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Bobbi McGhee

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Bobbi McGhee

  1. Does anyone else have the issue of losing inches from some parts of your body, and it being lost on other parts at a snails pace? My face is thinner, I lost inches in my bust and thighs. But it is slowly and stubbornly staying on my hips and belly. I could definitely wear pants 1-2 sizes smaller if it weren't for the belly (sure, I could squeeze in and have a muffin top, but I can't bring myself to do that). And the worst part about it is that clothes just aren't looking good. All my clothes sag and bag from my butt down and just hang from my neck to my waist. Not flattering at all. Don't get me wrong, I am THRILLED that I am losing, but it just stinks that it doesn't come off nicely. And I don't want to wear yoga pants forever!!

  2. So here it is, a rainy Saturday night.. I decided I wanted Chinese food for dinner. My hubby, a police officer, is working and my 3 kids and I are just hanging out. I ordered some egg drop Soup and chicken with garlic sauce and rice (the rice is not for me, I'm not ready to try it!). I also added steamed broccoli for another day. And it came with an egg roll. I am super excited! I haven't had Chinese food in ages. I had a quarter of a cup of Soup, then went for the chicken. 4 bites in, I am done. I mean, overfull, yucky feeling...done. Like a very bad pain in my chest and I threw up. Did I really think I could overindulge? Yup, I really, really did. I can't believe I ordered so much, and that I now have about 5 days of food. This is what boredom leads too. Too much food!! Lesson learned, new stomach....lesson learned.

  3. It's so funny that you posted this! I am 1 month out, and was having a hard time getting my Water in. So what am I doing right now? Drinking my 2nd 16oz of Water through a straw! SO much easier for me too! I'll just have to wait and see how it makes me feel throughout the day. Before surgery, I ALWAYS used a straw. So whether this is just psychological or not, I am using my straws. We will all go rogue with you!

  4. I am 4 weeks post op (2/17/14). Today is my own personal weigh in day. I lost a pound in a week. One lousy, measly pound. But I feel great. My body is changing daily. My clothes don't fit and I look like a slob. But the weight is not coming off as quickly as I thought it would. Am I getting in enough Protein? Yes. Most days I hit 60 grams with no problem. There was only 1 day that I didn't do that. My caloric intake most days is between 700 and 900. Am I exercising? 3 days a week. Am I getting enough Water in? No, I am definitely not. i am having a hard time on that, and I have been really focusing on getting that in, and that it's just Water. Anyone else having a similar issue? Any suggestions on how to make that damn scale move?!?

  5. My surgery was February 17th, and I can feel my food! I was told to take smaller bites, eat slower and chew really well. That helps. But there are times that it just sits in my throat, which is uncomfortable and slightly disgusting! Mostly I stop eating when I'm satisfied, but there are times when I just try and get in full servings of my small meals, and go too far. I do hope it gets better, but am somewhat grateful that I have a built in indicator to when I've had too much!

  6. I am on the 4th stage of my post-op diet, which is soft foods. Under the advisement of my NUT, I can move beyond Protein Shakes to "real" food this week. My shakes should only be for a snack, not a meal. But, how does one get in the required 60 grams of Protein a day when you are not hungry or that you can't even finish a serving to get the full amount of protein? Yesterday was the first day I attempted to eat protein rich food. I had a greek yogurt with a scoop of Protein powder (I wanted to make sure I had some extra protein). Then one scrambled egg for lunch, followed but a cheese stick. dinner was 2oz. of chicken with 1/4 cup of steamed broccoli. But it was rough to get all that in. Anyone have any tips or recommendations? Thanks everyone for your input!

  7. I am 3 weeks out as well, and have had a handful of "hunger" pains. Maybe pain is not the word, more like a "hey, stomach here....fuel needed!" I obviously remember those long ago feelings of starving. So when I felt the pangs, I ate. But I ate what I was supposed to. And the funny part was, I really thought I was soooooo hungry, that I'd be able to eat my whole yogurt or egg or cottage cheese. Yup, not the case. But I am at a point where I am still not eating much because I am not so hungry. I have 2 Protein shakes a day to make sure i get my Protein in, but then I am not really hungry for more then one other thing. So listen to your body and follow what your surgeon and NUT recommend.

  8. I only did three shakes a day because my NUT recommended it prior to surgery. I spoke with her on Wednesday, and she said I could replace the almond milk with skim and then cut back to 2 shakes, which I have just started. And I really did not want that 3rd shake, but since I am a newbie, I was trying to follow instructions. Now, when I hit my minimum of 60 grams of Protein, I am not going to force more food. I'm not hungry, but need to make sure that I get in my Protein. And I am supposed to start mushy food on Monday, so I am not onto real food yet. I will walk away from the scale. And just focus on my protein and water!

