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Everything posted by sleeversue

  1. sleeversue

    65 and over

    Also want to respond to the type of surgery you are considering 19sweetness69. I would not do the by pass because of the terrible problems you can have with dumping and food problems. I LOVE my sleeve. No food issues, can eat anything and the weight loss between the two from what my surgeon said is minimal. You will lose approximately 65% of your weight with the sleeve, but I've been told if I stay on the program my body will continue to lose until it stops where it is comfortable and best weight for you.
  2. sleeversue

    65 and over

    19sweetness69, my favorite protein powders are Unjury. I use the Strawberry Sorbet, Chocolate Splendor and their chicken broth is good too. You can buy sample packs at The Vitamin Shoppe.
  3. sleeversue

    65 and over

    Thanks lilijo! To me it is a miracle. My health is improving every week and I am thrilled!! I can't encourage everyone who has not had their sleeve done yet, to get it done. You will never regret it. At about two months I noticed a big change and it just keeps getting better and better. What is so remarkable is I have had fibromyalgia for over 27 years and could barely move at times. The energy is just unbelievable. I still have a ways to go, but to feel this great is incredible. There aren't enough words to fully explain how great I feel. My family and especially my husband can not believe it. Hopefully, I can soon get rid of my cane and won't need it to steady me when I take walks.
  4. sleeversue

    65 and over

    I wanted to post an update. I was three months last Thursday and have lost 50 lbs!! i haven't felt this great in many, many years. I also had the best vacation in 24+ years with my family a week before that. I have never had so much energy. I am able to increase my exercise, am sleeping better, got all good numbers on my blood work and moving down on my insulin every week and I could go on and on. It is FABULOUS!!! I have a new lease on life!!!
  5. sleeversue

    65 and over

    SO happy to hear you are getting your surgery. I had my three month anniversary on Thursday and have lost 50 lbs. I saw my surgeon yesterday and my PC today and both are thrilled with my progress and especially how my health has improved. All of my blood work was normal!!! And the Dr. today said she is going to move the decrease of my insulin along quicker. Instead of going down one unit at a time, we are going to start going down two units. I was taking four injections for a total of 106 units per day and am down to one injection of 19 soon to be 17!! I could not be happier and you will love your sleeve too! the best decision of my life after marrying my husband of 44 years! I am 65 soon to be 66 and you will not regret this.
  6. sleeversue

    65 and over

    FANTASTIC!!! You are off to a great start and every day gets better!!
  7. I am three months post surgery on Thursday and I just had a thyroid test. It shows my TSH is very low. I do take thyroid meds already. I don't know if I am taking too much or what. Anyone else have any thyroid issues after your surgery? I see my Dr. on Friday.
  8. sleeversue

    thryoid issues

    Sleeveless in Seattle, that's what I'm thinking too. Thanks for the information.
  9. sleeversue

    thryoid issues

    Thanks for that information. I'm sure we will be discussing it. Sometimes it is better not to get your test results before you see the Dr. Its been on my mind, but I guess I shouldn't worry about till I talk to her. At one time, it was way high and now it is low. 0.18.
  10. sleeversue

    65 and over

    HI Sue, I love to crunch too so I eat sugar free popsicles and crunch on those. It has helped a lot. I also try to do two shakes a day... strawberry lemonade with Unjury Strawberry Sorbet and Crystal Light lemonade add 6 ice cubes, and a half cup of water and I mix it in my magic bullet. And the Unjury Chocolate Splendor with milk and ice which makes it like a Wendy's frosty. After you are two months out, you can try the Power Crunch bars which have 13 gms. of protein. I love the mint chocolate, triple chocolate and peanut butter- chocolate. They also have a vanilla creme and strawberry that I haven't tried yet. I tried them first at the Vitamin Shoppe and now buy them by the box there. From another, Sue
  11. sleeversue

    65 and over

    19sweetness69 I use Unjury protein powders. They advertise on this site. I order it from them online or can get it at my doctor's office. I like the Strawberry Sorbet, and Chocolate Splendor. I add ice, water, and crystal light lemonade to the Strawberry for a great 21gm. protein drink, and the chocolate I make with ice, 1/2 c. of milk and it tastes like a Wendy's Frosty.
  12. sleeversue

    65 and over

    I'm doing great! I am two months out from surgery and feeling wonderful. I have lost 42 lbs and couldn't feel better about my decision. I still don't eat everything I can have. Lettuce still doesn't sit well with me, but I am finding that food isn't as important as it use to be and I only eat now to get in my Protein. I've had some back and knee issues that have held back my exercise. I work my way up to 30 minutes and then have a set back, but my pain management doctor is giving me an epidural in my back this Thursday and that should help a lot. I hope this takes care of the pain. My insulin keeps getting reduced and my doctor believes I will be off of it in time. My blood pressure is below normal with half a dose of med. and I hope I can try going off of it after my appt. on Tuesday. Things couldn't be going better!
  13. I was allowed veggies until two days before my surgery. That helped to chew and crunch. After surgery, I ate and still do 6 weeks out, SF popsicles. Yogurt was my best friend for several weeks. It all depends what sounds and tastes good to you at the time.
  14. I am a diabetic and had the sleeve done 6 weeks ago and have gone fro, 4 injections a day of insulin pre-surgery to just one post-op. My numbers are great and I am expected to eventually be completely FREE of diabetes down the road. I also have high BP and am taking a half dose of meds and perfect numbers at this time. Hoping to get rid of sleep apnea and toss out the cpap machine with more weight loss. Tell your dad to go for it!! It's about his life!!!
  15. sleeversue

    65 and over

    Boy, the weeks are flying by! I just relooked at the calendar and realized I am 6 weeks out from surgery. Thought I should clarify that.
  16. sleeversue

