could wake up one day and not think about my weight.

    Sorry about my ramble, if there's someone out there with similar experience, I'd love to hear from them.

  3. Hi Everyone,

    I'm due to be banded on the 5th of October. I'm insulin resistant and although diabetic meds helped me loose weight it took me three years to realise that this was perhaps the cause of my extreme hair loss. I went from 80's big hair to looking as if my head had been licked by a cow:biggrin1:

    I've been off them now for 18 mths, but the loss hasn't stopped. Thankfully I still have hair and their is regrowth but it only takes a couple of stressful days at work to start again. My very bald boyfriend says that when we met (10 yrs ago) I had hair for 4 heads and now I'm just like normal people (who ever they may be :guess).

    I found that wearing a hair band helps disguise the loss. It also saves me from having to style my hair and looks good and tidy. I have a vision of loosing the weight (about 75 Lbs) and getting a Liza Minelli style cut.

    A tip a trichologist gave me is to stand up and keep the head bended for about a minute once every day. He says it make the blood go to the scalp and stimulates growth. The other thing you have to get rid of is dry scalp or eczema, so the roots can breath.

    Hope it stops for all of us soon



  4. Good going Elena,

    I too live in Athens, but I've yet to see if I can have my surgery due to the kidney stone that is bothering me lately. I hope its not too nosy of me to ask you where you had your surgery. I'm not covered by any insurance, neither IKA, so I decided to have it done in Cyprus (where my parents live) where prices are lower. My sister had her's last month so I know the doctor is good.

    I have to consider the follow-up visits and the fills however so I'm trying to get as much info as possible before I go ahead.



  5. Hi Everybody,

    I live in Athens, Greece and I'm new to the site. I must say that what you are doing here is great. I was planning to have my Lap Band Op next week but I've discovered I have kidney stones and a unirary tract infection. I've been on antibiotics since Friday but I'm not sure if I should postpone the Op.

    My insurance will not cover it so I'm paying from my own pocket. I fear to ask the insurance doc for advise just in case they give me some problem with the rest of my coverage. Really silly if you thing that I'm having the surgery to save me from diabetes, heart problems etc. I haven't asked the Lap Band Doc yet because he's away.

    I thought I'd ask you guys in case anyone has had similar problems. My sister had hers done on the 16th of July and she says that I might have a problem with drinking all the Water needed to flush away the stone.

    I guess everyone responds differently to these things but it would be good to have other opinions too.

    Have a great day,


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