  9. I was sleeved on 2/17/14. One week post-op. I was down 9 pounds. Now, 11 days out, the scale shows I'm up 2 pounds! I haven't eaten anything forbidden, and I have been following my NUT meal plan, and am doing the full liquid portion until Monday. I have 3 Protein Shakes a day, half a greek yogurt, and 1/4 cup low fat black bean Soup. I have only been walking about 1/2 mile every other day, and my Water is at 50-60oz. Anyone else have this experience? Am I doing something wrong? And yes, I know I shouldn't be weighing myself so often....

  10. My surgery was one week ago. According to my Dr and NUT, I am on full liquids, which is milk, Soups, pudding, yogurt. This is good. I was getting so sick of the clear drinks. So far today I've had a Pure Protein shake with Almond milk, Water, and some low fat potato Soup. Not the best choice of Soups, but it was what I really wanted. And I only ate about 1/8th of it. But it was so incredibly nice to have some "real" food. I was going bonkers last week wanting to eat. So far this part of the plan I am happier, it feels a little more normal. I also feel fantastic. I have a high tolerance for pain, but there was hardly any. One incision hurts when I bend over too long, otherwise they are just itchy because they are healing. I've gone for a mile walk every other day, and tend to move around the house constantly picking up stuff (which there is a ton of with 3 kids!). All this means success to me! I'm really surprised about have many variations there are to food stages after this surgery. I feel as if I could eat "real" food right now. But how would it feel? I guess I'll just stick with what I was told. How about everyone else?

  11. I was sleeved on 2/17/14. And I vowed I would not step on the scale until I went for my follow up with my surgery. Welp, I couldn't wait. I knew if I didn't lose any, I'd be disappointed, but could say it was fluids from surgery and lack of movement. Didn't even make a week. I caved on Friday, and I had lost almost 6 pounds. Then I just had to do it a week post op and was down 3.6 more! It's a vicious mind game! Do it when you are comfortable. If you're curious, try it. If it doesn't matter, wait.

  12. Fantastic job! Just had my sleeve last week (2/17) and am feeling great. Like yourself, my goal is to run. A marathon is a little ambitious for me, but that's just because I have had 3 major knee surgeries. But my 1st goal I've set for myself is a 10K in August. I start training in about 3 weeks. Your story is an inspiration to me, and just reiterates how important it is to use the sleeve as a tool, and to change your life! Thanks for sharing!

  13. I'm following my plan, I was just curious if anyone felt the same way. I can have yogurt on Monday, which is only 2 more days away. I'm just getting sick of this clear Protein Drink. And I'll be happier once I can have some milk and my chocolate Protein Shake. I'm not pushing it. I've made such a drastic decision to better my life, I'm not going to mess it up. It's just hard to make a full dinner for my family and not participate. I know it's only a few days. But it's a thought that has run through my head.

  14. I know everyone is different and most people have different instructions from their surgeon/nutrionist. But....how soon after surgery did you really "eat" something? Did you just take a bite to try it out? I had surgery on Monday, and am feeling fantastic. But I want to chew something (I sound like I'm a puppy)! My instructions were a week of clear liquid, then a week of full liquids, a week of soft foods and then regular foods. Did anyone push it??? Or does anyone have any tricks or suggestions?

  15. I'm doing very well, thanks for asking. I stayed overnight in the hospital. I couldn't wait to get out of there. I had my last pain meds at 5am on Tuesday morning. I wasn't in too much pain, just pretty sore. So I was home by 3:30 on Tuesday and got to take a nap, which I needed desperately! Following my doctors orders, I've been on a clear liquid diet since then. I've been drinking 2 New Whey Protein Shots watered down, and then lots of Water. For dinner I have a little broth and maybe some tea after dinner. I shouldn't have, but I did weigh myself this morning and am down 6 pounds since Monday, which is really encouraging. I've gone for a few decent walks and just dealing with the soreness. How about you? How's it going so far? I want to hear everything!!

  16. All went well. I'm in my room now,resting. No issues. Right now I'm dealing with a pretty bad sore throat and some upper gas pains. And I was nauseous a while ago, but I don't know of it was from the meds, the Soup, or the gas. Just trying to take small sips of Water to help my throat. Thank you for all the kind words and support!

  17. I'm doing well on my pre-op. Lost 5 pounds so far. But I've been getting hungry around 3 or 4 in the afternoon. But I don't really have anything besides my shakes until my dinner. Are you guys in Protein Shakes? If so, who ones do you use? And I just got medical clearance from my primary care. Babysitters are all at up (I have 3 kids) for 2 days. So I'm set. Now I'm just anxious!

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