    65 and over

    losingsoon, I read the complications area too and you can have them, but what I have found through the hospital blog I can access and at my support group meetings, many people do not follow Dr.'s orders. They don't drink enough and get dehydrated, don't lose weight like they should because they cheat or don't get their protein in. If you follow the guidelines you are given and keep a positive attitude it will make all the difference. Know you are doing this for yourself and you so deserve it. I was blessed that the nurse practitioner who would be taking care of me after my surgery, came to the lab and met me when I came in for my pre-surgery blood work. I was so impressed. She told me I was going to do great and would be successful. The key was to be positive. She really helped to relieve my fear. She promised me she would be there when I got to my room and she was. I won't say there haven't been tough times, there have been, but they are short lived and when you see the weight dropping off, your self-esteem rises. Right now, I am trying so hard to get to 200lbs. I was a 1/2 lb away, and I gained a 1/2 lb. Now I am a pound away. It gets frustrating, but that is how the weight loss goes. Some days you don't lose, you can even go a week and not lose and then all of a sudden, you lose a couple of pounds. The body is always readjusting to the surgery, healing, and weight loss. Do you have a good support system at home? My husband has been a gem. He actually encouraged me to get the surgery even before I thought I wanted it. He was so concerned about my health. Now I see him looking at me, I say, "What are you looking at?" He says, "The new you!" You are looking good!" Makes me feel young again! Now that I am over 5 weeks out, I am feeling good, able to eat out in restaurants, and enjoy life more. Except for my back acting up. My sciatica is acting up. But this too shall pass.
  17. sleeversue

    65 and over

    losingsoon, there really is nothing to be afraid of, if you have confidence in your doctor, they do so many of these surgeries. The first two weeks you go through the discomfort, but it is controlled with pain meds, and after that just keep drinking and get your protein in. It was a lot easier than I ever thought. The hardest part for me was sleeping until I got my staples out. I had to sit in the lazy boy chair to sleep because I am a side sleeper. Sometimes, our mind runs away with all kinds of thoughts. Believe me, I had my share, but you just hav to take one day at a time. It will all work out great and you will never regret it. What future do you have if you don't? that is what I thought about. I'm down 34 lbs. in 5 weeks and am already feeling the benefits health wise.
  18. sleeversue

    65 and over

    I'm 65 too and had my surgery in May. I am doing great! Best thing I ever did for myself. Feeling healthier every day!
  19. Hipsandlipstick I feel the same way... can't wait to not be ashamed to take pictures.
  20. I am so happy to have my first month in and I am down 31 lbs. The Dr. was very pleased with my progress. It is getting easier to eat the protein and I still enjoy a couple of protein drinks every day. I can actually say that every day gets easier. The third week was a bit tough with very little weight loss, but I was told to expect that because they body is adjusting to the surgery and it often happens, but this fourth week I lost real good. I just wish I felt like cooking. The smells still bother me and I hope in another week or two I will feel like it. For now hubby has gotten me a couple of fish meals out...grilled tilipia and salmon and some chicken from Boston Market. I divide it up into several meals. I had to freeze some tilipia because you can only eat it so many days in a row. This week I can eat a bit more so that is helping. I did manage to make one dish. My hubby browned up some ground turkey, I added a can of tomatoes and let it simmer for an hour and then added a can of kidney beans and some chili powder for a chili dish. I froze a number of meals.
  21. How fantastic to look forward to that trail ride SwanRose! Sounds like you have a wonderful and supportive husband like I do! Have you had your surgery yet? If not, I wish you great success! I am one month post-op and couldn't be happier with my decision!
  22. I miss salads, and raw and fresh fruit, I also am looking forward to protein bars at 8 weeks. I like the FIT Raspberry Chocolate brownie and Power Crunch Mint bars.
  23. I love Unjury that is advertised on this site. My Dr. sells it at his office. There is an unflavored that you can add to broth, yogurt, applesauce, and jello and pudding you make yourself. I also love their Strawberry Sorbet, and Chocolate Splendor. I don't care for the Chocolate Classic. They have vanilla and chicken broth too. One another brand I like is Isopure Grape Frost. It is only sold in a bottle. I buy it at the Vitamin Shoppe. You can try a bottle or buy a case. I say try the bottle first.
  24. Try different protein drinks and see what you like. You will need some on hand because you won't feel like shopping for a week after. Start taking biotin for hair loss. Start having protein drinks ahead of time. Get some of the following that you like on hand for the first week or pre-op liquid diet, sugar free popsicles, applesauce, chicken broth, jello, and find what yogurt flavors you like. I love the one recommended by my Dr. Dannon Light and Fit Greek yogurt. 12 grms. of protein. Peach, strawberry, blueberry, pineapple, Key lime, raspberry chocolate, vanilla, and coconut. I lived on these the week I went on full liquids and puree stage. I still start every day with a yogurt because it soothes my stomach first thing in the morning.
  25. Good advice from patsy1947. I agree totally. Drink lots of liquids. I had a hernia repair too so I couldn't handle cold things right away, but about a week out popsicles were so good and I still have them every day. I drank a lot of Isopure Grape Frost, the only flavor I like a lot this first two weeks. As far as pain, it is easily manageable with the meds your Dr. will give you. I only had to take mine for about 10 days and then tapered off. At one month, I don't even feel like I had surgery as far as my incisions go. They healed nicely. I also had to sleep in my recliner for about 10 days. Once I got my staples out of my incisions and the tape off, I could sleep on my side in bed. Before that your abdomen area is swollen. Hope all goes well! Keep us updated and feel free to ask questions. I know it helped me to feel calm before my surgery. Worrying doesn't help and everyone is different. Just stay positive and all will go well. In the hospital walk every time you get up. It helps tremendously get rid of the gas and get your body moving again.

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